
When you are advising James consider the following ? Is he an Employee or worker ? What rights does the law indicate that he has in relation to Contracts? When and how this should be communicated Health and Safety? What are the duties that an employer to an employee ?

Employment law

Adam Smith, employs James Clark as a Waiter for his Restaurant Business- “Good Food and Good Times ” . James has worked for Adam for 13 months but has not received a formal contract of employment. He is paid on a regular weekly basis and Adam pays tax and national insurance, but does not provide any of the clothing that James uses. Adam has also made it clear that the sector is dangerous and that if there are any injuries whilst at work there is no sick pay.

James has indicated that he has had a couple of injuries whilst working from Hot plates which he has carried out to guests, also when he was taking orders from the kitchen, he slipped on the wet floor and this meant that he had to have time off from work as he had hurt his back. He has recovered from both, but feels disappointed that Adam did not pay him for the time off, or change anything to avoid his injuries, Adam says that it is just part of the job that he does so he should not complain.

Advise James in relation to his rights.When you are advising James consider the following ? Is he an Employee or worker ? What rights does the law indicate that he has in relation to Contracts? When and how this should be communicated Health and Safety? What are the duties that an employer to an employee ?

Sick pay

Where is the Law found which sets out James rights

Then plan your answer – so that you do not get the law or its application confused .

For each answer

What are the facts ?

What is the Law/ case law ?

Apply the law to the facts ?

Come to a conclusion

Describe the unconscious forces mentioned and critically examine how they shape our behaviors. Also critically explore these theorists’ view of how conflicts within the mind lead to mental illness and what interventions can be used to return clients to a state of well being.

‘Unconscious motivating forces play a central role in shaping our behaviours and are the primary cause of mental illness’.

Critically discuss this statement with respect to Freud and Jung’s theories of mind. Describe the unconscious forces mentioned and critically examine how they shape our behaviors. You should also critically explore these theorists’ view of how conflicts within the mind lead to mental illness and what interventions can be used to return clients to a state of well being.

Find out the effect that electricity market liberalization has on electricity price. Find out if power sector reform can improve the efficiency in power generation companies.

[Revision] Introduction of electricicy market liberalization in Balkan countries- a cross country approach

Write an a dissertation paper on liberalisation of electricity market in Balkan countries. This study collected data from ten Balkan countries for a ten – year period (2010-2019). All the countries that are part of this research paper have introduced electricity market reform in recent years. Different countries have employed the electricity market reform in different periods, because of this reason this research will employ both panel data and cross sectional- data.


• To find out the effect that electricity market liberalization has on electricity price

To find out if power sector reform can improve the efficiency in power generation companies.

This study uses an econometric approach to analyse the impact of electricity market liberalization policies on electricity price and performance.

. To analyse the data the study will use the regression analysis. The panel data method will be used to run the regression analyses. It consists of a combination of time series data and crossed data used for analyzing the variables considered in this research paper.

Write specific details and examples as to how private sector organizations and their employees can have a direct impact on addressing each of these goals during this timeframe.

DHS Strategic Plan

As we bring this study to a close, we now take a look into the future. In the DHS Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2020-2024, the following goals have been established that the private sector can have a direct impact upon:

Counter terrorism and homeland security threats
Securing U.S. borders and approaches
Secure cyberspace and critical infrastructure
Preserve and uphold the nation’s prosperity and economic security
Strengthen preparedness and resilience

Based upon all that we have discussed throughout this study, offer specific details and examples as to how private sector organizations and their employees can have a direct impact on addressing each of these goals during this timeframe.

Write a paragraph of what the difference between the two documents is. How does the “South Carolina Exposition and Protest” differ in its argument from the “Kentucky Resolution”?

 “Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (1798)” and “South Carolina Exposition and Protest”.


Write an introduction outlining the basic argument of state powers versus national powers. You may want to turn to the Constitution itself to find material.
Write a brief summary of why each document was written. What is the historical context of the documents? You will probably want a paragraph for each document.

Write a paragraph of what the two documents have in common.

Write a paragraph of what the difference between the two documents is. How does the “South Carolina Exposition and Protest” differ in its argument from the “Kentucky Resolution”?

Write a conclusion that answers whether or not a state should have the ability to nullify a national law, and if so, under what circumstances? If not, why not? This last paragraph will be your opinion but remember do not use “I” in any form. State your opinion as to if it were fact.

. Can you recommend alternative strategies or solutions to the dilemmas confronting the tobacco companies? To governments? What is the price of ethical behavior?

Tobacco Case Analysis

Laczniak and Naor discuss the complexity of international ethics or, more precisely, the ethical assumptions that underlie strategic decisions for multinationals.2 They suggest that multinationals can develop consistency in their policies by using federal law as a baseline for appropriate behavior as well as respect for the host country’s general value structure. They conclude with four recommendations for multinationals:
Expand codes of ethics to be worldwide in scope.
Expressly consider ethical issues when developing worldwide corporate strategies.
If the firm encounters major ethical dilemmas, consider withdrawal from the problem market.
Develop periodic ethics-impact statements, including
impacts on host parties.

See, the World Health Organization’s website, for more details regarding the current tobacco controversy.

Use the model in Exhibit 1 as a guide and assess the ethical and social responsibility implications of the situations described.

2. Can you recommend alternative strategies or solutions to the dilemmas confronting the tobacco companies? To governments? What is the price of ethical behavior?

3. Should the U.S. government support U.S. tobacco company interests abroad?

4. Should a company be forced to stop marketing a product that is not illegal, such as cigarettes?

​Is there a linear relationship between feelings toward liberals and beliefs regarding gay persons right to marry one another?

8-2 Project Three

See attached. The research question is, “​Is there a linear relationship between feelings toward liberals and beliefs regarding gay persons right to marry one another?” English as the writers first language only.

Exemplify professional values and scholarship that support the role of a student in a practicum setting during the execution and evaluation phases of a practice change project

Week 1: Initial Learning Agreement

The purpose of this assignment is to help students individualize their practicums based on course objectives.

NR632 Learning Agreement Guidelines and Rubric (Weeks 1 & 8) (Links to an external site.)

NR632 Learning Agreement Template (Links to an external site.)

Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes (COs).

CO 1: Apply evidence-based leadership skills and concepts in the execution and evaluation of an executive-level practice change project. (PO 4,5)

CO 3: Exemplify professional values and scholarship that support the role of a student in a practicum setting during the execution and evaluation phases of a practice change project. (PO 4)

Compare the way in which we elect Presidents in our current system to the proposal of the National Popular Vote movement. Which method is superior? Explain your answer.

National Popular Vote movement

The U.S. Constitution stipulates that Electors will vote for the office of President and Vice President, what we commonly refer to as the Electoral College. Two times in the 21st century the candidate with the most popular votes across the United States has not won the most votes in the Electoral College, hence losing the election. Some activists and scholars are arguing that a democratic system of government requires that the majority rules; therefore, the candidate for President who receives the most popular votes should win the election. Further, there is a proposal to bypass the Electoral College without having to amend the Constitution (which is basically impossible).

Explore the strategy of the National Popular Vote movement at this website:

Compare the way in which we elect Presidents in our current system to the proposal of the National Popular Vote movement. Which method is superior? Explain your answer.

Are there differences in the average agreement with gay individuals having the right to marry one another among people who were interviewed in different geographic regions of the United States?

7-3 Project Two

1. Are there differences in the average agreement with gay individuals having the right to marry one another among
people who were interviewed in different geographic regions of the United States?
2. Are there differences in the average feelings of warmth toward liberals among people who were interviewed in different geographic regions of the United States?
3. Is there a linear relationship between feelings toward liberals and beliefs regarding gay persons’ right to marry one
4. Is there a linear relationship between feelings toward conservatives and beliefs regarding gay persons’ right to marry
one another?