
How does understanding the ancient indigenous history of the continent change our understanding of American history? What role did Natives have before contact? And after? How did it change after?


These are essays. Remember, a paragraph is 5 sentences and essays are typically 5 paragraphs or more, just as an example and guideline. Write an essay for each question regarding chapters 1-6 of First People by Colin G. Calloway.
1. How does understanding the ancient indigenous history of the continent change our understanding of American history? What role did Natives have before contact? And after? How did it change after?
2. What factors determined relations between the Natives and European settlers? What did contact look like and why did settlers behave this way? Why did they come to this new world?
3. How did Natives respond to European settlers and colonialism? In what ways did the power and presence on Natives limit and shape settler ambitions and agendas?
4. Why did the Spanish come to California? Why did they establish missions, for what purpose? Describe and detail how that went for Natives.
5. What were the various responses to Native peoples to the military, political, social, cultural, and religious pressures by settlers and the expanding America?
6. Describe the Indian Removal policy. What was it and why was it established?

Prepare the general journal entries necessary to record these transactions. Identify each transaction by the date, and if no entry is required, write “No Entry.”

Accounting question

Presented below is information related to NewCo Corp shareholder transactions

a) Prepare the general journal entries necessary to record these transactions. Identify each transaction by the date, and if no entry is required, write “No Entry.”
(b) How many shares were outstanding as of December 31, 2023.
(c) How would the journal entries change if #3 was a 3:1 stock split?
(d) How would the journal entries change if #3 was a 3:1 stock split in the form of a stock dividend?

Which of these two acomplished men has a more impactful social effect and why? Is your impression of these two based on inherent advantages one had over the other based on their pedagry or lineage? Did one perform as expected and is another extrodinary? Is it fair to expect more of those who have advantages?

Discussion Board

“To whom much is given, much is required” is a bible quote (Luke 12:48 ) which is often used to explain why we expect more from those who are born to some advantage.

Compare the backgrounds of McBay, Henry C. , Henry C. McBay Award ( and Dr. St. Elmo W. Crawford Jr.

Which of these two acomplished men has a more impactful social effect and why? Is your impression of these two based on inherent advantages one had over the other based on their pedagry or lineage? Did one perform as expected and is another extraordinary? Is it fair to expect more of those who have advantages?

Compare and contract the 2 Batalden papers to identify his evolution of thinking about quality improvement in healthcare. Write a 1-2 page paper sharing your reflections.


Compare and contract the 2 Batalden papers to identify his evolution of thinking about quality improvement in healthcare. Write a 1-2 page paper sharing your reflections.

Implement Data Forwarding (After all instructions are implemented, add forwarding for data hazards). Provide instructions for compiling and running each of your tests.

Project of Advance Computer Architecture

Codes are required and steps too in C language:

1) Get Halt & noop Instruction working in your simulation. Provide the commands to compile and run the test case for halt and noop. 5 Points.

2) Implement Add & Nand & Mult (assuming NO hazards.) Provide instructions to compile and run test cases for add, nand, and mult. 3 Points.

3) Implement LW and SW (assuming no hazards.) Provide instructions to compile and run test cases. 3 Points.

4) Implement BEQ assuming no hazards (just put in no ops.) Provide instructions to compile and run test cases. 3 Points.

5) Implement Data Forwarding (After all instructions are implemented, add forwarding for data hazards). Provide instructions for compiling and running each of your tests. 5 Points.

6) Implement Branch Speculation (After all instructions are implemented, implement speculate and squash (if needed.)) Provide instructions for compiling and running each of your tests. 5 Points. Towards Midterm;

7) Implement GShare for the simulator.

Provide 3-5 talking points that teachers could use to inform paraeducators, tutors, and volunteers about some of the more important legal and ethical practices regarding students who may have exceptionalities and how to interact with their families (e.g., confidentiality).

Early Childhood Detection

Assessment Description: Early childhood and special education teachers should understand their role as advocates for children who may have exceptionalities. Teachers can promote professional practice by taking part in professional development opportunities to explain this role and other responsibilities to their colleagues. Professional development enables teachers to stay informed of current practices and ethics associated with the discipline.

Part 1: Advocacy Presentation

For Part 1 of this benchmark assignment, create a 15-20 slide presentation in digital format (e.g., PowerPoint, Prezi) using relevant, current research to inform early childhood and special education teachers about their role as advocates for young children and their families. Address the following within your presentation:

  • Specify the importance of detecting possible exceptionalities (including disabilities and giftedness) in Pre-K through Grade 3 children.
  • Include at least three laws or policies related to identifying or providing services to children with exceptionalities.
  • Relating to the early detection of possible exceptionalities, provide at least three examples of ways in which advocating for students and families optimizes learning opportunities for young children, strengthens learning environments, and advances the early childhood profession.
  • Provide 3-5 talking points that teachers could use to inform paraeducators, tutors, and volunteers about some of the more important legal and ethical practices regarding students who may have exceptionalities and how to interact with their families (e.g., confidentiality).

Include presenter’s notes, a title slide, in-text citations, and a reference slide that contains 3-5 scholarly sources from the required readings or the GCU Library.Part 2: Ethical Analysis

For Part 2 of this benchmark assignment, write a 250-500 word statement regarding how the advocacy role of early childhood educators (as described in your presentation) promotes compassion, justice, and concern for the common good of students, families, and colleagues and reflects the GCU College of Education’s Professional Disposition of Advocacy (provided below). Beneath the Professional Disposition of Advocacy description is a section of the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith, Learning, and Work, which you may also (but are not required to) refer to in your response.

Identify dependencies. Identify candidate keys. Identify primary and foreign keys. Identify assumptions made and plan for validation of those assumptions. Produce entity-relationship diagrams. Explain the content of these diagrams.

BIS-320: Managerial Relational Database System

Getting Started

This assignment uses the The Queen Anne Curiosity Shop case study in Chapter 4. At this point, the usefulness of converting the sample data into a properly structured database will clarify. It is usually very encouraging to see how producing the database creates the potential for the success of the business.

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Identify dependencies.
  • Identify candidate keys.
  • Identify primary and foreign keys.
  • Identify assumptions made and plan for validation of those assumptions.
  • Produce entity-relationship diagrams.
  • Explain the content of these diagrams.

Background Information

Working through the case study allows you to practice your skills on a problem with data and the relationships needed.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. You will be asked to produce some diagrams. You are not expected to use any special software for these diagrams. While the content is important, the format is not important.
  3. Study The Queen Anne Curiosity Shop section of Chapter 4 in Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation.
  4. Complete items A through C, recording your resultant work in a Microsoft Word document.
  5. Submit the document using the Assignment submission link by the end of the workshop.

Complete items A through E, found before Figure 3-33 and after Figure 3-34. Record your resultant work in a Microsoft Word document.

BIS-320: Managerial Relational Database Systems

Getting Started

This assignment uses The Queen Anne Curiosity Shop case study in Chapter 3 of Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation.

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Progress from sample data for a potential set of tables to a candidate design for the tables pursuant to further design activities.

Background Information

Moving from a concept to a model involves a lot of thought and common sense when making the design practical to use.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Study The Queen Anne Curiosity Shop section of Chapter 3 in Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation.
  3. Complete items A through E, found before Figure 3-33 and after Figure 3-34. Record your resultant work in a Microsoft Word document.
  4. Submit the document using the Assignment submission link by the end of the workshop

Review the Foundation of Knowledge model (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021, p 10), and choose a relevant situation from your nursing practice (past or present), where you had to acquire and process information to make a patient care decision. Develop a 2-4 page paper with an example of your situation and apply it to the model.

 Foundation of Knowledge model

Review the Foundation of Knowledge model (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2021, p 10), and choose a relevant situation from your nursing practice (past or present), where you had to acquire and process information to make a patient care decision. Develop a 2-4 page paper with an example of your situation and apply it to the model.

Write a 1200-word paper in which you explain how software testing and inspection contribute to the quality of the software in a project deliverable.

Research Paper Essay

Write a 1200-word paper in which you explain how software testing and inspection contribute to the quality of the software in a project deliverable.