
Briefly explain the history of the social movement. What ethical problem are activists hoping to solve? What is their ethical motivation for joining together to elicit social change?

Ethics in Society power point Project

Instructions: This assignment requires that you construct a PowerPoint presentation that explores the ethics behind a social justice cause or movement. People join social justice movements to achieve equity, inclusion, and justice for entities such as humans, nonhuman animals, and the environment.

Select a social justice movement and discuss how at least two ethical concepts listed below have been or could be used to create social change.

Your presentation must address the following:

Briefly explain the history of the social movement.
What ethical problem are activists hoping to solve?
What is their ethical motivation for joining together to elicit social change?
Include at least two of the following ethical concepts:

Free Will
Natural Rights
Contractarian Rights

Have at least 7 slides (including title and reference). Use the book as a reference and list it at the end of the presentation. You may include graphics or other visual aids to enhance your presentation

Do you believe that you have a “social contract” with the United States, similar to that described by Socrates in the Crito? If you HAVE entered into a social contract with the US, what should you do based on Social Contract Theory?

Ethics week 4 discussion post

Your trial was fair – you were represented by an attorney and the jury was not coerced in their decision.
The jury’s guilty verdict was unanimous.
Your representation was fair, i.e., you were represented by a competent attorney (not a first-year law student) who had adequate time and resources to develop your case.
You believe that your attorney truly had your best interest in mind – and perhaps s/he even believed you were not guilty.
You do not need to be concerned with the fact that you may appear to be guilty if you flee.
The prison in which you will be incarcerated is a federal penitentiary, not a federal prison with “white collar criminals.”
Your main discussion prompt: If you had a chance to escape and flee to another country (or remain in hiding in the USA), would you do so?

Consider and discuss the following:

1. Do you believe that you have a “social contract” with the United States, similar to that described by Socrates in the Crito?

2. If you HAVE entered into a social contract with the US, what should you do based on Social Contract Theory?

3. What do you think you actually would do?

If you believe you DO have a social contract with US in #2 but would choose to escape and break that contract, explain why. How would you justify your escape?
4. Would a different punishment warrant different behavior on your part, e.g., would you make the same choice if your prison sentence was only 1 year?

5. Finally, if this case was applied to your sibling or child, what would you counsel him/her to do?

Write 1,000-1,500 words explaining how each of the two theories that you chose would explain the current event and making an argument for which of the two theories you think provides the best explanation for the event.

Classical theory and one Contemporary theory

1. Choose an article from a newspaper, magazine, or news website that was published on or after September 1, 2021. The article must be about a current event. The event can be happening anywhere in the world The article can come from an international news source as long as it is written in English.Pick something that really interests you!2. Choose one classical theory and one contemporary theory:Classical Contemporary Conflict Theory Critical Race Theory Functionalism Feminist Theory Symbolic Interactionism Post-Colonial Theory Post-Structuralist Theory Queer Theory Western Marxism3.

Write 1,000-1,500 words explaining how each of the two theories that you chose would explain the current event and making an argument for which of the two theories you think provides the best explanation for the event. You should not rely on direct quotations to explain your theories and make your arguments. Writing in your own words demonstrates your understanding of the material.

Introduction (100-150 words) This should be a concise paragraph that briefly introduces the reader to the current event you will be discussing, the theories you will use, and your argument.  It’s kind of like a teaser or a coming attraction for a movie, except that in sociological research we expect there to be spoilers! You should include a brief mention of your conclusion.

Event (150-200 words) Give a concise explanation of the current event that you have chosen to analyze, It needs to have enough detail so that a reader unfamiliar with it will be able to follow your argument. Even if it’s something that you’re pretty sure everybody already knows about, you have to pretend that we don’t. Explain it to us as though we are hearing about it for the first time.

Classical Theory (200-300 words) A brief explanation of your chosen classical theory. Again, assume that we don’t know anything about the theory (even though you know we do). An explanation of how this classical theory would explain the current event you chose and why.

Contemporary Theory (200-300 words) A brief explanation of your chosen contemporary theory. Can you guess what’s coming? Yes, assume we know nothing about it. An explanation of how this contemporary theory would explain the current event and why.

Argument (300-400 words) Tell us which of the two theories you think best helps explain the issue and why. Tell us why the other theory isn’t as good at explaining the issue.  Explain your argument very clearly, being specific about why you agree/disagree with a theory and/or what weaknesses/strengths you see it offered.

Conclusion (100-150 words) Sum up your paper with a paragraph that reiterates your main points.

Reference List (not included in word count) Provide complete citations for any works that you referred to in your assignment, in ASA style.

Discuss at least one way that you could show vulnerability as a leader to your team. How could this help you connect with your team in a positive manner.

Leadership and Management Theories

Many leaders hesitate to show vulnerability to their team. Discuss at least one way that you could show vulnerability as a leader to your team. How could this help you connect with your team in a positive manner (See the Person Centred Nursing Framework (PC) PowerPoint link in your required reading for the week)?

In addition, what type of healthcare delivery system would you implement for your team? Discuss the rationale for your choice.

Should the aim of government be to achieve the ‘greatest happiness of the greatest number’?

Contemporary political theory

Should the aim of government  be to achieve the ‘greatest happiness of the greatest number’?

Write a 250-500 word rationale explaining your instructional choices, how your lesson extends the skills taught in the “Sample Lesson Plan” for Marcus, and how the lesson is appropriate for meeting Marcus’ academic goal.

Modifying Lesson Plan

An essential part of being a special educator is writing and implementing IEPs and lesson plans associated with goals on IEPs. Due to legal requirements, special educators should understand the steps that go into planning effective lessons and appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities. Being able to translate IEP goals into learning objectives and accompanying lessons requires practice.

Review “Marcus Partial IEP and Lesson” to inform the assignment.

Upon reviewing the Present Level of Performance and the second grade literacy-based standards, create one academic goal specific to Marcus’ needs. Include this academic goal within the “Lesson Summary and Focus” section of the “COE Lesson Plan Template.”

Design a standards-based lesson plan, using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” that modifies and extends skills taught in Marcus’ sample lesson plan and is aligned to his identified academic goal.

Write a 250-500 word rationale explaining your instructional choices, how your lesson extends the skills taught in the “Sample Lesson Plan” for Marcus, and how the lesson is appropriate for meeting Marcus’ academic goal. Discuss how elements of UDL will be incorporated to enhance Marcus’ learning.

Do you agree with the decision to ask teachers not to speak with students about the school consolidation plan while district administrators decided where theywould send the students the following year? Why or why not?


1 Do you agree with the decision to ask teachers not to speak with students about the school consolidation plan while district administrators decided where they would send the students the following year? Why or why not?

2 If you were Ms. Tilston, and Melody and Javier approached you for advice about how to funnel their frustrations into positive action, what would you have suggested they do? How involved in their plans would you want to be? What
repercussions could exist for your decision if you choose to get involved?

3 School closings can have detrimental effects on local communities. Why might school closures in low-income areas have especially detrimental effects on the students and families in those communities?

Write a brief one paragraph summary of the concept and another paragraph describing how the concept is shown in the movie.

Intercultural analysis 2

Movie Choices:

Crash (R)–

The Joy Luck Club (R)–

Mulan (PG-13)–

For this assignment, you may choose up to three chapters from the book that relate to the movie and write about them. For each entry, write a brief one paragraph summary of the concept and another paragraph describing how the concept is shown in the movie.

Paragraph describing a concept from the book
Paragraph describing examples from the movie
Paragraph describing a concept from the book
Paragraph describing examples from the movie
Paragraph describing a concept from the book
Paragraph describing examples from the movie

Do you agree with Ms. Grady that Samantha is displaying a lack of grit by not turning in her homework? Why or why not? In what ways is Samantha demonstrating grit and resilience?


1 An equality view dictates we treat all students equally. This is the view Ms. Grady has applied to her homework policy when it comes to Samantha. How might her perspective change if she adopted an equity view instead, taking stock of the
barriers and challenges individual students experience and crafting policy to be responsive to those barriers and challenges?

2 Do you agree with Ms. Grady that Samantha is displaying a lack of grit by not turning in her homework? Why or why not? In what ways is Samantha demonstrating grit and resilience?

3 Mr. Burns worries that Ms. Grady and several of his other colleagues have a deficit view of families experiencing poverty, tending to attribute conditions like Samantha not turning in her homework to supposed deficiencies in those
families. How might taking the deficit view force us into misunderstandings of the challenges and barriers students like Samantha face at school?

Describe the significant influences in your life and their influences, both positive and negative. How have you integrated these experiences into your life and the person you have become?

Contribution of Life Experience to Selfconcept

Learning objectives:
Describe the impact of personal experiences on selfconcept

Apply understanding of personal selfconcept to the patient’s selfconcept

Relate knowledge of the patient’s selfconcept to the nursepatient relationship


Our collective experiences contribute to the person we have become. Experiences are internalized from a number of sources: Birth order, how we were treated within the family, educational experiences, the friends we had, the environment in which we grew up, etc.

Think about your experiences from childhood to your current age. What kind of experiences influenced your life and the person you have become? Not all experiences are positive but they all have an impact and need to be integrated into our lives. Describe the significant influences in your life and their influences, both positive and negative. How have you integrated these experiences into your life and the person you have become?

How do you believe your experience(s) can help you in your relationship with patients?

Write a one page paper describing significant experiences in your life, how you have integrated them into the person you are now and how they contribute to your relationship with patients.