
Discuss ways that cultural, language and environmental differences of a student might put a student at risk for being labelled as a student with a disability. What are three things that you as a teacher could prevent this from happening.

Responding to different scenarios


Answer each of the four questions below: Word count for each question is indicated below. This includes all text (headings, in-text citations, captions and direct quotes). It excludes the Reference List. (Each scenario should have a minimum of 3 references. make sure to number each scenario being answered).

1. In a classroom with 20 students, you have 3 students with significant focus and impulsivity challenges, one who is diagnosed with high functioning Autism, and another who has just this year arrived in Australia with limited English skills. You have an educational assistant in the classroom for 3 hours of each day. Describe at least 3 classroom supports/strategies which you would utilize in order to inclusively support all 20 of the students. You will choose the level of the classroom (primary, upper primary or secondary) and a particular subject area to address such as maths or literacy. Be specific, and make sure your strategies are supported by research (how can you develop some strategies so that all the kids can move ahead together significantly. find a way to incorporate teachers aid) (800 words; 16 marks)

2. During this semester, we discussed Universal Design for Learning and Differentiated Instruction. Discuss the similarities and the differences in the two concepts. Provide at least 2 examples of each, including when each method would be appropriate (400 words; 8 marks)

3. Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and Response to Intervention (RTI) have similar tiered structures, but used for different types of student support. Describe the structure and purpose of each system, including the theoretical framework of the two systems (compare and contrast. link discussion to theoritical frameworks e.g behavioural, humanistic, bioecological, sociocultural etc)(400 words; 8 marks)

4. Discuss ways that cultural, language and environmental differences of a student might put a student at risk for being labelled as a student with a disability. What are three things that you as a teacher could prevent this from happening. Justify your answer. (400 words; 8 marks) Marking Criteria – see rubric for details

Debate the following: Corporate law should be changed to prohibit management from using most of the legal methods currently used to fight takeover?

Debate This: Takeovers

Mario Bonsetti and Rico Sanchez incorporated Gnarly Vulcan Gear, Inc. (GVG), to manufacture windsurfing equipment. Bonsetti owned 60 percent of the corporation’s stock, and Sanchez owned 40 percent. Both men served on the board of directors. Hula Boards, Inc., owned solely by Mai Jin Li, made a public offer to buy GVG stock. Hula offered 30 percent more than the market price per share for the stock, and Bonsetti and Sanchez each sold 20 percent of their stock to Hula. Jin Li became the third member of the GVG board of directors. An irreconcilable dispute soon arose between Bonsetti and Sanchez over design modifications of their popular Baked Chameleon board. Despite Bonsetti’s dissent, Sanchez and Jin Li voted to merge GVG with Hula Boards under the latter name, Gnarly Vulcan Gear was dissolved, and production of the Baked Chameleon ceased.

1)Debate the following: Corporate law should be changed to prohibit management from using most of the legal methods currently used to fight takeover?

Should Ms. McGrath have interrupted George’s reading despite her own ground rule? Why or why not? If she had decided to interrupt his reading, how might she have addressed George’s anti-Muslim sentiments?


1 Should Ms. McGrath have interrupted George’s reading despite her own ground rule? Why or why not? If she had decided to interrupt his reading, how might she have addressed George’s anti-Muslim sentiments?

2 Ms. McGrath had developed a reputation for being balanced on controversial issues, which is part of what allowed her to continue to engage students around those issues despite the occasional complaint. What was her responsibility in this
scenario? Should she have taken a stand against George’s views? Why or why not?

3 What are the implications of how Ms. McGrath responded when it comes to Hasina and Essam? What are the implications for the other students?

Locate one historical person you think you would work with, and explain why you think you have common goals, and what you would like to do to accomplish them


synthesis the most important parts, put them in your own words, and even add your own spin on the character. Keep in mind the language for formerly enslaved people: freedperson/freedpeople/freedwoman etc. It’s 1865 and folks are emancipated!  One thing not to do! Don’t imagine regional, old-timey, language you think your person would use! If we were in-person I would say “no fake accents or funny voices!” So avoid any textual equivalents. We’re in the south, though, so y’all is fine :D

4. Reply to another classmate’s post “in character” (you won’t see anyone else’s posts before you post):
Locate one historical person you think you would work with, and explain why you think you have common goals, and what you would like to do to accomplish them (50-100 words). Locate one historical person you think you might disagree with, and ask them if they would support your goals (50-100 words). If someone asks you the above question -respond! . You may find that others chose the same role as you, feel free to talk to “yourself”

What is the role of leadership as it relates to vision, mission, and strategy in an organization? Give specific examples.

Role of leadership

What is the role of leadership as it relates to vision, mission, and strategy in an organization vision? Give specific examples.

Nikhil believes it is unjust to allow other students to display religious symbols while he is not allowed to do the same. Do you agree? Why or why not?


1 Nikhil believes it is unjust to allow other students to display religious symbols while he is not allowed to do the same. Do you agree? Why or why not?

2 It appears as though Mr. Ortiz is concerned about the lack of time he has to address the issue in class. If you were Mr. Ortiz, how would you address the situation given the time limitations?

3 Should Mr. Ortiz and other educators at the school educate the student body about the history of this religious symbol so that Nikhil can continue wearing the necklace? How might the religious identities of people in the school and broader
community influence your response?

create a data integration plan that includes a detailed mapping strategy for ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes. Implementation website, CMS implementation planning, and any other helpful reference that you can find. Your assignment should include.

Data formatting and Data integration

As a member of the ICD-10 implementation team at Green Tree Healthcare, you are responsible for creating a process that will ensure the ICD-9 and ICD-10 data formatting satisfies Green Tree’s data integration needs. Your task is to create a data integration plan that includes a detailed mapping strategy for ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes.
Create a data integration plan for Green Tree Healthcare. In your plan, map all of the essential components of ICD-9 to ICD-10 in a 4–5 page document that utilizes the AHIMA ICD-10 implementation website, CMS implementation planning, and any other helpful reference that you can find. Your assignment should include:

Discussion of 3 data formats that exist in healthcare
Definition and discussion on data integration
Data integration plan for Green Tree Healthcare
Definition and discussion of data mapping
Data mapping plan
Discussion on challenges of data mapping and consequences of inappropriate data mapping
Discussion regarding data integrity data mapping

What are the different types of financial statements that are associated with or specific to the different types of business formations?

Week 5 Class Discussion

Having an understanding of business types or formations, the advantages and disadvantages of each, along with the tax, legal, and accounting implications of the businesses are necessary when considering how to structure a business. With accounting implications financial statements must be considered as they are key to understanding how healthy a business actually is.

What are the different types of financial statements that are associated with or specific to the different types of business formations?

Choose ONE of the following topics and think about how each author addresses this theme. Make some notes on what you remember and think about this theme.

Thematic connection between two Texts

For this paper, you will analyze a thematic connection between two texts from the class. These may come from any weeks. You will argue how a specific theme or issue about women’s literature is portrayed in the two texts. This means you should find two texts who share a particular theme. This essay does not require outside research.

Choose ONE of the following topics and think about how each author addresses this theme. Make some notes on what you remember and think about this theme. Go back to the texts and look for relevant parts/quotes. Then, consider how you interpret these moments, what you feel the text “says,” and how the author’s approaches are distinctive. Your focus should be on analysis (looking at parts, breaking a text or theme into smaller aspects, looking at how things work together) and interpretation (making conclusions on how and why things are the way they are, assigning meaning, supporting claims).

Before drafting, the process should start with the specific (moments in the texts, images, ideas about character, quotations) and move toward an overall point of view (the larger connection and interpretation). Then, in your actual essay, you can start with the overall point (argument) and support it with the specific (evidence). Focus on what relates to your main point, the “thesis”—this is your unique connection between the texts. Your thesis should make a specific point about the theme in the two texts.

What impact might the conversation between Ms. Bren and Mr. Richards have had for the students who were listening and whose families did have lights on their houses? What impact might it have had for students who were listening but who did not have lights on their houses?


1 What assumptions, if any, did Ms. Bren make as she was driving through the neighborhood close to her school? Why might she be inclined to make these assumptions?

2 What impact might the conversation between Ms. Bren and Mr. Richards have had for the students who were listening and whose families did have lights on their houses? What impact might it have had for students who were listening but
who did not have lights on their houses?

3 Should Ms. Bren censor what she communicates through social media because she is a teacher?