
What are the practical accounting issues and challenges for the preparers of financial statements related to cryptocurrencies? What type of asset is a cryptocurrency and how should changes in their value be reflected in profit and loss, and when?

Impact of Cryptocurrencies (digital assets) on financial reporting.

A more specific problem identified within the general area. Think about why this problem is important to study and specify what is already known about the problem.
There are no accounting rules dedicated to cryptocurrencies. Under current US GAAP and, under IFRS, intangible asset accounting is applied. The result of the lack of such guidance has led to a variety of accounting treatments used in practice which have created significant challenges for preparers of financial statements.

What is not known about the problem that is important to study. Be specific.

• What are the practical accounting issues and challenges for the preparers of financial statements related to cryptocurrencies?
• What type of asset is a cryptocurrency and how should changes in their value be reflected in profit and loss, and when?
• Issues about accounting for revenues and disclosures of information in financial statements
• Risk factors related to accounting for cryptocurrencies

* Review various accounting theories, which ones are applicable to the issues related to financial reporting of cryptocurrency assets?

How do you triage this situation? What is your priority? What organizations do you know you must immediately contact? How do you discern the danger and magnitude of the chemical spill? What precautions must personnel take as they approach the scene?

Dealing with emergencies

You are the Police Chief and your city has just experienced an F4 tornado. It struck following a sudden, severe thunderstorm in March—long before the traditional tornado season. Your city lies in a river valley and normally tornadoes hop over the valley, but because this storm came so early in the season, the tornado did not according to the normal pattern. It drove right down the center of the valley and, in doing so, caused a train derailment that may have caused a chemical spill. Roads in and out of town are closed. Traversing around the city is impossible and the normal communication infrastructure is compromised.

How do you triage this situation? What is your priority? What organizations do you know you must immediately contact?
How do you discern the danger and magnitude of the chemical spill? What precautions must personnel take as they approach the scene? What organization do you turn to for help?
How do you decide if an evacuation of the area immediately surrounding the train derailment is necessary? How would you facilitate an evacuation?
What response do you give to the media?
What resources do you request from neighboring communities? From the state?
How do you deal with volunteers from neighboring communities? How do you differentiate a volunteer from a looter?
When you have completed the assignment, save your document and then submit a copy to your instructor Brightspace. The document should be a Word document (*.doc or docx), a PDF or RTF file.

Describe the history of latin kings in New York? Who is king blood? How did the NYPD deal with gang problems?

Interpreting Criminology Theory to Social Structure

-Describe the history of latin kings in New York
-who is king blood
-How did the NYPD deal with gang problems

Do you agree or disagree with his argument, where in Scripture could someone argue that “humility be the first, the all-including grace of the life of Jesus”?

Humility Book Review

After reading the book Humility, post an initial thread to include the follow (use separate bolded section titles or paragraphs to break up the post showing where each point is addressed):

Approximately, what percentage of the book was read in preparation for this discussion?
What is Murray’s central thesis in the book? Defend your answer.
In chapter 2, Murray writes, “If humility be the first, the all-including grace of the life of Jesus, if humility be the secret of His atonement, then the health and strength of our spiritual life will entirely depend upon our putting this grace first too, and making humility the chief thing we admire in him, the chief thing we ask of him, the one thing for which we sacrifice all else.”
Do you agree or disagree with this statement and how is his argument here developed through the rest of the book?
Whether you agree or not with his argument, where in Scripture could someone argue that “humility be the first, the all-including grace of the life of Jesus”?
Which chapter did you find most convicting and why?
Which chapter did you find most encouraging and why?

What does each diary contribute to our historical understanding of their respective plague event? What do plague diaries allow us to see that other kinds of historical sources do not?

Historical analysis of excerpts

For the Midterm Essay you will read and complete a historical analysis of excerpts from three plague diaries of eyewitnesses to the Plague of Athens (Thucydides), Black Death in 17th century England (Samuel Pepys) and Covid-19 in 21st century Wuhan, China (Fang Fang). These diaries will be made available to you.

The paper must address the following questions:

Which elements – in terms of narrative story-telling devices and themes – do they have in common? What does each diary contribute to our historical understanding of their respective plague event? What do plague diaries allow us to see that other kinds of historical sources do not?

Identify what exactly you need to learn more about in order to better equip yourself in dealing with a similar situation. Explain how your findings can further equip you as a future APRN in managing such a critical situation.

Critical Moments of Ethics in Everyday Practice

According to American Nursing Association there are several everyday ethical conflicts APRNs are confronted with. Gather your thoughts, and note down your own knowledge and experiences on the issue. Identify what exactly you need to learn more about in order to better equip yourself in dealing with a similar situation. Then, conduct your research, which may take various forms. Conduct an online search and review academic journals or consult with a few colleagues, professors, or experienced APRNs and ask about their encounters and strategies around the issue. Lastly, present your findings back to the class in the form of a written post
Select one of the statements
Further investigate and research the statement to deepen your understanding of such situations.
Share a post that includes your selected statement and your research findings. Make sure to explain how your findings can further equip you as a future APRN in managing such a critical situation.
Word limit: no less than 300 words.

What are some reasons for this? What do you think this trend tells us about the contemporary family structure?


Anthropologists are intensely interested in how families are organized. Although the nuclear family remains the cultural ideal for many Americans, other domestic arrangements now outnumber the “traditional” American household about five to one. What are some reasons for this? What do you think this trend tells us about the contemporary family structure?

Use sources from
Brown, Nina, Thomas McIlwraith, and Laura Tubelle de González, eds. 2020. Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology.

Describe the target behavior in observable and measurable terms. Identify the methods that will be used to observe and acquire baseline data on this behavior. Explain why you chose this behavior.


NOTE: Write a 350- to 525-word reflection on your chosen target behavior. Ensure you:

Describe the target behavior in observable and measurable terms.
Identify the methods that will be used to observe and acquire baseline data on this behavior.
Explain why you chose this behavior.
Do not select a condition which could be associated with a physical, medical or mental diagnosis.

What did you learn about SCID? Is SCID a type of of immunodeficiency or hypersensitivity? Explain your answer. What cells of the immune system are affected if a patient has SCID?

“Bubble Baby” Disease

Give your overall impression of the videos.
What did you learn about SCID?
Is SCID a type of of immunodeficiency or hypersensitivity? Explain your answer.
What cells of the immune system are affected if a patient has SCID?

Describe a topic, idea or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more.

My love for art and design

Describe a topic, idea or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more.