
What did you notice about the language in the setting? Are there any particular words, terms, mottos, or sayings that are commonly used among members? What else did you notice about talk and interaction in the setting? Were there any signs or other written materials associated with the setting?

Culture groups

Critical reflections are short papers where you will address the inquiry, evidence, method, theory, and analysis in the course readings. They must demonstrate proficiency in your understanding of the key concepts assigned and how they intersect with your interests.This CR requires that you demonstrate your sociological knowledge of culture and how
cultural ways of knowing and processes of socialization are reflected in society. After completing the Culture Data workshop (see handout on Module 5) you will reflect on your experience and what you learned about a cultural group you are part of.Here is what you will do:

1. Description: Describe the cultural group you chose to explore and explain why you choose this group. Details matter here.

2. Reflection: Read through your field notes and reflect on your experience, telling us what your “observations” have taught you (and can teach us!) about societal structures, norms, expectations, and agents of socialization of the subculture you have chosen to concentrate on. In your reflection you should consider the following questions:

What aspects of material culture did you notice in “the setting”? This can include physical surroundings, architecture, equipment, clothing, artwork, food, or other objects. Can you explain the meaning, function, or purpose of particular items of material culture?

What did you notice about the language in the setting? Are there any particular words, terms, mottos, or sayings that are commonly used among members? What else did you notice about talk and interaction in the setting? Were there any signs or other written materials associated with the setting?

What aspects of symbolic culture are part of this subculture? Describe values that members of the group uphold, listing at least three values that are key to the group’s culture. What are the group’s ideas, beliefs, or attitudes? Does the group have a mission?

What kinds of social norms guide the behavior of individuals, and how are these norms relate to group values? What are the folkways of the group? How do these folkways shape what members do or say? What are some of the rules governing members? Why are they important?

Are any rituals, celebrations, or observations, that are important to this group? What do these events teach us about subculture values?

What did you observe in the setting that seemed especially familiar or unfamiliar to you? Was there anything that surprised you? What insights were you able to gain by suspending ethnocentrism and practicing cultural relativism?

How do your subculture’s practices map against dominant cultural expectations?

How should a firm respond to ensure that the function is properly resourced and situated within the organisation to meet the new challenges and the needs of the firm and its stake?


How should a firm respond to ensure that the function is properly resourced and situated within the organisation to meet the new challenges and the needs of the firm and its stake?

Compare/analyze these two texts: HOW TO BE AN ANTIRACIST By Ibram X. Kendi and, SO YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT RACE by Ijeoma Oluo.

Analyzing and Comparison Essay

Reading two texts and taking note of the similarities and differences, or beginning to organize your thought and write. compare/analyze these two texts: HOW TO BE AN ANTIRACIST By Ibram X. Kendi and, SO YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT RACE by Ijeoma Oluo. Or compare and contrast two novels, poems, or short stories.


Choose one of the areas impacted by these changes and discuss whether the changes which took place there were an example of “Westernization” or “modernization”.

“Westernization” and “modernization”

Over the course of the semester, we have examined the significant cultural, technological, economic, and societal changes in Asia, Russia, and Africa. We have also examined the concepts of “Westernization” and “modernization”. Choose one of the areas impacted by these changes and discuss whether the changes which took place there were an example of “Westernization” or “modernization”. Make certain to provide at least two examples to defend your position.

Consider the lifespan development process and describe the following changes in the INFANT from content in your text and outside, credible sources.

Human Growth and Development

Part A

Consider the lifespan development process and describe the following changes in the INFANT from content in your text and outside, credible sources. In your response, use resources in the last three years that support recent scientific findings, citing at least one specific example of a new discovery in each of the following areas:

1. Physical changes
2. Cognitive changes
3. Nutritional needs/changes
4. Sensory changes

Part B

Provide an explanation of the nature/nurture controversy as it pertains to each of the following. When providing your response, use at least two (2) evidence-based research resources from the last three years that support recent scientific findings, citing at least one specific example of a new discovery in each of the following areas:

Prenatal Development
Labor and Birth
Birth Complications
Development of the Competent Newborn

Explicate one of the assigned sonnets. How do content and form complement each other? Consider the structure of the sonnet as well as poetic devices.

Journal Response

Explicate one of the assigned sonnets. How do content and form complement each other? Consider the structure of the sonnet as well as poetic devices (such as metaphor, alliteration, etc.).

What about this take by Nicolas Godin (Links to an external site.)? Metal, zombies, surfing… how is Godin using Bach to speak to himself or the present?

Bach Cantata BWW 54

1. Use Google to find text and the translation. Write about how the music and the performance reflect the meaning. See if you can feel what Gould means about: “… and both of the outer movements of this cantata are full of that wonderful and torturous art of intense cross-relation and suspension which Bach always reserved for those subjects
…[music]… on which he felt most keenly, most deeply.”This piece was written around 1711-1714. Though it was more than 300 years ago,Bach is revered by musicians of all genres. Musicians often bring Bach alive in their own ways.

2. What does this arrangement and performance by Frankfurt Radio Band (Links to an external site.) do with the same cantata?

3. What about this take by Nicolas Godin (Links to an external site.)? Metal, zombies, surfing… how is Godin using Bach to speak to himself or the present?

Do Perceptions of Workplace Mistreatment Contribute to the Gender Gap in Self-reported Health?

Quantitative Research Design

Discrimination, Harassment, and Gendered Health Inequalities: Do Perceptions of Workplace Mistreatment Contribute to the Gender Gap in Self-reported Health?

How is health care financed? (Taxes? Insurance schemes? Out of pocket payments by patients?) What are the most common causes of death in your country? Are these infectious or chronic diseases? What are the main health sector issues and concerns in your country?

Global Healthcare System Description Project

Health care systems around the world vary greatly. You have previously selected a country in Assignment #1. Describe the health care system of that country in a concise, focused essay (approximately 4 pages). Topics to include are:
Health sector expenditure
• Include a list of works cited/references in APA format, use APA style in-text citations throughout essay when using content from references.

Your assignment should include:

Brief history of the healthcare system (1/2-1 page)
-What are the main events that have shaped the healthcare system in your country? When did major changes in the healthcare system occur?
-Name and briefly describe any major policies affecting the healthcare system and their impact. (E.g. if writing about the US, you would include the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act of 2010, and the Social Security amendments of 1965)

Structure of healthcare system (1-2 pages)
-Categorization of healthcare system: national health service, national health insurance, pluralistic (see Chapter 6 of your textbook for details)
– How do people access medical care? Primary and specialized care?

Economics (1/2-1 page)
-What are healthcare expenditures in your country? (Report in US dollars)
-What percentage of GDP is spent on healthcare?
– How is health care financed? (Taxes? Insurance schemes? Out of pocket payments by patients?)

Health sector issues (1-2 pages)
-What are the most common causes of death in your country? Are these infectious or chronic diseases?
-What are the main health sector issues and concerns in your country?
(Consider: demographic and epidemiologic change, stewardship, human resources, quality of care, access and equity).

Choose one specific appliance and write a consumer report where you convince your reader that this is a useful or not useful appliance.

iPhone 12: The Negative Impact on the Environment

The essay must be 6 complete paragraphs in length.
The essay must be formatted using MLA format.
Two secondary sources should be used to develop and support your thesis sentence.
Each source should be incorporated at least two times (one quote and one paraphrase) and cited in text and on the Works Cited page.
Sources should be reputable. At least one source must come from the library databases.
Write a 6 paragraph argumentative consumer report essay, written in formal, academic language where you defend a claim about one of the following topics.
Choose one specific vehicle and write a consumer report where you convince your reader that this is a good or bad vehicle.
Choose one specific appliance and write a consumer report where you convince your reader that this is a useful or not useful appliance.
Choose one specific technology item and write a consumer report