
Write a brief introduction to these two tools (in Abstract Paragraph) and then complete each based on your current organization. After each exhibit, write two paragraphs explaining your selections – why did you make the selections?

Current Organization.

Instructions: Your essays will be graded on content to include grammar and spelling.  While there is no end to what you might write you must convey your thoughts in essay, excluding cover page and references section.

Assignment – Read carefully
Complete the following exhibits and explain your responses in a two paragraphs after each exhibit:
Exhibit 3.1, Monitor Your Sense of Purpose (pp. 39) and
Exhibit 3.4, Checklist for Virtual Teamwork (pp. 49) as it pertains to your current working environment/culture).
Write a brief introduction to these two tools (in Abstract Paragraph) and then complete each based on your current organization. After each exhibit, write two paragraphs explaining your selections – why did you make the selections?
At the end of your document, provide a brief conclusion and what you learned from completing these tools as it applies to Virtual teaming.

Submission Instructions:
Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in the _ American Psychological Association (APA).Students are encouraged to read/understand the basics.

How can we reconcile these two teachings based on a Lutheran understanding. Discuss the Roman Catholic view on work righteousness.

Faith Righteousness Vs. Work Righteousness:

A Lutheran Approach and the Roman Catholic Church Teaching: How can we reconcile these two teachings based on a Lutheran understanding

This paper should answer the question, how to reconcile, according to a Lutheran understanding, faith righteousness and good works. Also, it should discuss the Roman Catholic view on work righteousness. The paper should be 7 pages long, double space, and Chicago Manuel style with footnotes
Sources: Book of Concord, Christian Dogmatics, F. Pieper Volume II, Theology of the Lutheran Confession, Called to believe, teach, and confess by Steve Mueller

What key attributes do I need to learn to gain greater adaptation and resilience to minimise reality shock as a graduate nurse? What adaptation strategies do I need to learn more about to effectively transition into the workforce as a graduate registered nurse?

Professional Transition to Nursing practise

Consider the next stage of your transition from student to a Graduate Registered Nurse. During this
transition, the stages of reality shock can become real. How you, as a graduate Registered Nurse responds
to each situation will prepare you for further challenges. However this requires resilience, strength and
the capacity to grow and selfreflect. This task asks you to respond to one (1) topic below:

1. Reflect on your experiences as a student working with a Registered Nurse (RN) whilst on clinical
placement and ask yourself: What key attributes do I need to learn to gain greater adaptation and resilience to minimise reality shock as a graduate nurse? What adaptation strategies do I need to learn more about to effectively transition into the workforce as a graduate registered nurse?

2. Reflect on your experiences as a student working with an RN whilst on clinical placement and ask yourself: What key attributes do I identify as job characteristics and personal factors that influence my stress levels as I transition to the workplace as a RN? What strategies do I need to learn more about to effectively maintain a positive transition into the role that builds my confidence and builds my resilience?

What are the implications of this position? In other words, if this position were enacted, what could happen next? What was the most interesting thing that you learned studying this issue? Why was it interesting to you?

Regulating genetically modified foods

Appropriately cite any quotes drawn from the course texts and any website references. Inappropriate or missing citations are plagiarism.

Issue Review Paper
Issue Review Papers should not be approached like an essay for English class. Rather answer each question in order.

Make sure you fully address each question, but be concise.
1. (27 pts total) Position on issue
a. (5 pts) In a sentence, summarize one possible position on the issue. (Claim)
b. (18 pts) List three facts or ideas (Evidence) from the readings that support the position (cite readings). Explain your reasoning of how the evidence supports the position (Reasoning).
c. (4 pts) What are the implications of this position? In other words, if this position were enacted, what could happen next?
2. (27 pts total) Conflicting position on issue
a. (5 pts) In a sentence, summarize another possible position on the issue. (Claim)
b. (18 pts) List three facts or ideas (Evidence) from the readings that support the position (cite readings). Explain your reasoning of how the evidence supports the position (Reasoning).
c. (4 pts) What are the implications of this position? In other words, if this position were enacted, what could happen next?
3. (10 pts.) What was the most interesting thing that you learned studying this issue? Why was it interesting to you?
4. (20 pts total) Your position (may be similar but not exactly the same as Q1 or Q2)

What do these profiles tell the coach about who they are coaching? What are the implications of this? Are multiple profiles required? What are the disadvantages of profiling?

Upto the writer

In this task, you will examine WHO coaches coach by considering a variety of ways to profile (that is, categorise aspects of an athlete’s performance to inform the planning of coaching sessions) either a group of players or an individual athlete (depending on the sporting context chosen).

Three profiles are to be created: one profile can be a technical or physical one, the other two profiles MUST be from different perspectives (that is, not technical or physical ones).

Supporting reading:

All material presented on the module to date (i.e., weeks 1-5 on the Reading List)


Use the template (link HERE) and submit to Canvas by the time and date specified.

Section 1: Gather evidence on a group of players or an individual athlete (depending on team or individual sport context) in a coaching session or interview a coach and create profiles from three distinct perspectives.

Choose ONE of the following three options:

1. Interview with a coach where you focus your questioning on the information the coach would want from the athlete in order to develop their performance and how they would measure this(i.e., profile) OR

2. Profiling performers from a session that you are coaching. OR

3. (ONLY choose option 3 if you cannot access a coaching session). Identifying and summarising relevant five research articles on the topic of profiling athletes (NB you must consider at least three different perspectives across the five articles – only ONE of these can be physical or technical). These summaries should be supported by a description of your article selection criteria.


Section 1 Submission of option 1 or 2 will include your three profiles and should be supported by field notes, interview questions etc.

Section 1 Submission of option 3 will include a 150 word summary of each article.

Section 2: Analyse the evidence you have presented in Section 1. To do this, it will be important to consider relevant theory, concepts, and research related to the topic. Support your analysis with referencing.

As a guide, consider questions such as: What do these profiles tell the coach about who they are coaching? What are the implications of this? Are multiple profiles required? What are the disadvantages of profiling?

Section 2 submission could be presented as a table, figurers or text of up to a maximum of 400 words.

Section 3: Critical reflection on what you have learnt about who we coach, specifically focusing on the implications for coaches in their delivery of coaching sessions. Support your reflection with appropriate referencing.

Section 3 submission to be presented as text of up to 500 words.

Calculate the equilibrium level of spending Graph the intended spending line on the attached grvph and show the equilibrium level of GDP calculated in question 2. Calculate the multiplier.

Macroeconomic Assignment 7

Economics 200 Assignment # 7 INCOME-EXPENDITURE MODEL You are given the following information about an economic system:
C $ 1160 + . 6 GDP Consumption I 800 Investment G = 1200 Government spending
X w 680 M c 840
. Fill in the following table:
Exports Imports

GDP Consumption Saving Investment Government _Net Exports C+1.+G±ITY 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 . 5000 6000 7000 3500 8000
Calculate the equilibrium level of spending
Graph the intended spending line on the attached grvph and show the equilibrium level of GDP calculated in question 2.
Calculate the multiplier.
actuate the $ impact on the equilibrium level of GDP if inTestatent were to cline by $200 billion.
3ph the newrazgregate spending line on the graph and show the new equilibrium red. of GDP.
ratify the variables
that would cause the investment function to
mlate the $ impact on the equilibrium level of GDP if exports rise to $700 Le imports rise to WO.

In your own words, explain whether there some parts of the argument that are not supported by the evidence? What are some of the other strengths and weaknesses? What do the authors do well? What can be improved?

Statistical analysis of all the world’s countries

With the following instructions
Assignment format and content: the report is to be in MLA format ,11 pt. Times New Roman font, 1” margins, and be broken down into the below-identified sections.
1. Citation: provide the full citation for the article in MLA format.
2. Research question: in your own words, explain what the author is investigating (e.g. why do some countries join alliances while others do not). 1 paragraph
3. Theory: in your own words, explain what the author’s argument is (e.g. democracies are more likely to join alliances than autocracies). 2 paragraphs
4. Evidence: in your own words, explain what kind of evidence the author uses to evaluate/support their argument (e.g. statistical analysis of all the world’s countries, 1816-2020). 2 paragraphs
5. Evaluation: in your own words, explain whether there some parts of the argument that are not supported by the evidence? What are some of the other strengths and weaknesses? What do the authors do well? What can be improved? What Critiques can be offered? 2-3 paragraphs

How revolutionary was the Age of Revolutions? Here are some questions to think about: What changed? What stayed the same? Were some regions more revolutionary than others? What made them revolutionary or why were they not?

Argumentative Essay

In an essay (500-word minimum), respond to one (1) of the following essay prompts. Make sure to make an argument (thesis statement) that you will prove throughout the essay. Use evidence from the readings and videos provided in the course content folder. Make sure to cite any direct quotations or paraphrases from these sources in a footnote or parenthetical citation. Remember that your submission will be checked for plagiarism using SafeAssign.

1. How revolutionary was the Age of Revolutions? Here are some questions to think about: What changed? What stayed the same? Were some regions more revolutionary than others? What made them revolutionary or why were they not? Make sure to consider the entirety of the Age of Revolution

2. How did imperialism impact global development? Consider the impact on imperialist states as well as those subject to imperial rule. Make sure to use different videos, secondary, and primary sources.

Give specific examples.

Describe three benefits you or others have experienced with social media. Discuss two dangers you or others have experienced with social media. Explain the influence of information accessibility through different forms of media on individual and social norms.

Reflective Journal 2


Write a 1-page journal entry (approximately 250 words) in which you:

Describe three benefits you or others have experienced with social media.

Discuss two dangers you or others have experienced with social media.

Complete the page/word amount requirement.

Write with clarity, following mechanics and formatting requirements.


Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the (Strayer Writing Standards) link in the left-hand menu of your course.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length. A Journal Sample [PDF] has been provided for your reference. No sources are required for this journal.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Explain the influence of information accessibility through different forms of media on individual and social norms.

Explain two to three reasons why the company would benefit from adopting an HRIS. Focus on how the HRIS would address the current HR needs of the organization.

Assignment 1: System Development Life Cycle: Phases I & II – Planning and Analysis

Write a 3 page proposal, in which you do the following:

Introduction and Plan
Detail the current situation for the company, focusing on the issues that the organization is currently facing from using a legacy HRIS. Explain your plan for moving forward to address these issues.

Needs Analysis
Based on the issues the organization is currently facing, identify the new system needs. Identify change team members who will help identify system need, and specify their role and responsibilities.

Interview, Questionnaire, Observation, or Focus Group
Determine how additional data will be collected regarding system needs. Determine how the change management team will collect data during the exploration phase. Specify whether team members will use interviews, questionnaires, observations, and/or focus groups to collect data from end users. Provide at least five essential questions that will be asked of end users via interview, questionnaire, observation, or focus group.

Explain two to three reasons why the company would benefit from adopting an HRIS. Focus on how the HRIS would address the current HR needs of the organization.