
What type of training was completed? What were the specific exercises? What was the specific sets/reps/time spent with each exercise?

Injury Prevention of the Meniscus

I. Prevention:

Within the literature there are ideas and or interventions that have shown to reduce the likelihood of sustaining your group’s specific injury. Your group should discuss in detail what is known about the prevention interventions, what the interventions are, and how they can reduce the likelihood of the injury. How long should the intervention take place? Make sure to include how long the intervention must be to see specific adaptations to the injury mechanisms for that specific injury. You should discuss any interventions that may not reduce the injury as well. It may be possible that your specific injury may have very limited information regarding any prevention techniques or interventions. If you think that is that case, email me to set up a time to meet to discuss what is in the literature about your group’s injury. This is something that must be done early. If a paper is turned in with nothing on prevention and the group did not have a meeting with the instructor, the group will receive a 0 for that section.

II. Optimal Prevention Strategy:

At the end of your prevention section, your group should discuss what might be an optimal prevention training program or strategy that can be utilized to reduce the likelihood of an athlete sustaining your group injury. This should be based on the literature you utilized in this section.

III. Background Information:

You must utilize peer reviewed research articles and references (citations) to support the information you proved for section 2.

IV. Rubric

1. Described multiple possible prevention strategies in the paper.

2. Detailed each prevention strategy program. What type of training was completed? What were the specific exercises? What was the specific sets/reps/time spent with each exercise?

3. Detailed how each prevention strategy reduced specific injury mechanisms.

4. Detailed the duration of prevention interventions to reduce injury mechanisms.

5. Describe how prevention interventions changed physiological or mechanical aspects to physical activity.

6. Discuss the possible optimal prevention training program based off the literature reviewed.

7. Formatting (paper).

8. Formatting (in-text citations and reference page).

9. Supporting Evidence.

10. References.

11. Overall Writing Quality .

Which of these migrations have had the greatest impact on the current political landscape of the State of Texas? Why?

The Great Depression

The last century has seen three significant migrations that have directly affected Texas: The Great Depression, the Northern Migration from Central and South America, and the Southern Migration from the Midwest, as well as from California and New York. Given the historical context of Texas’ political development, which of these migrations have had the greatest impact on the current political landscape of the State of Texas? Why?

Some possible sources to consider include:

Johnston Ron, Fred M. Shelley and Peter Taylor, eds.. Developments in Electoral Geography (Routledge Library Editions: Political Geography) Vol.7. Routledge, 2014

Lind, Michael. Made in Texas: George W. Bush and the southern takeover of American politics. Basic Books, 2009.

McKee, Seth C. and Daron R. Shaw. “Redistricting in Texas: Institutionalizing Republican Ascendancy.” 2005

In what ways are these expectations similar to or different from expectations you have observed in other contexts, such as workplace, personal, or journalistic writing?

Young Writer With a Following Admits Fabricating Dylan Quotes in Book

The article “Young Writer With a Following Admits Fabricating Dylan Quotes in Book” describes the situation of Jonah Lehrer, a writer who violated expectations regarding the integrity of his work.
Expectations for writers can vary from one context to another. We have been studying how to use sources in a research paper. In this discussion, we will explore how the expectations for college research writing are similar and/or different from expectations in other writing contexts.
Respond to the following in 1-2 paragraphs.
1. Summarize the expectations for use of sources in a college research paper, as you understand them.
2. In what ways are these expectations similar to or different from expectations you have observed in other contexts, such as workplace, personal, or journalistic writing? You might use observations from your reading about Jonah Lehrer in addition to personal experience in your response.

Identify all pronouns in your paragraph. Remember that pronouns include personal pronouns like “she,” “her,” and “it”; indefinite pronouns like “everyone,” “each,” and “all”; and relative pronouns like “that” and “which.”

Types of Pronoun

Post one paragraph from any of your recent writing, and do the following:
1. Identify all pronouns in your paragraph. Remember that pronouns include personal pronouns like “she,” “her,” and “it”; indefinite pronouns like “everyone,” “each,” and “all”; and relative pronouns like “that” and “which.”
2. Identify the antecedent of each pronoun in your paragraph. The antecedent is the noun to which the pronoun refers.
3. If you found any of the three types of pronoun problems—unclear pronoun reference, vague subject pronoun, or agreement error—in your paragraph, identify the problem and revise the problematic sentence.

Discuss the reasons why some people object to censorship in their society and the negative effects of this?

Censorship in the society

Discuss the reasons why some people object to censorship in their society and the negative effects of this?

Describe Psychology to someone who knows nothing about it with out using Jargin terms. Describe Psychology to someone of your peer.. on their level no apa needed

Describing Clinical Psychology

1,Describe Psychology to someone who knows nothing about it with out using Jargin terms

2, Describe Psychology to someone of your peer.. on their level no apa needed

To what extent do Martin Luther King Jr.’s views about government coincide with those of Lao-tzu? Is there a legitimate comparison to be made between King’s policy of nonviolent resistance and Lao-tzu’s judicious inactivity?

Martin Luther King Jr.

To what extent do Martin Luther King Jr.’s views about government coincide with those of Lao-tzu? Is there a legitimate comparison to be made between King’s policy of nonviolent resistance and Lao-tzu’s judicious inactivity? To what extent would King have agreed with Lao-tzu’s views? Would Lao-tzu have supported King’s position in his letter, or would he have interpreted events differently?

In your own words, what is the problem, solution, is enough being done, what can be done, why do you agree/disagree?


Students will apply what they’ve learned about environmental science and the scientific method as it pertains to our environment. Search for a current environmental science issue, which can include (not limited to): air pollution, climate change, medicine, public health, education, disease, cancer, pesticides, food, obesity, etc. Put effort into this, but also have fun with it. There are many topics you can choose from. Your topic should be unique. Check the forums and make sure someone else hasn’t already covered your exact topic. Topics can also be current events, such as a proposed public policy, law, or action that the Environmental Protection Agency has taken, for example.

You’re not just summarizing what you find, you’re providing an academic/scientific input/perspective about the issue/event. In your own words, what is the problem, solution, is enough being done, what can be done, why do you agree/disagree? You should include scientific terms (see back of textbook) in your discussion post. The purpose of this is to show you demonstrate environmental science knowledge and can provide a professional/academic discussion of an environmental science issue.

All work must be in your own words. No quoting/copying is permitted, regardless of source. You can use sources for facts/figures/numbers (cite sources). Your sources should be scientific, such as a science journal, science department, science book, etc. Google offers many scientific/academic resources for free. Put effort into this. Your expected length, if this were a paper, is at least 1-2 pages of actual content – not filler material (excluding a cover or reference page count). Use a word processor to check your spelling/grammar – also save your work locally (backup). Present this as an informative piece that you could give to other college science students to read/discuss. Be adequate/thorough.

Write two paragraphs essay where first, you summarize in your own words what you have just read, and second where you will relate the lesson/ and song to some part of your life.

Emotion and music

After reading the chapter, Find a current song that reflects your current emotional state. Write down the name of the song, and who sings it. After write two paragraphs (One full page) where you will first summarize in your own words what you have just read, and second where you will relate the lesson/ and song to some part of your life.

After reading the Moir article, what part or parts of the article did you find the most surprising? As you think about your first year of teaching, what are you the most worried about? What resources might you use to combat these worries?

Reading Response #8

After reading the Moir article, what part or parts of the article did you find the most surprising? As you think about your first year of teaching, what are you the most worried about? What resources might you use to combat these worries? How will you ensure that you are as prepared as possible for your first years of teaching?