
Discuss the “dark side” of social media and the risks this presents to public relations.

The “dark side” of social media

BAM402-2 “Discuss the “dark side” of social media and the risks this presents to public relations.”

Use standard essay format and it must have a minimum of at least 3 paragraphs (ie Intro, body and conclusion). Responses must be double spaced using a standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and use 12 point type size. Use A.P.A. style citations

ONLY reference

“Introduction to Strategic Public Relations: Digital, Global, and Socially Responsible Communication”

Janis Teruggi Page, Lawrence J. Parnell, 2019


Is the school system obligated to provide education on suicide prevention? And if so, what is the school system’s role? What type of evidence-based programs are in schools for suicide prevention? Do the evidence-based programs decrease the rate of suicide?

Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research

More often than not, individuals undertaking research projects often struggle to determine the best methodology for their projects. The research why most struggle to determine the best methods for them is that they do not always understand how they differ. In fact, most people mistakenly think that they can use the terms interchangeably. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies differ in several ways. Whereas quantitative methods are used to quantify the issue by obtaining numerical data that can be interpreted and changed into something useful, qualitative research methodology is used to develop a better understanding of views, reasons, and motivational factors (O’Neill et al., 2020). Unlike the quantitative method, qualitative research offers essential insights into the topic being investigated. In this respect, the qualitative method is text-based, while the quantitative method is based on numbers. Again, the qualitative research method differs from the quantitative method in that it can be reliable and valid, which depends mainly on the rigor and skill of the researcher. Conversely, the validity and reliability of the quantitative method rely on the instrument or measurement of the device used. The third difference between these methods is that qualitative research is less generalizable while quantitative research is more generalizable (Breet et al., 2021).

The most ideal research methodology for me is a combination of the two. In this respect, the best approach for my study is a mixed research method. The research why the hybrid method is the most ideal methodology for my study is that it will reflect each participant’s viewpoint and help ensure that the findings are based on the experiences of the participants (Wright-Berryman et al., 2018; Singer, 2017). The research question for this study is, “Is the school system obligated to provide education on suicide prevention? And if so, what is the school system’s role? What type of evidence-based programs are in schools for suicide prevention? Do the evidence-based programs decrease the rate of suicide?”

I will ensure that my approach is culturally sensitive by integrating the experiences, cultural beliefs, values, characteristics, traditions, and norms of my target population into the research design that I will use, the assessment, and materials. I would also do so by not dressing in any provocative manner throughout the study (Walrath et al., 2015; King, 2001).

What is your final opinion of him as an author? Would you recommend him to others – or would you not suggest others consider reading him?

Howard Zinn, A People’s History.

Respond to chapters 8, 9, 10 of Howard Zinn, A People’s History. Talk about what you thought about the reading. Feel free to say anything. What is your final opinion of him as an author? Would you recommend him to others – or would you not suggest others consider reading him?

The link for the Zinn book:

Explain how WWII served to bring the United States out of the economic distress known as The Great Depression.

The Great Depression.

Explain how WWII served to bring the United States out of the economic distress known as The Great Depression.

For full credit, answers must be written at a college level and in your own words. Do not simply copy the textbook. Be sure to answer the question completely.
The response to each midterm exam prompt needs to be no less than 750 words in length or about 2.5 pages in 12 point font. Use a readable font in 12 point size, double spaced with 1 inch margins.
Be sure to include MLA style in-text OR footnote citations but not both.
Students should be able to complete this essay using the texts required for this class. However, if outside sources are used, be sure they are appropriate scholarly sources. Avoid websites like wikipedia,, etc.
Include a works cited.
Include an accurate word count at the end of the essay that does NOT include footnotes or works cited.
Students should be sure their name is typed on the top line of the assignment not just as the file name.
Each paper is worth 250 points.

Can we ever have any knowledge of other minds? If we can, how can you best explain how we might have such knowledge, and how might this knowledge be limited? If we can not, why do you believe this to be the case?

2nd Formal Essay

1.Can we trust knowledge involving causality? If we can, what do you believe to be the best response to the Problem of Induction? If you believe we can not, why are you confident that the Problem of Induction can not be adequately solved? What are some other possible implications and conclusions you can make regarding knowledge based on your views on the Problem of Induction?
In developing your response, you’ll need to include some analysis and explanation of both the Hume and Goodman readings from Chapter 4.

2.Can we ever have any knowledge of other minds? If we can, how can you best explain how we might have such knowledge, and how might this knowledge be limited? If we can not, why do you believe this to be the case? What are some other possible implications and conclusions you can make regarding knowledge based on your views on this problem of external minds?
In developing your response, you’ll need to include some analysis and explanation of at least 2 of the Russell, Kripke, Ponty, or Armstrong readings from Chapter 5.

Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?


The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Explain the impact of accounting transactions in financial statements. Describe the elements and purpose of each financial statement. Discuss the components and use of financial analysis.

Financial statements.

Write a 500 – 750 word paper that addresses the following topic:

Explain the impact of accounting transactions in financial statements.

Describe the elements and purpose of each financial statement.

Discuss the components and use of financial analysis.

Your paper must be formatted according to APA 6th edition guidelines, and you need to use at least one external reference.

What are some important best practices for protecting privacy for information collected, stored, used, and transferred by the US federal government?

Briefing Statement

Prepare a 5 to 7 paragraph briefing statement which answers the following four questions: (See attached for specific instructions and please use RESOURCES)

1. What is privacy? Is it a right? An expectation? Discuss differing definitions, e.g. “the average person” definition vs. a legal definition, and how these differences impact risk assessments for privacy protections (or the lack thereof).

2. What are some important best practices for protecting privacy for information collected, stored, used, and transferred by the US federal government? Identify and discuss three or more best practice recommendations for reducing risk by improving or ensuring the privacy of information processed by or stored in an organization’s IT systems and databases.

3. Explain why federal government agencies and departments required to complete PIA’s. Should every federal IT system have a PIA? Why or why not?

4. Name and briefly describe 3 benefits to citizens which result from the use of PIA’s. (Considering citizen’s needs for privacy and the protection of the privacy of individuals whose information is collected, processed, transmitted, and stored in federal government IT systems and databases.)

Calculate (in $$$) opportunity costs of natural disaster. Discuss the opportunity costs of your visiting the doctor’s office. Calculate (in $$$) your opportunity costs of your visiting the doctor’s office.

Econ 1

You are standing in line. Think about what you would be doing if you are not in this line. The alternatives are infinite and computing the cost of them all is impossible. However, since you could only be doing one thing (not all of them) if you are not in this line, determining the opportunity cost requires only knowing the one thing you would be doing. Calculate (in $$$) your opportunity costs of standing in line.
Think about what you would be doing if you weren’t in class. The alternatives are infinite and computing the cost of them all is impossible. However, since you could only be doing one thing (not all of them) if you were not in class, determining the opportunity cost requires only knowing the one thing you would be doing. Calculate (in $$$) your opportunity costs of sitting in class.
The classic example of opportunity cost is the costs of going to college. Illustrate the implicit opportunity cost of foregone income as well as tuition, books, etc. Think about whether room and board should be considered a cost of college. What are your opportunity costs of going to college? Calculate (in $$$) your opportunity costs of going to college.
Discuss the opportunity costs of natural disasters. Create your own example of the opportunity costs of natural disaster. Calculate (in $$$) opportunity costs of natural disaster.
Discuss the opportunity costs of your visiting the doctor’s office. Calculate (in $$$) your opportunity costs of your visiting the doctor’s office.
Read the articles and create your own example of opportunity costs. Your ideas should be supported by calculation (in $$$) of opportunity cost
Step 3: Reflection – the students also should include a paragraph in the initial response in their own words, using microeconomic terminology, reflecting on specifically what they learned from the assignment and how they think they could apply what they learned in the workplace or in everyday life.

What is plant hormones. How is plant hormones effecting plant growth. Differentiate hormone concentration and plant lengths and amount of leafs were counted on day 1 and a week later.

Plant hormones

The paper is on plant hormones and how it effects plant growth. We were split into groups and each group gave their plants a different hormone concentration and plant lengths and amount of leafs were counted on day 1 and a week later.