
How could support from members of a nursing association or union allow you make your voice heard by legislators to influence policymaking? Why is it important for others to become involved and show their support to policy makers?

Advanced practice registered nurses (APRN)

As an Advanced practice registered nurses (APRN), how could support from members of a nursing association or union allow you make your voice heard by legislators to influence policymaking? Why is it important for others to become involved and show their support to policy makers?

Explain the concept of non-monetary rewards, and when is best to use them, provide examples.

Lesson 10 assignment MAN4520

Explain the concept of non-monetary rewards, and when is best to use them, provide examples.

What is the relationship between sentencing reform Act of 1984 and the idea of prison as a vehicle for criminal rehabilitation? What is the United States Sentencing Commission, and what is its role?


*Minimum 3-5 sentences each*

Question 1
What was the purpose of the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984?


Question 2
What is the relationship between sentencing reform Act of 1984 and the idea of prison as a vehicle for criminal rehabilitation?



Question 3
What is the United States Sentencing Commission, and what is its role?



Question 4
What role does a Forensic Psychologist play in sentencing?

What attitudes do people have towards posting photos of people committing crimes on the Internet? Do they feel differently about posting images of strangers committing crimes than they do about posting images of friends involved in illegal acts?

Women and the Abuse they receive on social media

1 – Presentation of Topic and Research Problem
Provide an introductory paragraph that clearly presents your topic. Think of this as a broad overview of what you are proposing to study. From the reader’s perspective think of this paragraph as answering the general questions ‘Who and What are you writing about?’
Write a second paragraph that presents the research problem that you are proposing to investigate. Here you need to clearly identify the “problem” that justifies the need for your study. In general, research problems are challenges, concerns, issues or controversies that set the stage for your study. You need to motivate your readers to care about what you writing about. From the reader’s perspective think of this paragraph as answering the question ‘Why are you proposing this study?’.
Choosing an initial topic of interest
You are all asked to work on the same general research topic – an assessment of the value of social media use in communication. For example, when considering the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, have various forms of social media provided positive or negative value in a time of crisis? You don’t need to work with COVID-19 specifically this is just one relevant example to set the stage. You can explore whatever topic you want as long as it works within the general theme of value (either positive or negative) and social media usage. Within this general area you need to narrow the topic and conduct bibliographic research about scholarship related to your topic, and begin to develop specific research questions.
Try to develop a topic that interests you related to contemporary debates about the ways that social media are used in relation to creating value. Some of the issues are related to the type of content and others to the contexts. Maybe you encountered an interesting issue while making your media diary. If not, there are many recent debates and controversies about media use that could inspire you in your choice of topic.
For example, debates about ways “fake news stories” circulate on social media and their impact have raised questions about whether social media sites should monitor the content of material circulating. This would be considered a way to explore the potential negative value of social media.
People have voiced concerns about the issue of “sexting” (sending sexually explicit photos or texts in electronic communications). Do men and women have different attitudes towards sexting? Is it reasonable to say that sexting provide ‘value’ to users or to society?
Another debate in BC is related to posting images of people committing crimes (for example, during the riot in Vancouver in 2011). Some people claim that it is their duty as citizens to identify criminals. Others raise questions about whether posting pictures violates people’s right to privacy. What attitudes do people have towards posting photos of people committing crimes on the Internet? Do they feel differently about posting images of strangers committing crimes than they do about posting images of friends involved in illegal acts?
If you are interested in recent political events and social movements, you might want to investigate the use of social networking sites by individuals and groups for mobilizing others. Protesters in Syria, Tunisia and Egypt have made heavy use of them to mobilize demonstrators. Employers may search social media sites when considering whom to hire.
You might be interested in studying debates about how media professionals use social media. For example, human rights workers have denounced the use of pictures of starving children in media coverage of famine victims.
There are many more avenues to explore in studying attitudes and practices related to generating value through social media use. You might develop other topics related to marketing, surveillance and health. Try to think about issues that interest you when you undertake these assignments and focus on a particular issue you would like to study.

Use some of the information from chapter 10 to discuss other possible solutions that could have been implemented to solve the client’s problem.

Lesson 10 Discussion MAN4584

The article describes a successful implement of software which helps communication.
As a student well versed in the subject of communications management, use some of the information from chapter 10 to discuss other possible solutions that could have been implemented to solve the client’s problem.

Discuss how this situation might have been avoided by using good project risk management techniques.

Lesson 11 Discussion

Discuss how this situation might have been avoided by using good project risk management techniques.

which conflict style from this assessment had the highest score for you (e.g. collectivistic or individualistic conflict lens?)?

Week 9 Discussion Respond

In the lecture notes, you are asked to fill out 3 self assessments found in this week’s textbook chapter. For part 1 of this week’s discussion discuss the results of the assessments. For each of the 3 assessments ,answer the following 2 questions:
* which conflict style from this assessment had the highest score for you (e.g. collectivistic or individualistic conflict lens?)?
* do if you agree that the style with the highest score best represents your conflict style from the options given in that assessment (e.g. if your highest score was collectivistic conflict lens do you agree or do you think you have a more individualistic conflict lens?). Make sure to explain why or why not. Be specific and, if possible, give examples from your life that support your claim.
After walking through the results, give a specific example of how knowing this information about yourself could help you manage your intercultural conflict.
Part 2
Pick one other concept from this week and either share a personal example of it and/or pose a question to the class about it (write at least a solid paragraph for this part)
**NOTE: If you are not comfortable discussing the results of your assessment with the class, please email me and we will discuss an alternative.

Why are these offenses considered to be “victimless crimes” by scholars as well as laypeople? Do you believe that these crimes are truly victimless?

Public Decency and Morality

This assessment will require you to research public decency and morality offenses. Be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with at least three (3) credible resources, which may include the class textbook as well as journal articles or periodicals from the Internet or from the KU Library.

Comprise a minimum 2-page essay, and please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA 7 format. For this assessment, the content should address the following questions presented:

When considering public decency and morality offenses, do you believe that these offenses are likely to change in the foreseeable future in light of society’s changing standards of morality? Please be sure to include examples of at least two (2) offenses in your narrative.

Why are these offenses considered to be “victimless crimes” by scholars as well as laypeople?

Do you believe that these crimes are truly victimless?

Upload your Assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

What challenges does 3M face with managing over 50,000 products? In other words, is 3M too big to be innovative? Is there a point where managing too many projects can affect the effectiveness of leading a corporation like 3M?

3m con

Write 5 pages answering these questions about 3m company from a CON perspective
1. How might 3M’s philosophy of as a product differentiator backfire?

2. What challenges does 3M face with managing over 50,000 products? In other words, is 3M too big to be innovative? Is there a point where managing too many projects can affect the effectiveness of leading a corporation like 3M?

3. Why is the 15% rule (where all technical personnel dedicate up to 15% of their time to products of their own choosing) dangerous to 3M from a competitive lens?

Share a time when you had a conversation with a person or a group of people about a difficult topic. What insight did you gain, and how would you incorporate that knowledge into your thinking in the future?

Princeton essay on difficult topic

At Princeton, we value diverse perspectives and the ability to have respectful dialogue about difficult issues. Share a time when you had a conversation with a person or a group of people about a difficult topic. What insight did you gain, and how would you incorporate that knowledge into your thinking in the future? (<300 words)