
Describe the ethical dilemmas presented by the topic and the merits of the policy you identified as it pertains to all stakeholders impacted. Discuss what the social, economic, or political influences are on this topic.

Ethical challenge or dilemma

Write an essay of 1,500-2,000 words which critically reviews the articles, discusses the issue, and addresses the following:

Describe the ethical dilemmas presented by the topic and the merits of the policy you identified as it pertains to all stakeholders impacted (i.e., the agency, public safety, the offender, etc.).
Discuss what the social, economic, or political influences are on this topic.
Include the following sections in your paper:
Introduction—explanation of the background and context of the ethical issue you have chosen to analyze
Research/Analysis—analysis of whether the associated policy is adequate and ethical
Recommendations—what can be done to better address the ethical issue and policy
Conclusion—brief summary restatement of all sections
Before submitting your work, ensure that it adheres to APA formatting and style guidelines (visit APA Style (Links to an external site.) and APA Formatting and Style Guide (Links to an external site.) for more details).

Identify and explain three cultural factors which made it difficult for Latin America to achieve social and economic reforms. Following the end of the Civil War, explain the changing nature of the American economy.

Civil War

Answer these questions in as much detail as possible.

1. Explain the difference between the peninsulares and the creoles in Latin America. Why were the creoles often resentful of the peninsulares?

2. Identify and explain two significant contributions made by Jose de San Martin.

3. Identify and explain two significant contributions made by Emilio Zapata to the history of Mexico.

4. Identify and explain three cultural factors which made it difficult for Latin America to achieve social and economic reforms.

5. Following the end of the Civil War, explain the changing nature of the American economy.

Explain the different Views exist on the likely original meaning of the fourth servant song (Isaiah 52:13), and how early Christians used it to understand Jesus’ death.

Fourth servant song

Different Views exist on the likely original meaning of the fourth servant song (Isaiah 52:13), and how early Christians used it to understand Jesus’ death. Explore this topic by comparing three given texts.

Who do you admire the most and why? Who has played a pivotal role in shaping you to be the person you are or the person you aspire to be. Provide specific examples of how they have shaped or inspired you.

Essay Question

Who do you admire the most and why? Help us to understand who has played a pivotal role in shaping you to be the person you are or the person you aspire to be. Provide specific examples of how they have shaped or inspired you. (word limit 300 max)

Explain WHY and HOW the biopsychosocial factors impact the disorder (or why researchers don’t know)


Some tips about what we’re looking for:
-Be very detailed (depth over breadth)
-Quantify your claims when appropriate (we love to see numbers!)
-Cite your peer-reviewed sources (synthesize/paraphrase instead of quote)
-Explain WHY and HOW the biopsychosocial factors impact the disorder (or why researchers don’t know)
-Use the rubric (including the checklist for your references page)

Many human rights abuses impact more significantly on women. Discuss why this is the case, with reference case study of your choosing.

Human rights abuses

Many human rights abuses impact more significantly on women. Discuss why this is the case, with reference case study of your choosing.

Use theese as reference

How is the Stonewall Riots a marker for the Gay Rights period? What were the challenges of “coming out”? What is the significance of the Stonewall Inn today? What is

Watch the C-SPAN video interview with Professor Claire Potter from the New School in New York City.

Then answer the questions
1. What were the Stonewall Riots?
2. What did Claire Potter mean that “the police did not get their payoff”?
3. Can you draw any parallels between the Stonewall Riots as a movement and the protests that are occurring today?
4. How is the Stonewall Riots a marker for the Gay Rights period?
5. What were the challenges of “coming out”?
6. What is the significance of the Stonewall Inn today?
8. What is out
9. Consider the arc of gay history over the last fifty years. List two changes that Claire Potter mentioned about that arc of history.
10. How would you compare the relationship of the LGBT community during the Stonewall era with the relationship of today?

tell why your chosen president was a great president. Be sure to explain why his policy decisions and responses to events around him made him truly great.

Which American president was the greatest president.

As President Biden works through his term as Chief Executive, he is preoccupied with the impact his administration will have on the history of our great nation. To ensure that he and his policies are remembered among the greatest this country has ever produced, the President asked that I assemble a panel of the brightest historical minds to determine what makes a president historically great. You were an obvious choice for this assignment. In order to help the President, write a short paper, seven pages is appropriate, that discusses which American president was the greatest president. limit your selection to the period between 1788 and 1860 as another team will be discussing the other periods of history. You will, of course, tell why your chosen president was a great president. Be sure to explain why his policy decisions and responses to events around him made him truly great. You should conform to standard college formatting and style and should also cite all references used with footnotes. You must use at least three sources. You should cite the reference materials you use with the standard format used by American historians. This style is explained by The Chicago Manual of Style rev. (University of Chicago Press). You should use the notes/bibliography style and a “works cited” page. For further information, please see the staff at the LRC. Do not create an elaborate cover page or use any kind of plastic cover. Simply double-space your name, the date, and course number in the center of an otherwise blank sheet, and staple it to the front of your paper. Be sure to include your last name and a page number at the top right corner of each page. The President expects your complete response on or before 16 December 2021. This gives you time to complete this assignment to the best of your significant abilities. I await your submission. No late papers will be accepted.

Testing for lipid profile for all visiting patients and providing them with teachings on how to control, manage and maintain their cardoivascular health

  • Evaluation Plan

File 1 – Template: this file you need to work on and complete
File 2 – Example: This file gives you an example of the assignment, use that for your review



What are some of the most adverse social, political, defense, economic, fiscal, trade, cultural, and human rights aspects of the pandemic now manifesting on the world stage, and with what implications for international security and globalization?

Past, Present & Future effects of Covid-19

Discussing and analyzing the past, present, and (potential) future effects of the Covid-19 pandemic with respect to international security and globalization, as these concepts are explored in our readings. Develop your paper by juxtaposing Covid-19 with how the concepts, principles, and commentary studied relate to the manner in which events have unfolded, and continue to unfold, since the pandemic went global. You may take any rational approach. For instance, has Covid-19 significantly affected or influenced military capabilities of NATO? What are some of the most adverse social, political, defense, economic, fiscal, trade, cultural, and human rights aspects of the pandemic now manifesting on the world stage, and with what implications for international security and globalization? These are only suggestions to get you started. They are not your script or blueprint. It’s your paper, so write what most interests you. Be imaginative. Impress. Finally, I strongly advise giving significant consideration to your approach before putting pen to paper as I expect thoughtful, insightful, critical discourse and analysis in well-written, polished graduate-level papers.