
Design your own game, which should be a game that could be played at a carnival, amusement park, or casino. What is needed to play the game? List all materials needed (dice, spinner, balls, etc). How many participants are needed to play, and is there a limit?

Probability Game

You will design your own game, which should be a game that could be played at a carnival, amusement park, or casino. You are encouraged to create a game that either doesn’t already exist, or exists but you add your own twist to the game. It cannot be an exact duplicate of an already existing game. The game does not have to be fair. You will be expected to explain the probability of your game.

You will submit a 1-2 page report that includes the following:

Introduction – Provide an overview of the game; what type of game is it? Where would this game be played?
Instructions – Step-by-Step instructions for how to play the game.
Game Description – What is needed to play the game? List all materials needed (dice, spinner, balls, etc). How many participants are needed to play, and is there a limit?
Probability Analysis – What is the theoretical probability of the game? (Include all outcomes). Is the game fair? If the game is not fair, how could the game be changed to make it so?
Individual Reflection
Your final submission includes written report as a Word doc format.

Discuss the importance of having great conflict management skills, especially when you are in the Army. “


Conflict Management How it relates to the army. 5 paragraphs. Indents needed, no format specifically. Has to state a clear purpose: “The purpose of this essay is to discuss the importance of having great conflict management skills, especially when you are in the Army. “

Why is it important to establish a good relationship with the gatekeeper and other people you meet while you wait to be interviewed? List several strategies you can use to establish good rapport.

Module 9

Research the FSW library databases and address the following questions in a minimum of a one (1) page paper (not including your cover page or reference page), double spaced and in APA style and format.

For business class

1. What are some advantages to requesting interviews by telephone rather than by letter?
2. Why is it important to establish a good relationship with the gatekeeper and other people you meet while you wait to be interviewed? List several strategies you can use to establish good rapport.
3. What is meant by the hidden job market?

If you were a teacher at East City, how would you respond to students wearing “All Lives Matter” shirts to help them distinguish that point from the importance of a movement insisting “Black Lives Matter”?


1 What are some reasons educators might be fearful about introducing conversations about racism in their classes? What can school leaders do to alleviate that fear? What can we do as individual educators to alleviate that fear in

2 If you were a teacher at East City, how would you respond to students wearing “All Lives Matter” shirts to help them distinguish that point from the importance of a movement insisting “Black Lives Matter”?

3 If you were Ms. Simmons, what pedagogical strategies would you use to engage students in a conversation about racism and the BLM movement? Are there issues or topics about which you feel you would need to learn more before doing this?

Define and distinguish among the following terms: impairment, disability, handicap, and at risk. Explain why disability labels do not tell us what and how to teach and why labels are used in special education.

Sped quiz questions

  1. Define and distinguish among the following terms: impairment, disability, handicap, and at risk.
  2. Explain why disability labels do not tell us what and how to teach and why labels are used in special education.
  3. Define and give examples of each of the three types of intervention—preventive, remedial, and compensatory.
  4. Define and describe the function of this step of the special education process.

Evaluation and eligibility determination:

  1. Define and describe the function of this step of the special education process.

Program Planning:

  1. Define and describe the function of this step of the special education process.


  1. IDEA mandates that children with disabilities be educated with children without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate. Why do you think this mandate is necessary?
  2. Why is parent participation so critical to the IEP process?
  3. List the required components of an individualized education program.

List and discuss them  Be specific:

How do Martin Buber, Emanual Levinas, and Elie Wiesel differ from Victor Frankl in their views of the possibility of finding meaning in response to the Holocaust?

Response to the Holocaust

How do Martin Buber, Emanual Levinas, and Elie Wiesel differ from Victor Frankl in their views of the possibility of finding meaning in response to the Holocaust? What do the terms freedom, responsibility, and suffering mean to Frankl? Does the fact that Wiesel and Frankl endured the concentration camps give their views a greater resonance for you? Explain your answer.

Identify financing challenges and solutions for sustainable development and provide suitable recommendations based on independent research and discussions with peers and specialist practitioners from your industry.

Sustainability & Business

Submit a report with the aim to discuss the linkages between business operations and the environmental and societal challenges with regard to sustainability.

For this task, choose an organisation/industry or you are familiar with as a frame of reference, to answer all questions given below.

a) Demonstrate extensive, detailed and critical knowledge and understanding of the effects of global warming, resource scarcity, population growth and loss of bio-diversity on your chosen organisation/industry.

b) Identify financing challenges and solutions for sustainable development and provide suitable recommendations based on independent research and discussions with peers and specialist practitioners from your industry.

c) Identify and discuss the implementation of innovative business strategies that will help in addressing the sustainability challenges in your chosen organisation.

d) Critically review sustainability & its influence on production & design in the chosen industry.

e) Critically review the impact of regulations & international codes on sustainability in the chosen industry. How can you influence the management to adopt the regulations and codes in your organisation? (Discuss your role as the change initiator and agent)

f) Demonstrate a general understanding of the importance of sustainability reporting. Critically discuss the sustainability report (last financial year) of your chosen organisation or any other organisation in your industry, clearly interpreting and evaluating the numerical and graphical data.

What differences can you identify in Maddy’s and DeQuan’s responses to their teacher’s question? What similarities can you identify?


1 How did Ms. Ward’s behavior in this scenario fail to ensure an equitable and just learning environment for all her students?

2 What differences can you identify in Maddy’s and DeQuan’s responses to their teacher’s question? What similarities can you identify?

3 In anticipation of another “outburst,” Ms. Ward gave DeQuan some instructions. What might have caused DeQuan to react the way he did? What long-term effects can result if Ms. Ward does not remedy the situation?

In 350 words, discuss your initial understanding of the passage and how the reference material changed that understanding of the passage.

Connect reference material to the passage in Jazz

First, read the passage in which the reference occurs: pp. 7-8 in Jazz by Toni Morrison. Then read the material in the reference link ( Then reread the passage in light of the new information. In 350 words, discuss your initial understanding of the passage and how the reference material changed that understanding of the passage.

One of Kate’s reasons for not standing during the Pledge was that she didn’t feel the words accurately represented everyone’s reality. What are other reasons people might feel compelled to not stand during the national anthem or Pledge of Allegiance?


1 How, if at all, should Mr. Harrold’s personal opinion about protesting the national anthem or Pledge of Allegiance inform how he responds to the student’s question at the end of the case?

2 Should teachers address social or political issues mentioned during casual conversations by students? Should they address these issues even if doing so cuts into instructional time for the planned lesson?

3 One of Kate’s reasons for not standing during the Pledge was that she didn’t feel the words accurately represented everyone’s reality. What are other reasons people might feel compelled to not stand during the national anthem or Pledge of Allegiance?