
Explain the difference between joint(nonexclusive) events and disjoint(mutually exclusive) events. Explain the difference between P(A) and P(A|B). What does it mean if they are equal in value? What does it mean if they are unequal in value?

Writing Assignment I

For each Chapter, answer each question in your own words using no more than 2-3 properly constructed sentences (correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.). Be sure to include support for any “choice” answers. Use declarative sentences, citing factual information based on definitions, procedures, etc.

Chapter 1
1. Explain the difference between a population and a sample (from a
statistical point of view). (4pts)
2. Explain the difference between quantitative variable and qualitative variable. (4pts)

3. Explain the difference between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. (4pts)

Chapter 2

1. For a dataset, without constructing of the frequency distribution table; how to obtain the class width of frequency distribution table if the number of classes is given? (2pts)

Note: Use the formula in the slides; here frequency distribution table is not provided.

2. Explain the difference between a frequency distribution table and a relative frequency distribution table (4pts)

Chapter 3
1. Explain the difference between mean and median. Is mean always larger than median? (4pts)

2. Explain the difference between μ and
x . How do you determine
which is appropriate to use in a problem? (4pts)

3. Explain the difference between σ and s. How do you determine which
is appropriate to use in a problem? (4pts)

4. What is the relationship between variance and standard deviation? (2pts

5. Explain the difference between range and interquartile range. (4pts)
6. Explain what the coefficient of variation is. What is the advantage of using it compared to standard deviation? (4pts)

Chapter 4

1. Explain the meaning of “Event with equally likely outcomes”. (4pts)

2. Explain the difference between joint(nonexclusive) events and disjoint(mutually exclusive) events. (4pts)

3. Explain the difference between P(A) and P(A|B). What does it mean if they are equal in value? What does it mean if they are unequal in value? (4pts)

4. Explain the difference between P(A|B) and P(B|A). Must they be equal in value? (4pts)

5. Explain the difference between Permutation and Combination. (4pts)

Chapter 5
1. Explain what a discrete random variable is. List examples.(4pts)

2. What are the requirements for a discrete probability distribution? (4pts)

3. Explain what binomial probability distribution is.
Hint: list requirements in slides.(4pts)

Chapter 6

1. Explain what a continuous random variable is. List examples. (4pts)

2. Explain some basic characteristics of Normal Distribution. (4pts)

3. What is the standard Normal Distribution? (2pts)

4. Explain the difference between a raw score (x value) and a standard score(z value). (4pts)

5. How to convert a raw score to a standard score; and how to convert a standard score to a raw score? (4pts)

How is this information relevant to me? How is this information connected to microbiology content studied in class?


Articles must be a news piece no more than 3 months old, and must have a length of at least 250 words. A news video must be at least 1.5 minutes. A general educational summary or encyclopedia-style article will not count – it must be current events news. Do not use articles posted or covered by the instructor.

Summary Format

Put the title, date the article was published, and source of the article as the heading of your summary.

First Paragraph: In 50 to 75 words, write a summary of the article. Describe what subjects the article talks about, but keep it concise!

Second Paragraph: Address the following questions: 1) “How is this information relevant to me?” and 2) “How is this information connected to microbiology content studied in class?” There is no word limit for this paragraph, but try to keep the entire abstract at 1-2 pages.

Bottom: Put the web browser URL of the article or video at the end. Double check the URL; if the article can’t be found, the abstract can’t be graded. You may wish to save a copy in case there is a problem.

Explain why you believe that firm has a monopoly. What do you feel should happen in that industry? Should the government intervene or leave the market on its own?

Monopoly over an industry

Write about a firm that you believe has a monopoly over an industry. Explain why you believe that firm has a monopoly. What do you feel should happen in that industry? Should the government intervene or leave the market on its own?

To what degree, if at all, is violence and war necessary? How much violence is too much? And who should decide? How much, do we need violence in our world?

War and Violence

To what degree, if at all, is violence and war necessary? How much violence is too much? And who should decide? How much, do we need violence in our world?
How much (if at all) has the way society defines violence changed? Should it change more or less? Who determines this definition?

Is there a way to increase or encourage diversity? How much is diversity even possible? What is the role (if any) of entertainment and media in diversity?

Climate Change and Environmentalism
Is climate change realistically manageable? What should we do about it, who’s responsibility is it? When will it be too late to do something about it? Is it already too late?

Drawing on the readings, what challenges do you think most prevent individuals from exiting deviant identities? Explain why What factors may most facilitate exits from deviant identities?

CCJ6920- Discussion W9

Question: Drawing on the readings, what challenges do you think most prevent individuals from exiting deviant identities (of any type)? (Explain why.) What factors may most facilitate exits from deviant identities? (Explain why.)

Textbook- Adler, Patricia A., and Peter. 2016. Constructions of Deviance: Social Power, Context, and Interaction. 8th edition. Boston, MA: Cengage. ISBN-13: 978-1305093546. Chapter 25 and 49

According to our readings, are the Nashville Predators well publicized? Identify three concrete examples from your readings that either prove or disprove your position and provide supporting links when possible.

Nashville Predators

Google the Nashville Predators and study their online presence. According to the Module 4 reading assignments, public relations and publicity are a major part of advertising. According to our readings, are the Nashville Predators well publicized? Identify three concrete examples from your readings that either prove or disprove your position and provide supporting links when possible.

List several factors or dimensions you would deem important to collect information about when first sitting down with a couple presenting for services. How might those couple dimensions be assessed or measured?


1)After reading Cordova and Scott (2001), reflect on what you believe are crucial components of a satisfying, stable, and intimate couple relationship. Are they attitudes, beliefs, values, and/or behaviors? (Note that people’s beliefs and values do not necessarily correspond with their behaviors.) List several factors or dimensions you would deem important to collect information about when first sitting down with a couple presenting for services. How might those couple dimensions be assessed or measured?

Online Therapy and Your Practice

2) Therapy via video is rapidly becoming important for the field of Marriage and Family Therapy. Reflect on your web search for “online therapy” and “telementalhealth.”

In this discussion, respond to the following:

How this professional shift to online therapy might impact you professionally.

How has racism in intercollegiate athletics shifted from being more overt to covert in today’s educational and societal institutions?

African American Studies (Sports) -“The Uneven View of African American Ballers”

In a minimum of two pages in essay format, answer the following questions:

1.) First Impressions-What parts of the reading(s) did you find surprising, puzzling, useful, new, already knew, and interesting?

2.) Essential Message

3.) What are the intrinsic and extrinsic variables that are attributed to low academic performance of African American student-athletes?

4.) How has racism in intercollegiate athletics shifted from being more overt to covert in today’s educational and societal institutions? Consider revisiting the article “Un-Civil Discourse” on Charlie Scott.

5.) Do you agree or disagree with the authors’ assessment of what a “baller” is?

6.) Explain athlete peer subculture and role identity.

7.) What are some of the stereotypes and negative connotations of the “athlete” label?

8.) What are the six factors of the “Popular Culture Credo” that contribute to the channeling of young black males in sport?

9). Significance for African American culture through sports

10.) Points of agreement/dissension

11.) Summary/closing

Discuss your character’s assessment of the legal findings, and whether your character believes that justice was served in the case.

Return of Martin Guerre Narrative

After reading The Return of Martin Guerre, imagine that you are a villager in the town of Artigat during the time covered in this narrative; your character might be a poor peasant, a merchant, an artisan, or a person of higher socioeconomic status. You could also consider writing the narrative from the perspective of one of the legal officials from outside the community of Artigat. Keep in mind the relationship between social class, literacy, and relationship to power structures in shaping the form of your narrative.

Compose a narrative in which you create a fictional historical character, making sure to include biographical details for your fictional character. If this feels unnatural in the narrative, provide an introduction explaining your character before you begin the narration. Discuss your history and life in the village, and discuss how you became acquainted with Arnaud du Tilh/Martin Guerre. Considering the evidence presented in the text, discuss why your character is inclined to believe or disbelieve the claims of du Tilh, making sure to include the interactions your character experienced with the main characters of the story. Discuss your character’s assessment of the legal findings, and whether your character believes that justice was served in the case. Stronger papers will exhibit evidence that the student understands the major themes and events developed by Natalie Zemon Davis in The Return of Martin Guerre. For this narrative, it is particularly important that you consider the narrator’s audience and how much time has passed between the events being described and the narrative being given. Also, remember to consider the motivations of the character as you write.

If you do not wish to write a narrative, you may choose the book review option (see posted guidelines).

Discuss why it is not morally permissible for people to eat meat, by stating arguments with premises that support your conclusion and by considering at least one objection and refuting it.

Morally permissible for affluent people to eat meat


Discuss why it is not morally permissible for people to eat meat, by stating arguments with premises that support your conclusion and by considering at least one objection and refuting it.

Make sure your essay is written in a clear and concise way with signposting, reference quotations or any explanations of other people either in text or footnotes, and include a bibliography at the end.

(Number of sources is not specified but please add at least 5)