
Explain the rationale of the selected research methodology, including data analysis and its relevance to the proposed research project.

Antimicrobial stewardships wound management and cost effectiveness

The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to:

• Develop a research project from a given topic area and highlight its significance, the research question, and conduct the initial literature search. Illustrate the proposed research methods in the form of a poster.

• Explain the rationale of the selected research methodology, including data analysis and its relevance to the proposed research project.

Identify an area of educational practice and produce a critical evidence-based analysis of this from a neuroeducational perspective.


Required to: identify an area of educational practice and produce a critical evidence-based analysis of this from a neuroeducational perspective. An educational practice that is currently used in classrooms should be chosen; this can be in any level or setting. Outline the practice, then use a neuro-educational approach to analyse and critically evaluate the approach. You should demonstrate your understanding of neuroscientific theory and where possible outline evidence based solutions for the improvement of this educational practice. Finally, critically consider the ethical implications of the application of this approach to this context.

all paper details in attached document, as well as marking criteria which needs to be followed.

What is the angle between the two fractures? Along a vertical railway cutting, a bed has an apparent dip of 20° to 298°. If the bed strikes 067°, what is the true dip and dip direction?


1. Plot the orientations of the following stretching lineations, and determine their plunge and plunge direction:
a. pitches 06° N on 351 °/37° E b. pitches 79° W on 285°/62° N c. pitches 42° N on 358°/86°E Also, plot the poles to the above planes on
your stereonet.
2. Two fractures have the following orientations: 067°/38° SE, and 291 °/76° SW.
What is the plunge and plunge direction of  the intersection of the two fractures?
What is the angle between the two fractures?
3. Along a vertical railway cutting, a bed has an apparent dip of 20° to 298°. If the bed strikes 067°, what is the true dip and dip direction?

 How will your target market use the product, how many times will they buy it, where do they buy the product, how do they pay for it, et cetera?

Online Exam

  • Describe the target market for MY Company.
    • Demographic Description: Age, income range, gender, family size, education, occupation, et cetera.
      • Example: A likely user for X product is a male aged 25–34 who earns between $35,000 and $55,000 per year and has a four-year college degree.


    • Geographic Description: Area you would like to serve, density (urban, rural), nature of location (mall, business center, et cetera), climate condition.
      • Example: Atlanta.


    • Lifestyle Description: Where do your customers shop, what do they do for leisure, what kind of clothes do they wear, what type of cars do they drive, et cetera?


    • Psychographic Description: How would you describe your target market, for example, socially responsible, trendsetters, or fun-seeking?


    • Purchasing Pattern Description: How will your target market use the product, how many times will they buy it, where do they buy the product, how do they pay for it, et cetera?


    • Buying Sensitivities Description: What factors are important to the customer before they buy (price, quality, customer service. packaging, et cetera)?

How can you tell the process is done? How can you tell the process is successful? Address display of finished product and audience reaction (optional). Address future use of process and/or process results.

Process Analysis of Creating a Website

Submit an outline for your Art/Design Process Analysis presentation, using the template below as a guide. For each bullet point, include a sentence or note to signal what content will go where (your own words, paraphrase, summary, image, etc.).

Art/Design Process Analysis Outline Template
Introduction (1 paragraph)

-Hook/invitation to the reader
-Topic overview
-General description of process
-Brief history of process (optional)
-Thesis statement or working thesis statement: state it here!
Body (3-5 paragraphs)

-History of process (optional/if not included in introduction)
-Tools and materials
-Definitions for specialized vocabulary
-Setup and space
-Process steps (usually one paragraph per step)

-Introduction to step
-Description of how to do step
-Inclusion of description
-Inclusion of specific example
-Analysis of step
-Transition to next step

How can you tell the process is done?
How can you tell the process is successful?
Address display of finished product and audience reaction (optional).
Address future use of process and/or process results.

Does the salesperson use CRM software like to organize and plan activities and manage sales? How does the salesperson determine how often to call on each account? Does the salesperson use some type of account classification system as a guide?

Salesforce Guided Tours

Outline five ways that a cloud-based sales CRM/Analytics system can improve sales force performance. Based on what you saw in the video, think of how reps can make more effective calls, be more motivated, and be more flexible. Also consider how sales managers and the company can benefit from such a system.
Part 2

In the BAMS 310X project, you interviewed a salesperson. As part of that interview you asked questions specific to how that salesperson managed their territory and how he or she used technology in that process. Use the results of the interview to write a 500-word report on how that salesperson managed their territory.

Does the salesperson use CRM software like to organize and plan activities and manage sales? If so, provide examples of the ways the software is used.
How does the salesperson determine how often to call on each account? Does the salesperson use some type of account classification system as a guide? Describe this process.
How does the salesperson determine where to go on a given day and how to schedule travel to be as efficient as possible? Are there places where improvements could be made?

Write a minimum of a 3-page report, single-spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point font, with a double space between paragraphs. This page requirement includes data visualization that you create.


Write a minimum of a 3-page ( a full-page typically has at least 500 words) report, single-spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point font, with a double space between paragraphs. This page requirement includes data visualization (charts and graphs) that you create.
Page count does not include a title page, tables and exhibits, and reference list.

How do you believe your experience(s) can help you in your relationship with patients? Write a one page paper describing significant experiences in your life, how you have integrated them into the person you are now and how they contribute to your relationship with patients.

Reflection Paper # 3 – Contribution of Life Experience to Self-concept


  • To assist students in understanding how significant events in one’s life play a big part in the person we grow up to be
  • To allow students to understand the impact that past experiences, upbringing and community have on decision making
  • To engage in self-reflection as a means of values clarification and self-actualization.
  • To better relate to patients through an understanding that identity is influenced by personal experiences and forms the basis for behavioral expression and interpersonal reaction to the environment (Arnold & Boggs, 2011)


Learning objectives:

  • Describe the impact of personal experiences on self-concept
  • Apply understanding of personal self-concept to the patient’s self-concept
  • Relate knowledge of the patient’s self-concept to the nurse-patient relationship




  • Our collective experiences contribute to the person we have become. Experiences are internalized from a number of sources:  Birth order, how we were treated within the family, educational experiences, the friends we had, the environment in which we grew up, etc.
  • Think about your experiences from childhood to your current age. What kind of experiences influenced your life and the person you have become?  Not all experiences are positive but they all have an impact and need to be integrated into our lives. Describe the significant influences in your life and their influences, both positive and negative. How have you integrated these experiences into your life and the person you have become?
  • How do you believe your experience(s) can help you in your relationship with patients?
  • Write a one page paper describing significant experiences in your life, how you have integrated them into the person you are now and how they contribute to your relationship with patients.

Explain and justify your reasoning for 2 detrimental aspects to your scenario. Basically, what are two detriments of doing the action.

Current Event Topic

Describe the topic in enough detail so the rest of the analysis is clear.
Let the reader know in what way this is a current event or current topic, why it is important to us.
You must include your Scenario and Ethical Dilemma as this is what you will be doing the analysis of
Section 2: Beneficial Aspects

Explain and justify your reasoning for 2 beneficial aspects to your scenario. Basically, what are two benefits of doing the action.

You must clearly identify AND JUSTIFY each of these beneficial aspects as follows, so that it is clear to the grader:
A beneficial aspect is XXX (and then explain)
Section 3: Detrimental Aspects

Explain and justify your reasoning for 2 detrimental aspects to your scenario. Basically, what are two detriments of doing the action.

Clearly identify AND JUSTIFY each of these detrimental aspects as follows:
A detrimental aspect is XXX (and then explain)

Here you will discuss 3 Issues that affect society and/or are ethical issues based on the scenario that you have assigned again based on doing the action.

Use the following formats to clearly identify each item as a societal issue or ethical issue. The grader will NOT try to figure it out, if it is not clearly identified you WILL NOT get credit for it.
Clearly identify AND JUSTIFY each as follows, so that it is clear to the grader. A societal (or ethical) issue is XXX (and then explain)

Can a societal/ Ethical Issue also be a beneficial/detrimental aspect? – be sure it is appropriately explained under each heading.
Section 5: Intended Consequences of the doing the action of the dilemma – identify 3
Remember that intended consequences may be negative or positive.
Identify consequences as primary, secondary or tertiary as well as intended or unintended
An intended [primary/secondary/tertiary] consequence is XXX (and then explain)
Can an intended consequence also be a beneficial/detrimental aspect?  – be sure it is appropriately explained under each heading.
Section 6: Unintended Consequences of doing the action the dilemma – identify 3
Remember that unintended consequences may be negative or positive.
Identify consequences as primary, secondary or tertiary as well as unintended
An unintended [primary/secondary/tertiary] consequence is XXX (and then explain)
Can an unintended consequence also be a beneficial/detrimental aspect?  – be sure it is appropriately explained under each heading.
Citations & Bibliography

Identification of concept and the background of the concept. Discuss the meaning of the concept as used in 1 theory. Include the purpose of the paper.

Betty Neuman’s systems model

1. Identification of concept and the background of the concept. Discuss the meaning of the concept as used in 1 theory. Include the purpose of the paper.

2. Incorporate relevant research that has been conducted. There should be at least 3 peer-reviewed articles summarized in this section in this section. (Do not list the method such as search terms, databases, etc.)

3. Aims of This Analysis: Discuss what will be generated by this analysis. Discuss the significance of the concept to nursing

4. Definitions:
Provide definitions for concept & other related terms used. This should include nursing/medical sources (i.e. peer-reviewed journals) as well as definitions from a dictionary. Need to include and expand upon the antecedents and consequences.

5. Development of Cases:
Using the concept, following the guidelines given in Chinn & Kramer or Walker and Avant, develop cases for the following: Model, Contrary, & related. Include an explanation of what each case means and how the example fits the case.