
Explain how hard you have worked to earn a 3.62 GPA from Florida A&M University throughout your undergraduate career. Also explain how you believe your academic success will translate in the masters program at Notre Dame


Applicants who received a cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.5 or higher, or those who will have their degree conferred from the University of Notre Dame, may request to have the GRE/GMAT requirement waived.

Please submit a written statement (no more than 150 words) to indicate your reason for requesting a test waiver for this application cycle.

Explain how hard you have worked to earn a 3.62 GPA from Florida A&M University throughout your undergraduate career. Also explain how you believe your academic success will translate in the masters program at Notre Dame

Compare the genetic and molecular basis of cancer among children compared to adults. What are some common causes of cancer among children? How do these causes differ from causes of cancer in adults? How does the SEER program help to reduce cancer in the United States?

Discussion Questions

Question 1:

For this discussion, choose either option A or option B for your initial post and identify your choice (for example, “Discussion 1 A [Your Name]” or “Discussion 1 B [Your Name]”).

Option A:

Choose one genetic disorder from your Norris textbook. How can this disorder be attributed to environmental factors? Summarize the key pathophysiological concepts of the chosen disorder relative to the body‘s normal physiological function. What is the role of surgical options? Briefly explain the scope of immunotherapy for this condition.

Option B:

Compare the genetic and molecular basis of cancer among children compared to adults. What are some common causes of cancer among children? How do these causes differ from causes of cancer in adults? How does the SEER program help to reduce cancer in the United States? Include recommendations for genetic assessment and screening. Briefly explain the scope of possible gene therapy.

Question 2:
For this discussion, respond to the following three prompts:
A 19-year-old college student on opioids at a university is admitted to the hospital with traumatic brain injury. He was found in the elevator. This patient is now unresponsive to any stimuli and is being prepared for emergent craniotomy. Explore all areas of the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) website (found in the Learning Materials), including the special populations sections regarding older adults, children, and adolescents. Summarize the USPSTF recommendation for children and adolescents regarding illicit drug use preventative strategies, screening tests, and primary care interventions.
***The drug I chose was MDMA***Choose a common overdose drug other than opioids and briefly discuss the pathophysiological effects on the neurological system. No two students should have the same choice of addictive substance.

Identify at least one difference between the considerations for pediatric patients versus geriatric patients in regard to pain management

How mimicry works on a genetic/molecular level? What supergenes are and where they come from, How mimicry affects species diversity, How species choose which characteristics to mimic.

Ecological Genetics Course

This is a research paper for my ecological genetics course. Doesn’t need to state a hypothesis, but a very in depth study of the various forms of mimicry (including Batesian and mimicry). The paper should cover topics like how mimicry works on a genetic/molecular level, what supergenes are and where they come from, how mimicry affects species diversity, how species choose which characteristics to mimic, etc. Graphs/tables are encouraged. Need to use at least 10 sources. I’ll include a page with links to 10 sources that I’ve found but other ones may work better.

Tell us about a time in your life, either personally or professionally, when you did not demonstrate servant leadership and describe how this experience informed your leadership style going forward.

Essay 2

Mendoza College is known for its position to Grow the Good in Business. It is more than just a motto; it is a concept that is taken to heart by our students, faculty, and staff. In order to live this concept, we actively build capacity toward servant leadership throughout the curriculum.

“A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the top, servant leadership is different. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.” – Robert Greenleaf

Tell us about a time in your life, either personally or professionally, when you did not demonstrate servant leadership and describe how this experience informed your leadership style going forward.

Would you like to be considered for fellowships/Scholarships? Provide a written statement to support your qualifications for a merit-based Scholarship in 250 words or less.

Fellowship paper

Would you like to be considered for fellowships/Scholarships?
Provide a written statement to support your qualifications for a merit-based Scholarship in 250 words or less.
In accordance with our mission, those who receive fellowships/scholarships commit to actively engage in the community during their time at Notre Dame. This may include volunteering in the local area, planning events, leading a club, or any other activity you choose.

How much do I value becoming culturally competent? What actions have I taken recently or in the past when caring for culturally diverse patients that demonstrate my motivation?

Cultural Competence

To understand culture and cultural diversity, you must understand your own culture and beliefs. Utilizing the Staircase Self-Assessment Model as a means of determining your level of cultural competency, write a 1250 to 1500-word essay outlining the six stages: cultural destructiveness, cultural incapacity, cultural blindness, pre-competency, basic cultural competency, and advance cultural competency. Determine your level on the staircase by answering the following questions. Be mindful that your responses will not be judged; only your knowledge of the Staircase Self-Assessment Model will be evaluated:

Step 1:

• How much do I value becoming culturally competent?
• What actions have I taken recently or in the past when caring for culturally diverse patients that demonstrate my motivation?

Step 2:

• How much do I know about my cultural heritage or racial identity and its relationship to my own healthcare beliefs and practices?
• Have I discussed these issues with my parents, grandparents, or other relatives?

Step 3:

• How much do I know about cultural groups that differ from my own?

Step 4:

• How culturally diverse is my social network?
• How many encounters with cultural group members outside my social network do I have? Are these relationships superficial, or do I have social contact beyond the workplace?

Step 5:

• Am I able to independently identify the potential or actual problems that originate from cultural conflicts, or am I surprised by them?
• Do I serve as a culturally competent role model/mentor for others?

Step 6:

• Have I developed problem-solving strategies to manage cultural conflicts?
• Am I able to manage or resolve cultural problems or issues that arise, and what resources do I use?


Once you have completed the self-assessment, address the following questions:

1. Why are self-knowledge and understanding a critical step in achieving cultural competence?

2. How has the “cultural self-assessment” exercise influenced your awareness of personal and professional values, attitudes, and practices, including prejudices and biases?

3. How will your interactions with patients and families change as a result of this self-reflection?
Remember, you answer these questions from your perspective, so there is no right or wrong response. You must address each question. Although the information on your self-assessment paper is strictly confidential, if you do not wish to self-disclose a specific area from the Staircase, indicate that by explaining in detail why you do not want to disclose. You are not required to provide citations/references in this paper. Attention should be paid to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Tell us about a time, in your personal or professional experience, when you persevered and overcame obstacles or you had to start over and rebuild.

Notre Dame essay 1

The University of Notre Dame was founded in 1842, by Father Edward Sorin, C.S.C, with a mission to become “one of the most powerful means for doing good in this country”. In 1879, Father Sorin’s vision for Notre Dame seemingly came to an abrupt end when a massive fire destroyed the main building that housed the entire university.

Instead of giving up, Father Sorin interpreted the fire as a sign that his dream was too small. He then decided to rebuild, bigger and better. The now iconic main building still stands today, topped by the gleaming Golden Dome, as an ongoing symbol of perseverance and vision.

Tell us about a time, in your personal or professional experience, when you persevered and overcame obstacles or you had to start over and rebuild.

• Size 12 font
• Double-spaced with paragraphs
• 500 words or less

Talk about you were expected to Graduate Spring 2021 but due to unforeseen circumstance you had to take more classes and graduate a semester late after you had been accepted into multiple graduate programs and you had to restart and re-apply to graduate schools.

Consider the claims Plato makes against poets and artists and discuss whether Shakespeare offers a defense against Plato’s arguments or agrees with them in The Tempest.

Plato and Shakespeare

Consider the claims Plato makes against poets and artists and discuss whether Shakespeare offers a defense against Plato’s arguments or agrees with them in The Tempest. Be sure to lay out the basis of your comparison clearly. You might want to think about Prospero’s relationship to knowledge, power and other characters in the play. Be sure to include an outline of the essay within the document.

Jason Reynolds’ goal was to create empathy and understanding in his audience. What does he want us to empathize with and does he achieve this goal? How? Point out at least three elements (writing choices, key scenes, and/ or symbols) that created empathy in the audience

The Essay 3 Prompts:

In Long Way Down, the main character Will endures an intense psychological journey. Does Will’s mindset change by the end of the novel and what do you think happens next for him? In the body, name three significant moments or symbols that represent Will’s mindset. End your paper with your own interpretation of what happens next for Will.

Jason Reynolds’ goal was to create empathy and understanding in his audience. What does he want us to empathize with and does he achieve this goal? How? Point out at least three elements (writing choices, key scenes, and/ or symbols) that created empathy in the audience. As you close your essay, discuss things that this work may make the audience question or think differently about and if it encourages a growth mindset.

How does the Notre Dame Master of Science in Management help achieve your personal and career goals of being an entrepreneur?

ND Personal Statement

Personal Statement: Share your motivation behind applying to the Notre Dame Master in Business management program. How does the Notre Dame Master of Science in Management help achieve your personal and career goals of being an entrepreneur?

Your statement of purpose should be 100 words or less.