
How does the author’s choice of words and/or syntax support the meaning of the text? What is the role of the narrator in the text? Is the narrator reliable? How does the narrator influence the reader and the action of reading?

Rhetorical analysis of Toni Morrison’s song of Solomon

Literary analysis seeks to answer the questions about the meaning and purpose of literature by using our skills of literary analysis to examine specific elements of the text in a close and detailed way. For your first paper in this class, you will compose a piece of literary analysis on Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon. Before crafting a thesis for your literary analysis essay, you will need to identify the larger themes and issues being raised in the text. You must select a theme.

This essay asks you to be analytical and to use detail: you will consider the entire text and provide specific examples from the work to support your thesis/claim. A good principle is that each body paragraph of your essay (including your support paragraphs and your refutation) should include two specific and cited examples from the primary text.

Some questions you might consider:

How does the author’s choice of words and/or syntax support the meaning of the text? Here, think about the way different characters speak, the vocabulary the author chooses to use, or the structure of the language in the text.
What is the role of the narrator in the text? Is the narrator reliable? How does the narrator influence the reader and the action of reading?
Identify a repeated and dominant symbol or conceit in the text. How does the author use the symbol or conceit to enhance the message or theme of the text?
How does a character’s social role affect their role and/or function within the text?
How do specific conflicts between characters emphasize and inform the theme and/or message of the text?
What is the plot climax? (Note: this is dependent on whose narrative is the dominant narrative. You should discuss how characters’ choices led to the plot climax through the rising action and what the consequences are through the falling action and denouement.)
Discuss moments of anagnorisis and peripeteia in the text and their contribution to theme or message.
Discuss the praise or blame of a character within the text. Evaluate their decisions and choices throughout the narrative. What virtue or vice are they responsible for?
Evaluate the author’s use of schemes and tropes throughout the text. How does it influence the reading and message of the text?

How this industry creates externalities – negative/positive production/consumption externality. does it impact society negatively or positively?

The demand and supply of smartphones and tablets

part 1. overview of the industry – how consumption and production has changed in the past 10 years. what are the factors that have changed consumption and production

part 2. how this industry is creating market failure – government failure? market failure? or both? – smartphone/tablets does not have government failure lol

part 3. externalities – how this industry creates externalities – negative/positive production/consumption externality. does it impact society negatively or positively? government

What is art and what is meant by art history? What approaches and methodologies are used to interpret and evaluate art? How have ideas regarding medium, gender, identity and difference informed representation? What perspectives can psychoanalysis, semiotics and social art histories bring to the study of the discipline?

Marxist and social art histories

Now in its second edition, this volume is an accessible introduction to the history of art. Using an international range of examples, it provides the reader with a toolkit of concepts, ideas and methods relevant to understanding art history.
This new edition is fully updated with color illustrations, increased coverage of non-western art and extended discussions of contemporary art theory. It introduces key ideas, issues and debates, exploring questions such as:

What is art and what is meant by art history?

What approaches and methodologies are used to interpret and evaluate art?

How have ideas regarding medium, gender, identity and difference informed representation?

What perspectives can psychoanalysis, semiotics and social art histories bring to the study of the discipline?

How are the processes of postcolonialism, decolonisation and globalisation changing approaches to art history?

Develop a list of 15 questions that you would like to ask Carly, her father or mother or her siblings if you had the opportunity to speak with them. Identify which person is being asked which question.

• Finish reading Carly’s Voice.

• Develop a list of 15 questions that you would like to ask Carly, her father or mother or her siblings if you had the opportunity to speak with them. Identify which person is being asked which question.

Calculate the rates of return for each of the securities listed. Briefly explain the risk/return relationship for each security.

1-3 Journal: Time Value of Money and Risk and Return Assignment

First, locate the financial statement (10 – K Annual Reporting) information for each company (listed below) that you will be investigating for your final project. This information can be found on each company’s website within the “About U s” section or at the bottom of the homepage under “Investors.”

Research stock and corporate bond holdings for the following companies:

Apple, Inc. (AAPL)

Caterpillar (CAT)

Consolidated Edison (ED)

Northern Trust (NTRS)

Macy’s (M)

Next, address the following:

Calculate the rates of return for each of the securities listed.

Once you have calculated the rates of return for these securities, briefly explain the risk/return relationship for each security.

Refer to the module resources and major indices to support your responses. Be sure to consider the key risk factors investors must observe when making their investments and also the time value of money concept and its relevance in the financial industry.

To complete this assignment, review the Module One Journal Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.

What did he mean by this and why would this be an issue of concern in treating mental health issues?

Discussion Assignment #10 PSY

1) Watch the video entitled “Crash Course on Psychological Disorders”, located in the Module Learning Activities. Share with me ONE SPECIFIC NEW FACT that you learned after watching the video which was surprising information to you. At one point in the video, the presenter stated that “Definitions are powerful” when it comes to mental health. What did he mean by this and why would this be an issue of concern in treating mental health issues?

Create a budget using an Excel spreadsheet. It will be easier to start by looking at your personal budget or the budget for personal business. Include at least 6 months of activity and be sure to show if you are in a surplus or deficit.

Healthcare Finance

For this assignment, first, watch the three videos below on how to set-up an excel spreadsheet for a cash budget. Also, refer to p. 382-390 of your textbook (Cleverly & Cleverly, 2018) for the reading material on budgeting. Next, you will create a budget using an Excel spreadsheet. It will be easier to start by looking at your personal budget or the budget for personal business. Include at least 6 months of activity and be sure to show if you are in a surplus or deficit. Make sure to include a category for savings. See Table 16-6 on p. 390 of your textbook for a detailed example.

Complete all calculations within the spreadsheet to show your work. To create a formula in Excel, start with the “=” sign in the cell. For example, =2+2 would render 4 in the cell.

Constructing a Simple Cash Budget Using XL


How To Make A Budget In Excel


Webinar: Excel Basics for Analyzing Health Data



What were the most interesting topics you learned in this course? Do you feel this course has given you a foundation for your further studies? Do you have any lingering questions on the material?

Unit 5 – Discussion Board

Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, discuss the following questions:

What were the most interesting topics you learned in this course?
Do you feel this course has given you a foundation for your further studies?
Do you have any lingering questions on the material?

What was your most significant learning in this course? How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?

Unit 5 – Discussion Board 2

Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 300–500 words on the following:

What was your most significant learning in this course?
How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?

Explain the key lessons learned from this tragedy. As a safety manager for this type of venue, what mitigation strategies would you incorporate to prevent something like this from happening again and what types of auditing practices would you utilize to verify success of your program?

Tragic fire at the Coconut Grove Nightclub.

View the attached video and article regarding the tragic fire at the Coconut Grove Nightclub. In a 2 page response, address the following:
1. Give a description of the events that took place at this occupancy.
2. Explain the factors that lead to the loss of human life.
3. Explain the key lessons learned from this tragedy.
4. As a safety manager for this type of venue, what mitigation strategies would you incorporate to prevent something like this from happening again and what types of auditing practices would you utilize to verify success of your program?

*** feel free to perform additional research to expand on your conclusions.