
As you think about your transition from planning to execution (doing), what are some of the biggest challenges you foresee and what can you do to prepare for those challenges?

NR 632 : Week 1: Collaboration Cafe: Moving to the Execution Phase (graded)

Most of what you did in NR631, and some of what you’ll do in NR632 is part of the planning phase of project management. Although it took us eight weeks to get here, in reality, most of what you’ve done would have been completed in one or two weeks. For this week’s assignment you’ll be preparing your kickoff presentation which is kind of a “pep rally” for your project. Your goal is to get everyone motivated and excited to start working on implementing the practice change. As you think about your transition from planning to execution (doing), what are some of the biggest challenges you foresee and what can you do to prepare for those challenges?

What are the biggest obstacles to the Historic Preservation Program at Columbia University in achieving its goals? In this section, state programs goals, then Identify and explain three obstacles.

Obstacles Paper

Write a 2-3 pp essay covering the following:

1) What are the biggest obstacles to the Historic Preservation Program at Columbia University in achieving its goals? In this section, state programs goals, then Identify and explain three obstacles.

2) Evaluate audio marketing relative to Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (GSAPP) podcast . In this section, discuss what motivates consumers for audio entertainment. How do brands best engage consumers, with implications for the GSAPP podcast? What does GSAPP podcast compete against for consumer attention? Essay should be 2-3 pp, double spaced, inline citations, APA style

Describe the debate over slavery in America following the Revolution and leading to the Civil War. Evaluate whether there were peaceful options to resolve the conflict between 1787 and 1861.

Slavery in America

The essay will total no less/more than 1,300-1,600 words in length (double-spaced, 1 inch margins Times New Roman size 12), with no less than 2 sources in addition to your textbook. Thus, you will have at least a total of 3 sources. Your sources must consist of your textbook, academic journals, and books. No internet sources (i.e. .com addresses).

Topic – You are to describe the debate over slavery in America following the Revolution and leading to the Civil War. Evaluate whether there were peaceful options to resolve the conflict between 1787 and 1861.

This paper should have a well formulated thesis, should be well organized and written, and should be well supported with logical, sound, and academically rigorous source material. (No Wikipedia or .com sources will be accepted.) In addition, you must have in-text citations and provide a bibliography of sources used and consulted (APA formatting required). Your title and bibliography page do not count towards total word count.

One source that will have to be used would be the textbook. The textbook is, Alan Brinkley, The Unfinished Nation, Eighth Edition, (McGraw Hill, 2016), ISBN 978-0-07-351333-1

Did you learn something about the nature of research that you did not know before? If so, what was it? How did the project make you a better researcher?

8-3 Short Paper: What My Research Taught Me

By now, you have completed the assignment, whereby you created a case study using peerreviewed articles in forensic psychology and compiled it for your classmates. Reflect on the process in a short paper. Make sure you answer these questions:
Did you learn something about the nature of research that you did not know before? If so, what was it?
How did the project make you a better researcher?
Lastly, did the article you chose make you want to learn more? If not, why not? If so, how will you learn more?

For additional details, please refer to the Short Paper/Case Study Rubric document

In which ways can you relate the importance of intercultural communication to your own personal, social life, and political life? Give examples from your own experiences.

M1 presentation

Part 1 Importance of Intercultural Communication in Personal, Social and Political Life (Chapter 1, 300 words minimum)

Q1. Read the assigned chapter, and summarize and review your reading. Be specific with the key notions and their page numbers. How would you state the importance of intercultural communication? (Hint: the importance should be best summarized in different points and explained with supportive details.) In other words, your response should prove that you have finished the reading assignment so make sure you provide your reading review with specific page numbers.

Q2. In which ways can you relate the importance of intercultural communication to your own personal, social life, and political life? Give examples from your own experiences.

Part 2 Importance of Intercultural Communication in Professional setting or Working Life (Chapters 6 or 10, 200 words minimum)

Q1. What have you learned from the assigned chapters? Be specific with the key notions and their page numbers in the textbook.

Q2. Why do we have to prepare ourselves for a culturally diversified working place? Why do we need to learn how to work as a team with people of different cultures? Try to use your firsthand experiences or observation in your own professional or working relationships.

Q3. In managing professional or workplace conflicts, how would you differentiate conflicts due to cultural differences from conflicts due to personal differences? If you have your own experiences,  review, analyze and share them. If not, do some research to read others’ discussion on this issue. If you do research make sure you cite your references in APA (standard communication style manual) or MLA.

Part 3. Cultural DNA (Chapters 3 & 4, 500 words minimum)

Q1. Chapters 3 & 4 are a must read. Read the chapters, and summarize and review your reading. Be specific with the key notions and their page numbers. In other words, your response should prove that you have finished the reading assignments so make sure you provide your reading review with specific page numbers.

Q2. In which ways our cultural deep structure (e.g. family and history) and our intercultural encounters interact and influence with each other? In which ways they can impact or even re-shape each other? Give concrete examples from your own experiences of such mutual impacts. Or if you do not have any of your own experiences, you can do some research on the topic. If you do research please make sure you cite your references in APA (standard communication style manual) or MLA.

Explain how compound interest works in your own words. Explain the two different forecasting plans with pros and cons for each. Present your calculations for each plan. Be sure to state the formula and outputs.

Initial Thread

First, do some research at your local bank, through your retirement investment firm, or by reading articles on stock analysis. This can be done virtually. Investigate the financial terms of several investment options. What interest rate is being offered? Is the interest compounded daily, monthly, or yearly? Do your best to find out the financial details for at least two different investment options. You will be citing your references in APA style.

Second, do some investment calculations. You may use a scientific calculator. For your investment:

Choose an amount between $5,000 and $500,000 of extra capital for principal, P, the initial amount of money to invest.
Choose between 5 and 30 years for t, the number of years you will let the account grow.
Based on your research findings:

Use the rate for r, the investment growth rate per year.
If using the compound interest formula, use the appropriate value for n depending on if the compounding is performed on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis. If compounding is continuous, then you will use a different formula called the continuous compounding formula.
Compound Interest: Continuously Compounding Interest:

Two formulas: 1. Compound interest formula: A equals P times the quantity one plus r divided by n raised to the n times t power. 2. Continuously compounding interest formula: A equals P times e raised to the r times t power.

Third, reflect on your calculations and present your financial guidance in a project report. You will make two different plans based on an aggressive and conservative forecast of the market. (You may also make a combination of the two rates, allocating different investment amounts that total your initial capital.) Your project report should contain the following:

Introduction: One paragraph describing how investment could be beneficial to the company.
Three body paragraphs addressing each of the following:
Explain how compound interest works in your own words.
Explain the two different forecasting plans with pros and cons for each.
Present your calculations for each plan. Be sure to state the formula and outputs.
Conclusion: One paragraph summarizing your financial considerations and findings and their significance to the company.
Project Report Guide
Professional written reports should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. A good way to plan this project report is to write an introduction to the report. Next, write at least three body paragraphs and address each of the points listed above. End your report with a conclusion paragraph tying all of your ideas together. The report should be at least five paragraphs in length. A title page and reference page are also required.

You are expected to use at least one outside source for this report. Cite outside sources in proper APA format. You can find numerous APA resources in the Writing Center Writing Reference Library on the Research, Citation, and Plagiarism page.
Using Sources

Your report should include a highly developed purpose and viewpoint; it should also be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, grammar, and mechanics. There should be no evidence of plagiarism. If you are unsure about what constitutes plagiarism, please review the plagiarism policy.

Discuss how quality measures and pay for performance affect patient outcomes. Explain how these affect nursing practice and describe the expectations and responsibilities of the nursing role in these situations.

Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice

Examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the U.S. health care delivery system. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss action taken for reform and restructuring and the role of the nurse within this changing environment.

Include the following:

1. Outline a current or emerging health care law or federal regulation introduced to reform or restructure some aspect of the health care delivery system. Describe the effect of this on nursing practice and the nurse’s role and responsibility.

2. Discuss how quality measures and pay for performance affect patient outcomes. Explain how these affect nursing practice and describe the expectations and responsibilities of the nursing role in these situations.

3. Discuss professional nursing leadership and management roles that have arisen and how they are important in responding to emerging trends and in the promotion of patient safety and quality care in diverse health care settings.

4. Research emerging trends. Predict two ways in which the practice of nursing and nursing roles will grow or transform within the next five years to respond to upcoming trends or predicted issues in health care.

You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Describe barriers to advancement that currently exist in your state and explain how nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers.

IOM Future of Nursing Report and Nursing

Review the IOM report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” and explore the “Campaign for Action: State Action Coalition” website. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss the influence the IOM report and state-based action coalitions have had on nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing workforce development, and how they continue to advance the goals for the nursing profession.

Include the following:

1. Describe the work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee Initiative that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.”

2. Outline the four “Key Messages” that structure the IOM Report recommendations. Explain how these have transformed or influenced nursing practice, nursing education and training, nursing leadership, and nursing workforce development. Provide examples.

3. Discuss the role of state-based action coalitions. Explain how these coalitions help advance the goals specified in the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.”

4. Research the initiatives on which your state’s action coalition is working. Summarize two initiatives spearheaded by your state’s action coalition. Discuss the ways these initiatives advance the nursing profession.

5. Describe barriers to advancement that currently exist in your state and explain how nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers.

You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

What does declaring it as a mosque mean? What implications might this have, regarding the Hagia Sophia’s artworks and its position as a museum? Why has the decision caused controversy? Use evidence from the article. 

The Hagia Sophia Conversion

AFTER reading “Battle over whether Turkey’s Hagia Sophia should be a mosque or museum goes to court, ” answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences each. Number each of your answers in accordance with the question. Answer in your own words and use quotes from the article when necessary. Be specific in your answers, avoid vagueness- which can result in partial credit.
1. What is the history and significance of the Hagia Sophia? Use evidence from the article.

2. What does declaring it as a mosque mean? What implications might this have, regarding the Hagia Sophia’s artworks and its position as a museum?

3. Why has the decision caused controversy? Use evidence from the article.

4. What criticism as this decision receiving? Use evidence

5. How is this decision viewed as a political move by some critics?

6. What is your stance? Do you agree that the Hagia Sophia should stand as solely a museum and why? OR do you stand by the decision to convert it back to a mosque and why? Use evidence from the article to support your answer.

Using only the five documents and nothing else, write a paragraph below in which you defend the following: The U.S. was right to drop the atomic bomb. You must include quotations from at least two of the primary source documents

World War II

As stated multiple times in this class, history is rarely static. It is constantly changing based on perception, context, and sources. What happened at the end of World War II is no exception. The way people evaluate the decision to drop the bomb changes based on which historical sources are used and their own personal background.

For this assignment, students will be forced to put aside their own feelings about the atomic bomb and do the work of an historian – that is, recreate different perceptions of the past using the sources they are given. Complete the three tasks below:

1. Using only the five documents and nothing else, write a paragraph below in which you defend the following: The U.S. was right to drop the atomic bomb. You must include quotations from at least two of the primary source documents (20 points)

2. Using only the five documents and nothing else, write a paragraph below in which you defend the following: The U.S. should never have dropped the atomic bomb. You must include quotations from at least two primary source documents (20 points)

3. Both sides of the argument make valid cases. Is there a way in which both sides can be right? Explain in a paragraph below. (20 points)