
How did slavery as practiced in the Spanish colonies compare to slavery in the English colonies? Explain the similarities and differences between these two forms of unfree labor


How did slavery as practiced in the Spanish colonies compare to slavery in the English colonies? Explain the similarities and differences between these two forms of unfree labor. 375 words for that question
Indian peoples played a central role in American history. Defend this statement. 375 for this question

Explain how you will use what you have learned from the clinical field experiences in this course in your future professional practices relating to behavior management and addressing any crisis situations observed or discussed with mentor.

Clinical Field Experience

There are 2 parts to the assignment.
Part 1
250-500 words, summarize and reflect upon the above observation points in your clinical field experience. Notes of the observation are included and questions to be answered in the summarization are included. Use your best way to implement what would be explained if you were the observer
Part 2
In an additional 250-500 words, explain how you will use what you have learned from the clinical field experiences in this course in your future professional practices relating to behavior management and addressing any crisis situations observed or discussed with mentor. Cite the Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards in your response.
Rubrics is included to get optimal points

Development of Healthcare Organization Budgets

Comment: Columbia University Rehab Medicine department in NYC

Interview the Chief Nurse Officer of your organization or a local healthcare organization regarding the budgeting process, including individual responsibilities, unit manager responsibilities, & responsibility centers. Discover the various types of budgets that are developed annually, for example, operating, revenue, & performance budgets, and discuss the capital budgeting process. From the interview, your professional experience, & the course readings, create a proposed operating & revenue budget for your unit or an organization you have found in the literature or course readings. Support your budgets with a written explanation of your calculations, for example, show how you calculated workload, expenses, staffing, other budget items, etc., within tables & provide an overview narrative describing how the budget was developed—see Chapter 12, Jones et al. (2018), pg. 236 on budget submission, negotiation, & approval. Include a short reflection describing what you learned from the interview & how it affected your budget development.

Suggest three techniques to overcome the challenges of implementing natural language into interface designs.

Week 5 Discussion

Respond to the following:
The president of your company approaches you with his iPhone in one hand and his iPad in the other. He has just purchased an iPhone and is fascinated with Siri, the voice recognition software. He then pulls up an app your team developed for the company a few months ago and tells you that he wants it to work with voice commands just like Siri. When you pass on this information to your team, the news is met with groans and angry expressions. One of your developers tells you that it would be way too complicated to add voice recognition into the app and that you should have said no. Suggest three techniques to overcome the challenges of implementing natural language into interface designs.

What are the current key issues of concern (name at least three)? What actions are being taken by this organization to address these concerns?

Professional Advocacy through Association Membership

Join a NP association at the local, state, national or international level. (join as a student)
Discuss the mission and vision of this organization.
Describe the requirements for membership.
Explain at least five benefits to belonging to this organization.
Demonstrate understanding of the advocacy efforts of this organization by answering the following:
What are the current key issues of concern (name at least three)?
What actions are being taken by this organization to address these concerns?
What current legislative efforts are being done by this organization in one of the following areas:

expanding the NP scope of practice
NP regulation of practice
Healthcare policy
Payment issues
Prescriptive privileges
Reflect on how your membership to this organization can promote the NP profession.

In no more than three sentences, explain what data the item is designed to collect and why it meets Babbie’s guidelines for asking questions.

Writer’s Choice

Write one (1) survey item. This can be in the form of a question or in the form of a statement that the respondent can agree or disagree with. It can be either open-ended or close-ended. If close-ended, provide the response categories.
In no more than three sentences, explain what data the item is designed to collect and why it meets Babbie’s guidelines for asking questions.
Respond to at least one fellow student’s item, respectfully raising any questions or concerns that you have about the item as written.


-Is there a different category you would add or one that seems weak? Is this a useful way of writing history? Is it helpful? What do you think of the hummingbird effect? Does it seem plausible?

How We Got To Now Six Innovations That Made the Modern World

The book is called “How We Got To Now Six Innovations That Made the Modern World”.
Include: -Is there a different category you would add or one that seems weak?
-Is this a useful way of writing history? Is it helpful?
-What do you think of the hummingbird effect? Does it seem plausible?

For each category(glass, cold, sound, clean, time, light) answer these questions:
-Does it make the world modern?
-What evidence is there to support thesis?
-Convincing argument?

Academic Style is Chicago/Turabian style

Examining the Relationship Between Teacher Attrition and Middle School Students’ Reading and Mathematics Achievement.

Relationship Between Teacher Attrition and Middle School Students

Examining the Relationship Between Teacher Attrition and Middle School Students’ Reading and Mathematics Achievement.

Describe a service that you have had that you think is not a “quality service experience”. Write a brief paragraph providing at least two reasons why you think this is was not a quality service experience.

Quality Service

Define in your own words what you look for in a quality SERVICE experience. If your standards are different based upon the type of service, tell me what those differences are.

Describe a service that you have had that you think is a “quality service experience”.
Write a brief paragraph providing at least two reasons why you think this is was a quality service experience. Use your own standards of quality to describe what about the service provided to you makes you feel it is of quality. Be specific.

Describe a service that you have had that you think is not a “quality service experience”.
Write a brief paragraph providing at least two reasons why you think this is was not a quality service experience. Use your own standards of quality to describe what about the service provided to you makes you feel it was not of quality. Be specific.

What two things would have to change about this poor service experience that could have made it a quality experience? Be specific with what would need to change.

Describe one of the broad theories you have learned about in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory) and analyze your selected film through that lens.

The Final Film Analysis paper

Movie is Back to the future

In your paper,

Identify your selected film, including writer, director, year of release, and genre.

Briefly summarize the film in which you apply your knowledge of the difference between the film’s story and its plot.

Describe one of the broad theories you have learned about in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory) and analyze your selected film through that lens.

Evaluate the use of three specific techniques and design elements employed in the film as they contribute to the overarching narrative and theme of the film.

This can include elements of mise-en-scène (e.g., lighting, sound, composition of frame, costuming, etc.) and editing (e.g., cuts and transitions, shots used, angles, etc.).

Describe the connection between this film and society (i.e., politically or culturally, positive or negative) and draw conclusions about its impact.

The Final Film Analysis paper

Must be five to six double-spaced pages (1500 to 1800 words) in length