
How decisions help improve the process and increase efficiency.

Conception of a Robust Source to Pay process

Analysis of Purchasing End to End process. How decisions help improve the process and increase efficiency.
Footnote and Bibliography needed.

. Identify the marketing strategy of your chosen organisation, giving evidence from secondary research and primary (observational) research to support your judgements.

Service evaluation report.

Select a service organisation to be the focus of your study. You should pick an organisation that has premises nearby so that you can conduct observational research. Write a BUSINESS REPORT addressed to your chosen organisation, which includes the following:

1. Write a brief explanation of how the services marketing mix links to an organisation’s marketing strategy (target market and positioning) drawing on appropriate literature (approx. 400 words).

2. Identify the marketing strategy of your chosen organisation, giving evidence from secondary research and primary (observational) research to support your judgements. (approx. 300 words)

3. Use the services marketing mix to analyse the service and evaluate how well the organisation manages the service experience in line with its marketing strategy (approx. 500 words)

4. Make recommendations on how the organisation could better manage the service experience. (approx. 300 words)

What do you know about your audience’s age, gender, education, religious affiliation, socioeconomic status, and political attitudes? What do your readers need to know in order to understand your thesis and support?

Food choices

Explore your topic (3 points)

What forces affect our food choices? Look over the last week discussion and list the force(s) and/or interrelationships that you choose to explore in your essay 2. limit your topic to one, tow or three forces.

Look over your readings we’ve worked with so far. What information or ideas from them do you feel are important to consider in answering this question? What does your own experience reveal about food choices? Brainstorm, list, cluster or free write your thoughts and ideas.

Establish your statement (10 points)

Building upon the focus you chose above, write your answer to the question: What forces affect our food choices?

Check your thesis.

Does your thesis statement answer the question: What forces affect our food choices?

Does the thesis answer why or how?

Is it too broad or too narrow?

Is it accurate, or does it need to be qualified?

Who are the possible audiences for this essay? Does it have a tone/voice that is appropriate to those audiences?

Is it written in specific language? Is it clear? Is it wordy?

Is your thesis focused on one force or two-three forces that affect our food choices? (To develop a solid research paper remember to limit your answer to one force or 2-3 forces only).

If you answered ‘no’ to any of the above questions, go back and rewrite your thesis statement.

Know your audience (5 points)

Who are your readers?

Is your audience specialized (for example, astrophysicists) or more general (anybody who shops in a supermarket)?

What do you know about your audience’s age, gender, education, religious affiliation, socioeconomic status, and political attitudes?

What do your readers need to know in order to understand your thesis and support?

Will your audience be interested, open-minded, resistant, objective or hostile to what you are saying?

Is there any specialized language that your audience must have to understand your subject or that you should avoid?

What do you want your audience to do as a result of reading your essay?

Define your purpose (2 points)

What purpose do you want to achieve with your audience?

Which ideas will you use and which ideas will you leave out? Think about how you will invite the reader into your essay. Will it open up the topic of your essay and introduce the point of your statement? What points will you make in the body? How will you support your points?

Essay #2 (Research Paper) Outline

Look over your topic brainstorm (see previous assignment). Think about how the ideas fit together. Which ideas will you use and which ideas will you leave out? Think about how you will invite the reader into your essay. Will it open up the topic of your essay and introduce the point of your statement? What points will you make in the body? How will you support your points?

Fill out the outline template below. Write your points in complete sentences. Be sure to include the sources you will use to back up your ideas. Be as specific as possible. Submit your outline as PDF file or doc file. (Here is a template: )

Essay #2 Outline

How will you invite the reader into your essay?

Thesis statement:

First topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

4. Second topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

5. Third topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

6. Fourth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

7. Fifth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

7. Sixth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

8.Seventh topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

9. Eighth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

10. Ninth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

11. Eleventh topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

12. Twelfth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

13. Thirteenth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

14. Fourteenth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

15. Fifteenth topic sentence:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___

16. Conclusion:

A. ___

B. ___

C. ___


What is the importance of theories and theorizing in the field of sociology? What are the origins and the guiding principles of your chosen perspectives? What are some examples of how this theory has been used to explain a facet of society? How are these two perspectives similar? How are they different?


This CR requires that you demonstrate your knowledge of sociological theories. There are multiple theories, theorists, and perspectives that are important in the field of sociology. Three of the most important sociological theories are (1) Structural Functionalism, (2) Conflict Theory, and (3) Symbolic Interactionism.

In this CR, choose two from these three that appeal to your interests and consider the following questions:

What is the importance of theories and theorizing in the field of sociology?
What are the origins and the guiding principles of your chosen perspectives?
What are some examples of how this theory has been used to explain a facet of society?
How are these two perspectives similar? How are they different?
Why did you choose these two?
Put these two theories in conversation with Mills (1959) and hooks (1991) work. What would they say about these perspectives and why? Specifically, how do these theories map against C. Wright Mill’s’ concept of embodying a sociological imagination and hooks’ work on theory as a liberatory practice? You should also feel free to use the articles you have read to inform your thinking. Be sure to cite appropriately

What does the cookbook tell us about people living in particular period of time? What does it tell us about the author of the cookbook?

Italian cookbook history

Describe what kinds of information can be learned from Italian cookbooks throughout history. What does the cookbook tell us about people living in particular period of time? What does it tell us about the author of the cookbook? Choose 2-3 examples of historical Italian cookbooks and compare and contrast them.


Discuss what makes a population vulnerable, including where this vulnerability arises from. Cite all references. Identify services, support, and or strategies that can assist with these challenges.

Vulnerable Population Discussion

See Chapter 13 Power point attached and Supplemental Reading to be cited as sources and answer the following questions following separately.

1. Discuss what makes a population vulnerable, including where this vulnerability arises from. Cite all references

2. Using a specific vulnerable population, identify challenges that members of this population may have in achieving Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

3.Identify services, support, and or strategies that can assist with these challenges.

How many customers of the Smile Clinic do eat rice? How many customers are Male and Female? What are the Mean and Median of the ages in the data? What are the Mean and Median of participants who eat rice?

Data Handling and Business Intelegence

You are an intern at Nutritionist centre ‘Smile clinic’, who has been tasked to analyse customers data to see whether they eat rice in their daily meal for healthy diet point of view. The clinic has a copy of Microsoft Excel and has just downloaded a free copy of the open-source SPSS data mining software. The company has used Microsoft Excel before but not SPSS.

You need to produce a report to evaluate the following: How many customers of the Smile Clinic do eat rice? How many customers are Male and Female? What are the Mean and Median of the ages in the data? What are the Mean and Median of participants who eat rice?

Show your findings on Pie, Bar or Histogram.

The dataset is provided in xls and csv format: smile_clinic.xls, smile_clinic.csv

Using the smile_clinic.csv provided in conjunction with SPSS give a specific example of clustering. Show your workings with screenshots and explain you results.

What part of the selection process do you think gave the most accurate portrayal of your ability to do the job? Were there any “unfair” questions asked?

Applying for jobs

Think about your experiences in applying for jobs (or if you have never applied for a job then  use your experience of applying to college). What part of the selection process do you think gave the most accurate portrayal of your ability to do the job? Were there any “unfair” questions asked?