
Why did this material stand out for you? Did you agree or disagree with it? What other thoughts and connections did you make? Did it connect with your experiences outside the class? Did it connect with material you have learnt in other classes?


You are required to write four first-person personal reflections and response papers on the class material. One for each module.

These assignments are based in an open-ended question in order to give you the freedom to focus on whatever material in that Module was most interesting or stimulating to you.

Part One: Reflection ! This is the website ( )

In your own reflection include 3 components:

A description of the material including reference to specific reading(s). What was the main argument in the reading? I am looking here for a clear summary of the material. You are just simply describing what the material claims.

An analysis of the material. Here you are looking to identify any assumptions, limits in the material OR/AND the parts of the material that are compelling and evidence based

A reflective component. This involves an explanation of its personal impact: Why did this material stand out for you? Did you agree or disagree with it? What other thoughts and connections did you make? Did it connect with your experiences outside the class? Did it connect with material you have learnt in other classes?

This first part of the assignment must be between 350-400 words. At the end of the reflection post, you must include the word count in parentheses.

Part Two: Response

Choose one of your classmates post to respond to. This must include two components:

One way in which you share a perspective or agree with their post and why.

One way in which you differ or disagree and why.

How does child trafficking affects sibling bonding? How child trafficking affects the physical and psychological conditions of young children.

Final Research Paper

The Researched Argument an analytic research paper involving deeper inquiry into fairy tales, folklore, and myth connecting to the modern world through themes of survival, identity, and/or tradition. How many and what types of sources are needed? 7-9 sources used in the body paragraphs of the paper and listed on the annotated bibliography 1. Foundation sources ( 3 required ) original fairy tales, folk tales, myths, legends from our textbook 2. Experts in the field of tales who use literary criticism lenses to make commentary on tales (1 required) Folk tale experts like Zipes, Tatar, Warner, Bettelheim, Campbell, etc. (Zipes' writes the intro of our text as well as the intro to each chapter in our text. Other authors mentioned have books located on our 102 Library Resource Page.) 3. Modern Day Research ( 3 required) popular sources from books, magazines, newspapers, electronic sources academic, scholarly journals/books (3 of this type is required) from library databases How long does this paper have to be? The minimum is a 10 page properly formatted paper submitted. 9-11 double-spaced pages, size 12 TNR font, NOT counting images, heading, header, title, or annotated bibliography. That's 10 pages of content when you consider these other elements. All papers will be MUCH longer when you include and submit the heading on the first page and the matching Annotated Bibliography. Do NOT submit a Works Cited page. I want the MATCHING Annotated Bibliography, meaning that all of the sources revealed as textual evidence in body paragraphs are listed and annotated on the AB. What is the purpose of this paper? Through literary and research analysis, argue how a particular element from any folk narrative genre reveals itself in modern society. Examples of connections former students have made from tale to folk expert to modern day research to present their arguments: The character Bluebeard reveals extreme behaviors possibly due to psychological complications and patterns of obsessive compulsive disorder. Tale: Bluebeard trope, various tales from chapter Expert: Psychological criticism from Bettelheim and Campbell Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of those diagnosis Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources Both the Grimms' versions of tales and Trump show how they are influenced by religion through attempts to regulate women’s sexual and reproductive rights by promoting fear of outsiders and weaving religious messages into the language they use. Tale: Various Grimm authored tales from throughout the text Expert: Gender, Feminist, Moral, New Historicism from Campbell, Zipes, and Warner Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of those diagnosis Obsessive Compulsive Disorder from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources In the trope, Facing Fear, the main character suffers through abuse within his household due to his repeated actions and strange behaviors consistent with children today diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. Tale: Facing Fear trope, various tales from chapter Expert: Psychological criticism from Bettelheim and Campbell Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of those diagnosis Asperger's from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources The archetypes in the Sleeping Beauty trope represent an aspect of the collective unconscious within the feminist movement, and more importantly, these archetypes explore the power women hold in society and how this power can affect social change. Tale: Bluebeard trope, various tales from chapter Tale Expert: Gender, Feminist, and Psychological criticism from Warner, Bettelheim, and Campbell Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of female power systems and psychology from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources In Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's version of Cinderella, the stepsisters sacrifice body parts in an attempt secure their status in society pointedly revealing the fine line between feminist power and Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD) plaguing the minds of females today. Tale: Cinderella trope, various tales from chapter Tale Expert: Feminist and Psychological criticism from Zipes, Warner, Tatar, Bettelheim, and Campbell Modern day: Researched symptoms and behaviors of those diagnosis BDD from popular and scholarly, peer reviewed sources Additional instructions : The Essay should have connections with "Hansel and Gretel" and the topic of the essay should be about child trafficking and how child trafficking connects with the story of Hansel and Grete. There should be connections like how child trafficking effects sibling bonding, and how in the tale Hansel and Gretel used their sibling bond to overcome dangers.. Use the book “The golden age of folk and fairy tale by jack zipes” information about annotated bibliography:

The ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY MUST INCLUDE: A citation to the article, chapter, or other work in black ink Qualifications of the author or authors Explain the methods the authors used to conduct findings/write the article A summary of the argument and/or findings Evaluation of the work, for example the logic of the arguments or value of the evidence. This is YOUR evaluation!!! How this work supports your own research Here is a sample of one source, color-coded with the above required elements: (See if you can guess which fairy tale trope this is written for:) Battle, Ken. “Child Poverty: The Evolution and Impact of Child Benefits.” A Question of Commitment: Children's Rights in Canada. Eds. Katherine Covell and R. Brian Howe. 2007. pp. 21-44. Academic Search Premier, Accessed 8 Nov. 2015. Ken Battle draws on a close study of government documents, as well as his own research as an extensively-published policy analyst, to explain Canadian child benefit programs. He outlines some fundamental assumptions supporting the belief that all society members should contribute to the upbringing of children. His comparison of child poverty rates in a number of countries is a useful wake-up to anyone assuming Canadian society is doing a good job of protecting children. Battle pays particular attention to the National Child Benefit (NCB), arguing that it did not deserve to be criticized by politicians and journalists. He outlines the NCB’s development, costs, and benefits, and laments that the Conservative government scaled it back in favor of the inferior Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB). However, he relies too heavily on his own work; he is the sole or primary author of almost half the sources in his bibliography. He could make this work stronger by drawing from others' perspectives and analyses. However, Battle does offer a valuable source for this essay, because the chapter provides a concise overview of government-funded assistance currently available to parents. This offers context for analyzing the scope and financial reality of child poverty in Canada. Note that this would be one of 7-9 sources you will list in your annotated bibliography. Note format of HANGING indentation and specific language used to denote required elements. 3 of the 7-9 sources on your annotated bibliography must be scholarly, peer reviewed sources for your modern day aspect. 3 of the 7-9 sources on your annotated bibliography must be fairy tales from our textbook (Cited and alphabetized only, no annotation required). 1 of the 7-9 sources on your annotated bibliography must be an expert fairy tale literary critic. You should also color code your annotated bibliography in order to demonstrate your understanding of the format and expectations. Failure to meet these guidelines may result in automatic failure for the assignment. The source description should be color-coded for example: 1) Qualifications of the author in green, 2)Explain the methods the authors used to conduct findings/write the article in a different color, 3)A summary of the argument and/or findings in a different color, 4)Evaluation of the work, for example the logic of the arguments or value of the evidence. This is YOUR evaluation!!! in a different color and 5)How this work supports your own research in a different color I have added file which has the annotated bibliography. Just kindly make the above changes to the annotated bibliography page by color coding the source along with adding more information. I am also uploading a essay sample that was done.

Very important details: 1) How child trafficking affects sibling bonding. 2) How child trafficking affects the physical and psychological conditions of a young children.

Explain how those religions rites and believes engaged in meditative practices, and how meditation health benefits are important for body, mental and spiritual well-being.


How those religions rites and believes engaged in meditative practices, and how meditation health benefits are important for body, mental and spiritual well-being.

Describe how you plan to integrate to specific cultural competency principles and how you plan to integrate to specific NASW Code of Ethics ethical principles discussed in class and from your own research into your research proposal.

Child Abuse

Design a Research Proposal on Child Abuse with a minimum of 15 credible peer-reviewed, scholarly articles cited. Paper should include:
• Title Page
• Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Problem Statement
• Research Question and/or Hypotheses
 Develop a research question and sample variables. Develop a search strategy for books and articles that will accompany the research question, and provide a theoretical explanation to support it.
• Methods Section
o Research Design
o Sample
o Instrumentation
o Data Collection
o Data Analysis
• Discussion Section
o Limitations
o Significance
• Ethical and Cultural Considerations
 Describe how you plan to integrate to specific cultural competency principles and how you plan to integrate to specific NASW Code of Ethics ethical principles discussed in class and from your own research into your research proposal. Include a minimum of three ethical principles from the NASW Code of Ethics you would include in your study.

Why are you interested in this company and what information did you found useful. Calculate Return on Assets and share what you have learned from this analysis.

Annual report

Find an annual report for a company of interest (perhaps your employer). Publicly held company annual reports (10K) can be located via a search link at

NOTE: To perform the search in the Edgar Archives the best way is to enter the “ticker symbol” for the company. In Yahoo finance (MSN, or other investment websites) enter the company’s name next to the icon “Get Quotes”. For example, Tech Data Corp’s ticker symbol is “TECD” and Bloomin’ Brands ticker symbol is “BLMN”.

Click on the link to “Interactive Data” and then the link to the “Financial Statements”. Locate and review the Income Statement and Balance Sheet. Share in your post why you are interested in this company and information you found useful.
Calculate Return on Assets and share what you have learned from this analysis.

What is the influence of social media and portable technology on children and teenagers?

Influence of social media and portable technology on children and teenagers.

1. Select from one of the following topics provided on your potential topic list, or you may propose a topic of your own.
2. Create a thesis statement that is persuasive, arguable, and well-defined.
3. Create two to four research questions that will allow you to prove the thesis statement provided.
4. Perform a Literature Review in which you explore the various current and past perspectives on the topic selected related to your thesis.
5. Complete an Annotated Bibliography in which you locate six sources, evaluate the quality of each source, and then reflect on how each source will inform your completion of the final research paper.
6. Construct a four to six page research paper where you use textual evidence to support your persuasive thesis statement driven by the research questions you created.

Would the role of PO as “coach” (packet) be helpful in resolving this “cop vs. social worker” conflict? Explain your position.

The main decision made by those working in the probation field is how to manage their dual responsibilities of law enforcement and offender rehabilitation. If 1= enforcement, and 8= rehabilitation, where do you think you would generally fall, given the wide variety of cases you would supervise, if you were to work as a probation officer? Why?

Optional: Would the role of PO as “coach” (packet) be helpful in resolving this “cop vs. social worker” conflict? Explain your position.

What constitutional issues and amendments were involved in these cases? What effect, if any, did that decision have on the first two cases? Do you agree or disagree with the courts decision in the Ramos case and why?

Johnson vs Louisiana (1972) and Apodaca vs Oregon (1972)

Describe the US Supreme Court cases of: Johnson vs Louisiana (1972) and Apodaca vs Oregon (1972)
What constitutional issues and amendments were involved in these cases?
In 2020 the US Supreme Court decided the case of Ramos vs Louisiana.
Describe that case, and the constitutional issues that were decided.
What effect, if any, did that decision have on the first two cases?
Do you agree or disagree with the courts decision in the Ramos case and why?

What is the primary research question? (What changes can we make to government policies or laws that arrest people for minor crimes (such as alcohol consumption and loitering) to help young people have better outcomes?)


Critique and evaluate one quantitative study. This study must be peer-reviewed empirical article

submit evaluation of an empirical study using a quantitative research method You must ensure that your chosen article is a peer-reviewed article from a reputable journal Through this assignment, you will demonstrate your ability to conduct a literature search, !!!!! as well as your critical thinking skills when reading and evaluating quantitative research studies

Here are the key elements that you should address:

* What is the primary research question? (What changes can we make to government policies or laws that arrest people for minor crimes (such as alcohol consumption and loitering) to help young people have better outcomes?)ex and on change the question this ia a criminal justice class use the text book to see if this is even a good research question

* Briefly summarize past literature – what gaps does this study address?

* Identify the specific research design used

* Briefly summarize the study results and conclusions

* Strengths of the study design

* Weaknesses of the study design

* APA formatted

What is the degree of difficulty in conducting your study (e.g. how difficult was it to find data that was related to your research question and you could perform data analysis with it)?


General Guidelines For Writing Essay #3

This Essay accounts for 20% of the final grade.

Make sure that you are describing the analysis that you will be conducting.

Address each of the following:

a. research question or hypotheses: state either a research question; or null hypothesis and related alternative hypothesis. How do you expect the results to come out? Why? In your answer, be sure to refer to previous research and/or theory to support your answer (

Please see the other two essays attached to help answer this questions)

Research Question- Relation between Juveniles and Property Crimes Ages 12-18

What results can we expect to come out?

Does age causes property crime? Or does Age influence property crimes

b. describe your research design and sample

Quantitative Research deign. Be data driven. (Ratio between Property crime and Age 12-18) Use Uniform Crime Report ( Sample = where the data is coming from)

c. What is your independent variable? What is your dependent variable? Your unit of analysis is going to be either group (aggregate) data or data at the individual level.

Independent Variable is Age ( defined), Dependent variable is property crime (Defined/ Use Uniform Crime Report. Example include theft, burglary, automobile theft etc…). Explain where the data came from.

Unit of Analysis ( Use Group data or aggregate data for this portion)

No hard data required, just explaining where the data is going to come from. Source

(Possible sources to use include OJJDP website and Census. gov)

d. Data Analysis- what SPSS (SPSS Statistics is a software package used for interactive, or batched, statistical analysis) procedure will you use to analyze your data? Why?

*SPSS is going to use Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient*

Analysis going to be descriptive data because of Pearson’s correlation coefficient. It’s a descriptive statistical measure.

Pearson’s is used to determine the relationship between my independent variable and my dependent variable.

Explain why I picked this procedure and how I do the analysis.

At least five lines of data and five years of data

e. What is the degree of difficulty in conducting your study (e.g. how difficult was it to find data that was related to your research question and you could perform data analysis with it)?

Use Your Own Words

Just answer this questions above.

f. What is the potential significance of the proposed analysis to knowledge, theory, the field of criminology, and society?

Use Your Own Words Here

What is the significance of my study to the field of criminology, and society? (Example, my research can assist and understanding a little bit more about the relationship between race and who commits what types of crimes).

Refer back to some of theories used in the attached essays written before. Use other knowledge as well.

g. What are the strengths and limitations related to your ability to complete your study?

Reference citations are not required, although you can use reference citations to support any of the above points (a-g). If you use any references, everything must be in APA format (both in the text and the reference list) and copies of the references are submitted with the Essay.


Title Page (e.g. your name; CRJU 485.001; Semester; and Essay #3)