
What are the equity implications of fundraisers that require students to sell items such as chocolate bars? Do you agree with Ms. Alexander’s concerns about how these fundraisers can alienate students experiencing poverty? Why or why not?


1 What are the equity implications of fundraisers that require students to sell items such as chocolate bars? Do you agree with Ms. Alexander’s concerns about how these fundraisers can alienate students experiencing poverty? Why or why not?

2 If the PTA members are intent on raising funds to support student activities or 35 make up for budget cuts, what are some ways in which they can do so that might not require students to compete with one another? How else might the PTA go about addressing the lack of funding for student activities? p.23

3 Ms. Torrence knew the concerns raised by Ms. Alexander and Mr. Cuertas would be drowned out by the voices of other meeting attendees who saw the chocolate bar fundraiser as a school tradition. Can you think of other examples of school
traditions that, despite being supported by many people, are biased against or inequitable toward some students and families?

Using your organization or an organization of your choosing discuss how the group level elements of Inputs, Processes, and Outcomes impact organizational structure and culture.

The Group: Inputs, Processes, and Outcomes

Write a summary paper using Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 and review Exhibit 1-6. Using your organization or an organization of your choosing discuss how the group level elements of Inputs, Processes, and Outcomes impact organizational structure and culture.

The Group:

Inputs – Group structure, Group roles, & Team responsibilities.

Processes – Communications, Leadership, Power and politics, & Conflict and negotiation.

Outcomes – Group cohesion & Group functioning.

Give an in depth introduction of the topic. Provide transitional sentences from one topic to the next. Develop the body of the paper fully using no less than 3 full pages and no more than 5 pages.

Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan. A Case study of Adaptation in Battle

Give an in depth introduction of the topic. Provide transitional sentences from one topic to the next. Develop the body of the paper fully using no less than 3 full pages and no more than 5 pages, this does not include the APA format title and references page. Provide a summative conclusion. Provide a total of 3 references for the references page. Use Times New Roman 12 point font and the current APA writing style.

Brief explanation of the topic of the text: its aim. Brief statement of evaluation of the text Summary. Discuss and evaluate the strengths and important contribution of the text.

Critical review of the journal geomorphic threshoilds

This is a critical review of this journal article that has to be done within 400 words (which does not include the referencing and figures titles.) if it could be possible for a plagiarism score of less than 10%, that would be great. I would prefer communication to be through email.

They want to see how the article has been referenced in other academic works through Scopus, is it still relevant? etc

The use of figures from the journal would be more appreciated by my teacher and gain more marks.

The article is the geomorphic thresholds by Schumm.

Other connecting articles that can be referenced in the crtical review

Doyle, M.W. and Julian, J.P. (2005). The most cited works in Geomorphology. Geomorphology, 72(1-4), pp. 238-249. (available in LRC Online Library)

Ethridge, F.G., Wohl, E., Gellis, A., Germanoski, D., Hayes, B.R. and Ouchi, S. (2012). Memorial to Stanley A. Schumm (1927–2011). Geological Society of America Memorials, 41, pp. 51-56.

Gregory, K.J. and Goudie, A.S. (eds.) (2011). The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology. Sage.

Gregory, K.J. and Lewin, J. (2014) The Basics of Geomorphology: key concepts. London: Sage.

Schumm, S.A. (1973). ‘Geomorphic thresholds and complex response of drainage systems’. In: Morisawa, M. (Ed.), Fluvial Geomorphology. New York State Univ. Pub. Geomorph, Binghamton, pp. 299–310. (Many of the ideas developed in Schumm (1979) were first introduced here)

Underneath is the structure my teacher recommended


• State the reference (following Harvard style referencing format)

• Brief explanation of the topic of the text: its aim

• Brief statement of evaluation of the text


• Main points of the article and a few examples

• Include some key figures?

• This section should be no more than 1/3 of the whole

Significance (critique)

• Main part

• Discuss and evaluate the strengths and important contribution of the text

• Weaknesses and limitations (careful with older works)

• Include other sources to support it (references)


Restatement of the overall opinion of the text

Recommendations or further explanation of your judgement to demonstrate it’s fair and reasonable

References (for other sources cited)

Word count: 400 words –make every word count

Do technological solutions to unintended and unforeseen consequences always create more problems? If so, is this part of the very nature of technology? If not, give an example of a technology that did not have attendant unintended consequences.

Technological solutions to unintended and unforeseen consequences

Do technological solutions to unintended and unforeseen consequences always create more problems? If so, is this part of the very nature of technology? If not, give an example of a technology that did not have attendant unintended consequences and argue that this is sufficient to show that unintended consequences are not part of the nature of technology.

What are the secondary sources that agree or disagree with you? How are you going to integrate and connect them to your analysis of the primary source? How will these secondary sources expand on your interpretation and analysis of the primary source?

Talk about Ali(2001)

In 4-5 double spaced pages:

By now, you have submitted your Primary Source Analysis Paper, conducted research, and have composed your The Annotated Bibliography.

For The Secondary Source Integration Paper, you want to revisit and review the feedback you received on the Primary Source Analysis Paper and review the sources you included in your Annotated Bibliography. The Secondary Source Integration Paper builds on the Primary Source Analysis Paper, so it should be an extension of the first paper you wrote this semester. It should demonstrate a meaningful, thoughtful analysis of your primary and secondary sources by putting them into conversation with each other and helping your reader see how the secondary sources enrich our understanding of your interpretation of the primary source.

Develop your primary source analysis paper by choosing two secondary sources and putting them into conversation with each other and with your own ideas and analysis of the primary source artifact. Consider the following questions:

What are the secondary sources that agree or disagree with you? How are you going to integrate and connect them to your analysis of the primary source?

How does each source’s main argument relate to, support, complicate, or differ from the claims you want to support in your paper?

How will these secondary sources expand on your interpretation and analysis of the primary source?

How are you going to maintain your own analytical claims? By integrating your secondary sources, how will your research questions evolve since now you are going to integrate your secondary sources into the analysis of the primary source?

Thoroughly integrate your secondary sources so that they respond to specific details in your primary source, which will eventually enrich your analysis of the primary source.

Include a thesis statement that has a compelling analytical claim which accounts for your interpretation of the primary source and the selected secondary sources.

Assert and maintain your own critical voice rather than letting the secondary evidence speak for you and focus on your own analytical claims.

Include a work cited page that follows MLA style. To access the MLA page format template, MLA in-text citations, and MLA formatting quotations, check the module: EN 1110: Course Resources.

Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Obstacles we encounter

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Research an ACM or IEE scholarly paper and do your literature review on the subject topic Post your literature review and respond to two peer posts,

CAATTs for Data Extraction and Analysis in the field of information technology

Research an ACM or IEE scholarly paper and do your literature review on the subject topic Post your literature review and respond to two peer posts. The literature review includes your understanding of the paper, reflection and reaction on the paper. Include your literature reference list in your post.

Are you writing for a general audience (subscribers to the Orlando Sentinel, for example), or are you writing for a narrower, better-informed readership (poetry readers, iPhone owners, Taylor Swift fans who have attended at least three live concerts?)


Imagine you’ve been contacted by the editor of a print publication or website. This editor needs a review to run in the next edition, and has heard that you’re a smart, entertaining, and ethical reviewer.


Your task in this writing project is to write the review. In doing so, you get to decide the key details. What exactly are you reviewing, for instance? That’s your choice. You might select a music album, film, novel, restaurant, video game, television show, technological gadget, or anything else you think readers will be interested in. Wait—what readers? Well, you choose those, too. The audience for the review is up to you. Are you writing for a general audience (subscribers to the Orlando Sentinel, for example), or are you writing for a narrower, better-informed readership (poetry readers, iPhone owners, Taylor Swift fans who have attended at least three live concerts?). You decide—and write your review in a way that reflects this decision.


Each of the activities in this unit will help you learn about reviews and take steps toward producing your own. Here are the activities, in the order in which you should complete them:

Activity 2.1: Discussion: First Thoughts on My Review (due by Monday, Sep. 13)
Activity 2.2: Quiz: Different Kinds of Reviews (due by Thursday, Sep. 16)
Activity 2.3: Discussion: Subgenre Analysis (due by Monday, Sep. 20)
Activity 2.4: Discussion: First Two Pages (due by Thursday, Sep. 23)
The concepts, skills, and examples provided in these activities should shape your approach to the assignment.

How well have you considered the evidence provided to you in class and the readings. Have you thoroughly considered both sides of the argument, and how convincingly can you make an argument supporting one view.

Critical Reflection Paper

In this paper you will make an argument to either
support or refute the debate statement. (Debate Statement: All human behaviour is a result of a combination of genes and the environment. Is it reasonable (logical and/or supported by evidence) to consider talent innate, but emphasize the many environmental influences on intelligence?)

You don’t need to respond according to your group for this paper but you are expected to include some information from both sides of the argument. This paper does not need to include outside sources beyond lecture material, discussion material, and assigned readings. These reflection papers will be graded based on how well you have considered the evidence provided to you in class and the readings, whether you have thoroughly considered both sides of the argument, and how convincingly you can make an argument supporting one view.