
Discuss the differential diagnosis (DD) process. Identify 3 different DD processes used in clinical practice.  Describe the risks/benefits of these 3 processes.

Differential diagnosis (DD) process.

Discuss the differential diagnosis (DD) process. Identify 3 different DD processes used in clinical practice.  Describe the risks/benefits of these 3 processes.
It is crucial to appropriately utilize APA 7th ed. All assignments; group work discussions and responses require accurate and appropriate APA citations. It is recommended to use nursing literature, medical literature and ancillary research in other disciplines as necessary. Current citations are required.

When possible evidence-based literature and primary sources that are up to date and are most desirable. Works such as WebMD and the patient “self-help” resources are not appropriate for graduate discussions.

Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
Citations: At least two high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

What is the tone of the review? Is it humorous, serious, pessimistic, optimistic? Something else entirely? What makes you say that?

The Anthropocene Reviewed Reflection 1

First, take a few minutes to reflect on what you read. Next, pick one review to focus on and provide thoughtful and thorough answers to the following questions. The answers should be, roughly speaking, at least 3-5 sentences (more isn’t a bad thing!).

1. What is the main point of the review? It might be to inform, to inspire, to persuade, to change your perspective, or something else entirely.

2. What is the tone of the review? Is it humorous, serious, pessimistic, optimistic? Something else entirely? What makes you say that?
Consider the following definition of tone: “Tone in writing refers to the writer’s attitude toward the reader and the subject of the message. The overall tone of a written message affects the reader just as one’s tone of voice affects the listener in everyday exchanges” (Ober 88).
Tone reveals the author’s attitude about a subject or topic to their reader. It can be delivered in different ways, like through word choice, punctuation, and sentence structure.
It’s similar to when you’re talking to someone in person. Your facial expressions, vocal pitch, and body language might convey a certain tone that informs the language you use in conversation.
By using the right tone in your writing, your readers can better understand your emotions regarding a topic. It’s a signal to your reader about how your writing should make them feel. Your tone might be delightful or sarcastic, lighthearted or aggressive, among other types of tones, all through your writing.

3. What is one section of the review that stood out to you and why? In your answer, provide a quotation for this section and explain why you think this quotation is important.

4. Where do you see ethos, pathos, or logos in the review? Again, provide a quotation for where you see an example of ethos, pathos, or logos and explain if you think John’s use of this rhetorical appeal is effective or not and why.

5. Look back at what you wrote for number one. Do you think the review effectively accomplished its main point? Why or why not? Do you find it persuasive? Why or why not?

Does the reader know if she stopped loving him? Since there is no concrete verification of love, and it only exists as a mutual agreement, how can we tell if Desdemona stopped loving him or even loved him in the first place?

Desdemona’s Love

The reason for this essay will be asking the question if Desdemona actually fell out of love with Othello or was it all in his head. Does the reader know if she stopped loving him? Since there is no concrete verification of love, and it only exists as a mutual agreement, how can we tell if Desdemona stopped loving him or even loved him in the first place? Does the audience see Othello losing Desdemona’s love? We see Othello believe he has lost her love, but does the audience believe it? What does Shakespeare show us? Does she lose her love for Othello or does she still love him? Does our doubt parallel his?

What is Monroe’s argument in “Can Food be Art?” Do you agree/disagree with it? Explain what the author says (~4 pages) then assess what the author says (~2 pages). For each topic, feel free to refer to Kaplan and/or Plakias.

Monroe’s argument

Essay prompt: What is Monroe’s argument in “Can Food be Art?” Do you agree/disagree with it?

Essay #1 is due Monday, October 25. Approximately 2,000 words (6 pages’ish). Typed, double-spaced.

Take a look at the document titled “What I Expect From Your Papers” for more information about what is expect from your papers.

Choose one topic. Explain what the author says (~4 pages) then assess what the author says (~2 pages). For each topic, feel free to refer to Kaplan and/or Plakias.

This is what I expect from your papers
— The aim of the paper is to summarize what the author says and to analyze what the author says.

Both explain the main points of the reading in plain and simple language and give your reasoned opinion on the author or topic. Your explanation and analysis are two parts of one, complete paper. (Don’t break it up into two sections.)

Critically discuss an example from practice which focuses on leading and managing care within the multidisciplinary team

leading and managing care within the multidisciplinary team

Critically discuss an example from practice which focuses on leading and managing care within the multidisciplinary team

Define and discuss the benefits of activation exercises. Why are they important and when should they be performed?

Glute specialist

Define and discuss the benefits of activation exercises. Why are they important and when should they be performed?
Requirements: answers must be in your own words, 250-word minimum

PDF files, Images, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Illustrator and Apple’s Pages will NOT paste into the textbox.
We recommend using a word processor such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Text Edit or Word Pad.
Not all formatting will paste correctly into the textbox therefore we recommend that you do not spend too much time on the formatting of your answer.

Are other interpretations of the evidence possible? Does the use of experimental methodology limit or shape the type of findings produced? Are there weaknesses in the design of the study which allow these alternative interpretations to creep in?

Experimental projects

Title: Drawing on material from Chapter 1 Critical, creative and credible and Chapter 2 Investigating memory: experimental and clinical investigations of remembering and forgetting, critically evaluate the contribution of experimentation to our understanding of how we retrieve memories.
Word limit: 1500 words (excluding references, the title and any appendices). Write the word count at the end of your essay.
As highlighted in the question, the key resources you will need to draw on for this essay are Chapters 1 and 2. While both chapters explore the experimental method, Chapter 2 is particularly relevant because it covers experimentation in the context of different types of memory and how memory works in relation to memory recall and recognition. For example, Section 3 of Chapter 2 reviews what types of memory-testing paradigms are used in lab-based experimental research, and Section 4 explores how evidence is used to develop and challenge two models of memory. You may find it useful to refer directly to some of the primary source material referred to in Chapter 2, or indeed other relevant papers/journal articles. Information about how to find relevant primary source material can be found in the Week 1 library activities referred to in the Study Guide.
While your essay should mainly draw on material from Chapter 2, you should also draw on material from Chapter 1. Section 2 of Chapter 1 is particularly relevant to the question as it focuses explicitly on experimentation. However, as the material in this section is not specific to memory or remembering, you will need to give some thought to how you can make this information directly relevant to the question as set. Perhaps focusing on the methodological issues highlighted in this section and exploring their broader implications would be helpful.
Chapters 1 and 2 include numerous references to (and discussions about) experiments, so they should provide you with plenty of material to address the TMA question as set. Keep in mind however that you only have 1500 words to work with, so you will not be able to cover every issue in the depth that it is covered in the textbook.
When writing this TMA, it is important that you integrate the chapters’ material in a coherent and logical manner, and in a way that explicitly addresses the set question. Simply summarising the chapters’ content is unlikely to gain high marks. Paying particular attention to the process words for this question should help you with this. In this case you are being asked to ‘critically evaluate’, which means you need to make a judgement about the contribution of the presented experimental evidence to our understanding of how we retrieve memories. Therefore, the arguments you make must be based on evidence and reasoning. This will require you to assess whether a given piece of experimental evidence actually supports the conclusions arrived at by the authors of the study you are describing. For example, are other interpretations of the evidence possible? Does the use of experimental methodology limit or shape the type of findings produced? Are there weaknesses in the design of the study which allow these alternative interpretations to creep in? A good area of consideration might be found in relation to ecological validity; a concept that is covered in depth across the qualification (including in DE100 and DE200). Do keep in mind, however, when you are writing your essay, that a ‘critical evaluation’ should give consideration to both the pros and the cons associated with the topic being explored; so try to ensure your essay does not simply aim to find faults with experimental methodology – rather make sure your essay considers the advantages and limitations in a balanced and well-evidenced manner.

If you were the team leader of the group described in the following scenario, how would you refocus and remotivate the team toward achieving the improvement goal?

Discussion Board Topic:

If you were the team leader of the group described in the following scenario, how would you refocus and remotivate the team toward achieving the improvement goal?


When members were recruited for the improvement project, they were told that the team’s work would be additional to their regular work responsibilities but that they had to treat team activities as a high priority. They were expected to complete team assignments on time and were required to attend meetings. Despite being aware of these clear expectations, by the third week of the project, team members started arriving late to meetings, making excuses for not having completed their assigned tasks, and neglecting to return the leader’s phone calls.

What does this say about the metabolic demands for muscles, cartilage and bone? Why do you suppose that is?What tissue type can be found bridging the two halves of the once severed muscle bellies? Why?

Case study: muscle

A 19-year-old male patient’s arm was severed at the distal forearm while working with a machine in his workplace. Both the limb and the patient was brought to the ER. When the severed limb was examined, it was noted that the tissue only received minor crush injuries at the site of amputation. After a long and arduous surgery reconnecting the muscles, nerves and blood supply the arm was replanted.

After years of therapy, the patient’s limb was salvaged with most functionality and sensitivity returned. Although very satisfied that the limb wasn’t lost, the patient notes that the functionality hasn’t been the same. The deformities to the limb at the site of amputation are also notable


Answer the following questions based on the scenario and article above and save your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Provide a scholarly resource in APA format to support your answers.

Name the muscles severed during the amputation event.If the patient were no longer to properly pronate his arm, which muscle do you think has been compromised?In general, a patient with a severed limb has a smaller window of time for successful replantation when compared with finger replantation surgery. This is in part due to the difference in tissue composition of the two anatomical structures. What does this say about the metabolic demands for muscles, cartilage and bone? Why do you suppose that is?What tissue type can be found bridging the two halves of the once severed muscle bellies? Why? (Hint: How do muscles grow, hyperplasia or hypertrophy?)

Identify a video advertisement at least thirty seconds in length that you would like to analyze. Explain how the ad works—what message does it send, and what elements in the ad contribute to this message?

Visual Analysis

Identify strategies for making visual arguments.
Learn about rhetorical appeals.
Study and critique a visual advertisement.
Use specific visual details as evidence in analysis.
First, identify a video advertisement at least thirty seconds in length that you would like to analyze. The ad should be freely accessible online, whether on YouTube or via some other site, and it can promote a product, service, person, organization, location, or anything else. Here are three examples of ads that would make appropriate choices:

Cheerios Super Bowl Ad
Chevy Sonic Skateboard Ad
Visit Daytona Beach Ad
Study the ad you’ve selected closely, noting the argument it makes, the individual claims that comprise this argument, the visual elements used to support these claims, the ad’s use of rhetorical appeals, and any logical errors you can detect. Then, write a letter to a competitor of the person/organization/company that produced the ad you’re analyzing. (For example: if you’re analyzing the Chevy Sonic ad above, you might write to Ford or Honda.) In this letter, explain how the ad works—what message does it send, and what elements in the ad contribute to this message? Frame your explanation as advice to the competitor, commenting on whether and how the competitor might respond to the message the ad is sending.