
How does public planning theory inform planning practitioners? What are the common themes that bind the literature review and interviews?

Public planners

Your paper examines the role of public planners and how the practice of planning intersects with public planning theory. Please interview a planner and ask the following questions?

The paper should include:


Question: How does public planning theory inform planning practitioners?

Literature Review

Methodology- questions/interview / Canned interviews American Planning Association

What are the common themes that bind the literature review and interviews?

Explain how designing a community-based sustainable health care facility will address the needs of the community demographics of your facility. Describe technology, equipment, and design elements you would use to support the sustainability of your facility in the future.

Facility Planning

This week you will complete your floor plan by incorporating additional elements, such as IT equipment and creative healing elements. It is important to review your facility and consider any additional changes based on the knowledge you have gained throughout the course.

• Other elements:

o IT equipment

o Creative healing environment ideas

Write a 350- to 700-word response to the following:

• Describe technology, equipment, and design elements you would use to support the sustainability of your facility in the future.

• Explain how designing a community-based sustainable health care facility will address the needs of the community demographics of your facility.

Explain the local, state, and federal legal and regulatory requirements for the area you selected. Consider the following agencies:

Facility Planning

You have been assigned to manage a renovation project from an old warehouse to a medical office building. You have been asked to manage one of the internal environmental impacts, such as hazardous waste management, fire and safety management, disaster management, security management, or ADA guidelines, in the newly renovated building.

The discussion of the cross-functional team members reveals their concern regarding topics like how to handle fire safety or hazardous waste at the newly renovated facility. The internal stakeholders, including the director of facilities and human resources manager, are interested specifically in the ADA guidelines.

Note: The term environmental does not relate to the outside environment such as trees and animals.

research the standard operating procedures for the areas listed below and select an area that you will incorporate into the renovation of the warehouse into the medical office building.

Fire and Safety Management

Explain the local, state, and federal legal and regulatory requirements for the area you selected. Consider the following agencies:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Joint Commission

Your state’s health planning and development agency

Department of Health and Human Services

speaker notes needed

Summarize key activities necessary to implement a project. Explain the steps needed in the planning stages for a project. What steps need to be conducted to close out a projects life cycle?

Project management

Recognizing project management as a key element in success with information technology, on par with the significance of picking a good system, is an important component of being effective with IT. As innovation and local needs have driven broad diversity in size and scope of healthcare organizations, not every organization can approach project management with the same structure. Even so, focusing on project management to help the organization execute well is key to being effective with IT.

Please review and answer the following questions.

Summarize key activities necessary to implement a project.
Explain the steps needed in the planning stages for a project.
What steps need to be conducted to close out a projects life cycle? Describe them in 2 to 3 sentences.

Would registration with the SEC be required for Dakota Gasworks securities? Why or why not? Did Emerson violate Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and SEC Rule 10b-5? Why or why not? 3. What theory or theories might a court use to hold Wallace liable for insider trading?

Investor Protection and Corporate Governance

Dale Emerson served as the chief financial officer for Reliant Electric Company, a distributor of electricity serving
portions of Montana and North Dakota. Reliant was in the final stages of planning a takeover of Dakota Gasworks,
Inc., a natural gas distributor that operated solely within North Dakota. Emerson went on a weekend fishing trip with
his uncle, Ernest Wallace. Emerson mentioned to Wallace that he had been putting in a lot of extra hours at the office
planning a takeover of Dakota Gasworks. When he returned from the fishing trip, Wallace purchased $20,000 worth
of Reliant stock. Three weeks later, Reliant made a tender offer to Dakota Gasworks stockholders and purchased 57
percent of Dakota Gasworks stock. Over the next two weeks, the price of Reliant stock rose 72 percent before leveling
out. Wallace then sold his Reliant stock for a gross profit of $14,400. Using the information presented in the chapter,
answer the following questions.

1. Would registration with the SEC be required for Dakota Gasworks securities? Why or why not?

2. Did Emerson violate Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and SEC Rule 10b-5? Why or why not?

3. What theory or theories might a court use to hold Wallace liable for insider trading?

4. Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, who would be required to certify the accuracy of the financial statements Reliant
filed with the SEC?

Determine the shape of the distribution of weights of M&Ms with a frequency histogram. What is the shape of the histogram? Based on the shape of the histogram, would it be appropriate to use the Empirical Rule to make any general statements aobut the weights of the M&Ms?

Extra credit work

1. Determine the shape of the distribution of weights of M&Ms with a frequency histogram.
2. What is the shape of the histogram?
3. Find the descriptive statistics for the data set (hint: use the Data Analysis Toolpak.
4. Which measure of central tendency better describe the weight of a plan M&M?
5. Based on the shape of the histogram, would it be appropriate to use the Empirical Rule to make any general statements aobut the weights of the M&Ms?
6. Use the Empriical Rule to determine the percentage of M&Ms with weights between 0.803 and 0.947 gram.
7. Determine the actual percentage of M&Ms with weights more than 0.911 gram.

Describe the conquests of Alexander the Great and analyze the legacy of his empire. Be sure to mention his impact on Persia, India, and Egypt as well as the cultural implications of his conquests.

World Civilizations

Describe the conquests of Alexander the Great and analyze the legacy of his empire. Be sure to mention his impact on Persia, India, and Egypt as well as the cultural implications of his conquests.

Why might the new SEC pay-ratio disclosure rule cause certain businesses to eliminate low-wage workers? How might the new SEC pay-ratio disclosure rule help shareholders?

The SEC’s New Pay-Ratio Disclosure Rule

After the financial meltdown of recent years, Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. One of the goals of the act was to improve accountability and transparency in the financial system. A brief sectionb in the lengthy bill requires a publicly held company to disclose the ratio of the total compensation of its chief executive officer (CEO) to the median compensation of its workers. For instance, if the annual pay of the median employee is $45,790 and the total compensation of the CEO is $12,260,000, then the pay ratio is 1 to 268. Otherwise stated, the CEO makes 268 times more than the median income for employees.
Five Years in the Making For five years, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) hesitated to adopt a disclosure rule as mandated by the Dodd-Frank act. The SEC received almost 300,000 comments and issued its own comments on the proposed rule.c The commissioners indicated that they were unsure what potential economic benefits, “if any,” would be realized from making this information public. The SEC has estimated that the regulation will cause companies almost 550,000 annual paperwork hours, plus about $75 million per year to hire outside professionals. Dealing with the New Rule The new rule is 1,800 words long, and managers initially may find it difficult to implement.
Fortunately for them, the SEC realizes that it can only ask for “reasonable estimates” of the CEO-worker pay ratio.
The CEO’s measured compensation includes salary, bonuses, stocks and options, incentive plans, and other compensation. In theory, calculating this amount is fairly straightforward.Calculating the median income of the company’s labor force is more difficult. Note that the median income is not the average income of employees.
Rather, the rule requires the company to identify a “median” employee as the basis for comparison.The rule does give companies flexibility in determining how to identify this median employee. Statistical sampling can be used, for instance. And the rule states, “Since identifying the median involves finding the employee in the middle, it may not be necessary to determine the exact compensation amounts for every employee paid more or less than that employee in the middle.” The rule also permits companies to make the median employee determination only once every three years.
Business Questions

1. Why might the new SEC pay-ratio disclosure rule cause certain businesses to eliminate low-wage workers?

2. How might the new SEC pay-ratio disclosure rule help shareholders

Describe ethical and legal factors that should be considered and their significance in terms of the company for which you are employed in the scenario.

CYB-200-02: Develop reliable, ethical methods to detect, characterize, and counter cyber threat actors

In your technical brief, you must address the critical elements listed below. The codes shown in brackets indicate the course competency to which each critical element is aligned.

A. Identify your threat actors and characterize their motivations or desired outcomes. Use research from the Project Three resource guide or decision aid to support your response. For example, is the threat actor gathering information for financial gain? [CYB-200-02]

II. Analysis

A. Describe best practices or methods for detecting the threat actors from the scenario. Use research from the Project Three resource guide or decision aid to support your response. [CYB-200-02]

B. Describe ethical and legal factors that should be considered and their significance in terms of the company for which you are employed in the scenario. Use research from the Project Three resource guide or decision aid to support your response. [CYB-200-02]

C. Describe at least one tactic or method that is important in responding to and countering this threat actor. Use research from the Project Three resource guide or decision aid to support your response. [CYB-200-02]

D. Describe at least one tactic or method that would be employed to reduce the likelihood of the same situation happening again. Use research from the Project Three resource guide or decision aid to support your response. [CYB-200-02]

III. Conclusion

A. Explain the potential ramifications of the tactics or methods you have suggested. Use research from the resource guide or decision aid to support your response. [CYB-200-02]

Discuss the use of the Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic work Mona Lisa in Marcel Duchamp’s L.H.O.O.Q. and Andy Warhol’s 30 Are Better Than One (Mona Lisa). What were the intentions of Duchamp and Warhol in using the famous portrait?


Discuss the use of the Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic work Mona Lisa in Marcel Duchamp’s L.H.O.O.Q. and Andy Warhol’s 30 Are Better Than One (Mona Lisa). What were the intentions of Duchamp and Warhol in using the famous portrait?