
Describe how biases might affect courtroom proceedings, such as a bail/bond proceeding, pretrial proceeding, first appearance, and legal representation (i.e., having a private lawyer instead of a public defender).

Disparity of offenders in the courts, probation, corrections, and parole system.

In Week 3, you researched information about race and ethnicity in the courts and sentencing. Based on that, the summer criminal justice program interns are gaining a good understanding of the demographics within criminal justice and the importance of the research. This week, you review data about race and ethnicity in corrections.

Imagine this scenario: As part of your participation in the summer criminal justice intern program, you have been asked to present on the demographics and disparity of offenders in the courts, probation, corrections, and parole system.

Research statistical sentencing and corrections demographic information. Find data about your local or federal agencies using their websites. Several federal websites are listed in the Resources section below.

Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® presentation with examples that:

  • Describe racial and ethnic group demographic information for your state’s:
  • Court system
  • Corrections department
  • Probation and parole
  • Describe how biases might affect courtroom proceedings, such as a bail/bond proceeding, pretrial proceeding, first appearance, and legal representation (i.e., having a private lawyer instead of a public defender)
  • Explain the racial and ethnic disparity found in corrections
  • Describe the racial and ethnic disparity using the number of people on probation and parole and include discrepancies in length of time related to each
  • Provide recommendations on how to address the racial and ethnic disparities in areas discussed

Include comprehensive speaker notes.

Cite at least 1 peer-reviewed reference to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Offer your best argument in favor of this statement: “No rules should apply to the treatment of suspected terrorists who are captured. All methods should be permissible, including extraordinary rendition and torture.”

The Extraordinary Rendition of Abu Omar

In one or two paragraphs, respond to the following questions related to the case study, “The Extraordinary Rendition of Abu Omar” (ISD Case 318).
The purpose of the response papers is for you to take positions that you can later share and defend in discussion section. Briefly explain your reasoning (a few sentences).
1. Offer your best argument in favor of this statement: “No rules should apply to the treatment of suspected terrorists who are captured. All methods should be permissible, including extraordinary rendition and torture.”
2. Offer your best argument in favor of this statement: “Captured terrorist suspects should be prosecuted as criminals in the regular courts, under standard due process rules. Methods that are outside of regular due process rules, including extraordinary rendition  and torture, should not be permissible.”

Papers must:
1. Not exceed one page in length (one side, single- or double-spaced)
2. Be typed in a 12-point font
3. Have at least one-inch margins on all sides

present each of the datasets you are analysing, identify research questions that can be addressed by your analysis and, ideally, present relevant existing literature and contrast your results against it.

ST3189: Assessed Coursework Project

You will undertake a project that will determine your final mark of the course by 30 per cent. The project will require you to analyse one or more real-world datasets of your choice. You can use the OpenML website, the UCI repository, or any other open access domain to select your dataset(s).

The project will consist of completing the following three tasks that can be implemented on one or more of your chosen real-world datasets.

  1. Unsupervised Learning: where the problem consists of identifying homogeneous population groups or dimension reduction techniques, which can then be used in the context of the empirical application
  2. Regression: where the problem consists of continuous target variable(s).
  3. Classification: where problem consists of categorical target variable(s).

You will be expected to present each of the datasets you are analysing, identify research questions that can be addressed by your analysis and, ideally, present relevant existing literature and contrast your results against it. You are expected to use multiple technique for the regression and classification tasks, and compare their results.

In all cases, your analysis should be presented in a paper like format, avoiding highly technical language where possible. It may be helpful to think of your audience as consisting of people with some quantitative background but no prior knowledge of Machine Learning. Your ability to present and interpret the results will be regarded as important as your ability to apply the taught techniques.

The results of the project should be presented in a 10-page article in A4 format. The 10-page limit includes figures and tables but excludes the title page, table of contents and references. Make sure to include your candidate number in the title page and the filename but not your name. If your candidate number has not been generated at the time of submission, this should be your student registration number (SRN). In addition to the 10-page article, which should be submitted via a word or pdf file, your R code should also be submitted with appropriate comments and description via an R script or an RMarkdown file. You may alternatively also use Python code; in which case you should submit a Jupyter notebook or a Spyder script file.


You may choose to conduct all the above three tasks on a single dataset or conduct some of the tasks on separate datasets; this is up to you. Do not submit your data, just provide the open access links in your code files, from which the data can be downloaded.


To sum up the following two files are required where your candidate number (or if not yet available, your student registration number) should be visible:

  1. A word or pdf file with your report that should not contain any code (10-page limit applies as mentioned above).
  2. Your code in a single file of appropriate format (R script, RMarkdown, Spyder script, Jupyter notebook).



What is the current time zone setting? Besides your screenshot, explain in writing how you got your answer. Is the system set for Daylight Saving Time? How do you know?

Computer Forensics

Introduction to FTK

  • Purpose: To Introduce some basic features of FTK.
  • Preparation: Review user guide and lab video/slides on Blackboard.
  • Application location: Virtual Computing Lab
  • Evidence file: Mantooth.E01 (located in \\\Forensic Data\Mantooth.E01)

Questions to answer:
1) What sector does Partition 2 begin in?

2) What is the physical size of Partition 1?

3) What is the volume serial number for Partition 1?

4) What is Dracula’s SID unique identifier?

5) When was the last time Dracula logged on?

6) How many times has Wes Mantooth logged on?

7) Which control set is being used?

8) What is the current time zone setting? Besides your screenshot, explain in writing how you got your answer. Is the system set for Daylight Saving Time? How do you know?

9) What Windows operating system (OS) is installed on the system? What is the OS install date (UTC)?

10) What is Wes Mantooth’s Run MRU (Most Recently Used) list?

11) What is Jim Jobob’s screen name?

12) Who is the registered owner and what is the registered organization of this system?

13) Wes Mantooth mentions his dad and includes a picture of him in a letter to someone called “Sweetie.” Attach the picture of his dad that was included in the letter.

14) Wes Mantooth sent an email to his mom. What is his mom’s email address? What event was he discussing with his mother?
15) Wes Mantooth has an appointment titled “Pharmacy.” What is the location of this appointment?

16) Wes Mantooth has written a confession and deleted the file. What are the contents of this file?

Think about the recent vaccinations developed for Covid in record time. Do you recall reading about the items above, and are they important?

WK 9 – MGMT 650 Discussion

Balancing the Risks of Errors in Hypothesis Testing
The U.S. FDA is responsible for approving new drugs. Many consumer groups feel that the approval process is too easy and, therefore, too many medications that are later found to be unsafe are approved. On the other hand, several industry lobbyists have pushed for a more lenient approval process, so pharmaceutical companies can get new drugs approved more easily and quickly. This is from an article in the Wall Street Journal. Consider a null hypothesis that a new, unapproved drug is unsafe and an alternative hypothesis that a new, unapproved drug is safe.

  • a) Explain the risks of committing a Type 1 or Type 2 error.
  • b) Which type of error is the consumer group trying to avoid?
  • c) Which type of error is the industry lobbyists trying to avoid?
  • d) How would it be possible to lower the chances of both Type 1 and 2 errors?

Think about the recent vaccinations developed for Covid in record time. Do you recall reading about the items above, and are they important?

Write an essay about chain of command and what should be done in the academy when officials are entering any space.

Week 2 Police academy leadership structure

Write an essay about chain of command and what should be done in the academy when officials are entering any space.

Which of the 10 options for setting targets would be best suited to developing targets for the other four health problems in Layetteville and Bowe County? Provide some rationale for your choice.

ASSESS, PLAN, & Evaluation

1.Imagine that you have been asked to explain to your colleagues in 10 minutes how to set targets for program objectives. Develop an outline of the steps involved.

2. Which of the 10 options for setting targets would be best suited to developing targets for the other four health problems in Layetteville and Bowe County? Provide some rationale for your choice.

Try using your choice of target setting based on the following data: the adult immunization rate is 30%, with 25 hospitalizations per 1,000 adults for influenza-related pneumonia; for children younger than 1 year old, the incidence of maltreatment is 9.4 per 1,000 children (University of California at Berkeley Center for Social Services Research, /ucb_childwelfare/RefRates.aspx); 1.2 adolescents are discharged with a diagnosisnof gunshot wounds for every 1,000 hospital admissions; the neural tube defects rate is 18 per 100,000 (National Center for Health Statistics); and new diagnosis of diabetes is 7.5 per 1,000 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

Express the problem or issue, using the guidelines explained in this Chapter 7. Investigate, as necessary, and produce five (5) ideas to solve or resolve. State which of your ideas you believe is best, and briefly explain why.

INT 322 Critical thinking and problem solving activity

First, express the problem or issue, using the guidelines explained in this Chapter 7.

Then investigate, as necessary, and produce five (5) ideas to solve or resolve.

Finally, state which of your ideas you believe is best, and briefly explain why.

In recent years the idea of monetary profit has become controversial. Some people maintain that achieving financial success implies that one has taken advantage of others. (This notion was reinforced by President Obama’s July 13, 2012, remark: “If you’ve got a business–you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen” meaning the roads, sidewalks, and other supportive infrastructure that supports the business). This thinking leads many to conclude that financial profit should be heavily taxed. But others claim that such thinking is wrong. In their view, financially successful people should be appreciated because they create jobs and wealth for others. For that very reason, they argue, successful people should be taxed no more highly than others. Research this issue and decide which position is most reasonable.

Write an essay on how businesses can improve their employee retention rates and reduce turnover.

How can bison improve

Write an essay on how businesses can improve their employee retention rates and reduce turnover.

What are some obstacles that non-traditional students encounter? How can we help alleviate some of these issues?

Non-Traditional Scholar Award

What are some obstacles that non-traditional students encounter? How can we help alleviate some of these issues? (min 400 words/max 600 words)