
To what extent did the political instability affect the Libyan economy after the revolution of 2011. Discuss GDP, inflation, unemployment rate and poverty.

Libyan economy after the revolution of 2011

To what extent did the political instability affect the Libyan economy after the revolution of 2011

Use quantitative and qualitative research methodology. Use footnotes in pages when necessary. No plagiarism. Discuss GDP, inflation, unemployment rate and poverty. Use good academic resources.

Hypothesis questions should discuss the impact of decline in oil revenues leading to GDP decline; inflation related to scarcity of goods and supply chains breaking down; unemployment; poverty. Be clear with the hypothesis questions and research should answer all of them. Use as many resources as required. Please read attached files.

What is the main argument or point of the article, chapter or reading selection? What did the author(s) want to get across in the reading? Discuss at least one main point or part of the article, chapter or reading selection that supports their argument.

Police and Diversity

What is the general topic of the article, chapter or reading selection?
Summarize the article, chapter or reading selection:

What is the main argument or point of the article, chapter or reading selection? What did the author(s) want to get across in the reading?

Discuss at least one main point or part of the article, chapter or reading selection that supports their argument.

Identify two words and their definition that you were unfamiliar with prior to reading the article, chapter or reading selection.

Should canadian electoral system be changed ? why or why not?

Canadian electoral system

Should canadian electoral system be changed ? why or why not?

Has there been a time when you’ve had a long-cherished or accepted belief challenged? How did you respond? How did the challenge affect your beliefs?

long-cherished or accepted belief challenged

Has there been a time when you’ve had a long-cherished or accepted belief challenged? How did you respond? How did the challenge affect your beliefs?

This is a college essay and can be from 500 – 650 words long. The question is typed above in the Paper title section. There is a rough draft attached. It is too lengthy and in very rough form. This essay is for application to the University of Texas at Austin. If in your opinion this essay is to bland, feel free to add to it or request more interesting and relevant info.

Explain how integrating the four lenses helps people to understand how problems in diversity impact others in both professional and personal contexts. Explain how analyzing diversity can help in your interactions with those with different viewpoints, cultures, and perspectives.

Diversity and critically Analyze: history, humanities, social sciences, and natural and applied sciences.

I. Introduction: You will compile a series of critical analyses of a single event or issue in diversity through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social sciences.

A. Topic: Using the four lenses, explain how an issue or event within diversity has or has not influenced modern society. [IDS-400-02]

II. Lens Analysis: In this part of the assessment, you will analyze your chosen issue or event through each of the following lenses to determine its impact on various institutions, using evidence and research to support each analysis:

A. History [IDS-400-01]

B. Humanities [IDS-400-01]

C. Natural and Applied Sciences [IDS-400-01]

D. Social Sciences [IDS-400-01]

III. Conclusion

A. Explain how integrating the four lenses helps people to understand how problems in diversity impact others in both professional and personal contexts. [IDS-400-02]

B. Analyze how social practices have been shaped by issues and events in diversity in modern culture. [IDS-400-02]

C. Using relevant research or diverse perspectives, assess the benefits and challenges of addressing issues in diversity. [IDS-400-06]

D. Explain how analyzing diversity can help in your interactions with those with different viewpoints, cultures, and perspectives. [IDS-400-04]

3-5 paragraphs per lens analysis

At least two resources per lens

Write your article by piecing together the six bits of expertise, as well as an introduction that says something along the lines.

Social Media Marketing

The student will write an expertise article that compiles six short paragraphs from an industry “expert” on the preapproved topic (Social Media Marketing is the topic approved). Students will solicit the paragraphs from the expert, add an informative introduction paragraph, and add two concluding paragraphs that synthesize the expert opinions of the contributor ( about the five different paragraphs). Ask if the expert can write six short paragraphs (four sentences) about the topic. The assignment serves multiple purposes: (a) an investigation of expertise as a brand attribute; (b) an application of cobranding for professional brands; (c) the opportunity to connect with an industry expert in a manner that builds their brands and builds the student’s brand in a digital environment.

Objectives, and Strategies

1.Write your article by piecing together the six bits of expertise, as well as an introduction that says something along the lines of “I asked an expert in the field their thoughts on [Social Media Marketing] and here’s what they said.” (Something like this, but not necessarily this.)
2.Write a concluding two paragraphs that summarizes and synthesizes. This is your chance to show your wisdom and knowledge and how you can be the person who ties everything together for your readers. Add something new if you feel it’s appropriate. Remember, YOU are an expert in this area as well. Your conclusion can include a story from industry, an experience you had, your thoughts on how several of the ideas tie together even if at first, they seem opposed, etc.

What were the Stonewall Riots? What did Claire Potter mean that “the police did not get their payoff”? Can you draw any parallels between the Stonewall Riots as a movement and the protests that are occurring today?


The birthplace of the Gay Rights movement in the United States can be traced back to New York City in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969. On that day, the NYPD raided a bar in Greenwich Village called the Stonewall Inn. The Stonewall Inn was considered a refuge for many gays, lesbians and others who were not yet “out”. In the 1960’s homosexuality was considered illegal. The police would often harass and arrest individuals for homosexual conduct, and they would raid bars that catered to gay and lesbian individuals.

The police were also corrupt. Many bars and business that conducted illegal activity would “pay off” the police in order to continue operating. If they failed to make their payment, the police would raid the establishment and arrest the patrons. On June 28, 1969, the owners of the Stonewall Inn, Mafia members themselves, failed to make their payment and they were raided by the NYPD. In a spontaneous demonstration of defiance, the patrons began rioting against the police. The Stonewall Uprising lasted for six days, thus giving rise to the Gay Rights movement in the United States.

Over the decades that would follow, police departments have recognized the importance of diversity and inclusion in their organizations. Many efforts are conducted to recruit more women, minorities and members of the LGBTQ communities. In 2017, the NYPD demonstrated its ongoing outreach to the LGBTQ community by sponsoring a police car in the Pride Parade painted in the rainbow colors.

1. What were the Stonewall Riots?
2. What did Claire Potter mean that “the police did not get their payoff”?
3. Can you draw any parallels between the Stonewall Riots as a movement and the protests that are
occurring today?
4. How is the Stonewall Riots a marker for the Gay Rights period?
5. What were the challenges of “coming out”?
6. What is the significance of the Stonewall Inn today?
8. What is
9. Consider the arc of gay history over the last fifty years. List two changes that Claire Potter mentioned
about that arc of history.
10. How would you compare the relationship of the LGBT community during the Stonewall era with the
relationship of today?

Describe how your experiences, perspectives, talents/or your involvement in leadership activities (at your school, job, community, or within your family) will help you to make an impact both in and out of the classroom while enrolled at UT.


Describe how your experiences, perspectives, talents, and/or your involvement in leadership activities (at your school, job, community, or within your family) will help you to make an impact both in and out of the classroom while enrolled at UT.

What is leadership? Why is leadership in healthcare essential, and how does it contribute to enhancing patient care?

Leadership scenario power point

The following is guidance on the format structure and content of the assessment. Conforming to this structure will allow your marker to assess your work more easily and will ensure consistency with feedback.
Departing from this structure may result in a reduced Grade  or even an unsuccessful submission.
Slide 1: Leadership in nursing

Include Student Identification number.
Provide a BREIF introductory commentary stating what will be covered in the Annotated PowerPoint.
Slide 2: The Scenario

The instance of leadership on which the discussion focuses,
Why this specific example has been chosen. Include only factual information
Slide 3 Leadership theory.

What is leadership?
Why is leadership in healthcare essential, and how does it contribute to enhancing patient care? This should be theoretical and it is not required to be directly related to the scenario
Slide 4 Leadership Style

What is the style of leadership that is relevant to the example that has been chosen in slide 2.
Explore the theoretical construct of this style of leadership. Once again it is not required to be directly related to the scenario, however this can be mentioned as the scenario is the trigger for this style.
Slides 5-7 Relate theory to practice in these slides

These slides are required to be directly related to the scenario. the theory must be explored in the context of the scenario.
The content of these slides will depend very much on the chosen scenario and may differ from student to student
Relate the chosen style of leadership to the example identified in slide 2.
Select specific aspects from the scenario which are consistent with the theory.
Critique the theory and consider strengths and weaknesses with examples for the scenario.
Slides 8-9 Personal Learning and Future Development

Offer summaries of key personal learning emerging from the example.
Identify how this will inform the student’s practice now, and in the future.
An action plan may be used in slide 9 however it is not essential
Slide 10 Conclusion

What has the Annotated PowerPoint covered?
An overview of the content, to demonstrate skills in structuring academic work.
Slides 11-15, the Reference List

This should consist only of the references used in the Annotated PowerPoint, formatted in accordance with the Harvard system.
These slides do not require annotation

Include an explanation of how you will measure whether the solution is successful in addressing the problem and meeting the needs of the business, employees, and customers.

Solution Evaluation Tools

The purpose of this assignment is to explain how you will evaluate and measure the success of the problem solution you intend to implement in the organization.

This solution evaluation process will be used to determine the potential success of your implemented solution. Success can be measured using both qualitative and quantitative methods, therefore it is important to determine which tools and metrics you will use to evaluate the data you have collected.

In this assignment, you will use cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the financial outcomes of your solution. Create a data chart or graph to most effectively display the cost-benefit evaluation metrics that you will use to measure the success of your solution. Review the study material “Cost Benefit Analysis Solution Evaluation” Excel spreadsheet to assist you. Then, write 250-word explanation of the degree of confidence you have regarding the cost-benefit analysis and the assumptions you are required to make for cost, risk, benefits, and the financial outcome of your proposed solution. Include an explanation of how you will measure whether the solution is successful in addressing the problem and meeting the needs of the business, employees, and customers.

This summary will be used as part of the Business Proposal Presentation in Topic 7 and within the Final Business Proposal in Topic 8. Evidence of revision from instructor feedback will be assessed on the final business proposal.