
What leadership behaviors are needed to improve the work environment, determined via your assessment of the employee engagement survey?


First, you will need to review the employee engagement survey assessment that you completed in Module Two by implementing the grow, reality, obstacles, and way forward (GROW) model. Based on the findings, you will visualize and discuss what you plan to include in your adaptive leadership toolkit.

Think from the aspect of the tools found in a toolbox in many homes, such as a hammer, wrenches, pliers, saws, and screwdrivers. A single tool does not work in all situations. If you use a wrench to drive a nail instead of using a hammer, it might work. But it won’t work as well as a hammer.

Now consider things from the perspective of leadership skills and behaviors. For adaptive leadership to be effective, it is imperative that leaders use different tools in different situations. Equally important is developing a metric, a means by which the desired behavior can be periodically assessed. The measure you set determines the behavior you get, so effective leaders first determine the desired behavior, and then develop a metric to periodically assess progress.

In Module Three, you will post your initial response, while in Module Four, you will assess other learners’ posts and provide them with your input. This allows you additional time to make your initial post strong, robust, and well supported. For your initial post, you should consider the following questions:

What leadership behaviors are needed to improve the work environment, determined via your assessment of the employee engagement survey?

What leadership skills would you recommend including in your organizational leader’s toolkit to develop the identified leadership behaviors?

How will improvements in the recommended leadership skills and behaviors improve organizational performance?

What factors led to the Vikings’ initial success in bringing most of Britain under their control in the ninth century? What military innovations did King Alfred bring about that enabled the people of Wessex to effectively expel the intruders?

White Horse King – Benjerman Merkle


Your paper is to be based on Benjamin Merkle’s book, The White Horse King.Submit your work by clicking into the (pink) title of this box and then uploading your paper.

Your paper must be double-spaced, and four to five pages in length. Margins should not exceed 1 1/2” on all sides; font size should not exceed 12 points. Your essay should be largely in your words. If you use a quotation be sure that it is short and relevant. If you are quoting or paraphrasing from Merkle’s book, you do not need to include a formal footnote. Instead, put the relevant page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence or paragraph. Your work will be assessed based on the following considerations: content, accuracy of content, grammar, spelling, punctuation, clarity and organization, specific evidence provided to support your interpretation/assessment of your source, and ability to focus on and answer the questions under consideration. Please read over “Tips for Writing an ‘A’ Paper” and “Paper Grading Rubric” for further details; these documents may be found on our class website under the “Assignments” tab.

Questions: What factors led to the Vikings’ initial success in bringing most of Britain under their control in the ninth century? What military innovations did King Alfred bring about that enabled the people of Wessex to effectively expel the intruders? How did his Christian faith influence his actions both during his military campaigns and in times of peace? Also, what great changes did he initiate that led to a revival of learning? Finally, do you think Alfred was a great ruler; why or why not?


Explain how the language and behavior of the children in “the lesson” help to characterize Sylvia the other children and Miss Moore

The lesson

Explain how the language and behavior of the children in “the lesson” help to characterize Sylvia the other children and Miss Moore

Determine why funding is needed for the company. Determine the sources of funding. Consider self-funding, borrowing, loans, equity, venture capital, etc. Evaluate the requirements of each of the funding sources that you plan to use.

Financial Plan

Prepare a financial plan for the organization that you select for your business plan. (Amazon or whatever company is a better fit for the objective)

Describe the organization, including the type of business.

Create the business case.

Determine why funding is needed for the company.

Determine the sources of funding. Consider self-funding, borrowing, loans, equity, venture capital, etc.

Evaluate the requirements of each of the funding sources that you plan to use.

Analyze the risks that are associated with each funding source.

Decide which sources are the best fit for your company based on the requirements of each. Justify your decision.

Estimate the cost of capital for both short-term and long-term funding sources.

Research current estimated APRs for your selected sources of funding.

Create a table or chart to display this information.

Estimate direct costs, including capital, marketing, labor, equipment, and inventory/supply costs.

Prepare a budget that includes starting balances, monthly costs, loan/investment payments, cash flow projections, and required revenue.

Create a profit-and-loss statement for a 3-year period. Provide a revenue forecast, stating realistic assumptions, such as growth per year, in your projections.

What is the one most surprising thing you have learned about the topic of diversity in the workplace, and why?

M6 Discussion: Personal Challenges and Reflection

You want to help your colleagues expand their awareness by providing them advice about diversity in the workplace. Think of three main things you have learned in this course. In your own words, what would the three tips/ pieces of advice be for your colleagues be? Think of something succinct but meaningful, that can be put up on a bulletin board.

What is the one most surprising thing you have learned about the topic of diversity in the workplace, and why?

Explain how the framework guided the research decisions, including the development of the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions.

Theoretical Framework:

Identify the guiding framework. Present the key concepts, briefly explain how they are related, and present the propositions that are relevant to this study.

Explain how the framework guided the research decisions, including the development of the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions.

If more than one framework is guiding the study, integrate them, rather than describing them independently. Do not select a separate framework for each variable/construct under examination.

Do not exceed two pages. A more thorough discussion of the theoretical/conceptual framework will be included in chapter 2.

What role does cohesiveness play in team performance?  Explain.


Do not plagiarize use your own words

What role does cohesiveness play in team performance?  Explain.

Identifies your major sources and explains clearly to the audience what the purpose of your essay is.

Technology and the Future

Look forward approximately 30 years (c. 2050). Using 3rd POV only, paint a picture of a vision/thesis (this is called a “synthesis”) of the future in reference to technology and likely technological changes, using this as a focus and theme for your essay. Pick a few areas to cover for your essay. You wont be able to talk about everything. Use the 3 sources in any sense you wish as evidence to anchor and help your points and observations in your essay. Focus on United States society in particular since the entire world is beyond the scope of a short essay like this.

Plan the essay first and consider the different spheres which you will address: social, cultural, economic, political, philosophical, military, artistic, etc., so that you can move through the essay in a methodical and analytical manner, guiding the reader forward from Introduction to Conclusion in an unrushed and clear way. Make sure the Intro fully identifies your major sources and explains clearly to the audience what the purpose (thesis) of your essay is.

This is not a persuasive essay. This is a synthesis prompt, drawing from the three sources in whatever manner you wish to help you construct a considered view of a potential future. Also, this is not a fantasy project. Try to really consider current factors and likely trends and developments and paint what you consider to be a realistic possible future.

Why do you think the company reached the decision to diversify? What steps do you believe were taken? Explain your response using sources found during the research of your selected company.

Critical Thinking for Business Decisions

For this assignment, analyze the diversification strategy of either Disney or Kimberly-Clark using the documents linked within your Soomo webtext. Explain how critical thinking applies to decision making based on your review of a real-world scenario. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Application: Explain how critical thinking for decision making is applicable to the scenario. Use evidence to support your explanations.
What makes critical thinking crucial for decision making?
Analysis: Explain how information (such as facts, opinions, and published reports) is used to determine or establish the context. Use evidence to support your explanations.
Why do you think the company reached the decision to diversify?
What steps do you believe were taken? Explain your response using sources found during the research of your selected company.
Conclusion and related outcomes: Describe the role of logic, evidence, and arguments in the company’s decision-making process.
Was the decision to expand products, services, or value chain successful? Why or why not?
To begin, choose one of the following to focus on for this assignment and review the corresponding document provided in the Soomo webtext.

Which leadership style or styles do you think will work best when working with learners, either as an adult learner instructor, a teacher-leader or as an administrative leader? Why?

DB Response – KT – Russo

1) How are learners involved in the educational management process?

2) Why do many educational leaders consider learners to be stakeholders in the educational management process?

3) Which leadership style or styles do you think will work best when working with learners, either as an adult learner instructor, a teacher-leader or as an administrative leader? Why?

4) As a leader, what tools can you use to help learners develop their self-management capabilities, such as reflective practice?