
Write an explaining how Sales Competencies and Relationship Life Cycles Predict Customer Account Profitability.


Salesperson-Customer Dyads within the Casino Gaming Industry: How Sales Competencies and Relationship Life Cycles Predict Customer Account Profitability

Write an essay investigating synergistic effects of silver and gentamicin against various strains of staphylococcus aureus biofilms.

Synergistic effects of silver

Investigation of synergistic effects of silver and gentamicin against various strains of staphylococcus aureus biofilms.

write up a a specific athlete defining the following: Coach comments on athletic rating/ability and Coach comments on character/personal rating or outside interests

Individual Rating Form (Athletics)

Paragraph style write up a a specific athlete defining the following:
Coach comments on athletic rating/ability
Coach comments on character/personal rating or outside interests

All data will be provided as well a copies of previous good examples. Used with college application process, coming from the athletic’s coaching/recruiting side (why we want this athlete on our team; what they will contribute as a student while at the school). Confidentiality

What type of data (literature, interviews, focus groups…) will you use to complete this evaluation plan? How will you manage information taken from participants and the organization?

A proposal to conduct an evaluation.

You are an evaluator who was approached to provide JT Organizational Global (OG) with a proposal to conduct a program evaluation of their emergency management plan.

OG has experienced challenges with employees not following emergency evacuation procedures during a drill. As a result, employees remain in the building during a drill; employees do not go to the appropriate location during the drill; the timeframe to evacuate the building or go to the designated area is not within the designated time; location leaders are not accurately recording employees who arrive at their evacuation location; and the organization employees’ individuals that speak English as a second language. Some of the employees first language is Spanish, Chinese, and French. In addition to language as a problem, the organization understands that some employees do not have access to communication equipment and technology (i.e., mobile phones, iPads, laptops, pagers, instant messenger apps) until three days within the onboarding process.

The organization needs an evaluation conducted to correct the issues within their current system. A total of $10,000 was allocated to the initial processes, and they are willing to invest $30,000 to create an evaluation that will provide the organization with an evaluation that correct the current issues. You have only one week to submit a proposal that outlines an evaluation plan that “gets results.” They want to see a change in employee participation and response. The organization is depending on your expertise and knowledge that will guide them in the right direction and not incur a fine.

They need your help. Provide the organization with a proposal to conduct an evaluation. The proposal should include the processes you will use in completing an evaluation plan.

Design an evaluation proposal to address the following:

1. Explain the objectives of this program evaluation discussed in the scenario.


2. Discuss all steps in the program evaluation process.

Milstein R.L., & Wetterhall S. (1999). Framework for program evaluation in public health. MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report, 48(36), 1–8. Retrieved from (Library – Evaluation Steps)

3. As you discuss the steps in program evaluation, consider the following:

Which program evaluation model will you use for this evaluation plan, and why?
What program evaluation method (Qualitative, Quantitative, or both (Mix-Method) will you use in this evaluation plan, and why?
What type of data (literature, interviews, focus groups…) will you use to complete this evaluation plan?
How will you manage information taken from participants and the organization? Also, what you plan to do with the data you collect.
Consider a discussion on the evaluation principles from outlined by the American Evaluation Association Principles
What is the cost-effectiveness of this evaluation?
4. Use this information to predict the outcomes of your evaluation and the possible policy changes that would result from your evaluation.

5. Ensure all steps of the evaluation process are discussed.

6. End the proposal with a discussion of your fees and why.

Make use of your course reading, and consult valid outside resources for this activity.

Define the parameters for the needs assessment. Identify the information needed for decision making. Discuss how you will disseminate the results to interested and sympathetic parties.

Plan a Needs Assessment

In preparation to perform a needs assessment analysis identify a problem in your community, civic organization, or federal government agency. Create a PowerPoint presentation that examines the reason for conducting a program evaluation, why the needs assessment is needed, and the 8 steps in conducting a needs assessment for the chosen problem in the agency. Research information that will support you performing a thorough analysis of the problem through the eight steps:

Step 1: Define the parameters for the needs assessment.

Step 2: Identify the information needed for decision making.

Step 3: Determine what information already exist.

Step 4: Develop a needs assessment plan – that is, a methodology that will structure the data-gathering efforts.

Step 5: Steps you will use to collect the actual data.

Step 6: Discuss what your assessment report will include.

Step 7: Discuss how you will share the results with key stakeholders.

Step 8: Discuss how you will disseminate the results to interested and sympathetic parties.

What are the key tenants of TOC and what success stories can you find and share?

Theory of Constraints

The late Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt, the father of TOC (Theory of Constraints) created a business strategy methodology heavily steeped in the continuous improvement world of Deming’s TQM (Total Quality Management) or TPS (Toyota Production System) aka Lean Manufacturing.

What are the key tenants of TOC and what success stories can you find and share?

What is the significance of the text to the period in which it was produced? If your text consists of fragments excerpted from a book or a larger piece, instead of point 2, describe the theme underlying each sub-part of the excerpt.

Towards Critical Regionalism

The assignment is to read through the attached pdf and write a creative summary that would answer 4 questions in a form of an essay:

1) in what context was the text written

2)for which theoretical purposes was it written (i.e., what central idea or thesis was advanced)

3) what is the argument or reasoning to advance the central idea?

4) in your opinion, what is the significance of the text to the period in which it was produced? If your text consists of fragments excerpted from a book or a larger piece, instead of point 2, describe the theme underlying each sub-part of the excerpt.

How effective is the use of Kidspiration Lite during the pre-writing stage of writing for students who are struggling during the writing process?

Draft of Action Plan

How effective is the use of Kidspiration Lite during the prewriting stage of writing for students who are struggling during the writing process?

Create a testing policy for your nursing program that addresses each aspect of the NLN Fair testing guidelines, accreditation requirements, best practices, and the checklist for test construction.

Educational assessment project 4

The final part of the project is the creation of a testing policy for your nursing program. Create a testing policy for your nursing program that addresses each aspect of the NLN Fair testing guidelines, accreditation requirements, best practices, and the checklist for test construction.

See upload for further instructions. APA format references must be within the last 5 years

Identify areas where your organization might be vulnerable to security breaches (deliberate or accidental). Determine which vulnerabilities might be exploited and how this might be limited.

Organizational Vulnerabilities

1)Identify areas where your organization might be vulnerable to security breaches (deliberate or accidental).

2)Determine which vulnerabilities might be exploited and how this might be limited.

3)A vulnerability is a weakness in your information security defenses.

4)To assess your vulnerabilities, you need to understand where your defenses are weak.

5)An annual security self-assessment is a great starting point for identifying your security vulnerabilities.