
Of the three questions the speaker poses (see questions a-c below), which is the most interesting to you and why? What impact does it potentially have in your life if you are using or will start using?

Business Question

Watch the following Ted Talk on Leadership

and answer the following questions (250 word minimum writing submission)-

1) Do you agree with the speaker that there are serious leadership gaps in society (business, government, etc.)? Why do you believe this (cite example/s-make sure it is an article footnoted at bottom of submission)?

2) Of the three questions the speaker poses (see questions a-c below), which is the most interesting to you and why? What impact does it potentially have in your life if you are using or will start using?

  • a) Where are you looking to anticipate the next change to your business model or in your own life?
  • b) What is the diversity measure of your personal and professional shareholder network?
  • c) Are you courageous enough to abandon a practice that has made you successful in the past?

How are the products distributed? Are there large size retailers? If so, what portion of the consumer market do they reach, i.e., are they mostly in major population centers or do they extend beyond the major cities? Are there wholesalers in the country? How well are rural markets serviced? Are traditional retailers used or are there different types of retailers servicing rural areas?

International business plan

How are the products distributed? Are there large size retailers? If so, what portion of the consumer market do they reach, i.e., are they mostly in major population centers or do they extend beyond the major cities? Are there wholesalers in the country? How well are rural markets serviced? Are traditional retailers used or are there different types of retailers servicing rural areas?

Select an article from the Saudi Digital Library related to the course content. Read the article and understand the key points. Write a summary of the article.


Avoid plagiarism, all answers should be in your own words, for more details please find the below attachment, please read and follow the requirement carefully.

  1. Select an article from the Saudi Digital Library related to the course content
    1. You can refer to the course syllabus for help.
  2. Read the article and understand the key points
  3. Write a summary of the article (250-300 words)
    1. Use your own words. Do not copy and paste from the article.
    2. Your summary must be a stand-alone piece of work
    3. Be clear and up to the point.
    4. State the main points of the article.
    5. Discuss how they are related to the local Saudi virtual management styles and procedures.
  4. Upload it to the assignment link on Black Board
    1. Use this template
    2. It should be done during week 3

What have you done to prepare you and your family for the end of your life? Some of you are young, but have you completed a durable power of attorney for health care and discussed issues with your family in case of a life threatening accident or disease?

Read articles and answering the following questions

Read the articles at the following websites for information on death with dignity. You will get some good food for thought. There is a nice glossary in the first link and a nice FAQ section in link number 4. I had quite a bit of difficulty finding articles that were current. Most seemed to be quite old so if you find any please let me know.

Death With Dignity Glossary

Arguing the Right to Die

Disparity of Hope

Resources for Families

  1. I know you probably have not thought much about your own death, but what have your experiences been in the area of death (relatives, friends). Did your loved ones utilize any of the options you read about (hospice, living will, palliative care etc?)
  1. What have you done to prepare you and your family for the end of your life? Some of you are young, but have you completed a durable power of attorney for health care and discussed issues with your family in case of a life threatening accident or disease?
  1. What is the status of your personal records? Do you have a system in place to keep your important documents safe? If you are young a simple accordion folder may be sufficient. Later in the life cycle a file drawer may be needed.

Using the ANU online library, find and review a current news article from a credible source that relates to one or more of the topics from this week’s assigned readings. In your own words and with ethical scholarship, summarize the article and relate it to one or more topics from this week.

Article Review

Using the ANU online library, find and review a current news article from a credible source that relates to one or more of the topics from this week’s assigned readings. In your own words and with ethical scholarship, summarize the article and relate it to one or more topics from this week.


Prepare a one-page essay reflecting upon the readings, the importance of teaching conflict resolution strategies, the impact that positively resolving conflict has on school culture and climate, and the role of the school counselor.

Stone and Dahir

Reflect upon your reading of the Stone and Dahir chapter and the article on conflict resolution strategies among middle school students. Prepare a one-page essay reflecting upon the readings, the importance of teaching conflict resolution strategies, the impact that positively resolving conflict has on school culture and climate, and the role of the school counselor.

Does each paragraph contribute to the essay by supporting the overall subject or central idea? Is each paragraph unified around one central idea that is clearly stated in a topic sentence?

Sergeant Assessment Writing Essay

You can check the strength of your body paragraphs by asking yourself the following questions:
1) Does each paragraph contribute to the essay by supporting the overall subject or central idea?

2) Is each paragraph unified around one central idea that is clearly stated in a topic sentence?

3) Are the paragraphs’ sentences coherent and follow a clear line of reasoning?

4) Is the general idea of each paragraph well developed and supported by specific evidence such as details, facts, examples, and reasons?

A paragraph fails to deliver when its sentences lurch from topic to topic and convey loosely related information. Be sure that your sentences fit logically and smoothly into one another, like the links in a chain. Body paragraphs should fall between 5-7 sentences.

Which do you think is most motivational for Delta’s employees? Their high base pay, their generous profit sharing, or a CEO who is so accessible and communicative?

Explaining Pay Difference

Case: Delta
Ed Bastian’s profit-sharing formula stands as one of his biggest legacies. Originally, the formula
gave employees 10 percent of Delta’s first $2.5 billion in pretax profits. They would then earn 20 percent of the profits beyond that $2.5 billion. Later, management brokered a deal with its flight attendants, mechanics, and customer-facing employees to trade a lower share of the profits for a sizable increase in base pay. Delta’s pilots—who are unionized—rejected that deal, however.
After a particularly profitable year in 2017, Delta wound up giving all of its employees the
increase in base pay as well as using the original 10 percent and 20 percent formulas. As Bastion noted at a recent Velvet, “We’ll deliver over $1 billion to you in profit sharing on Valentine’s Day for the fifth year in a row.”* It is those kinds of compensation events that allow Delta employees to earn an average of 5 percent more than employees at American or United Continental. Such high compensation levels can have a number of motivational benefits. For example, they give Delta employees a sense of accomplishment and job security—especially with an employer that was recently bankrupt. They also provide a sense of occupational equity, given that employees are so much better off than peers at other airlines. A drawback of profit-sharing, however, is that it depends on so much more than employees’ collective efforts or job performance. For example, Delta’s investments in plane and terminal upgrades have constrained profit levels, as has a recent rise in fuel costs. And the increases in base pay have created their own drag on profit levels. It’s easy for employees to stay motivated when each year is as lucrative as the last one—or even more so. But what if things slow down, or even reverse?

To Bastian, the task becomes twofold. First, he needs to find the “sweet spot” for monetary incentives so that they can continue to motivate without becoming too expensive. “In the past couple of years,”* he notes, “we had a lot of cost inflation . . . in part because we still needed to catch up on labor from the big cuts following our bankruptcy . . . But now we’re caught up.”* His plan, moving forward, is to modulate base pay increases to the growth in the U.S. economy when accounting for inflation—a figure that is 4.5 percent at the time of this writing. Second, he needs to find new strategies for growing revenue at the company. Although such strategies are the realm of a different course, their success will affect Delta’s ability to motivate its employees.

1 Which motivational theories does Delta appear to be leveraging in its approach to motivation?
Picture being an employee of Delta during the period where the company transitioned into— and out of—bankruptcy. What motivational implications would that experience have, and how long would they last?
Which do you think is most motivational for Delta’s employees? Their high base pay, their generous profit sharing, or a CEO who is so accessible and communicative?

Picture being an employee of Delta during the period where the company transitioned into—and out of—bankruptcy. What motivational implications would that experience have, and how long would they last?

MGT301 Organizational Behaviour


Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2021). Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (7th ed). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Case Study: –


Read the case “DELTA” from Chapter 6 “Motivation Page: – 186 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (7th ed).  by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2021) and Answer the following Questions:


Assignment Question(s):

  1. Which motivational theories does Delta appear to be leveraging in its approach to motivation? (03 Marks) (Min words 150-200)
  2. Picture being an employee of Delta during the period where the company transitioned into—and out of—bankruptcy. What motivational implications would that experience have, and how long would they last? (03 Marks) (Min words 200-300)
  3. Which do you think is most motivational for Delta’s employees? Their high base pay, their generous profit sharing, or a CEO who is so accessible and communicative? (03 Marks) (Min words 200)



Discussion questions: Please read Chapter 4 & 5 Job Satisfaction & Stress carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

  1. Consider the five core job characteristics (variety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedback). Do you think that any one of those characteristics is more important than the other four? Is it possible to have too much of some job characteristics? (03 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)
  2. If you managed people in an organization in which there were lots of hindrance stressors, what actions would you take to help ensure that your employees coped with the stressors using a problem-focused (as opposed to emotion-focused) strategy? (03 Marks ) (Min words 200-300)


Important Notes: –

  1. Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  2. References required in the assignment. Use APA style for writing references.

Are economic sanctions an appropriate policy tool for issues other than human rights? For which kinds of issues (political, economic, international security or other) would economic sanctions be an appropriate tool of diplomacy?

Response Paper #8

Should Economic Sanctions Be Imposed on Governments That Violate Human Rights?

First read the Controversy on pages 532 – 533 of the textbook, “Should Economic Sanctions
Be Imposed on Governments That Violate Human Rights?” Then write 2 – 3 sentences responding to each of the following questions.
1. When are economic sanctions an appropriate tool to try to compel governments to improve their respect for human rights?
2. Are economic sanctions an appropriate policy tool for issues other than human rights? For which kinds of issues (political, economic, international security or other) would economic sanctions be an appropriate tool of diplomacy?

Papers must:
1. Not exceed one page in length (one side, single- or double-spaced)
2. Be typed in a 12-point font
3. Have at least one-inch margins on all sides