
Describe how interest groups influence the government through elections. Explain how interest groups influence the government through the governance processes. Identify the various court cases, policies, and laws that outline what interest groups can and cannot do.

Chapter 7-10

Describe how interest groups influence the government through elections.
Explain how interest groups influence the government through the governance processes.
Identify the various court cases, policies, and laws that outline what interest groups can and cannot do.
Explain how interest groups differ from political parties.

What happened here? What are the practical issues that arose? What are the legal issues that arose? How would you resolve the practical issues? What are your overall impressions of the events that transpired?

Watch either Fyre Fraud on Hulu or Fyre Netflix

Write an impression paper on the series of events. Following is a format that also describes what I’m looking for in this assignment:

I. Introduction – 10%

A. One paragraph description of the overall event.

II. Facts – 20%

A. What happened here?

III. Legal Issues – 20%

A. What are the practical issues that arose?

B. What are the legal issues that arose? Don’t worry about it being an international event. You do not need to resolve the legal issues, just describe them.

IV. Practical Resolutions 20%

A. How would you resolve the practical issues?

V. Impression – 20%

A. What are your overall impressions of the events that transpired?

VI. Conclusion – 10%

Solve each problem using a math drawing. Write a corresponding math expression.

Dividing Fractions

1. Use fraction bars to divide fractions. Draw models of your work.

3 1
4 2

3 1
4 3

Solve each problem using a math drawing. Write a corresponding math expression.

2. You have 8 cups of popcorn. Each serving of popcorn takes 3
4 of a cup of popcorn.
How many servings can you make?

3. You have 4 cups of popcorn. Each serving of popcorn takes 5
6 of a cup of popcorn.
How many servings can you make?

4. A recipe calls for ¾ cup of sugar. How many recipes can you make with 31
2 cups of

5. A recipe calls for 1
3 cup of sugar. How many recipes can you make with 11
2 cups of

6. A recipe calls for ¾ cup of sugar. How many recipes can you make with 3 cups of
33 4 =

7. A recipe calls for ¾ cup of sugar. How many recipes can you make with 31
2 cups of


On each slide you need to place a description of the plant, including where it is found and its natural habitat; what does it do for that habitat; and a picture of the plant.

Environmental Science

Search the Internet and find 10 common wetland plants (5 Freshwater & 5 Saltwater Species) native to Georgia. Produce a Powerpoint or Google Slides that contains a slide for each of those species. On each slide you need to place a description of the plant, including where it is found and its natural habitat; what does it do for that habitat; and a picture of the plant. Include a title slide and a bibliography slide that includes links to the sites where you found your information. Upload the completed PPT into the drop box.

Write a one to two-page essay wherein you will consider starting a business in the United States or in another nation. In your essay indicate which business format you would use to operate your business. Indicate why you have chosen this format.

Starting a business in the United States or in another nation.

Write a one to two-page essay wherein you will consider starting a business in the United States or in another nation.

In your essay indicate which business format you would use to operate your business. Indicate why you have chosen this format.

We know that you work incredibly hard, go to great lengths to excel on and off the field – but why? Where does your hunger to succeed come from?


The ‘Acceptance Pledge’ says that everyone has something to learn and everyone has something to teach. Can you share a valuable life lesson you have learned about acceptance and what it means, as well as something you hope to educate others about acceptance through your personal experiences?

We know that you work incredibly hard, go to great lengths to excel on and off the field – but why? Where does your hunger to succeed come from? (Character Limit: 1000)
What did you do to overcome an academic or athletic challenge and what were the results? (Character Limit: 1000)
Tell us about something you are most proud of, whether it is an achievement or an impact you made for your team, your school, your family, or your community. (Character Limit: 1000)

Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with each of the decisions and the results of the decision in the exercise. Describe whether they were different.

Decision Tree for Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorder

Write a 1 to 2page summary paper that addresses the following:

Briefly summarize the patient case study you were assigned, including each of the three decisions you took for the patient presented.

Based on the decisions you recommended for the patient case study, explain whether you believe the decisions provided were supported by the evidencebased literature. Be specific and provide examples. Be sure to support your response with evidence and references from outside resources.

What were you hoping to achieve with the decisions you recommended for the patient case study you were assigned? Support your response with evidence and references from outside resources.

Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with each of the decisions and the results of the decision in the exercise. Describe whether they were different. Be specific and provide examples.

What general principles seem to follow from this reading regarding Accenture beyond 2009?

Management of Information Techology

What general principles seem to follow from this reading regarding Accenture beyond 2009?

Explain your findings in a brief memo that you would deliver to a professional client. Assume that this client is knowledgeable about Medicare and health care policy but has not studied the results of the Statistical Supplement.

Health Policy Data

One of the foremost concerns in health care policy today is the rising costs of care. Acumen works on several projects that aim to develop and evaluate payment policy reforms with the ultimate goal of lowering health care costs. As a first step for this kind of work, we must understand the drivers of rising health care costs.
In this exercise, you will use historical Medicare data to analyze trends in the costs of inpatient hospitalizations over time. You have been provided with an excerpt from the 2013 Medicare and Medicaid Statistical Supplement to use as a primary resource. No additional references are required; however, some basic background research may help in interpreting this data. Do not worry about adjusting for inflation.
Investigate trends in the number of inpatient discharges and the amount of inpatient payments financed by Medicare from 1994 to 2012. Compare these trends between two types of beneficiary entitlement categories—aged and disabled—and consider the implications that these trends may have on developing future cost-containment strategies.
In your analysis, please make sure to incorporate calculations that support your argument,
including at least the following calculations:
●The percentage change in inpatient payments (total, per discharge, and per day) from
1994 to 2012, for aged and disabled beneficiaries.
●The percentage change in the number of annual inpatient discharges from 1994 to 2012,
for aged and disabled beneficiaries.
●The percentage of all inpatient payments expended for each entitlement type, in 1994 and
in 2012.
Explain your findings in a brief memo that you would deliver to a professional client. Assume that this client is knowledgeable about Medicare and health care policy but has not studied the results of the Statistical Supplement. Organize your findings into clear and informative summary tables or charts that supplement your written conclusions. These may be integrated into the body of your memo or included as an appendix.

Discuss why you have decided to apply to the Edwards MBA program, and why it is a good fit for you. What specific parts of the Edwards MBA program(University of Saskatchewan) are you looking forward too?

MBA Statement/letter of intent

our statement/letter of intent is a chance to tell the Edwards MBA Selection Committee what unique and valuable contributions you can make to the Edwards MBA program.

Provide a brief description of your business and educational background, and your goals for the future. How will an MBA help you achieve your goals? Describe briefly what piqued your interest in achieving an MBA, and what you hope to get out of the program.

Discuss why you have decided to apply to the Edwards MBA program, and why it is a good fit for you. What specific parts of the Edwards MBA program(University of Saskatchewan) are you looking forward too?

Make sure your letter of intent is unique and specific to the Edwards MBA program. We don’t want to read generic letters that sound like they could have been sent to any school. We want to know why you have chosen the Edwards MBA, and why we should choose you!

My Business/academic experience- I used to help my dad run a small business in Africa before I left to come pursue my undergrad here , which I helped transform into a successful business and thats one thing I will forever be proud of. My grades in university are not the best due to different circumstances that took place in my life coming here alone as a 15 year old kid from Africa with no one to look after me but myself. The school require a grade of a cumulative weighted average of at least a 70% (USask grade system equivalent) in the last two years of study (i.e. 60 credit units) I finished my undergrad with a 72% average but since they will be calculating just the last two years I am not sure if my grade in my last two years will be at least a 70%. All I am saying is that my grade should not be the reason they should accept me but rather my other achievement in life and my impact in the society and my zeal and determination to successful in the real world as I look to learn from MBA program and also impact the community in the best way I can. A statement that should be mind blowing and make the admission council see beyond just my grades. I can send a copy of my transcript or any additional information that will help the writer.