
Compare and evaluate a range of epidemiologic study designs and their appropriate application to public health practice


On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

•Critically analyse and evaluate the application of the principles of epidemiology in the context of public health and social action

•Critically analyse, compare and evaluate a range of epidemiologic study designs and their appropriate application to public health practice

•Critically appraise, analyse and evaluate the role of chance, bias and confounding in current literature where epidemiological data are significant

•Assess, quantify and compare the risk of health related outcomes in populations and population subgroups

•Demonstrate critical understanding of alternative evidence based approaches in the planning, delivery and evaluation of existing and new public health interventions

•Determine key principles underpinning population-based prevention of ill health including scientific and ethical considerations for population-based disease screening.

Identity based on status and class often seems very rigid in the past. Discuss the importance of status and class in greek society; be sure to include specific examples showing how people could change status and class.

Greek History and Culture

1) Compare and contrast the political and economic systems of the Bronze Age Aegean with the political and economic practices of Greece  the 5th century B.C.

2) Identity based on status and class often seems very rigid in the past. Discuss the importance of status and class in greek society; be sure to include specific examples showing how people could change status and class.

3)Ancient sources tend to portray Sparta as an unchanging society at least since the time of Lycurgus. What evidence do we have for change in Spartan social and political history?

What do they have to do with stories, narrative design, and agency? How do they compare to games like Life Is Strange and Cart Life? Where are the stories in any and all of these games?

394 Module 3 Discssion

Remember to respond to both questions – roughly 250-300 words each, so a total of roughly 500-600 words total for your post:

Critical Response (CR): What role does the games maker (and story writer) have in providing a narrative experience for players? What happens to notions of “authorship” when players have some say in how a story progresses? Should a game maker prevent a player from affecting the story? If so, why make a game at all?

Reflective Response (RR): The selection of games you played for this module are pretty diverse. Why do you think I chose them specifically for this module? What do they have to do with stories, narrative design, and agency? How do they compare to games like Life Is Strange and Cart Life? Where are the stories in any and all of these games?

How do they match? How do they differ? Compare and contrast qualities and characteristics of leadership and management, and explain whether you identify more with a leader, a manager, or both, using specific examples from your personal experience.

Leaders & Managers

Differentiate a leader and a manager (two different individuals) whom you admire or have been inspired by. These individuals could be from your work, history, or politics, for example, and can be from any walk of life. Write a paper explaining why you admire, respect, or identify with these people. Look at the qualities and characteristics of leadership and management that you have described. How do they match? How do they differ? Compare and contrast qualities and characteristics of leadership and management, and explain whether you identify more with a leader, a manager, or both, using specific examples from your personal experience.
Include the following in your paper:
Introduction with thesis statement
Summary of leader
Summary of manager
Compare and contrast qualities and characteristics of leadership and management
Personal application

Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges.


In the Module 4 Discussion, you considered how professional nurses can become involved in policy-making.
Review the Resources and reflect on the role of professional nurses in policy evaluation.
By Day 3 of Week 9
Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that currently exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policy review. Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges. Finally, recommend two strategies you might make to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities. Be specific and provide examples.

How does early childhood behavior and development impact juvenile delinquency behavior in adolescence development?

Answer questions

How does early childhood behavior and development impact juvenile delinquency behavior in adolescence development?

Find one primary, peer reviewed journal article (current, published in the past five years) to share with colleagues relevant to any of our learning objectives (you may select from supplemental articles in syllabus or gather your own). Summarize in one paragraph or two the salient points of the article.

Where do you think you would generally fall, given the wide variety of cases you would supervise, if you were to work as a probation officer? Why?

Manage dual responsibilities of law Enforcement and offender Rehabilitation.

The main decision made by those working in the probation field is how to manage their dual responsibilities of law enforcement and offender rehabilitation. If 1= enforcement, and 8= rehabilitation, where do you think you would generally fall, given the wide variety of cases you would supervise, if you were to work as a probation officer? Why?

Optional: Would the role of PO as “coach” (packet) be helpful in resolving this “cop vs. social worker” conflict? Explain your position.

What city or cities are in the upper 3rd quartile? Or the bottom quartile? How do these predictors compare to the baseline of NYC? What cost more or less money than NYC?

MATH302 Final Project Description

Evaluation/Grading of your Final Project

Math 302 Final Project will open up Friday morning of Week 6 in the course. You have 3 full weekends to review and work on the Final Project.

Content addressed in the Final Project

In the final project, you are given a data set and a regression output. The concept of a data set should be something that you are familiar with because you collected one during Week 1. There are descriptive statistics that go along with said data set, which should also be familiar because you calculated descriptive statistics during Week 2.
The Regression output won’t look familiar to you until Week 7. Once you go through the Lessons and the Discussion Forum, (particularly your second response post) you should be familiar on how to run a Regression and what a Regression output looks like from the ToolPak. By the end of Week 7, you will have all the information needed to write up the Final Project. There is nothing new that you learn in Week 8 needed for the write up of the final project.

Final Project Overview

The final project is worth 100 points and no calculations are needed. You will write up an Executive Summary on what city you chose to open a second location in and justify the results. Again, no calculations are needed because you will be writing up your own Executive Summary that will then be submitted through Turnitin. From Turnitin, an originality report will be generated. No Turnitin report should exceed 20% of originality because you are writing this up in your own words. If any originality report is over 20%, then further action will need to be required from your instructor. This can include an automatic failure and 0 for plagiarism. If you have questions on what Academic Plagiarism is, please contact your instructor.

Grading Breakdown:

1) Executive Summary up to 10%

a. Please review what an Executive Summary looks like:

What is an Executive Summary?

b. Must have cover page.

2) Grammar up to 10%

a. Spell and grammar check your work.

b. Make sure you have correct punctuation and complete sentences.

3) State significant predictors up to 25%

a. Must state which predictors are significant at predicting Cost of Living and how
do you know.

b. Show the comparison to alpha to state your results and conclusion.

c. Do these significant predictors make sense, if you want to relocate?

4) Discuss descriptive statistics for the significant predictors up to 25%
a. From the significant predictors, review the mean, median, min, max, Q1 and Q3

b. What city or cities fall above or below the median and/or the mean?

c. What city or cities are in the upper 3rd quartile? Or the bottom quartile?

d. How do these predictors compare to the baseline of NYC? What cost more or
less money than NYC?

5) Recommend at least 2 cities to open a second location in up to 30%

a. You must justify your answer for full credit.

b. You need to use the Significant Predictors AND Descriptive Statistics in your

c. Justification without the use of Significant Predictors WILL NOT get full credit.

d. Justification without the use of Descriptive Statistics WILL NOT get full credit.
You need to use both.

e. For example, let’s look back at London. London at 88.33, is 11.67% less
expensive than NYC. But that doesn’t mean London is a good place to open a
second location once you discuss the significant predictors and how it relates
back to each city.

f. Use what you have learned in the course and analyze all the data not just what
you see on the surface.

g. You must use the numbers and the output to justify your answers. Do not use
any outside resources to justify your answer. Only use Significant Predictors
AND Descriptive Statistics.

What processes are a must-do or must-have and which can be eliminated? Explain your reasoning. Will there be problems if you do not do something within a process? Is it possible to not do something now and perhaps readdress it later without repercussions?

Making the right choices

The content of this course is detailed, necessary, and sometimes a bit confusing. As we wrap up the 6 weeks, with the final assignment being a collaboration of job analysis, job design, and performance evaluation, we must accept the fact that not everything fits into a nice, neat package.

Due to time management or perhaps lack of resources, there are times that you may have to make a decision about the path you will take to accomplish a task. Our last discussion looks at the options and helps with the decision-making process for reshaping the task. The purpose of this discussion is a reminder that the role of the HRM manager must be fluid and adaptable to the task at hand.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

Review the Week 6 – Weekly Lecture.

Read Chapter 10 in the textbook Job and Work Analysis.

Consider reviewing the textbooks for this course.

Review each process: job analysis, job design, and performance evaluation.

In your initial discussion forum post, address the following:

What processes are a must-do or must-have and which can be eliminated? Explain your reasoning.

Will there be problems if you do not do something within a process?

Is it possible to not do something now and perhaps readdress it later without repercussions?

Are there any legal ramifications for not addressing something in each process?

Explain the role played by Manifest destiny in the evolution of US Latin American relations between the last decade of the 19th century and the early decades of the 20th century?

6 questions

1. Explain the role played by Manifest destiny in the evolution of US Latin American relations between the last decade of the 19th century and the early decades of the 20th century?

2. Explain how Fredrick jackson Turner, Alfred Thayer mahan, Jose Marti, Carlos Finlay and Orville H. Platt help us to understand the evolution of US and Latin American relations?

3 what is your take on the role of Theodore Roosevelt in shaping US and Latin American relation?

4 what general patterns can be identified in the response of the Caribbean and Central American countries to American interventionism

5 critically analyze the denomination “banana republic” in the context of US foreign policy towards de Caribbean and Central America

6 Discuss the geopolitical importance for the US of Cuba and Panama between the late 19th century and the early 20th century