
What is the global problem that this Ted talk is trying to address with scientific research? What are resurrection plants? What do they do that is so unique? Why are resurrection plants being considered as a solution to the problems identified in this research study?

Ted talk by jill jarrant

Instructions: Click the link above to watch the video. After watching the video, answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. What is the global problem that this Ted talk is trying to address with scientific research?
2. What are resurrection plants? What do they do that is so unique?
3. Why are resurrection plants being considered as a solution to the problems identified in this research study? In other words, how can they help the global problem you discussed in #1?
4.How are resurrection plants like seeds?
5. Do you think, in your own opinion, that the experiments that she talks about involve producing a “GMO” (genetically modified organism)? Do you think this is a negative or positive solution to the problem?

What personal or other experiences have you had in your life with individuals with disabilities? What type of emotional responses did you experience as you interacted with individuals with disabilities?

Experiences with Disabilities

Address the following questions related to experiences with people with disabilities: Be specific in your responses.

1. What personal or other experiences have you had in your life with individuals with disabilities? 5 pts

2. What type of emotional responses did you experience as you interacted with individuals with disabilities? 5 pts

3. In the past, what preconceived notions guided your thoughts about people with disabilities? Today, how have your perceptions changed? 5 pts

4. What changed your perceptions? 5 pts

5. How will you use these changed perceptions to increase opportunities for people with disabilities? 5 pts

How do parents influence learning? Why is it important for educators to collaborate with parents? How does collaborating with families benefit students? Why is it important to keep an open communication with families?

Why  collaborating with families is important

Address the following questions on why collaborating with families is so important for student success. Be specific in your responses.

1. How do parents influence learning? 5 pts

2. Why is it important for educators to collaborate with parents? 5 pts

3. How does collaborating with families benefit students? 5 pts

4. What are the effects of families involvement? 5 pts

5. Why is it important to keep an open communication with families? 5 pts

What personal or other experiences have you had in your life with individuals with the above disabilities? What type of emotional responses did you experience as you interacted with individuals with those disabilities?

Experiences with people with a Learning Disability or Emotional or Behavioral Disorders or on the Autism Spectrum

1. What personal or other experiences have you had in your life with individuals with the above disabilities? 5 pts

2. What type of emotional responses did you experience as you interacted with individuals with those disabilities? 5 pts

3. In the past, what preconceived notions guided your thoughts about people with those three types of disabilities? Discuss how have your perceptions changed? 5 pts

4. What changed your perceptions? 5 pts

5. How will you use these changed perceptions to increase opportunities for people with disabilities and educate others? 5 pts

In a five paragraph essay, apply ONE ethical theory to decide the moral course of action in the medical case of the premature twins studied in class.


Judge the medical case studied in class during Week 8 in the Discussion Board. In the video, philosophers applied the three major ethical principles you learned in this class: Kant’s Categorical Imperative, Utilitarianism, and Virtue Ethics. In a five paragraph essay, apply ONE ethical theory to decide the moral course of action in the medical case of the premature twins studied in class. Apply the ethical theory in each paragraph to support your arguments throughout the entire essay. Not using the ethical theory results in an automatic zero. Using more than one ethical theory results in an automatic zero.

How has that claim developed over the first half of the graphic novel? Refer to at least three developments that you have encountered.

Graphic novel

In a post of about 150 to 250 words, respond to the following prompts on the Week Six DB:

o What do you see as the central topic—or argument—of the graphic novel? Why do make that claim? Support your idea with evidence.

o How has that claim developed over the first half of the graphic novel? Refer to at least three developments that you have encountered.

Identify the product, cost of implementation, availability of resources to implement, and the promotion of the plan. Explain the evaluation process to determine whether the social marketing was successful

Health Promotion through Social Marketing

You may choose a family group, a social group, or a community group. Include information about environmental factors that may impact delivery of health promotion activities. For example, you might discuss if the group is rural or urban. access to transportation or computers and the impact (positive or negative) that these factors may have on routinely accessing health promotion information or attending group events such as health fairs. Describe the characteristics and makeup of the group you selected. Include your rationale for why this behavior is a concern and include qualitative and/or quantitative data to support your choice.

Step 2 Select a health-promotion intervention to change a health behavior of the identified group. This may be a health-promotion intervention that is currently being implemented, or something original that you propose. Clearly describe the intervention you would like to implement.

Step 3 Describe the framework of the social marketing of this plan by using the following framework:

Identify the product, cost of implementation, availability of resources to implement, and the promotion of the plan.
Step 4 Explain the evaluation process to determine whether the social marketing was successful. Make sure that you include what benchmark or percentage of participants would indicate success.

Identify the overt and covert issues presenting both sides. Describe the effect the conflict has on the organization within which it exists and, if applicable, the surrounding community.

Conflict resolution to a current Conflict situation.

In this assignment, you will integrate the concepts of conflict resolution, group influence, and attribution to develop a program of conflict resolution to a current conflict situation.


Identify a conflict between two groups, which you outlined in the Week 4 Conflict Program Proposal.

NOTE: Write a 700 word paper in which you create a program to improve the relationship between two groups. Examples include between police and a community, managers and subordinates, the city council committee and a special interest group, and unions and management. Be specific in identifying what community, company, or organization you are writing about.


Nature of the Conflict

Describe the context of the conflict. What kind of community or organization is this? Who are the stakeholders in the outcome of the conflict?
Identify the overt and covert issues presenting both sides.
Describe the effect the conflict has on the organization within which it exists and, if applicable, the surrounding community.
Identify attribution errors and how they will be addressed in the program.
Analyze the dynamics within each group and between groups. Who are the leaders? Does anyone stall or undermine the group? Is there a relationship between two subgroups?

Program Design

Apply the elements of conflict resolution.
Describe the central strategy you will use to resolve or diminish the conflict.
Provide at least one reference supporting the use of such a strategy.
Include a program component that employs social media.
Explain how you will address attribution errors between the groups.
Identify the elements of persuasion you will use in your program.

What are the primary sources of bias in case-control studies? How can you control for this? What are the primary sources of bias in cohort studies? How can you control for this? Compare and contrast effect modification with confounding.

Bias in studies

Write responses to the following prompts:

What are the primary sources of bias in case-control studies? How can you control for this?
What are the primary sources of bias in cohort studies? How can you control for this?
Compare and contrast effect modification with confounding.
In Assignment 7.1, you had to determine which type of study design is most appropriate to study the effects of stress across the life span of people who have a close family member with HIV/AIDS. Is there a potential for bias in the study design that you selected?

Identify your vulnerable, at-risk population of interest. Complete a needs assessment, analyzing data available through scholarly references that is specific to the identified population.

Practicum Step 1 – Needs Assessment

As a nurse, you understand the challenges facing under-served populations. For this practicum assignment, you will identify a vulnerable, at-risk population in your community. You will examine the challenges currently facing members of this group and the resources available to assist them. You will gather information from a variety of sources and interview a professional who is involved in the provision of services to this group. A vulnerable or at-risk population can be defined as a population with a common identified risk factor or risk exposure presenting a threat to health. Examples of at-risk populations include, but are not limited to the following:

Urban or rural individuals and families living at or below the poverty line
Immigrants and non-English-speaking individuals
Stigmatized or marginalized groups
Undocumented workers
Incarcerated individuals
The homeless
The mentally ill

Identify your vulnerable, at-risk population of interest.
Complete a needs assessment, analyzing data available through scholarly references that is specific to the identified population. At least 3 references should be used to complete the needs assessment
Present your needs assessment data by filling out the attached worksheet below. Fill out the chart and answer the questions listed on the worksheet. Attach a reference page to the worksheet to list your references utilized in step 2.