
Describe and analyze recent efforts to curb “revenge porn” and assess their constitutionality. Can or should anything more be done to address this problem?

First amendment issue.

Describe and analyze recent efforts to curb “revenge porn” and assess their constitutionality. Can or should anything more be done to address this problem?

Imagine you are curating a virtual exhibition of digital artists from south india. What time management strategies have worked for you as you worked through the term? What resources did you find most helpful or needed and did not receive?

Exhibition of digital artists

1. Imagine you are curating a virtual exhibition of digital artists from south india. What time management strategies have worked for you as you worked through the term? What resources did you find most helpful or needed and did not receive? (500 words)

2. Imagine you are curating a virtual exhibition of digital artists from south india. What information was most helpful and why? What approach/methodology did you find the most beneficial for your own project and general approach to research/scholarship? (1000 words)

3. Imagine you are curating a virtual exhibition of digital artists from south india . write 1000 word post on how your work this term and project/thesis is innovative. How do you fit within your field and how are you contributing to it? How would you frame your project for those unfamiliar with it, or believe it to be unoriginal? (1000 words)

4. Imagine you are curating a virtual exhibition of digital artists from south india . What elements led to breakthroughs and successes with your project. What would you have done differently to have greater productivity and success with your project, such as identifying a dead end in research earlier on, worked on time management to effectively complete all associated assignments and coursework, utilized available support to maximize your efforts (500 words)

5. While you write a thesis in art history talking about south indian contemporary art how important is feedback to you. Advantages of inperson feedback as compared to email or online feedback ( press on how good zoom feedback is ok). Do you find feedback beyond basic grammar and syntax assists you in reframing your ideas and moving ahead? Do you find peer review to be especially helpful? (500 words)

What is immigration? Causes of immigration. Why do people migrate? Benefits on immigration? Abuse due to the immigration status? As a SW what can you do to protect these migrants? Procedures?

Safeguarding Migrants

What is immigration? Causes of immigration. Why do people migrate? Benefits on immigration? Abuse due to the immigration status? As a SW what can you do to protect these migrants? Procedures? You Local authority’s guidelines
When a people is at risk or suffered harm… Adult safeguarding Children safeguarding Modern Slavery Act
Strength to utilise and manage the risk Plan for intervention Safety plans Balance or explore alternatives

Describe what implications this concept has for management decision making. Explain how you might use information like this in your current work.

Cigarette prices:

$9.07 / $9.52 / $8.90 / $9.10 / $8.99 / $9.09 / $9.06 / $9.00 / $9.05 / $9.16

Post a 150- to 225-word (2- to 3-paragraph) explanation of how probability distributions affect management decisions. In your explanation, address the following:
Provide your results of the following:
Your calculations for your standard deviation
The range within which 90% of the prices of cigarettes in your area falls
The chances of anyone paying less than 4 dollars for a pack of cigarettes
The chances of anyone paying more than 10 dollars for a pack of cigarettes
Describe what implications this concept has for management decision making.
Explain how you might use information like this in your current work.
To support your response, be sure to reference at least one properly cited scholarly source.

Identify the work of art, telling me the name of the title of the work, the approximate date it was made, and the culture that produced it.

The Kongo Power Figure

* Go the Metropolitan Museum’s website
* Type the accession number of the assigned work of art into “search” at the top right of the page. The number is 2008.30
* Look at the image carefully and thoroughly. Zoom in on details.
* When you are ready to write, follow these three steps:

1) Identify the work of art, telling me the name of the title of the work, the approximate date it was made, and the culture that produced it. (This can be done in one or two sentences.)

2) Describe the physical appearance of the work of art––carefully putting what you see into your own words. This is called formal analysis. Write about the colors, textures, and overall form of the work of art. Then methodically describe the piece. You could, for instance, describe this work starting at the edges and moving toward the center. Apply relevant vocabulary terms. (Aim for writing at least four to five sentences of formal analysis.)

3) Discuss briefly what the original function of this work of art was. (This can be done in about two sentences.)
Important: Do not depend on the text of the Met’s website for your writing. Use your own eyes, your notes, and what you have learned in class to guide you. Do not copy or paraphrase what you see on or any other source. This is plagiarism.

What type of graph would you use to display the organized data from each frequency distribution? What would be shown on each of the axes for each graph?

Graphing and Describing Data in Everyday Life

Suppose that you have two sets of data to work with. The first set is a list of all the injuries that were seen in a clinic in a month’s time. The second set contains data on the number of minutes that each patient spent in the waiting room of a doctor’s office. You can make assumptions about other information or variables that are included in each data set.

For each data set, propose your idea of how best to represent the key information. To organize your data would you choose to use a frequency table, a cumulative frequency table, or a relative frequency table? Why?

What type of graph would you use to display the organized data from each frequency distribution? What would be shown on each of the axes for each graph?

Graphing and Describing Data in Everyday Life

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Consider how different distributions might affect the different graphs. How might other variables affect the graphs? How could graphs be made to be biased? If a graph were biased, how might you change it to guard against that bias?

Given that almost all societies sanction marriage and limit who can marry whom, does the history of marriage help us understand the nature of family life? If so, how. If not, how not.

History of Marriage

Required book to answer questions – Coontz, S. (2005). Marriage, a history: From obedience to intimacy, or how love conquered marriage. Viking Adult. ISBN: 067003407X
(pages-1-103, pp. 104-195, pp. 196-313)

Answer the 2 questions separately on 2 separate pages Do not integrate them into 1 paper.

1. Stephanie Coontz divides the history of marriage into two broad periods. One in which marriage is arranged by the parents and is for economic, political and status reasons, and another where the partners decide to get married and happiness is an aim of matrimony. Cite Coontz’s definition of marriage, then attempt your own definition of marriage. What role do children play in the definition of marriage? Incorporate the various elements from both periods in the definition. Show how pre-modern marriage was not for love but for serving the parents’ wishes, and how modern marriage serves the couple and their children more than the parents of the married couple.

2.Given that almost all societies sanction marriage and limit who can marry whom, does the history of marriage help us understand the nature of family life? If so, how. If not, how not. If the answer is both yes and no, show how.

Write an essay comparing of different maritime drive technologies in terms of economy, ecology, and society.

Sustainability analysis of maritime drive technologies

-Comparsion of different maritime drive technologies in terms of economy, ecology, and society
-classification of vessels
-assignment of most sustainable drive technologie for each class

What did you think the probability of winning the car was, before you watched the video? How can you use probability and probability rules in arriving at the answer? What probability ideas does this demonstrate and use? Explain and give examples.


The purpose of this Probability Project is to show your understanding of what you have learned in Module 3. You will watch a video and apply the appropriate probability concepts from this module. You will discuss your !earnings in a 2-page paper as outlined below.
This is a fun assignment to do. In chapter 5 you learned about basic probability and learned about conditional probability. Now, you get to see these two in action. You may have heard of the TV game: “Let’s Make a Deal,” where at the end of the show, contestants are presented with 3 doors and they are informed that behind one of the doors is a brand-new car. So, the contestant chooses one of three doors. Then the game show host (First one was Monty Hall), opens a door and reveals a goat. Then Monty asks if the contestant wants to switch or not. So, the question is, what is the probability of winning? Should I stay, or should I switch? What would you do?
Imagine that the set of Monty Hall’s game show Let’s Make a Deal has three closed doors. Behind one of these doors is a car; behind the other two are goats. The contestant does not know where the car is, but Monty Hall does. The contestant picks a door and Monty opens one of the remaining doors, one he knows doesn’t hide the car. If the contestant has already chosen the correct door, Monty is equally likely to open either of the two remaining doors. After Monty has shown a goat behind the door that he opens, the contestant is always given the option to switch doors. What is the probability of winning the car if she stays with her first choice? What if she decides to switch? Think about what you think the answer is: stay or switch?
1. Watch a TEDEd video that explains the problem: “Should I stay or should I switch doors?”
2. Write a paper that includes:
a. What did you think the probability of winning the car was, before you watched the video? (3 points)
b. Information from the video what the answer really is (3 points)
c. How can you use probability and probability rules in arriving at the answer? What probability ideas does this demonstrate and use? Explain and give examples. You may use other sources as well but make sure to cite them (you may want to watch the extended version of the video if you are not sure, watch the Monty Hall Problem video. (15 points)
d. Are you surprised by the answer to the question “stay or switch”? Does it make sense? (3 points)
e. 2 pages long, using size 12 font, double spaced, cover page, references included. (3 points) References Should I stay or should I switch doors? (n.d.). Retrieved from

What type of knowledge does Bill have for his whistling ability? Explain how the theory of Bounded Rationality extends upon this theory. Explain what is meant by ‘satisficing’ in this theory.

Short Answer Assignment

Week 7
Sam is impressed by Bill’s ability to whistling a tune. Sam asks Bill how he does it, and Bill replies that he doesn’t really know, he can just do it. What type of knowledge does Bill have for his whistling ability? [1 point] Explain your answer [1 point]. Sam starts trying to learn how to whistle by practicing. According to Logan’s Instance Theory each time Sam practices can be considered an instance. What three aspects of the instance representation are recorded as a memory according to Instance Theory? [3 points]

Week 8

The Economic Rationality theory of decision-making has an assumption that humans are economical/rational. Explain how the theory of Bounded Rationality extends upon this theory [3 points]. The theory of Bounded Rationality also claims that the environment, aspiration level, and satisficing can help explain decision making. Explain what is meant by ‘satisficing’ in this theory [2 points].

Week 9

Ross is conducting a study where he has participants complete an implicit association test (IAT) at two time points – 1. Before, and 2. after, playing the computer game ‘Mortal Combattle’. The IAT that Ross is using involves categorizing concepts of ‘self vs. other’ and attributes ‘peaceful vs. aggressive’. Ross hypothesizes that playing the game ‘Mortal Combattle’ will prime higher implicit levels of aggression in the participants. Does the IAT provide an internal or external indicator of aggression? [1 point] Considering Ross’s hypothesis, how are participants expected to behave when categorizing relevant words on ‘self and peaceful’ trials after playing the game compared with before playing the game? [1 point] How are participants expected to behave when categorizing relevant words on ‘self and aggressive’ trials after playing the game compared with before playing the game? [1 point] In this example study has Ross used a within-participants or between-participants design? Explain your reasoning. [1 point]

Week 10

Rank order the collaborative model, the interactive alignment model, and the memory resonance model regarding the importance each one gives to the role of perspective taking in communication, where 1 = Most importance, 2 = Middle importance, 3 = Least importance [1 point]. Joey is able to communicate smoothly with his friend Aaron about cheese sticks because the day prior they had a big conversation together all about cheese sticks. According to the collaborative model of communication, what heuristic might Joey be using to avoid falling into a mutual knowledge paradox [1 point]? According to the interactive alignment model, what basic mechanism allows Joey to avoid falling into a mutual knowledge paradox [1 point]? In the collaborative model, common ground is a special type of shared knowledge, how is ‘common ground’ different from more basic ‘shared knowledge’? [1 point]

Week 11

Rustin, Caprice and Sullivan have just completed the ‘alternate uses task’ by thinking about alternate uses for a brick. Rustin came up with 20 ideas, across 5 categories. Caprice came up with 16 ideas, across 2 categories. Sullivan came up with 10 ideas, across 3 categories. Who has the highest fluency score? [1 point] Who has the highest flexibility score? [1 point] Who has the highest within-category fluency score? [1 point] Who do you think is most likely to have come up with some of the most original ideas, and why? [1 point] Who do you think is the most likely to score the highest on a latent inhibition test, and why? [1 point]

*Note for the last two points there are no half points awarded. Need to say both who and why to be awarded the point.

Week 12.

There are three broad types of machine learning – supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Helen possesses a large database of love letters and would like to use machine learning to help her understand if there are any interesting patterns of language use present within the letters. Charlie would like to use machine learning to help him more efficiently detect tumours in medical images taken from cancer patients. Julia would like to develop an algorithm that will be highly proficient at playing the computer game Fortnite so that she can use the program as a training partner so that she can defeat her 12-year old daughter at the game who is always telling her to ‘git gud’. Which type of machine learning is best suited for Helen’s purpose? [1 point]. Which type of machine learning is best suited for Charlie’s purpose? [1 point] And which type of machine learning is best suited for Julia’s purpose? [1 point]

Frank was in a car accident and suffered very bad injuries. Frank became paralysed from the waist down and was required to have his right arm amputated just above the elbow joint. For a prosthetic device for Frank’s right arm would you recommend ‘brain gate’ technology or ‘targeted muscle reinnervation’ technology to work with the prosthesis? [1 point]. Explain your answer [2 points].

*Note for the last two points (i.e., ‘Explain your answer’) there are two things required to be stated to be awarded the full points.