
Discuss the impact the church and cathedrals had on Medieval society. Why did it take so long to build a Gothic Cathedral, what difficulties were encountered?

The Western Christian World

Gothic cathedrals were often described as sermons in stone and glass. Discuss the impact the church and cathedrals had on Medieval society. Why did it take so long to build a Gothic Cathedral, what difficulties were encountered?

Do you believe that you now know everything you need to know about critical thinking – or is learning to think critically a life-long task? Explain your answer.


Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: THINK Critically (3rd Edition) – Chapter 16


Remember – these journal questions require more thinking than writing. Think about exactly what you are asked to do, and then write as economically as possible.


Critical Thinking

Go back to your very first journal entry – review your definition of critical thinking. After studying critical thinking for the past eight weeks, would you change your definition in any way? If yes, how and why? If no – if it was perfect – what parts of the text were best reflected in your definition?

Heart of the Matter

Recall in your first journal entry that you discussed the authors’ statement that the concepts in Chapters 12, 13 and 14 were “the heart of the matter.” After having studied those chapters, answer again, with renewed understanding, the question posed there: Why do you think the authors find these concepts important to critical thinking?

Ethical Decision-Making

The lecture claims that an argument is no good unless it has a “strong and reasoned ethical base.” Do you agree that ethics is an essential element of a good argument? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Looking Forward

Do you believe that you now know everything you need to know about critical thinking – or is learning to think critically a life-long task? Explain your answer.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 1 page (not including prompts, title page, or references page)

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page

References page

Evidence on the effects of at least two policy interventions that have been shown to contribute to a substantive and statistically significant decrease in pedestrian fatalities

Policy Memo 3

An analysis of data reported by State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) projects that 6,721 pedestrians were killed on U.S. roads in 2020, up 4.8% from 6,412 fatalities in 2019. The projected fatality rate for people walking spiked 21% for largest ever year-over-year increase as dangerous driving and traffic violence plagued U.S. roads. There are many reasons for this increase, some of which are within the control of state and local traffic safety officials and others which are not.

You are advising a member of the Wisconsin State Legislature who has received multiple complaints from constituents about the problem of pedestrian fatalities in your district. In a 750–1000 word memo, assemble some evidence on the extent and severity of this problem in Wisconsin, the landscape of existing state policies that aim to address this problem, and evidence on policy alternatives that might help to address the problem.

Specifically, your memo should discuss the following:

1.) Evidence on the extent and severity of the problem of pedestrian fatalities in Wisconsin. Hint: to establish extent and severity, use baselines. Compare the rate of distracted driving injury/fatalities in Wisconsin to other states, to other causes of vehicular fatality in Wisconsin. Note whether the problem is getting better or worse.

2.) Evidence on one or more likely causes of these fatalities, if any exists.

3.) Evidence on the effects of at least two policy interventions that have been shown to contribute to a substantive and statistically significant decrease in pedestrian fatalities.

Your memo should incorporate your knowledge of how to communicate effectively about statistics. You should also provide full citations (in Chicago Manual of Style footnotes) to credible sources of information on each of these questions. These citations will not count towards the final word count.

Discuss how you felt about the news article before AND after you did your fact-checking using credible resources. Did your thoughts about the information change? Would you have been “hooked” by the original article and shared it because of how it was written or how “real” it felt?

Popular Information Discussion

For this assignment I would like for you to go to some social media or media site and find a “news” article to evaluate. It can be about any subject. Then:

  1. Copy the news article and post it as a word file in your discussion OR provide a clickable link to the story so that we can see the original article.
  2. Dig into the story as if you are an investigative reporter. Find two (2) “facts” to fact-check. Write the “fact” as stated in the article.
  3. Provide the REAL information about that fact using credible sources (this part is important!) (summarize the information in about 3-4 sentences and cite where you are getting the more credible information using APA format. If the fact provided was accurate in the original article, that’s fine, just corroborate that with credible references. Then, list whether the fact is “100% true, almost true, half true, mostly not true, 100% false” depending on what your research unveils.
  4. Finally, discuss how you felt about the news article before AND after you did your fact-checking using credible resources. Did your thoughts about the information change? Would you have been “hooked” by the original article and shared it because of how it was written or how “real” it felt? What were your thoughts about the source of the original article, did you consider that as you made your initial judgement?


What is the story behind each of these works? How does the story in the video compliment the music? What is the significance in the way the producer has chosen to go between the shots of the performers and the storyline?

Classical Music + Music Videos

So many genres of music have used “music videos” to drive their popularity and sales.
Classical music has been slow to use it, but that is changing.
What is the story behind each of these works? How does the story in the video compliment the music? What is the significance in the way the producer has chosen to go between the shots of the performers and the story line?

Yo-Yo Ma – Bach: Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, Prélude (Official Video)
(Links to an external site.)

Janine Jansen – Après un reve – Fauré (official video)
(Links to an external site.)

Víkingur Ólafsson – Bach: Organ Sonata No. 4, BWV 528: II. Andante [Adagio]
(Transcr. Stradal)

(Links to an external site.)

How Does Burnout Impact the Number of Missed Alerts in a Security Operations Center?


How Does Burnout Impact the Number of Missed Alerts in a Security Operations Center?

What is this project? Identify a high income country, a middle income country, and a low income country. Examine what risk and protective factors look like in different countries.

Digital Storytelling Proposal & References

What is this project?
Identify a high income country, a middle income country, and a low income country .
Multiple groups may do U.S., but must choose different cities/states.
Create 3 case studies (children you make up based on facts about the country).
Examine what risk and protective factors look like in different countries .
Final goal: Create a 10-12 minute video “telling the stories” of the 3 hypothetical children (created by you!).

What characteristics that marked the Reformation period (1517–1661) are still present in evangelical Christianity today, and which are no longer present?

Discussion: Characteristics of the Reformation Period that are still present today and those not present

post one thread of at least 550 word in response to the question below. You must support your assertions with 4 scholarly citations in Turabian format (notes-bibliography or author-date list). Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include the textbook(s), the Bible, etc.

• What characteristics that marked the Reformation period (1517–1661) are still present in evangelical Christianity today, and which are no longer present?

REad Chapter 10 of Mark A.Noll Turning Points Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity (3rd edition)

Provide a molecule and discuss the particular characteristics of this three dimensional example.

The Three Dimensional Aspects of a Molecule

The three dimensional aspects of a molecule provide several piece of information to a chemist. Provide a molecule and discuss the particular characteristics of this three dimensional example. (Ie, polarity, solubility, etc.) Complete 3 paragraphs each. 9 sentences each paragraphs. Say on topic. use this Source: Introductory to Chemistry Fifth Edition Nivaldo J. Tro Chapter 10 Chemical Bonding

Fully describe the overall concepts of homeland security and homeland defense. Construct a response that provides the following related to both homeland security and homeland defense: State this topic question in your paper.

Homeland Security and Homeland Defense.

Drawing upon resource material provided and that discovered while conducting your own research, answer the following:

Fully describe the overall concepts of homeland security and homeland defense. Construct a response that provides the following related to both homeland security and homeland defense: State this topic question in your paper.

Primary missions, tasks, responsibilities, operations, etc. for:
Homeland Security and
Homeland Defense.
Highlight those areas that are shared between the two (what overlaps between HLS and HLD?)
Lastly, recommend a definition for homeland security.
Using the overarching themes of the National Security Strategy from 2017, provide your own recommendation for new National Strategy for Counterterrorism (it must be nested under the NSS according to the principle of strategic hierarchy). What key elements and focus areas would you suggest for the part of a new CT strategy that is domestic focused (homeland security, not overseas), and make sure to use the Ends, Ways, and Means strategy framework.

Note: You should be aware of the fact that “homeland security” is made up of much more than just DHS. That agency is only one part of a larger Homeland Security Enterprise that includes [DHS] Departmental leaders and components [the 7 field agencies including USCG, CBP, ICE, USSS, etc], state, local, tribal, territorial and private sector partners and others. Also remember there are many other essential federal agencies that play a role in HLS, such as the very important DOJ where the FBI is the lead agency for countering terrorism in the US (not DHS)