
Why do you think the CEO decided to report 4 ratios instead of the 11 prepared?

D3: Chapter 13 Ethical Issue

As Beacon Company controller, you are responsible for informing the board of directors about its financial activities. At the board meeting, you present the following information.

2017 2016 2015
Sales trend percent
147.0% 135.0% 100.0%
Selling expenses to sales
10.1% 14.0% 15.6%
Sales to plant assets ratio
3.8 to 1 3.6 to 1 3.3 to 1
Current ratio
2.9 to 1 2.7 to 1 2.4 to 1
Acidtest ratio
1.1 to 1 1.4 to 1 1.5 to 1
Inventory turnover
7.8 times 9.0 times 10.2 times
Accounts receivable turnover
7.0 times 7.7 times 8.5 times
Total asset turnover
2.9 times 2.9 times 3.3 times
Return on total assets
10.4% 11.0% 13.2%
Return on stockholders’ equity
10.7% 11.5% 14.1%
Profit margin ratio
3.6% 3.8% 4.0%

After the meeting, the company’s CEO holds a press conference with analysts in which she mentions the following ratios.

2017 2016 2015
Sales trend percent
147.0% 135.0% 100.0%
Selling expenses to sales
10.1% 14.0% 15.6%
Sales to plant assets ratio
3.8 to 1 3.6 to 1 3.3 to 1
Current ratio
2.9 to 1 2.7 to 1 2.4 to 1


1. Why do you think the CEO decided to report 4 ratios instead of the 11

2. Comment on the possible consequences of the CEO’s reporting of the
ratios selected.

Explain what is experimental design by focusing on graphic design.Also, add information about what is interactive design?

What is experimental design?

Explaining what is experimental design by focusing on graphic design. Giving examples of famous artists, their work of experimental design. Also, adding information about what is interactive design? / interactive instillation from exhibitions but again focusing on graphic design.
here is a source ;

How does supplier leverage affect firms’ market value? How does buyer leverage affect firms’ market value? How does customer leverage affect supplier leverage decisions? How does buyer-supplier leverage affect firms’ market value?

The analysis of the effect of the buyer leverage on the supplier leverage

Modigliani and Miller’s (M&M) irrelevance theory implies that the firm’s value is not affected by how the business fund is capital structure. Therefore, it is assumed that the financial leverage between the buyer and supplier has no positive effect on the business market value. It contradicts the bargain theory of capital structure, which stipulates that the firm’s debt increases their bargaining power against the supplier and therefore would stipulate an increase in firm market value. In addition, further research indicates that when customer leverage increases, both supplier and firm may wish to do the same to minimize exposure to financial risk and remain competitive. (PDF) Capital Structure Along the Supply Chain: How Does Customer Leverage Affect Supplier Leverage Decisions?,2021). However, there is limited research to understand how the leverage between the buyer and supplier affects the business’s market value and whether it has a positive or negative effect. It could be argued that a consistent fluctuation of the leverage could lead to damaged relationships and market disruption allowing the customer to take advantage and giving higher bargaining power to drive pricing down. (Optimal Use of Financial Leverage in a Corporate Capital Structure, Investopedia, 2021).
Capital financing through raising debt has always been put under scrutiny by corporate finance as it often can be detrimental to the business and lead to bankruptcy.
To derive the research question answer, I will test the implications of the two main capital structure theories and apply them to the business in the telecommunication industry.
Over the years, we have seen significant growth of investment in the technology sector, particularly telecommunications. The consumer demand primarily drives this demand. It has been more apparent when Corona Virus disease outbreak in 2020 as it enabled people to travel. Therefore, most people globally had to set up a remote working place. As more people and businesses relied on the internet, telecom providers had responded to that demand by raising finance to fund the development of required infrastructure for the growing need for internet speed, resilience, and capacity. (Wieck and Vidal, 2021)
Research questions

⦁ How does supplier leverage affect firms’ market value?
⦁ How does buyer leverage affect firms’ market value?
⦁ How does customer leverage affect supplier leverage decisions?
⦁ How does buyer-supplier leverage affect firms’ market value?
⦁ How does supplier and buyer capital structure affect the firm’s profitability?

Which was more significant to the skilled and unskilled workers the Homestead Steel Mill in 1892- their differences or their commonalities?


This reading and reflection will help you prepare for your Homestead Strike Role-Play Discussion by analyzing the differences and commonalities between skilled and unskilled workers at the Homestead Steel Mill. You should read this handout before you read your role sheet (which is posted in the discussion).
Required Materials
o Secondary Source: “The Homestead Strike” Situation Skilled and Unskilled Workers at Homestead.pdf
In 200-250 words, use specific details of the reading to answer the following: Which was more significant to the skilled and unskilled workers the Homestead Steel Mill in 1892- their differences or their commonalities?

What is the rule for finding the number of servings eaten? Why does it work? How many pizzas are in a full order? How many oranges make up 1 adult serving? How many gallons of water fill one full container?

Week 7 hw

1. Let’s Generalize: One serving of rice is 2/3 of a cup.
a) I ate 1 cup of rice. How many servings of rice did I eat?

b) I ate 2 cups of rice. How many servings of rice did I eat?

c) I ate 5 cups of rice. How many servings of rice did I eat?

d) What is the rule for finding the number of servings eaten? Why does it work?
𝑑 =

Solve each problem using a math drawing. Write a corresponding math expression.
2. How many cups of popcorn make a serving if 6 cups of popcorn make
a) 2 servings?

b) 1
2 of a serving?

3. If 2
3 of John’s order is 4 pizzas, how many pizzas are in a full order?

4. Suppose 11
3 oranges is 2
5 of an adult serving. How many oranges make up 1
adult serving?

5. If 61
4 gallons of water can fill 5
6 of a container, how many gallons of water fill
one full container?

6. A long distance runner covers 21
4 miles in 3
5 hour. How many miles can the runner cover in 1 hour?

Do you agree that as a measure of combating false reporting via social media and other unchecked media outlets that the given social media outlet should be responsible for removing the false content?

Communication Strategies that Mitigate Effects of Disasters

Do you agree that as a measure of combating false reporting via social media and other unchecked media outlets that the given social media outlet should be responsible for removing the false content? Or should it be the responsibility of the Federal, State, and Local powers to be to provide current and valid information on almost an hourly basis to prevent people from even looking to other sources for potentially bad information? Perhaps as a part of Risk communication, there could be information provided to the public on how to identify potentially fake accounts that seek only to cause more confusion and chaos.

Pick one of these influential artists, discuss their innovations and the influence they had on later artists.

Leonardo Da Vinci had a great influence on the history of art.

The period of time between 1400 and 1525 is full of innovative artists who had an enormous impact on later art. Pick one of these influential artists, discuss their innovations and the influence they had on later artists. Use properly identified artwork as visual evidence of their influence.

Calculate the average cost of each diagnosis sorted from most expensive to least expensive. Exclude all bills with negative or 0 values.

SQL programming helping

Using your final table calculate:

1. Total number of unique patients

2. Total number of unique diagnosis

3. Calculate average and standard deviation of Age.

4. Calculate frequencies of the diagnosis and find the most frequent diagnosis.

5. Total number of alive and total number of dead patients.

6. Total number of alive and total number of dead per ICD9 code (DX)

7. Calculate total number of diabetic patients.

8. Calculate the average, median and standard deviation of age and the frequencies of the diagnosis.

9. Find the most frequent diagnosis.

10. List the top 20 most frequent diagnoses that co-occur.

11. Calculate number of patients who DON’T have Diabetes Mellitus (DM).

12. Provide the number of patients who have Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

Submit your code and screen shot of results in a word file.

1. Import data from the following files into four tables. ptid.xls► claims.xls► icd.xls► cpt.xls►

2. Identify patients that have diabetes in the above database.

3. Calculate the average cost of each diagnosis sorted from most expensive to least expensive. Exclude all bills with negative or 0 values.

4. Show if men are more likely to have diabetes than women.

5. Calculate which month is most likely to have a diagnosis reported.

6. Download the attached file of ICD9 codes and descriptions and find the seven errors in the data, where the same ICD9 code has been assigned different descriptions.

Write a brief essay to the scholarship committee in which you share an important event in your life that significantly changed you, your view about life, your life goals, or your character for the better.

I dont know?!

You and nine peers have been selected to apply for an important college scholarship. Only one student will be awarded the scholarship. You have been asked to write a brief essay to the scholarship committee in which you share an important event in your life that significantly changed you, your view about life, your life goals, or your character for the better. Apply narrative techniques, a solid prewriting strategy, and creative sentence patterns to share your story and stand apart from other applicants.

Find and research a current event (in the last five years) about an unethical practice in a U.S. capital market. Analyze the event using evidence from your research, and offer a reaction, response, or solution. Discuss how the capital market failed to meet standard ethical and professional practices.

Unethical Capital Markets

Overview: In this assignment, you will investigate an unethical event that took place in the U.S. capital markets. Based on the
CFA Code of Ethics and Standards
of Professional Conduct
, you will review and discuss the event.

Prompt: Your paper must address the critical elements listed below.

Find and research a current event (in the last five years) about an unethical practice in a U.S. capital market.

Analyze the event using evidence from your research, and offer a reaction, response, or solution.

Discuss how the capital market failed to meet standard ethical and professional practices.