
How will you change, refine, or focus your research question based on your exploration of the literature? Provide justification

Literature Review

Write 1 or 2 paragraphs answering the following question.

How will you change, refine, or focus your research question based on your exploration of the literature? Provide justification

Make sure to include appropriate APA citations and a reference list.

1. Identify a problem or issue related to practice, policy, population, or education that aligns with the organizational priorities you seek to solve.


A. Develop a written proposal by doing the following:

1. Identify a problem or issue related to practice, policy, population, or education that aligns with the organizational priorities you seek to solve.

Note: You may need to meet with your organization or practice setting, your manager, or your supervisor to help choose a current problem or issue.

a. Explain the problem or issue, including why it is applicable to the area of practice you chose and the healthcare environment.

2. Discuss your investigation of the problem or issue.

a. Provide evidence to substantiate the problem or issue (e.g., organizational assessment, national source documents, evidence from a stakeholder).

3. Analyze the state of the situation using current data.

a. Analyze areas that might be contributing to the problem or issue.

4. Propose a solution or innovation for the problem or issue.

a. Justify your proposed solution or innovation based on the results of your investigation and analysis.

5. Recommend resources to implement your proposed solution or innovation. Include a cost-benefit analysis of your proposed solution or innovation.

6. Provide a timeline for implementation based on your proposal.

7. Discuss why each key stakeholder or partner is important for the implementation of the solution or innovation.

a. Summarize your engagement with the key stakeholders or partners, including the input and feedback you received.

b. Discuss how you intend to work with those key stakeholders or partners in order to achieve success.

8. Discuss how your proposed solution or innovation could be implemented, including how the implementation could be evaluated for success.

B. Explain how you fulfilled the following roles during your process of investigation and proposal development:

1. scientist

2. detective

3. manager of the healing environment

C. Submit the completed attached “Professional Verification Form” from the organizational leader advising you in your leadership experience.

D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

How does their portraits of family relationships compare to the findings of attachment research? What is the relationship between human fathers and their children according to Hrdy and Small?

Survival of species

Hrdy, S. B. (2009). Mothers and others: The evolutionary origins of mutual understanding . Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-03299-6

Small, M. F. (1998). Our babies, ourselves: How biology and culture shape the way we parent . Anchor Books/Random House. ISBN: 0385483627\

Survival of a species is important. Human primates have the longest period of childhood dependency of any species. How do Hrdy and Small describe the biological needs of human youngsters? Both authors focus on the relationship between mother and infant. Compare and contrast how each of them portrays what in human families makes nurturing human infants successful and what makes it less successful. How does their portraits of family relationships compare to the findings of attachment research? What is the relationship between human fathers and their children according to Hrdy and Small? What are the strengths and/or limitations of their treatment of the roles of human fathers? According to Hrdy, Small and you, what are the contributions of other family members and those outside the family to the survival and development of human children? What have you learned about raising babies from these authors, and where do you think their work is biased and/or incomplete?

Evaluate at least three types of financial fraud common to the selected company and its associated industry supported with a detailed description of each type of financial fraud and how it can occur.

Operations Strategies

You will create a financial risk mitigation plan to reduce overall costs and increase efficiency in operations for your selected company. Your strategy is to apply best practices for mitigating financial risk and fraud exposure in the company’s operations. You will conduct research to identify industry best practices for risk mitigation to reduce financial fraud exposure and then integrate the relevant best practices into the risk mitigation plan as appropriate for the company. Your findings and recommended strategies would be presented as a financial risk mitigation plan for your selected company.
Write a 5–6 page paper in which you:
Describe a selected a company, its operations, and its associated industry and evaluate these areas to develop a financial risk mitigation plan.
Evaluate at least three types of financial fraud common to the selected company and its associated industry supported with a detailed description of each type of financial fraud and how it can occur.
Recommend at least two proposed strategies for mitigating financial risk and fraud exposure based upon financial methods, auditing techniques, and industry best practices used to mitigate financial risk.

How do you relate Nietzsche’s concept of ubermensch to the current pandemic

Nietzsche’s concept of ubermensch

How do you relate Nietzsche’s concept of ubermensch to the current pandemic

Write an essay explaining the relationship between object and culture. Also list three cultures and one object per culture.

Cultures Essay

Write an essay explaining the relationship between object and culture. Also list three cultures and one object per culture.

Explain how the language and behavior of the children in “The Lesson” help to characterize Sylvia, the other children, and Miss Moore.

The Lesson

Explain how the language and behavior of the children in “The Lesson” help to characterize Sylvia, the other children, and Miss Moore.

How would you characterize the primary strengths and weaknesses of this competitor? How can you exploit their weaknesses while defending against their strengths?

Competitor Analysis (Individual Assignment)

In each industry there are five companies and you are competing with four other companies. All the companies have family cars but you have direct competition with one or two companies. This assignment is about competitors and how you can analyze them. This assignment will help you to adapt your strategy based on competitors analysis.


1. Business Definition:

What business does this competitor appear to be in? What markets do they serve, what customer needs are satisfied?

2. Source of Competitive Advantage:

What do you believe this competitor views as their source of competitive advantage?

3. Strengths and Weaknesses:

How would you characterize the primary strengths and weaknesses of this competitor? How can you exploit their weaknesses while defending against their strengths?

What type of Buddhist concepts are discussed and with time whether there has been a change of interpreting or choosing these concepts? What for of Buddhism is commonly used in these works?

Identities of transmission of Buddhism in to the west: Modernist Literature

This is a comparative analysis of the modernist literature period.
However, readings are oriented around the social, political, historical, or biographical context of the following writers. Non-literary material will be used to explore the actual Buddhist influence in the west. (

1.The research investigates the above writers and the mentioned texts and, the period from 1900 onwards. will take each writer and analyse the representation of Buddhism in their work.
2.The study will also look at whether there is a transformation of the Buddhist identity across time.
3.What type of Buddhist concepts are discussed (e.g. karma, nirvana, samsara) and with time whether there has been a change of interpreting or choosing these concepts.
4. What for of Buddhism is commonly used in these works. (zen/Mahayana/Theravada)
4. Whether or how the social background has influenced to portray such Buddhist identity.
5. How the writer education or Buddhist background if there’s such has influenced the writing.
6. Whether or how the identity of Buddhism has been changing in these literary works over the period of given time.

Existing literature shows no such transformation of Buddhist identity over time, merely represents the Buddhist aspects in western literature with a background analysis of each writer in most of them

Provide feedback to student on their learning, in consultation with a university peer or another teacher make a consistent and comparable judgment. Interpret student data and develop plans to respond to their learning needs.

Assessment & Reporting

In your major teaching area, identify a year level and curriculum content descriptor. This may relate to a lesson conducted previously on professional experience placement. Create a relating assessment task and rubric. Conduct this assessment with a peer, friend, family member or your students. Mark and moderate the assessment and provide feedback. Reflect on the effectiveness of the assessment strategy and task, and moderation. Support your reflections with your understandings of research into how students learn. Recommend the next steps you would take for teaching the participant(s) in your major teaching area.

Report should focus on:

Discussion of assessment creation and implementation

Provide feedback to student on their learning

In consultation with a university peer or another teacher make a consistent and comparable judgment

Interpret student data and develop plans to respond to their learning needs

Outline how reporting on student achievement would occur (e.g. to parents, HOLA etc.)

Word count should be 2,300 – 2,500 words