
Why is it important to understand the trajectory of change in the paradigms of race and race relations? What does understanding the trajectory of change enable us to do?

Shifting paradigms

Vicky M. MacLean and Joyce E. Williams

Answer the following questions:

Why is it important to understand the trajectory of change in the paradigms of race and race relations?

What does understanding the trajectory of change enable us to do?

What metrics should be used within a distribution center to monitor service quality, and why?

Chapter 10 Assignment

Performance measurement within a distribution center is critical for aligning performance with customer expectations. What metrics should be used within a distribution center to monitor service quality, and why?

Propose two strategies that will help in closing the gap between state of the art technology and what is currently being using in classrooms.

State of the Art Technology

Propose two strategies that will help in closing the gap between state of the art technology and what is currently being using in classrooms.

Create your own definition of a follower of Jesus; use Scripture to support your definition.

Characteristics of a Follower

Post one thread of 475 words demonstrating your mastery of synthesizing the readings from Dempsey & Earley and Putman et al. textbooks, and give 3 characteristics of a follower of Jesus Christ. Create your own definition of a follower of Jesus; use Scripture to support your definition. You must support their assertions with 2 scholarly citations in the current Turabian format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the textbook and the Bible. From a conservative viewpoint.

Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Obstacles we encounter can be fundamental of later success.

The lessons that we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental of later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Did the sale of an item via eBay provide sufficient minimum contacts to support personal jurisdiction over a nonresident defendant in the buyer’s forum state?


“Boschetto” is a Californian who lives in San Francisco. Defendant-Appellee Jeffrey D. Hansing is a Milton, Wisconsin resident. Defendants-Appellees, Defendants-Appellees, Defendants-Appellees, The Boucher Defendants are private firms with major places of business in Wisconsin: Frank-Boucher Chrysler Dodge Jeep, Gordie Boucher Ford, and Boucher Automotive Group (“Boucher Defendants”). Although it is not alleged that the Boucher Defendants’ website was related in any manner with the transaction at issue in this case, the Boucher Defendants do maintain a website that advertises their auto dealerships. Hansing works at Frank Boucher Chrysler Dodge Jeep, one of the Boucher Defendants.
On August 1, 2005, all Defendants “owned and advertised a 1964 Ford Galaxie 500 XL 427/425 hp R Code in awesome condition, not restored, rust free chrome in excellent condition, recently rebuilt and ready to drive, with clear title, and a vehicle warranty number of 4E68R149127,” according to the complaint. The car was listed for sale on the eBay Internet auction site, and Boschetto’s\ complaint included a copy of a portion of the eBay listing. Id. The item was listed as being located in Janesville, Wisconsin on eBay. On August 8, 2005, Boschetto placed a $34,106 bid for the Galaxie and was notified that he was the winning bidder through eBay the same day. Id. Boschetto and Hansing corresponded through email to coordinate the vehicle’s delivery from Wisconsin to California. On September 15, 2005, Boschetto hired a transport firm to pick up the car in Wisconsin, and it arrived in California. Id.
Boschetto noticed that the automobile was not a “R Code” as claimed upon arrival, and observed a number of additional issues, including a non-starting motor, rust, and major dents on the vehicle’s body. Id. Boschetto attempted to cancel the transaction by contacting eBay and Hansing, but his attempts were unsuccessful. Id. On February 23, 2006, he filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. Boschetto asserted four state law claims (violation of the California Consumer Protection Act, breach of contract, misrepresentation, and fraud) and pled federal diverse jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. 1332. (a).
All of the defendants asked for the case to be dismissed due to a lack of personal jurisdiction. The motion was granted by the district court on July 13, 2006. The district court concluded that the lone jurisdictionally relevant contact with California, an eBay sale completed with a California buyer, was inadequate to establish jurisdiction over any of the Defendants. Despite the fact that Hansing advertised the car on eBay, the district court noted that “eBay acted not as a ‘distribution center,’ but rather as a virtual forum for the exchange of goods,” and that in a standard eBay transaction — such as the one at issue in this appeal — the item goes to the highest bidder, and thus “the eBay seller does not purposefully avail himself of the privilege of doing business in a forum state absent some additional conduct directed at the forum state Id.
Boschetto’s request for additional discovery relevant to jurisdiction was similarly denied by the district court. The court held that Boschetto’s request for extra discovery was based on “speculation] without any support” that the additional discovery would provide jurisdictionally relevant facts, notwithstanding its “wide discretion” to allow or refuse such discovery. Id. On July 17, 2006, a judgment was entered, and this timely appeal was filed.

‘’ Did the sale of an item via eBay provide sufficient minimum contacts to support personal jurisdiction over a nonresident defendant in the buyer’s forum state? ’’(Boschetto v. Hansing case brief summary, 2021)

Give a brief overview of the purpose and explain how the following IFRS/IAS’s have been complied with in Barlow world’s group financial statements. Briefly describe the objective of the international Integrated Reporting Council Integrated report framework.

Financial Reporting (IAS & IFRS)

Download a copy of the Annual report for the Barloworld group annual report About Barloworld | Barloworld Limited – AFS 2020 ()

a) Give a brief overview of the purpose and explain how the following IFRS/IAS’s have been complied with in Barlow world’s group financial statements:

(i) IFRS 8 Operating segments (20 Marks)

(ii) IAS 33 Earnings per share (20 Marks)

(iii) IFRS 5 Non-current Assets held for Sale (20 Marks)

(60 marks) (i) Briefly describe the objective of the international Integrated Reporting Council Integrated report framework

(ii) Utilising the groups online integrated report, describe and comment on the strategy, business model, the six capitals and strategic enables through which the group seeks to create value over the short, medium and long term and the process used to manage material risks.

(30 marks)

Assignment Guidance Notes

– Your assignment should be no longer than 1500 words in total.

– Make sure that you have the full annual report for 2020 including the consolidated financial statements and notes to the accounts for Barloworld Limited.

The learning outcomes covered by this assessment are:

LO1. Understand the regulatory framework for financial reporting and critically evaluate UK and international approaches to financial reporting regulation

LO2. Explain, apply and critically evaluate the accounting rules contained in IAS and IFRS.

LO3. Understand the effects of different accounting policies on financial statements.

Find the minimum number of lines required to hit every vertex of a 10 ×10 square grid of dots, if no line is allowed to be horizontal or vertical. Find the minimum number of squares which must initially be covered in grass to ensure that the whole chessboard is eventually covered in grass.

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Final version, updated 21/10 (hints added 25/10)
“W3” means you are particularly equipped (and encouraged) to solve these problems before week 4.

1. Warm-up questions (Do these, but do not turn them in.)
(1) W3 Let n k 1 be integers.

(a) A function from {1,…,k} to {1,…,n} is called strictly increasing if f(1) < f(2) < ···< f(k 1) < f(k). How many strictly increasing functions are there from {1,…,k} to {1,…,n}?
(b) A function from {1,…,k} to {1,…,n} is called non-decreasing if f(1) f(2) ≤···≤f(k 1) f(k). How many non-decreasing functions are there from {1,…,k} to {1,…,n}? (Hint: Consider the numbers f(1) 1,f(2) f(1),f(3) f(2),…,f(k) f(k 1),n f(k).)

(2) W3 Show that S(n,n1) = (n 2 ) and S(n,2) = 2n1 1. Find a closed formula for S(n,n2). (Recall that S(n,k) is the number of set partitions of [n] into k nonempty subsets.) A previous version had S(n,n 3) – the new version is less complicated.

(3) W3 Show that the number of partitions of n into at most k parts is equal to the number pk(n) of partitions of n + k into exactly k parts. (This is the number ways of distributing n unlabeled balls in k unlabeled boxes.)

(4) W3 Suppose n is a positive integer satisfying the condition that the number of self-conjugate partitions of n is even. What can you say about the parity of p(n)?


2. Problems to be turned in
(1) W3 Let n be a nonnegative integer. Let An be the set of subsets of {1,…,n} that do not contain any consecutive pair of numbers. For example, A3 = {∅,{1},{2},{3},{1,3}}.
(a) Compute A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5.
(b) Make a conjecture about |An| for all n 1.
(c) Prove your conjecture.
(2) W3 Find a bijective proof for the identity 6S(n,3) + 6S(n,2) + 3S(n,1) = 3n.
(3) W3 Find a bijective proof for the identity Bn = n1 k=0 (n1 k )Bk. (Recall Bn is the number of set partitions of [n] into nonempty subsets.)
(4) W3
(a) Let n 2. Prove that the number of partitions of n in which the two largest parts are equal (e.g. 5 + 5 + 3 + 1) is equal to p(n) p(n 1).
(b) Find/prove a formula, along the same lines, for the number of partitions of n 3 in which the three largest parts are equal.
(c) Prove that the sequence p(n) p(n 1) (for n 2) is nondecreasing. (That is, show that (p(n) p(n 1)) (p(n 1) p(n 2) 0 holds.)
(5) The following three problems are glimpses of extremal combinatorics. Solve at least one of them. (These are all slightly tricky — if you do not come up with a complete solution, record your best attempt.)

(a) Find the minimum number of lines required to hit every vertex of a 10 ×10 square grid of dots, if no line is allowed to be horizontal or vertical. (Prove it is the minimum.)
(b) Prove that if 8 2 ×2 blocks of squares are removed from an 8 ×8 chessboard, then there is at least one 2 ×2 block in the remaining squares. Is the same true if 9 2 ×2 blocks are removed?
(c) Suppose squares of an 8 ×8 chessboard are covered in grass, which spreads as follows: Grass spreads to a square when two adjacent squares (i.e. squares that share an edge) are covered.

Find the minimum number of squares which must initially be covered in grass to ensure that the whole chessboard is eventually covered in grass. (Prove it is the minimum.)
(a) How many points are on the edge of the square grid?
(b) Represent the 49 2 ×2 blocks of the chessboard as a 7 ×7 grid.
(c) Consider the perimeter of the grassy area.
(6) We define below sets Xn,Yn,Zn,Wn. Write down the sets for n = 1,2,3,4, and confirm the following:
|X1|= |Y1|= |Z1|= |W1|= 1
|X2|= |Y2|= |Z2|= |W2|= 2
|X3|= |Y3|= |Z3|= |W3|= 5
|X4|= |Y4|= |Z4|= |W4|= 14.
Prove that for all n, |Xn| = |Yn| = |Zn| = |Wn|. Preferably, prove this by finding explicit bi- jections. (The bijections are not very obvious this problem will require some experimentation/guesswork/creativity. Again, if you do not come up with a complete solution, record your best
The set Xn of north-east lattice paths from (0,0) to (n,n) that do not cross (strictly) above the diagonal line from (0,0) to (n,n). E.g. with n = 4 here is one of the 14:

The set Yn of ways of filling a 2 ×n grid of boxes with the numbers 1,…,2n (using each number once), such that rows increase from left to right, and columns increase from top to bottom, e.g. with n = 3 here is one of the 5:
1 3 4
2 5 6
The set Zn of triangulations of a (convex) (n + 2)-gon. This means a collection of noncrossing diagonals that divide the polygon into triangles, e.g. with n = 4 here are two of the 14:
1 2
1 2
The set Wn of tilings of an n ×n staircase shape with n rectangles, e.g. for n = 3 here are two of the 5:

Xn to Yn: Find a bijection. There are 2n steps (each rightward or upward) in a Dyck path, and 2n numbers in the grid…
Finding a bijection from Zn to any of the others is quite tricky. If you don’t find one, try instead proving that Zn satisfies the Catalan recursion from Friday’s lecture: |Zn+1|= n i=0 |Zi||Zni|.
(Each triangulation contains exactly one triangle whose vertices are 1,2,i for some i.)
For Wn: Again, if you do not find a bijection to one of the other sets, try proving the same recursion as is in the last hint. The n squares along the staircase must all be in different rectangular tiles — and one of these tiles must contain the square in the northwest corner.
3. Optional problems
(1) Pick a random permutation of [n]. On average, how many fixed points does it have? (Recall that i [n] is a fixed point for a permutation σ : [n] [n] if ball i goes in box i. That is, σ(i) = i.)
(2) How many coefficients of the polynomial (1 + x + x2)n are not divisible by 3?
(3) (Hard – I don’t know an answer to this one) 13 children sit in a circle. They have 12 chocolates in total, divided up between them. They shuffle chocolates as follows – each child who has 2 or more chocolates passes one chocolate right and one chocolate left. They then repeat this process. Prove that no matter how the chocolates are distributed at the beginning, the children eventually reach a state where 12 of them each have 1 chocolate, and 1 of them has no chocolates

Research and provide two (2) specific examples of how the digital divide impacted students with the transition to remote instruction in the United States during the coronavirus pandemic.


Answer the following questions. Use a separate paragraph for each question.

Define the digital divide? (0.5 point)
How does the US digital divide compare to the global digital divide? (0.5 point)
Include an image that depicts the digital divide. (1 point)
Research and provide two (2) specific examples of how the digital divide impacted students with the transition to remote instruction in the United States during the coronavirus pandemic. (use a table) (2 points)
Research how the digital divide impacted students with the transition to remote instruction globally during the coronavirus pandemic. Provide two (2) specific examples and provide the country name in your response. (use a bulleted list) (1 point)
Research at least one (1) creative solution to bridging the global digital divide. (Providing laptops to all is not a creative solution!) Provide a title and link to the article/website you researched to find the solution. (1 point)

What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment? What specific rules/expectations/agreements might you need to establish with the client to help to ensure safety during and/or between sessions? How come?

Trauma- Informed Treatment plan

Format: You will use the findings from your case conceptualization to develop a treatment plan using the materials provided for you in the course shell. Specifically, your treatment plan will provide specific details about and suggestions for working with the client during the following stages of treatment and address all of the questions under each section:
What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment?
At what stage of trauma treatment is the client currently?
What are the client’s long and short-term goals, and how are your treatment recommendations designed to help the client reach them?
How might you build rapport/trust with the client (and their family, if applicable)?
What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment?
What specific rules/expectations/agreements might you need to establish with the client to help to ensure safety during and/or between sessions? How come?
What are your recommendations in terms of case management (e.g. safe housing, medical care, transportation, educational placement, etc.)? How come?
What do you suggest to help the client manage unnecessary stressors/triggers?
What type of training do you suggest for family members to help the client feel safe and secure at home/in the relationship? How come?
Skill/Strengths Building
What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment?
What types of skills and strategies do you suggest to help the client manage their anxiety symptoms? How come?
What types of skills and strategies do you suggest to help the client improve their coping behaviors and outcomes? How come?
What progressive challenges might you suggest to help increase the client’s sense of accomplishment, strength, and/or affect tolerance? How come?
Trauma Resolution
What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment?
How will you know when the client is ready for this stage?
What do you suggest in terms of the order for targeting memories? How come?
What do you suggest in terms of an exposure strategy? How come?
What additional skills/strategies do you suggest using with clients during this phase of treatment to help ensure safety, containment, relaxation, and/or recomposure during and after exposure? How come?
How might progress be monitored/evaluated?
Consolidation of Gains
What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment?
What do you suggest to help the client overcome remaining symptoms after trauma resolution treatment? How come?
How might you and the client identify and resolve remaining problems or challenges?
Relapse Prevention and Harm Reduction
What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment?
What suggestions do you have for this stage of treatment? How come?

General Expectations: Remember to provide rationales for your suggestions: the “how come” is as important as your recommendations.