
Hunt raises the point that human rights are claimed to be “self-evident.” But if this were the case, why must they be declared? How does she address this paradox? Do you accept her thesis that the concept of human rights developed only in the 18th century in Europe and North America? Why or why not?

Inventing Human Rights

You will write a formal essay of 1,250-1,500 words of text, (not including title pages, works cited, etc.).
The essay is worth up to 10 course points.
This is a formal writing assignment. Unlike the discussions and website summaries, you will submit it privately to me. I do, of course, encourage you to discuss these issues in module discussions as you are reading the assigned chapters of Lynn Hunt’s book Inventing Human Rights: A History.
Your essay will be based on Hunt’s book Inventing Human Rights. It must show strong evidence in the body of the text that you have read and thought about the book.
You may of course consult other sources. Be sure to cite any other materials which you use in a comprehensive bibliography. I expect that your work will be a polished essay, not a first draft, reflecting the time you will have for analysis.
The concept of universal human rights has been key to much of the political conflict in the world since the 18th century. The concept of human rights was fundamental to both the American Declaration of Indepence of 1776 and Bill of Rights of 1791 and the French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789 as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.
Lynn Hunt asks the question of why human rights conceived of as natural, equal and universal appeared for the first time at the end of the 18th century? How does Hunt answer her own question?
Hunt raises the point that human rights are claimed to be “self-evident.” But if this were the case, why must they be declared? How does she address this paradox?
More than a century and a half passed between the 18th century declarations and the adoption of the Universal Declaration in 1948. How does Hunt explain this long break?
Do you accept her thesis that the concept of human rights developed only in the 18th century in Europe and North America? Why or why not?
In her last sentences Hunt claims that “…you know the meaning of human rights because you feel distressed when they are violated.” Do you think this is true in contemporary America in which government torture and extra-judicial executions by drone may be condoned?
Be sure to include specific examples and quotes from the text to illustrate and support your points in this essay.

Have you defined philosophy and the three main branches of philosophy? Have you used examples of Ancient Greek philosophers covered in this course to illustrate the three branches of philosophy?

Philosophical Reflection Essay

In answering these reflection questions, you are free to draw from your own experiences as well as bringing in the ideas of different Ancient Greek philosophers. Please note: Some philosophers will be more suited for particular questions than others. For example, Epictetus has a lot to say about “What is the good life and how ought I to live it?” while not saying much about knowledge or reality. Plato and Aristotle Plato wrote a great deal about all three questions.

B. Completion Guidelines
Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines.
Part I: Philosophical Thinking
❒ Have you defined philosophy and the three main branches of philosophy?
❒ Have you identified which branch of philosophy each of the three basic philosophical questions (“What is knowledge?”; “What is reality?”; “What is the good life?”) corresponds to?
❒ Have you used examples of Ancient Greek philosophers covered in this course to illustrate the three branches of philosophy?
Part II: Reflection
❒ Have you selected one of the three basic philosophical questions from Part I to focus on?
❒ Have you reflected on what philosophical thinking means to you?
❒ Have you reflected on how the ideas of the Ancient Greek philosophers can impact your own views and opinions?
❒ Have you given your own answer to whichever of the three questions from Part I you chose to focus on in Part II?
❒ Have you checked your essay for grammatical and mechanical errors?
❒ Have you used spell check or another method to check spelling?
Before you Submit
❒ Have you included your name, date, and course at the top left of the page?
❒ Is your essay between 3-4 pages (approximately 700-1000 words)?

What does it mean to think philosophically? How can thinking philosophically help me in my own life? What impact do the ideas of the Ancient Greek philosophers have on my own views and opinions?

Philosophical Thinking

In the first part of the touchstone, you will be distinguishing between the three primary branches of philosophy.

Consider the three following questions:
What is knowledge?
What is reality made of?
What is the good life and how ought I to live it?
These are the basic questions that were considered in different forms by the major figures in Ancient Greek philosophy. But they are also critical questions for our own lives today, whether we are philosophers or not.

Part I of this assignment should be approximately 1-2 pages (300-600 words) and cover each of the following steps:
First, you should define philosophy and then distinguish and define each of the three main branches of philosophy covered in this class.
Then, identify which of the above questions is associated with each branch of philosophy.
You should illustrate the differences between the three branches of philosophy using examples from the course. For example, explain how Socrates would answer the question “What is knowledge?” or how Epictetus would answer the question “What is the good life?”

Part II: Reflection
For the second part of the touchstone, now that you’ve distinguished between the three main branches of philosophy, you will focus on one of those three questions from Part I and use that as a starting point and guide for your personal philosophical reflection.

The purpose of Part II is for you to reflect on the philosophical mindset and some of the ideas presented in this course and apply them to your own life. This reflection is more open-ended than Part I, but should include reflections on the following questions:
What does it mean to think philosophically? How can thinking philosophically help me in my own life?
What impact do the ideas of the Ancient Greek philosophers have on my own views and opinions?
Then, based on these reflections, you should give your own answer to whichever of the three questions from Part I you chose to focus on. (“What is knowledge?”; “What is reality?”; “What is the good life?”)

Describe a potential barrier to the practice of cultural humility. Which of the four applications identified by Mosher et al (2017) do you find hardest?

Systemic gender discrimination, cultural humility

1.Identify an example of systemic gender discrimination and consider its effect on a specific organization or community. You may want to de-identify. And remember the discrimination might target women, transgender, or gender non-conforming individuals.

2.Describe a potential barrier to the practice of cultural humility. Which of the four applications identified by Mosher et al (2017) do you find hardest? (Give a specific example.)

This are two articles that we are using this week.

Diehl, A. B., & Dzubinski, L. M. (2016). Making the Invisible Visible: A Cross-Sector Analysis of Gender-Based Leadership Barriers. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 27(2), 181-206. doi:10.1002/hrdq.21248

Mosher, D. K., Hook, J. N., Captari, L. E., Davis, D. E., DeBlaere, C., & Owen, J. (2017). Cultural humility: A therapeutic framework for engaging diverse clients. Practice Innovations, 2(4), 221.

These are the books we are using
Allen, B.J. (2011). Difference Matters, Chapter 3
Mor Barak, M.E. (2017). Managing Diversity, Chapters 7, 8, 9

What is a supply chain strategy? How does the supply chain strategy support the business strategy? How can supply chain professionals utilize a supply chain strategy to gain a competitive advantage?

Unit 2 – Discussion Board

Supply chain strategy includes a long-range plan for the design and ongoing management of all supply chain decisions that define the structure, function, facilities, and priorities of the supply chain. Competitive priorities differentiate companies from their competitors to gain competitive advantage.

What is a supply chain strategy?
How does the supply chain strategy support the business strategy?
How can supply chain professionals utilize a supply chain strategy to gain a competitive advantage?

How do your choices impact your ecological footprint? What can you start doing today to begin having a more positive impact on the environment?

Unit 2 – Discussion Board

Did you know that everything we do, everything we eat, and everything we throw away has an impact on the environment? We all have an ecological footprint, which is a way to measure how much land and water are required to produce what we consume and to absorb the waste we generate.

Consider how your choices impact the environment, and then answer the following questions:

How do your choices impact your ecological footprint?
What can you start doing today to begin having a more positive impact on the environment?

What type of evidence is being used? How does the author bring multiple types of evidence together? Why is their evidence trustworthy? How much evidence is provided? Why is the particular evidence relevant to the argument? How does the author present the evidence effectively?

Reading Response

Choose one of the three articles that you feel presents evidence effectively. In a paragraph or two, provide specific examples of the evidence the author presents and explain why you feel it is convincing. Perhaps consider the following: What type of evidence is being used? How does the author bring multiple types of evidence together? Why is their evidence trustworthy? How much evidence is provided? Why is the particular evidence relevant to the argument? How does the author present the evidence effectively?

(1) Before making an argument, authors need to make sure their readers have background information and context. This might include a description of the issue, the different perspectives various groups hold, previous attempts to solve the problem, as well as recent events related to the argument, for example, recently proposed legislation. Compare and contrast the way two of the articles provide important background information for their argument. Where do the authors present the information? How much space in the essay does the author use to provide this context? Do they present the information fairly? What might their readers need to know that they perhaps leave out or do not address?

(2) Arguments are supported by reasons, and reasons are supported by evidence. For example, an argument that community college should be free might be supported by the reason that it would dramatically lower student debt. This reason — it would lower debt — would need to be supported by evidence. The evidence might come in the form of data, statistics, research studies, expert testimony, logical chains of thought, examples, hypothetical scenarios or even personal experience. For the evidence to be convincing it should be sufficient, credible, and relevant.

(3) Writers of arguments are most persuasive when they attempt to build bridges with readers of various ideologies, even those inclined to disagree with them. Julia Dhar makes this point in her TED Talk when arguing that the most persuasive speakers invite listeners into a “shared reality.” In a paragraph or two, compare and contrast the way two articles attempt to find common ground among readers of various ideological perspectives. How does each author build bridges with resistant readers (those on the opposite side of the political spectrum or simply inclined to disagree)? Select and describe specific arguments and/or passages where such common ground is built. Then explain how their attempt to build common ground strengthens their argument. How might it help persuade readers? In your opinion, did the author miss any important ideas that might further establish common ground?

Describe the health care problem or issue you selected for use in Assessment 2. 3 scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles and 3 in-text citations within the paper are required.

Health care problem or issue

Describe the health care problem or issue you selected for use in Assessment 2 (paper attached) . 3 scholarly or academic peer-reviewed journal articles and 3 in-text citations within the paper are required. All of the instructions and resource documents are attached.

Discuss how they both warn against humanity becoming less “human” and more like machines but as reflective of different technological challenges and historic time periods.

Humane or inhumane about America past and present.

The final version of your research paper should be approximately six-seven pages and include six -seven sources that are completely referenced in MLA style. These sources should contain full bibliographic information. The draft source requirement is three but it is okay to include more. For all of the sources you will need to search the library and/or other search engines for research. Use the author’s name and title of the literary work(s) to obtain complete bibliographic information in your searches.

The research paper thesis is the last sentence of the first paragraph. It should be an original objective argument about what the literature shows regarding the humanity or inhumanity of America past and present. Be sure to cite your sources for every idea that is not your own, both when you quote an author’s words and when you borrow his or her insights. In order to construct a thesis statement, or the paper’s main argument, ascertain the main argument of each course readings. For example, compare what the essay by Oliver Sacks says to the fictional work of E.M. Forster. Discuss how they both warn against humanity becoming less “human” and more like machines but as reflective of different technological challenges and historic time periods. Be sure to include information about the time period and context of the literature and course texts. The paper should provide specific time periods and dates when comparing inhumane experiences like a pandemic today to past inhumane events in literature.

How do you feel about it? What do you want to explore? What questions do you have?

Everyday Women’s and Gender Studies (Representations)

Reflect on a section, word, quote, or phrase that strikes you and interesting or provocative. In the style of a personal journal, write a reaction to or reflection of this reading. How do you feel about it? What do you want to explore? What questions do you have?