
Describe the purpose of an acceptable use policy you have selected and explain how the AUP helps provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability within the organization.

Case Study: Acceptable Use Policy

Describe the purpose of an acceptable use policy you have selected and explain how the AUP helps provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability within the organization.
Critique the AUP you selected and provide recommendations for improving the AUP.
Explain methods that organizations can implement to help ensure compliance with the AUP, mitigate their risk exposure, and minimize liability. Describe how your selected AUP accomplishes these goals.
Describe methods for increasing the awareness of the AUP, and other policies, within the organization.
Use three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment

Write an essay identifying the two categories of lymphoid organs and their roles in the body’s immune response. Explain the non-immune functions that the lymphatic system through the spleen and the lymphatic capillaries in the small intestines carry out.

lymphoid organs

Write an essay identifying the two categories of lymphoid organs and their roles in the body’s immune response. Explain the non-immune functions that the lymphatic system through the spleen and the lymphatic capillaries in the small intestines carry out.


Determine whether the following passage is an argument or non-argument. If it’s an argument, explain what makes it an argument. If it’s not an argument, identify which kind and explain why it’s not an argument by blending details and concepts.


Determine whether the following passage is an argument or non-argument. If it’s an argument, explain what makes it an argument. If it’s not an argument, identify which kind (explanation, conditional statement, unsupported assertion) and explain why it’s not an argument by blending details and concepts. Answer in complete sentences. [3 marks]

Why green growth is important and how it can be defined in an urban context. Can compact city policies and densification lead to a sustainable urban environment.

Planning for green qualities in the urban densification

Provision of urban green space in compact city environments and during densification processes is described as a major challenge. It identifies problems, challenges and strategies of urban green space planning during densification processes. The project explores the implications of urban densification, on a place-based study . ( greater Copenhagen, frederiksberg district- local aspects, observation, improved organisation of public transport, looking intro critical aspects).

The project will show the pros and cons of urban densification and the impacts on the urban environment, focussing on the local urban environment by examining the economic and environmental conditions and assessing the critical role of cities in advancing green growth.

Examining why green growth is important and how it can be defined in an urban context,

Focuses on policies and tools that enable the transition to green growth in cities.

The project concludes a proposal for a policy framework for an urban green growth agenda that is based on a set of hypotheses of desirable economic scenarios. The case study will be used to conclude whether compact city policies and densification can lead to a sustainable urban environment. National planning strategies to local planning strategies.

In the first 9 pages a need an I. Introduction ( around 2 pages) (start with global level, Europe /Scandinavia and Copenhagen) and

II. Theroritical framework -Literature review

– concepts and approaches

– theoretical explanations

Including 15 minutes city, superblocks concept- like in Barcelona)


Compare and contrast plato’s and Aristotle’s views on the role of art, vis-à-vis character formation. If alive, how would these two thinkers likely assess the character and moral messages of Medea or pulp fiction.

Plato’s and Aristotle’s views on the role of Art

Compare and contrast plato’s and Aristotle’s views on the role of art, vis-à-vis character formation. If alive, how would these two thinkers likely assess the character and moral messages of Medea or pulp fiction. Be sure to defend your responses.

Analyze the differences and similarities between “The Gift of the Magi” and “The Tell-Tale Heart.”

The Gift of the Magi  and  The Tell-Tale Heart.

Analyze the differences and similarities between “The Gift of the Magi” and “The Tell-Tale Heart.”

What is the relationship between female levels of education and fertility rate?

Relationship between female levels of education and fertility rate

This is a statistics research paper. This research should investigate to what extend does female levels of education affect the fertility rate. The investigation would be done by describing univariate variables and by looking for a relationship for the bivariate variables.

How are author and editor names listed? Is that a limit to the number of authors listed? If so, what is the maximum number? How does the style indicate there are more than the maximum number of authors? How are editors identified?

Citation Questionnaire

Answer the below question about APA citation style. Use the handouts on APA, APA manual, English composition handbook or the OWL at Purdue APA citation site to learn more about APA citation style.

IF you are using another style, list it here. Use that style to answer the questions below. The Online Writing Lab at Purdue has online style guides for most major styles. Use that or a style guide in another format.

  1. How are entries arranged in a bibliography?
  2. Is any part of the citation indented? If so what part of it?
  3. If a citation has no author, how is it arranged in the bibliography?


  1. How are author and editor names listed?
  2. Is that a limit to the number of authors listed? If so, what is the maximum number? How does the style indicate there are more than the maximum number of authors?
  3. How are editors identified?
  4. How are author(s) and editor(s) listed in parenthetical (internal) citations? What is the maximum number listed in the parenthetical (internal) citations? How do indicate in the citation that there are more authors than the maximum
  5. Where does the publication date placed in citations?
  6. Can a citation entry have both an author and editor? If yes, name the type of entry and give an example.
  7. What parts of a book title are italicized?
  8. What is capitalized in a book title?


  1. Are titles listed as part of the author’s name?
  2. Which comes first in an article citation—article title or journal title?
  3. What are 2 differences between how the article and journal title are displayed?
  4. Is the publisher and placed of publication listed in article titles?
  5. How are page numbers identified in the citation?
  6. Are the words volume or issues (their abbreviations) used in an article citation?
  7. Is the article title placed in quotes in APA?
  8. If an article has a DOI, do you need to place in the citation? If yes, where does it go in the citation?

Parenthetical citations

  1. How are parenthetical (internal) citations arranged in APA style if the authors are not identified in the attributive phrase?

Make an academic argument by researching and analyzing a topic you want to explore in depth.

E3: Argumentative Research Paper: Toulmin Argument

In this research paper, you will make an academic argument by researching and analyzing a topic you want to explore in depth.

Compare and contrast Smith’s recording of “Crazy Blues” with the “Robert Charles” song. Is “Crazy Blues” a “safer” version of the Robert Charles story?

Week 7 response

You all listened to “Crazy Blues” as recorded by Mamie Smith for last week’s unit on The Blues. The article you’ll be reading for this week is based on this song. It mentions various factors that contributed to the huge success of “Crazy Blues” while also discussing reasons “serious” Blues musicians were dismissive of the song. The author of this article proposes that the song has been underestimated and that it is an important “insurrectionary social text” that contributes to the conversation about Black revolutionary violence as a way of resisting white violence and “unsettling a repressive social order.”
For this week, please write a short response essay based on the theme of “Black versus White” as it is explored in this article. Using specific quotes and moments from the article, write 3-4 paragraphs about whether you agree or disagree with Gussow’s assertions and why. Are there things you think he misinterprets? Are there things you think he should have considered but did not? Feel free to link to modern music examples that might support your argument.
Moments you might consider (you can feel free to choose others, though):
1) “Crazy Blues” as a part of the genealogy of songs such as “Cop Killer” and “Squeeze the Trigger.”
2) Smith’s words as commentary on the “growing alienation between Harlem’s restive citizenry and its white occupying force.”
3) Compare and contrast Smith’s recording of “Crazy Blues” with the “Robert Charles” song. Is “Crazy Blues” a “safer” version of the Robert Charles story?
4) The countless forms of “bad news” that threaten to take away the “Black male lover whose absence she bemoans.”
5) The use of a female voice instead of a male voice.
6) “Crazy Blues” as an emotional purge for newly transplanted Southerners.
7) The coded meaning, rooted in American history, of the use of the word “Crazy.”
8) “Crazy Blues” as psychological preparation to meet race-based dangers emerging in the North.
9) Mourning of romantic loss in music as a stand-in for mourning cultural loss.
10) Blues singers as reporters.