
Why do you think it is important for social workers to understand cognitive and socioemotional development? Describe one or two scenarios when, as a social worker, it would be helpful to explain these stages of development to caregivers.

Journal Reflection 4

Answer all 3 parts of the question for full credit.

(1) In your own words briefly describe Piaget’s stages of cognitive development and Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development.

(2) Why do you think it is important for social workers to understand cognitive and socioemotional development?

(3) Describe one or two scenarios when, as a social worker, it would be helpful to explain these stages of development to caregivers.

Should ICANN’s actions be judged under the rule of reason or be deemed per se violations of Section 1 of the Sherman Act? Why? Should ICANN’s actions be viewed as a horizontal or a vertical restraint of trade? Why?

Antitrust Law

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a nonprofit entity that organizes Internet
domain names. It is governed by a board of directors elected by various groups with commercial interests in the Inter
net. One of ICANN’s functions is to authorize an entity to serve as a registry for certain “Top Level Domains” (TLDs).
ICANN and VeriSign entered into an agreement that authorized VeriSign to serve as a registry for the “.com” TLD and
provide registry services in accordance with ICANN’s specifications. VeriSign complained that ICANN was restricting the services that it could make available as a registrar, blocking new services, imposing unnecessary conditions on those
services, and setting the prices at which the services were offered. VeriSign claimed that ICANN’s control of the regis
try services for domain names violated Section 1 of the Sherman Act. Using the information presented in the chapter,
answer the following questions.

1. Should ICANN’s actions be judged under the rule of reason or be deemed per se violations of Section 1 of the
Sherman Act? Why?

2. Should ICANN’s actions be viewed as a horizontal or a vertical restraint of trade? Why?

3. Does it matter that ICANN’s directors are chosen by groups with a commercial interest in the Internet? Explain.

4. If the dispute is judged under the rule of reason, what might be ICANN’s defense for having a standardized set of
registry services that must be use

Compare the amount of gas produced in tube 4 to that of tube 3. Galactose is an isomer of glucose. Are the yeast enzymes able to metabolize galactose as they do glucose? Considering enzyme specificity, explain these results.

 Alcohol Fermentation

1. During this experiment, gas pressure was measured. By what process was the gas produced?
Which gas was it?

2. Yeast was added to all the tubes, but not all of them produced the gas. What had to be present in order for the gas to be made?

3. This experiment was run at approximately 45C. When performed at room temperature (24C), little if any gas would have been produced within the 15minute sampling time. Why? (Hint: Refer back to Lab 9 on Enzymes.)

4. What was the purpose of layering the oil on top of the solutions in all 6 tubes?

5. Considering the contents of tube 1, explain why it is the negative control for this experiment.

6. Study the line on the graph for tube 2. Note that it increased steadily. However, at some point it will level off. Offer an explanation as to why

7. Compare the amount of gas produced in tube 3 to that of tube 2. How does the concentration
of glucose affect the rate of fermentation?

8. Compare the amount of gas produced in tube 4 to that of tube 3. Galactose is an isomer of glucose. Are the yeast enzymes able to metabolize galactose as they do glucose? Considering enzyme specificity, explain these results.

9. NaF is the enzyme inhibitor in tube 5.

a. Did any fermentation occur in test tube 5?
b. Because NaF blocks the last enzyme of glycolysis, what end product of glycolysis is not produced when NaF is present?

c. Why does the lack of this end product stop fermentation?

d. Does NaF inhibit enzymes located in the cytoplasm or the mitochondria?

10. KCN is the enzyme inhibitor in tube 6.

a. Since KCN is an enzyme inhibitor, why was there gas production in this tube?
b. Does KCN inhibit enzymes located in the cytoplasm or the mitochondria?

c. Compare the slopes for tubes 3 and 6. Explain why they are very similar.

11. Fermentation does not produce any ATP. So, what is its value to the yeast?

12. Why is this type of fermentation called alcohol fermentation? (Be specific.)

a. The initial substrate,_, has _ carbons.
b. The final product of alcohol fermentation is two molecules of _ with a total
of _ carbons.

c. What happened to the “missing” carbons?

14. Give 2 potential sources of error in this experiment.

What is the term for the right of Roche citizens to walk across Shoepke’s land on the trail? What covenants would most courts infer were included in the warranty deed that was used in the property transfer from the Brusters to Shoepke?

Real Property and Landlord-Tenant Law

Vern Shoepke purchased a two-story home from Walter and Eliza Bruster in the town of Roche, Maine. The warranty
deed did not specify what covenants would be included in the conveyance. The property was adjacent to a public park
that included a popular Frisbee golf course. (Frisbee golf is a sport similar to golf but using Frisbees.) Wayakichi Creek
ran along the north end of the park and along Shoepke’s property. The deed allowed Roche citizens the right to walk
across a five-foot-wide section of the lot beside Wayakichi Creek as part of a two-mile public trail system. Teenagers
regularly threw Frisbee golf discs from the walking path behind Shoepke’s property over his yard to the adjacent park.
Shoepke habitually shouted and cursed at the teenagers, demanding that they not throw objects over his yard. Using
the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions.

1. What is the term for the right of Roche citizens to walk across Shoepke’s land on the trail?

2. What covenants would most courts infer were included in the warranty deed that was used in the property transfer
from the Brusters to Shoepke?

3. Suppose that Shoepke wants to file a trespass lawsuit against some teenagers who continually throw Frisbees over
his land. Shoepke discovers, however, that when the city put in the Frisbee golf course, the neighborhood home
owners signed an agreement that limited their right to complain about errant Frisbees. What is this type of promise
or agreement called in real property law?

Who or what is being scapegoated in these articles? Discuss if this is for political, religious, or other reasons, and why this is important to understand. Relate a theory of deviance from Part I of the text to this story. How does this theory apply?

Two sides of the same story

Find 2 current (within the last year) news articles to show two sides of the same story. One story (side) must vilify the individual or group, showing them as “deviant” or “bad” in some way, and the other story (side) must counter this labeling, and show them as not being “subversive” or a “bad” influence.

Include the following:
Who or what is being scapegoated in these articles?
Discuss if this is for political, religious, or other reasons, and why this is important to understand.
Relate a theory of deviance from Part I of the text to this story. How does this theory apply? Make sure you define the theory and cite examples from the story to support your ideas.
In your opinion, was this person or group a scapegoat for others’ fears and issues (and therefore not really being “bad”), or were they actually being deviant in a negative way and are deserving of being marginalized? Support your opinion with examples from the articles and other information regarding current social norms.

Write an essay investigating synergistic effects of silver and gentamicin against various strains of staphylococcus aureus biofilms.

Synergistic effects of silver

Investigation of synergistic effects of silver and gentamicin against various strains of staphylococcus aureus biofilms.

Under the common law, what would each plaintiff be required to identify in order to be given relief by the court? What standard for limiting emissions into the air does Cotton Design’s pollution-control equipment have to meet? If Cotton Design’s emissions violated the Clean Air Act, how much can the EPA assess in fines per day?

Environmental Law

Residents of Lake Caliopa, Minnesota, began noticing an unusually high number of lung ailments among the local population. Several concerned citizens pooled their resources and commissioned a study to compare the frequency of these health conditions in Lake Caliopa with national averages. The study concluded that residents of Lake Caliopa experienced four to seven times the rate of frequency of asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema as the population nationwide.
During the study period, citizens began expressing concerns about the large volume of smog emitted by the Cotton
Design apparel manufacturing plant on the outskirts of town. The plant had a production facility two miles east of
town beside the Tawakoni River and employed seventy full-time workers. Just downstream on the Tawakoni River, the
city of Lake Caliopa operated a public water works facility, which supplied all city residents with water.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency required Cotton Design to install new equipment to control air and water
pollution. Later, citizens sued Cotton Design for various respiratory ailments allegedly caused or compounded by smog
from Cotton Design’s factory. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions.

1. Under the common law, what would each plaintiff be required to identify in order to be given relief by the court?

2. What standard for limiting emissions into the air does Cotton Design’s pollution-control equipment have to meet?

3. If Cotton Design’s emissions violated the Clean Air Act, how much can the EPA assess in fines per day?

4. What information must the city send to every household that it supplies with water

How effective is the overall structure and organization of your work? How effectively do you construct and connect individual paragraphs? How effectively do you construct and connect individual sentences? Do you present your evidence clearly and cite it appropriately?

Guidelines for the first technical report assignment

Provides a clear and practical assessment of the problem, challenge, or opportunity at hand.
Provides solid evidence in support of that assessment, and presents that evidence effectively and responsibly. (Things to avoid here might include using evidence that is irrelevant, inaccurate, fraudulent, or misrepresented.)
Provides an effective and responsible analysis of the evidence presented in the report, demonstrating how that evidence supports the report’s principal conclusions and recommendations. (For the most part, evidence doesn’t simply speak for itself. You need to explain what you think it shows and explain why and how you think it shows it.)
Up to this point, I’ve mainly been talking about the substance of your argument. Here are some of the things to focus on:

How effective is the overall structure and organization of your work?
How effectively do you construct and connect individual paragraphs?
How effectively do you construct and connect individual sentences?
Do you present your evidence clearly and cite it appropriately?
In general, do you write in a clear and engaging way, and do you take care of the “little things” that could distract your reader or take away from the effectiveness of your argument? (For example, spelling and grammatical errors.)
It’s important to note that I apply these standards somewhat differently in different contexts.

Describe the role of regional UN bodies in relation to these two countries (like ECA, ECOWAS, ESCAP, ECLAC, etc.) Describe the role of non-UN regional bodies in relation to these two countries (like the African Union, the OECD, ASEAN, the Arab League, etc)

Comparative Public Admin

Assignment Eight is the final memo. You launched this task in Assignment Six. Now, write a 8 page memo on how two countries -one handling the pandemic well and one handling the pandemic poorly—are confronting this huge challenge. Use the ideas and resources from Assignment Six. Incorporate !earnings from the three textbooks and any other relevant resources. Remember to use APA format for in-text citations and to add a reference list at the end of the memo. It would make sense to have approximately one page on each of these topics. Follow this outline:

1. Introduction

2. Country one: data on COVID; perspective on COVID; strategies; which institutions are involved; performance and impact; explanatory factors

3. Country two: data on COVID; perspective on COVID; strategies; which institutions are involved; performance and impact; explanatory factors

4. Describe the role of global institutions like the UN and WHO in relation to these two countries (research this)

5. Describe the role of regional UN bodies in relation to these two countries (like ECA, ECOWAS, ESCAP, ECLAC, etc.)

6. Describe the role of non-UN regional bodies in relation to these two countries (like the African Union, the OECD, ASEAN, the Arab League, etc)

7. Discuss the experiences of these two countries in light of the concepts of failed states, fragile states, robust states and agile states.

8. Conclude about the future of countries dealing with the COVID pandemic (use a SWOT chart or forced field analysis).
Grading Rubric 20 points


Constructs a presentation that fully answers and responds to DB question(s) direction(s) in a clear, concise, organized initial post. How COVID-19 Magnified a Public Health Emergency.

Podcast: Racial Health Disparities: How COVID-19 Magnified a Public Health Emergency

Constructs a presentation that fully answers and responds to DB question(s) direction(s) in a clear, concise, organized initial post. Content is original and/or correctly paraphrased/synthesized/summarized, cited, accurate, relevant, & provides depth to advance learning. Content is appropriate for the doctoral student audience and is sophisticated and complex, although clearly stated.
Ethical content is described and correctly applied. Texts are used as required and are substantively used—more than a quick/brief reference of isolated material; rather, content demonstrates a thoughtful approach to the readings.
Postings are evidence-based (EB), integrated with assigned reading(s) & incorporate other relevant resources to support all statements of facts, theories, practice standards, experiences, and opinions. Cites additional resources as appropriate and satisfies the number of outside references required for the specific assignment. Evidence of application of newly acquired knowledge from course. Provides a minimum of 3 scholarly published references in addition to the required texts by Fowler and Jonsen et al. Professional/science-evidence based websites may be used as well in addition to databased pubs.