
What role might diversity play in dissent? For example, are minorities more likely to dissent?    Is loyal dissent somehow better than whistleblowing, and on what ethical basis, or standard would you evaluate this point?

 Discussion BSN301 Rachel:

Classmate responded to the following questions. Requesting an agreement or disagreement per discussion;

  • What role might diversity play in dissent? For example, are minorities more likely to dissent?
  • Is loyal dissent somehow better than whistle blowing, and on what ethical basis, or standard would you evaluate this point?

To what extent does English as a global language have a positive impact on contemporary global society?

Global language

To what extent does English as a global language have a positive impact on contemporary global society? (Discuss using topics such as: language and cultural diversity; identity, academia; global communications; and access to education, to show the advantages, disadvantages and tensions associated with the status and use of English around the world.

What were the elements of negligence in this movie (duty, breach of duty, legal cause, proximate cause, and damages)? What were some of the legal defenses employed? What were some of the legal and factual problems in the case?

A civil Action

The movie “A Civil Action” gives us a fictional account of the real legal case pertaining to the hazardous waste site that affected the children in the community of Woburn, Mass. The movie not only provides a description of the Woburn disaster but also an introduction to the issues surrounding environmental justice.

What were the elements of negligence in this movie (duty, breach of duty, legal cause, proximate cause, and damages)? What were some of the legal defenses employed? What were some of the legal and factual problems in the case?

Who was Sandy and what do we know about him? What do you suspect and why? Can you prove, with evidence from the text, what you suspect? Why or why not? What surprises Douglass about the North, and why?

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.

Answer two of the questions below with at least one substantial paragraph each, specifically detailing the text and pointing to particular page numbers. Make sure your grammar and mechanics are professional and college-level.

1) Who was Sandy and what do we know about him? What do you suspect and why? Can you prove, with evidence from the text, what you suspect? Why or why not?

2) How did both slave owners or masters and slaves themselves use Christianity toward their own ends? How is this paradoxical?

3) What surprises Douglass about the North, and why?

4) Why is the Appendix included at the end of the book? What might be its rhetorical necessity?

What’s the aim, the author’s intent? What are the major historical and conceptual issues stressed? What are the major points the author is making?

Bullionist controversy

Write an analysis paper on the Bullionist controversy between the currency and banking schools. Focus on David Ricardo, Henry Thornton and Robert Torrens.
Make sure to include the following points: An introduction to the issue. This might include a brief summary of the context in which the author is writing, and-thus-what motivated his thinking. It might also include why the issues were thought to be important.

Try to identify the question-or questions-the work is trying to answer; what’s the aim, the author’s intent? What are the major historical and conceptual issues stressed? What are the major points the author is making? This could lead into the analysis (or model) the author provides.

Explain how the author is/are trying to answer the question: what techniques, analytical tools, quantitative tools are used? What’s the theory underlying the article? What presuppositions lie behind the work? What (if any) empirical work, what evidence, does the author provide? What would you like to know more about-or what (if anything) did the author not talk about that you thought might have been talked about?

What does impulsivity mean and how does it relate to sex? Are men more sexual than women? What does that even mean?

Annotated Bibliography

Hypothesis: We hypothesize that men will have more sexual partners than women. In addition, we also hypothesize that individuals who are impulsive, will also have more sexual partners. Lastly, we hypothesize that there will be a relationship between gender and impulsivity, and it will be stronger among males in comparison to females.

To begin your introduction there are a few things you must research.

You can start by researching;

Sexual differences between males and females
What does impulsivity mean and how does it relate to sex?
Are men more sexual than women? What does that even mean?

Write a paper on your chosen work of art analyzing the elements and principles of art as well as the themes present in the work.

Written Paper – Visual Analysis

Choose one work of art from an exhibition at a museum or gallery in town (this can be done in person or online). Write a paper on your chosen work of art analyzing the elements and principles of art as well as the themes present in the work. You may choose to include a little background on the artist.

Format: 2-4 pages, 12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and a cover sheet.

The emphasis should be on analyzing the formal elements—not interpreting the artwork. Think back to Chapter 1 and how we analyzed each work of art. How the elements and principles of art worked together to help create and convey the artists ideas and themes.

What is the difference between objective and subjective/projective personality testing? What do you see as the benefits to these tests?

Discussion Assignment # 9 PSY

1) Case Scenario: Meg has a terrible fear of driving over the bridge. Whenever she tries to go into Melbourne from the beaches, she becomes extremely panicky to the point of hyperventilating and has to turn around and go back. She hates that she cannot drive herself over the bridge because it is making her become dependent on her parents to drive her. She is angry at herself and extremely frustrated at the situation.

2) Watch Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory video and then look over the Ego Defense Mechanisms on page 451 of your text. Please give an example of how you or someone you know, uses or has used TWO of the defense mechanisms.

3)The birth order section is interesting. Look at your own family and tell me if you feel that this theory is accurate, give examples.

4) What is the difference between objective and subjective/projective personality testing? What do you see as the benefits to these tests?

5) What do you see in this picture???

Discuss the two types of grid-scale storages discussed in the article. What is the relevance of energy storage technologies in wind and solar power generation?

Energy Storage

HW5Please use this article for homework5. Read chapters 9, 10, and especially energy storage chapter 18. Discuss the two types of grid-scale storages discussed in the article. What is the relevance of energy storage technologies in wind and solar power generation? Also, Include one additional reference other than the textbook and the article given for this last homework! No citations including the in-text citation will result automatic deduction of 5 points.

What are the possible outcomes if action taken (policy implemented) and inaction (policy not implemented)? How does this public health policy influence positive social change within a community?

Policy Brief

The policy brief topic is: healthcare access and quality

Title page is not necessary.

• Complete the answers directly on the word document provided “Final assignment R2”.

• Pay close attention to each question and do not exceed the 3 pages

• If it says one paragraph, please write one paragraph

• If it says 3 sentences, please write 3 sentences

• Include at least 5 references


Background and Current Statistics

Conduct research on the public health topic (provide at least 3 current peer reviewed articles you may use a government website for current statistics related to the public health issue.).

Public Health Importance

Why is the issue important – what impact does it have and how does it relate to public health practice

Type of Policy Recommended (Facilitating, Restrictive, Regulatory)

Policy Level (local, city, state, regional, national)

Specific Policy Recommendation (one paragraph)

Propose a policy to address this public health issue. Be sure to indicate what factor(s) the policy will address (e.g. physical environment, behavior change, education, regulating sales).

Implications for Positive Social Change (one paragraph for each question)

What are the possible outcomes if action taken (policy implemented) and inaction (policy not implemented)?

How does this public health policy influence positive social change within a community?

Final Pitch to the Policy Maker-The Takeaway

Three sentences maximum!