
Identify the two opposing sides of the issue. Examine the most vocal people/groups/organizations on each side of the argument and analyze what that means for the argument.

Prewriting: Issue Analysis

Now that you have your sources (hopefully useful ones), start gathering quotes and pertinent information that you can use in your essay. Highlighting, underlining, and/or copy/paste are great ways to do this.

Divide information and quotes into three main categories:

Presenting the issue (this needs to be done in a neutral way, simply introducing the issue over all)

Focusing on one side of the issue (make a note about which side it connects to)

People/Groups/Organizations on each side of the issue (bonus if it discusses identity issues!)

This is also a great time to identify what you know and what you still need more information for (Copy/Paste this list into a document on your computer so you can fill it out)

Introducing the issue:

First side of the issue (what is it? what are the basics we need to know?):

Arguments for this side:

How those arguments are supported:

People/Groups/Organizations on this side of the issue:

Identity issues involved:

Second side of the issue (what is it? what are the basics we need to know?):

Arguments for this side:

How those arguments are supported:

People/Groups/Organizations on this side of the issue:

Identity issues involved:

Here is the Link to the Guidelines for the Issue Analysis Rough Draft/Final Draft:


In the introduction you need to clearly establish the issue you are focusing on

Then, identify the two opposing sides of the issue

At the end of the introduction, use the thesis statement to set up the structure of the essay

Body Paragraphs

There are four main points that need to be covered in the body paragraphs:

A focused overview of each side of the issue (1 paragraph for each minimum)

Discussion of the claims, grounds, warrents, and backing for each side of the issue (1 paragraph for each minimum)

Discussion of the people/groups/organizations on each side of the issue (1 paragraph for each minimum)

Examine the most vocal people/groups/organizations on each side of the argument and analyze what that means for the argument. (reputations and public opinion matter)

Look at how the supporters identify themselves, and/or how identity plays a part in who supports this side of the issue. (religious beliefs, political affiliation, cultural identity, ect…)

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of their position, without criticizing or supporting it.

You should also look into how the various people/groups/organizations respond to the criticism of their position on the issue.

Analysis of the issue and each side. Discuss any strengths/weaknesses and what they mean for that side of the issue and/or the argument being made (can be one or two (or more) paragraphs, can also be included in other paragraphs instead)


reinforce the overall issue you are focusing on

make it clear where strengths and weaknesses are found on this side of the issue (this should reinforce your analysis)

wrap up identity issue discussion

Here is the link to the Issue Analysis Rough Draft for Instructor Comment:

You will be submitting the same rough draft twice. This one is for my feedback, and the other will be for peer review.

Issue Analysis Rough Draft for Peer Review:

Hume claims that what he calls freedom and necessity are compatible. Examine his arguments for this claim, and either defend or criticize his theory.

Hume and Free Will

Hume claims that what he calls freedom and necessity are compatible. In this discussion, you are to examine his arguments for this claim, and either defend or criticize his theory. One important consideration is Hume’s claim that his view matches our general intuitions about free will.

Although these tests are still a matter of great debate and controversy in the scientific community, some 40% of American businesses use these tests for hiring and beyond. Should people be glossed over or hired based on results?

Hiring based on Personality tests

Personality tests have become so popular that it is now a two-billion dollar industry in the U.S. alone. Some people swear by them, while others say they are inaccurate. Although these tests are still a matter of great debate and controversy in the scientific community, some 40% of American businesses use these tests for hiring and beyond. Should people be glossed over or hired based on results?

Compose a literary analysis of the two August Wilson Plays; Fences and Piano Lesson, discussing the themes in both plays.

literary analysis of the two August Wilson Plays; Fences and Piano Lesson,

Compose a literary analysis of the two August Wilson Plays; Fences and Piano Lesson, discussing the themes in both plays. This should have three outside scholarly sources.

What kind of research/study did they use? How did they collect data? Who were their participants? Where did they conduct the study?

Concept Maps in Middle School Science Classroom

Write the literature review. Use the following sections with its corresponding descriptions in writing your literature review. Also, the analysis of each research article must be 1-2 pages long.

• Title of your literature review
• A brief description of the paper (1-2 paragraphs)
• Summary of the review of literature
o In this section you have to analyze the literature the authors used to support their own research, and you have to describe in detail how it affirms what the authors encountered with their results.

• Analysis of methodology
o What kind of research/study did they use?
o How did they collect data?
o Who were their participants?
o Where did they conduct the study?

• Summary of results
o What did they encounter?

• Your opinion about the research
o What was done right?
o What can be improved?
o What did you learn from the study?

• Personal reflection about doing the research/review
o How can you use this kind of activity in the classroom?
o What did you learn about yourself when writing this research paper?

Explain the role of the executive and the legislative branches in the British political system. Identify the aspects of the British system which privilege executive authority over legislative authority?

Is the British political system “an elected/elective dictatorship”

To address this question, your paper should use course readings and lecture materials to:

1) Briefly define what is meant by the term “elective (or elected) dictatorship” in the British context?

2) Explain the role of the executive and the legislative branches in the British political system.

3) Identify the aspects of the British system which privilege executive authority over legislative authority (i.e., which aspects of the British political system favor the executive?)

4) Identify the aspects of the British system which privilege legislative authority (i.e., which aspects of the British political system favor the legislature?).

5) Use the above discussion to provide a well written and convincing argument in response to the prompt.

While your paper should show familiarity with the institutional structure of the British system, the lion’s share of the discussion should focus on the dynamics of executive and legislative authority and your evaluation of each side’s assertions rather than describing the minutiae of the British parliamentary system.

Why did the case spark so much controversy? Did Reed Walters, the district attorney, overcharge the six African American students? Should the white students who hung the nooses in the tree have been charged with hate crimes?

Jena Six

Research on the Jena Six. Why did the case spark so much controversy? Did Reed Walters, the district attorney, overcharge the six African American students? Should the white students who hung the nooses in the tree have been charged with hate crimes?

In what ways do Americans and especially African Americans practice conspicuous consumption? How much, if at all, do you think the amount and forms of conspicuous consumption vary by gender? By race-ethnicity? By class? By region? By age?

African Americans practice of conspicuous consumption

In what ways do Americans and especially African Americans practice conspicuous consumption? How much, if at all, do you think the amount and forms of conspicuous consumption vary by gender? By race-ethnicity? By class? By region? By age? What are some of the ways that you engage in acts of conspicuous consumption, and what are some of the social factors that encourage you to do so? Finally, who or what profits by your acts of conspicuous consumption, and how?

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research. if you were going to conduct research on this topic (treatment for HIV offenders) , which methodological approach (qualitative or quantitative) would you choose?

Treatment for HIV offenders

1) In your own words:

Provide a summary of the methodology. The summary of methodology should include information such as the sample size, sampling method, description of the subjects included in the sample, where the study took place, if the study is cross-sectional or longitudinal, and how the data were collected.
Present the findings
Discuss the limitations of the study
**You must do this for each article**

2) Generally speaking (in terms of research methods – not the articles),

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research.
Describe the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research.
3) Finally, if you were going to conduct research on this topic (treatment for HIV offenders) , which methodological approach (qualitative or quantitative) would you choose? Justify your response. Your justification should take into account information such as:

What have you learned about the various roles of public health nurses that most interests you? What nursing strengths and skills have you already developed that are essential to public health nursing? How might you apply these skills if you worked in any community setting in the future?

Reflecting on Unit I and Unit II

What have you learned about the various roles of public health nurses (e.g., case manager, nurse epidemiologist, etc.) that most interests you? What nursing strengths and skills have you already developed that are essential to public health nursing? How might you apply these skills if you worked in any community setting in the future? What skills would you like to develop?