
Prepare and present internal and external reports. Monitor and evaluate performance. Recommend opportunities for performance improvements.

9-1 Project Submission: Acquisition Proposal

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

  • Prepare and present internal and external reports.
  • Monitor and evaluate performance.
  • Recommend opportunities for performance improvements.

You are a former Navy officer and fighter pilot, and you are now the controller of a division of TransGlobal Airlines, a large organization that operates a fleet of corporate jets for charter at several airports in the southeast part of the United States. Your division’s private charter clients include several Fortune 500 companies in the region. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has informed you that the company is considering the acquisition of two smaller aviation firms in the region specializing in chartered flights for luxury vacations using light aircraft (60 passengers or less). The CFO has tasked you with assessing the organizational benefits of acquiring these aviation firms. The CFO intends to develop a new business plan for the organization if your analysis recommends moving forward with the acquisition.

After an initial assessment, the company has shortlisted two airlines, Company A and Company B, to examine further for acquisition. To understand all aspects of the two airlines under consideration, you have visited each proposed site to assess their performance. The assessment included creating a balanced scorecard for each airline with all four components, financial, internal processes, customers/market, and learning and growth, that will impact the acquisition of each firm.

The CFO has asked you to generate two scenarios for the proposed acquisition based on your analysis and governing or predictive assumptions. They include a worst-case scenario that considers the most serious outcomes that could occur if anticipated targets and assumptions are dramatically wrong; and a best-case scenario if anticipated targets and assumptions significantly exceed forecasts.

Based on your assessment and analysis of the companies in Milestones One and Two, you will create and deliver a PowerPoint Presentation for senior management’s review and analysis. You will also write an executive summary with your recommendations for the leadership team.

Part 1: Presentation

Record and submit a narrated PowerPoint presentation to share your analysis and recommendations for the proposed acquisitions. Use your data and analysis, along with feedback received from the milestone assignments, to complete your presentation. Note: Remember to use both on-screen text and narration in your PowerPoint slides to convey your information effectively. For example, you can use brief bulleted lists on the slide and include detailed explanations in your narration. A resource is provided under Supporting Materials to help you record your presentation. If you are unable to submit a presentation with narration, be sure to include detailed speaker notes with your submission.

Situation Analysis of TransGlobal Airlines (parent company). Use the information from the Supporting Materials section to highlight the parent company’s current business environment.
Internal environment: culture, leadership, internal processes, human resources, operations, and financial performance
External environment: competitive, market, regulatory, customers, suppliers, and other relevant stakeholders
Acquisition Rationale: Explain why your company is planning to acquire these airlines. What strategic objectives will the acquisition meet? How might the acquisition support the bigger picture goals of TransGlobal?

Proposed Acquisitions: Using the resources provided in the Supporting Materials section, provide an overview of the two companies under consideration to be acquired. Include the following information for each company:

  • Location, size, and age of the firm
  • Customer segment and target market
  • Major competitors
  • Company leadership
  • Current financial and market status

Analysis of Company A. Present your data and analysis of Company A. Include the following in your analysis:
Balanced scorecard data: Share the balanced scorecard for Company A. Copy and paste the relevant sections from your Milestone One spreadsheet. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share, and include the four components:
Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most impactful key performance indicators.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Internal processes: Complete the internal processes section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant KPIs.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Customers/market: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant KPIs.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Learning and growth: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant KPIs.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Balanced scorecard analysis: Describe your analysis of Company A’s performance based on its balanced scorecard components. Perform a cost-benefit-risk analysis to explain whether the benefits justify the costs of acquisition.
Opportunity cost: What will it cost to move forward with this opportunity?
Risk: Identify and explain the magnitude (low, medium, or high) of the risks this acquisition poses to the parent company related to its market, financial, cultural, and operational environments.
Analysis of Company B. Present your data and analysis of Company B. Include the following in your analysis:
Balanced Scorecard Data: Share the balanced scorecard of Company B and highlight some key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share. Copy and paste the relevant sections from your Milestone One spreadsheet. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share, and include the four components:
Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most impactful key performance indicators.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Internal processes: Complete the internal processes section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Customers/market: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant two key performance indicators.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Learning and growth: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.
Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
Balanced scorecard analysis: Perform a cost-benefit-risk analysis for Company B based on its balanced scorecard components to explain whether the benefits justify the costs of acquisition.
Opportunity cost: What will it cost to move forward with this opportunity?
Risk: Identify and explain the magnitude (low, medium, or high) of the risks this acquisition poses to the parent company as related to its market, financial, cultural, and operational environments.
Recommendation: Recommend whether TransGlobal Airlines should acquire one or both companies.
Rationale: Justify how your recommendation supports the company’s strategic objectives. This includes one or more of its financial, market, competitive, and cultural objectives.
Assumptions: Explain how your acquisition recommendation will impact the company’s success in different scenarios:
A worst-case scenario that considers the most serious outcomes that could occur if anticipated targets and assumptions are dramatically wrong; and
A best-case scenario that considers outcomes that significantly exceed anticipated targets and assumptions.


Part 2: Executive Summary
Submit a Word document summarizing your analysis and recommendations for both companies.

Situation assessment: Briefly summarize your company’s current internal and external business environments and the rationale for acquisition.
Data and analysis: Provide a brief overview of the two airlines under consideration, including your findings and analysis from your balanced scorecards.
Recommendation: Justify your recommendation for the acquisition and explain how it supports the company’s objectives.

Evaluate creative and innovative organizational structures. Recommend alternative innovations to solve an internal or market need. Implement creative and innovative processes within an organization.

9-1 Project Submission: Organizational Structure and Culture

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Evaluate creative and innovative organizational structures.
  • Recommend alternative innovations to solve an internal or market need.
  • Implement creative and innovative processes within an organization.

You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks.

The chief technology officer (CTO) of the company from the course scenario has been watching new technology developments that the company could integrate into its vehicles to enhance the usefulness of and access to the data acquired by the many digital sensors that have been integrated into vehicle subsystems over the past 20–30 years. The technology trend of particular interest is the internet of things (IoT)—the interconnection of embedded devices, such as sensors and computers, over the internet. By taking advantage of this trend, the CTO believes the company can seize an opportunity to provide better service and predictive maintenance to its customers, improving customer satisfaction and adding additional revenue streams.

Based on briefings by the CTO, senior management has decided to implement IoT in its product line. Your CTO has asked you to lead a cross-functional team to take this initiative forward. Your first task is to make a recommendation for how the company should approach this business problem. Do you recommend using incremental or discontinuous (that is, slow or fast) innovation? Specifically:

In 6-sentences or more, explain how the confidence interval procedure can be applied at the workplace for the position.

WK 7 MGMT 650 – Employing The Normal Distribution

Confidence Intervals at the Workplace

Web site:

Case scenario.

At the workplace, you are the research team leader.
The Boss wants your team to collect data to establish a confidence interval for a situation at work.
In 6-sentences or more, explain how the confidence interval procedure can be applied at the workplace for the position.

Select a national park, preserve, conservation easement, or similar location, and identify the specific state in which it is located. Describe the specific location, including the various flora/fauna species present.

Denali National Park

You will also be required to write a report on a national park, preserve, conservation easement, or location for flora/fauna that covers the topic below.
• The location can be anywhere in the United States of America, including its federally-recognized territories.
• Your report should be at least 6 pages: 1 title page (include student name, location, and state–do not list these on the second page as well or points will be taken off), no less than 4 pages for the body of the paper, and no less than 1 page for citations/sources. Note: an extra 1 page can be included for pictures or graphics (optional), but it does NOT count as part of the five pages. Additionally, DO NOT add pictures in the body of the report.
• The report must be double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and typed in Times New Roman 12pt font.
• The report must be saved in Word format (not PDF nor Pages).
• The citation page must use APA or MLA format with at least 7 entries.
• At least 50% of your sources need to be published books, journals, or reputable print material (i.e. not websites). Note: e-books, e-journals, etc. are permissible.
• Other websites used must be reliable and as high quality as possible (i.e. scientific institutions, university databases, reputable naturalists-i.e. not Wikipedia).
• Sources should be as recent as possible as many organisms get reclassified or have had new information discovered about them that contradicts the old.
• When discussing the habitat (as talked about below), you must include relevant information regarding your chosen species such as scientific and common names, natural habitat, reproductive habits, significance to ecosystems, interaction with other species, etc.
Select a national park, preserve, conservation easement, or similar location, and identify the specific state in which it is located.
Describe the specific location, including the various flora/fauna species present.
Identify a human-related issue impacting its existence and the species within it. Describe the nature of the issue: i.e. development, deforestation, overpopulation, etc.
What are implications if the issue does not change or improve?
What measures are being taken at the local, state, territory and/or governmental level to address the issue?
Find an example (either within the country or elsewhere) of how the issue has been or can be addressed/resolved?

Choose one of the theories previously covered in class and write a traditional literature review on the theory.

Agenda Setting Theory

Students will choose one of the theories previously covered in class and write a traditional literature review on the theory. This will be a 4–6-page paper (not including references or title page) analyzing a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles that utilize the chosen theory. These articles must be drawn from the given list of communication studies journals and should explore different ways that the theory has been applied and utilized over the years. Students must choose a theory that they are not presenting on for the theory presentations. This should be a formal literature review that synthesizes the articles you have found using the literature. This means that your paper should NOT be a list of sources and the information attached to them, but rather bringing the 5 or more sources you have found into conversation with each other to build a picture of the different ways your chosen theory can be applied and expanded upon.


Write a research with the attached documents as the core of the paper.


Write a research with the attached documents as the core of the paper.


Children’s perceptions of the classroom environment and social and academic performance and the responsive classroom approach. How can we improve classrooms to promote and improve social and academic performance?

Responsive Classroom

Children’s perceptions of the classroom environment and social and academic performance and the responsive classroom approach. How can we improve classrooms to promote and improve social and academic performance?

Write an introduction, a single paragraph, and conclusion that answers the question: Discuss factors that lead to success at university.

Discuss factors that lead to success at university.

Formatting Instructions as indicated over page and on the marking schedule.

Task: Write an introduction, a single paragraph, and conclusion that answers the question: Discuss factors that lead to success at university.

You could consider (but are not limited to) factors such as belonging, identity, whakapapa, diversity, curriculum, engagement, ability, and beliefs. You should reference at least three of the reading resources that have been used so far in the course.

How likely is it that the achievement of the role/responsibility will influence the way children/students with disabilities and their families experience inclusive education? How do the issues or barriers influence the achievement of the role/responsibility?

Learning guide attached Assignment:2 page: 12 40%

– This assignment often takes more time to prepare as you will need to think deeply about your response. Allow sufficient time to develop your argument and edit your work.
– Review the information available on the government website in particular, read the Summary of Inclusive Education for students with disability policy that can be found on the website. There will be a link in the Assessment 2 folder.
– Select one of the seven roles and responsibilities to focus on for your position paper.
– Identify which educational setting you will focus on.
– Review the resources in the vUWS Assessment 2 folder.
– Undertake your own research about the current issues, challenges, and possibilities in Australia in relation to the implications for inclusive education in this role/responsibility. Investigate examples of best practices.

– Write a statement, that reflects your position on the selected role/responsibility, and then justify your position by elaborating on the key issues, referencing the literature to support your argument. Write two recommendations that align with your position statement and justification.

– Check that your position, justification, and recommendations align. Is the argument logical, credible, and based on evidence?

– When undertaking your research ensure your references are current (the majority should be less than 5 years old), mostly Australian; relevant to your (early childhood, primary or secondary) context; and peer-reviewed literature and not websites. It is wise to reference your text.

– Remember this is not an opinion piece, it is a formal position paper responding to policy, which will be read by the relevant Departmental officers, and consequently it should have a succinct and formal tone.

A good starting point is to reflect on some of these questions as you explore the complexities of your response:
– How does the role/responsibility influence the implementation of inclusive education?
– Why should we care about the role/responsibility?
– How realistic are the roles and responsibilities, do they go far enough, or do they go too far?
– What are some of the underlying issues and barriers to achieving this role/responsibility?
– How likely is it that the achievement of the role/responsibility will influence the way children/students with disabilities and their families experience inclusive education?
– How do the issues or barriers influence the achievement of the role/responsibility?
– What does the research say might ameliorate these barriers? What can we learn from international practices?
– What other measures and mechanisms will promote the inclusion of children/students with disability in education and learning?

Write one 5-page argumentative essay on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

Argumentative essay on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

You will write one 5-page argumentative essay on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. This essay will be organized so that it

  • 1) frames a question/problem,
  • 2) advances a clear, arguable Thesis (your tentative answer to the question),
  • 3) supports your Thesis with a critical reading of the text, and
  • 4) draws a Conclusion suggesting why your Thesis should matter to other readers.

You may use either APA or MLA, but whichever you use, use it consistently and correctly, including a Works Cited page.