
Identify the two systems you chose and describe settings within each system that influence your life and behavior/activity. Then explain how demands and expectations in one setting could impact the ability to meet demands and expectations in another setting.

The Body, the Mind, and the Environment: Biopsychosocial and Systems Theories

Read the article, General systems theory: Its past and potential. Pay particular attention to how von Bertalanffy’s general system theory originated and evolved and how the author of the article characterizes the terms, “systems,” “structures,” and “relations.”
Review pp. 514-515 of Bronfenbrenner (1977) to understand the definitions of each system within the ecological systems model.
Review Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model, located in this week’s learning resources. Focus on the meaning and interrelationships among the microsystem, exosystem, and macrosystem from a child’s perspective. Consider how these systems would be generalized to apply to an adult.
Using Bronfenbrenner’s model, identify two out of three systems (microsystem, exosystem, macrosystem) and their settings (school, work, family gatherings, neighborhood, country, etc.). Think about how demands and expectations in one setting might impact your ability to meet demands and expectations in another setting.
By Day 3
Post a response to the following:

Identify the two systems you chose and describe settings within each system that influence your life and behavior/activity. Then explain how demands and expectations in one setting could impact the ability to meet demands and expectations in another setting. Be specific.

How has the process of societal secularization benefited Christianity in the West? Why?

Discussion: The Church and MIssionary Expansion 1600-Present

Read Mark Noll’s Turning Points Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity chapters 11 and 12 then post your answer to the below question in 400 words. You must support your assertions with 4 scholarly citations in Turabian format (notes-bibliography or author-date list). Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the textbook(s), the Bible, etc.:

•How has the process of societal secularization benefited Christianity in the West? Why?

Discuss the specific treatment the patient received to manage the disease process in the culprit coronary artery, including the adjunct therapies required to ensure favourable health outcomes.

Acute Coronary Syndrome

The purpose of this assessment is to explore the key concepts of coronary artery disease and the management of significant cardiovascular pathophysiology in an adult patient. The students will discuss the presentation, assessment and relevant findings to determine the clinical status and evaluate the management strategy for a patient with Acute Coronary Syndrome.

Choose a patient you have recently cared for and:

Briefly describe their presentation and past health history
Analyse the patient’s ECG and identify the coronary artery that is likely to be associated with the observed ECG changes and the possible damage sustained by the myocardium and other relevant cardiac structures.
Explain the assessment and clinical care provided to stabilise the patient and prevent potential complications.
Discuss the specific treatment the patient received to manage the disease process in the culprit coronary artery, including the adjunct therapies required to ensure favourable health outcomes.
Outline the patient education and other nursing support that was provided to the patient and the family.

It is important to obtain patient consent and maintain patient confidentiality. In your written submission you must provide a script of approximately 50-75 words of what you said to the patient when asking for consent. You must also state that the patient gave consent.

What are some examples of the ways that modern computing technology like phones, laptops and social media have contributed to a cultural change that has resulted in a breakdown of our values, institutions like family and community, and our manners and traditions?

Modern computing technology contributing to a cultural change

1. What are some examples of the ways that modern computing technology like phones, laptops and social media have contributed to a cultural change that has resulted in a breakdown of our values, institutions like family and community, and our manners and traditions?

2. Do you think that these trends of breakdown can be reversed? If so, how?

3. Analyze whether it is wrong for us to allow this breakdown according to consequentialism (utilitarianism)?

4. Analyze whether it is wrong for us to allow this breakdown according to deontology.

5. Analyze whether it is wrong for us to allow this breakdown according to virtue ethics.

What are the implications for this particular genre on the interpretation of the book? How does the reader differentiate between the theology and the history in the book? What kinds of things should an interpreter look for in Acts so as to understand properly the message of the book?

Discussion: Acts, Letters, and Revelation

Read Duvall& Hays Chapters 14,16, and 17, Read Klein, Blomberg, & Hubbard: Chapter 10 (Acts, Epistles, Revelation) and respond to the following questions.Consider these questions with the information in your textbooks in mind, but feel free to use other sources as needed to add to the conversation. In the subject line of each of your threads, acknowledge which question is being answered (e.g., “Discussion: Acts, Letters, and Revelation, Question 1”), and restate the question within your thread. Create each thread as a new topic. Use 400 words each to answer questions 1 and 5. You must support your assertions with three (3) scholarly citations from a minimum of two (2) sources in current Turabian format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the Bible, textbooks, scholarly articles.
1. Give an explanation of the genre of the book of Acts as theological history. What are the implications for this particular genre on the interpretation of the book? How does the reader differentiate between the theology and the history in the book? What kinds of things should an interpreter look for in Acts so as to understand properly the message of the book? In your opinion, should Acts be read for doctrinal purposes? Why or why not? Please give examples from the book of Acts.

5. What are the general characteristics of letters as they are found in the New Testament? How important for interpretation are the historical and literary contexts for these documents? Why did first-century writers employ the genre of letters when writing to other Christians? What specific issues must the interpreter take into consideration in order to discover the main principles of a New Testament letter? Do all the letters of the New Testament follow the same form? If not, give a list of some that do not and define their distinctive elements.

Discuss four of the differentiators and also four RAMP Components. Your essay should include examples for each differentiator / Ramp component discussed.

Four Differentiators and also Four RAMP Components

Your essay will be graded on content to include grammar and spelling.  While there is no end to what you might write, you must convey your thoughts in an essay of at least 500 words or more, excluding cover page and references section.

Assignment: Discuss four of the differentiators and also four RAMP Components. Your essay should include examples for each differentiator / Ramp component discussed.

Submission Instructions:
Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in the _ American Psychological Association (APA).Students are encouraged to read/understand the basics.

Write a position paper that supports the practice of community mining, including children and one which denounces it-both in the same document.

Practice of community mining,

A position paper that supports the practice of community mining, including children and one which denounces it-both in the same document. Two paragraphs on ethical concepts which support the continued practice as is and two that denounce it based on the application of ethical principles. Minimum of 4 paragraphs using ethical principles

Can any war be explained without using all three levels of analysis? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using more than one level of analysis to explain a war?


Can any war be explained without using all three levels of analysis? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using more than one level of analysis to explain a war?

Must be at least 3 paragraphs long no maximum length.
Use, in your answer, discussion of points made in your assigned readings this week.

What must your company excel at? Determine the processes and competencies that are most critical, and specify measures, such as cycle time, quality, employee skills, and productivity, to track them.

The Balanced Scorecard: Review

By the-198os, many executives were convinced that traditional measures of financial performance didn’t let them manage effectively and wanted to re-place them with operational measures. Arguing that executives should track both financial and operational metrics, Robert Kaplan and David Norton suggested four sets of parameters.

First, how do customers see your company? Find out by measuring lead times, quality, performance and service, and costs.

Second, what must your company excel at? Determine the processes and competencies that are most critical, and specify measures, such as cycle time, quality, employee skills, and productivity, to track them.

Third, can your company continue to improve and create value? Monitor your ability to launch new products, create more value for customers, and improve operating efficiencies.

Fourth, how has your company done by its shareholders? Measure cash flow, quarterly sales growth, operating income by division, and increased market share by segment and return on equity. The balanced scorecard lets executives see whether they have improved in one area at the expense of another. Knowing that, say the authors, will protect companies from posting suboptimal performance.

The Balanced Scorecard: Measures That Drive Performance by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton
The balanced scorecard tracks all the important elements of a company’s strategy—from continuous improvement and partnerships to teamwork and global scale. And that allows companies to excel.

What you measure is what your executives understand that anization’s measurement system strongly affects the behavior of managers and employees. Executives also understand that traditional financial accounting measures like return on investment and earnings per share can give misleading signals for continuous improvement and innovation activities today’s competitive environment demands. The traditional financial performance measures worked well for the industrial era, but they are out of step with the skills and competencies companies are trying to master today. As managers and academic researchers have tried to remedy the inadequacies of current performance measurement systems, some have focused on making financial measures more relevant. Others have said, “Forget the financial measures; improve operational measures like cycle time and defect rates. The financial results will follow.” But managers should not have to choose between financial and operational measures. In observing and working with many companies, we have found that senior executives do not rely on one set of measures to the exclusion of the other. They realize that no single measure can provide a clear performance target or focus attention on the critical areas of the business. Managers want a balanced presentation of both financial and operational measures.

When challenged by Washington on its China policies in the 1930s, Japan accused the United States of a double standard.  What was the basis of the Japanese charge, and why did its accusations seem plausible?

Japan and The Double Standard

When challenged by Washington on its China policies in the 1930s, Japan accused the United States of a double standard.  What was the basis of the Japanese charge, and why did its accusations seem plausible?