
Why is object modeling important for system analysis and design? How are the object-oriented concepts of encapsulation and polymorphism related to object models? What are the differences between an object and a process model?

CS-255-T4175 System Analysis & Design

You have reviewed the Module Four resources and spent some time learning about object models and Gantt charts. You will spend some time discussing these concepts with your classmates in order to gain a deeper understanding of the topics and how they apply to system analysis and design.

Before creating your initial post, you will need to create your Gantt chart for Project One. Review the “Schedule Planning” portion of the DriverPass Interview Transcript. There you will find a discussion about the different tasks and their prioritization. You will also find a table that lays out the different tasks. Using the CASE tool Lucidchart, create a Gantt chart of the tasks for the DriverPass project. Use the Lucidchart Tutorial to support you in this task. Download your Gantt chart as a PDF. Be sure to check the “Accessible PDF” box before downloading.

In your initial post, be sure to address each of the following:

  • Why is object modeling important for system analysis and design?
  • How are the object-oriented concepts of encapsulation and polymorphism related to object models?
  • What are the differences between an object and a process model?
  • What benefits do you see in using a Gantt chart for scheduling purposes?
  • What challenges did you experience when creating your Gantt chart?

Finally, be sure to attach a copy of your Gantt chart to your initial post.

In your response posts to your classmates, address the following:

  • Analyze the differences between process and object models and pose additional questions and comments based on your analysis of these two models.
  • What similarities and differences do you see between your Gantt chart and your classmate’s?
  • Share a strategy that might help your classmate overcome the challenge they experienced.

Provide a hypothetical example of multiproduct break even analysis.Please answer each of the following questions in detail. How can the manager of advertising sales at Google use flexible budgets to enhance performance?

Financial and Managerial Accounting: Information for Decisions

A) Provide a hypothetical example of multiproduct break even analysis.Please answer each of the following questions in detail.

B) How can the manager of advertising sales at Google use flexible budgets to enhance performance?

C) Explain departmental income statement and the criterion for division of indirect costs among departments. Provide an example from your own business experience or a hypothetical example in which at least three (3) indirect costs are divided among departments.

D) Provide in-text citations and include examples whenever applicable.

  • Is a variable costing income statement applicable to service operations? If so, provide a hypothetical example of variable costing income statements in a service operation.
  • What is the difference between variable costing and absorption costing income statements?
  1. Provide a hypothetical income statement in both formats in which the number of units sold is different from the number of units manufactured.
  2. Explain the contrast between the two formats.How can the manager of advertising sales at Google use flexible budgets to enhance performance?

Explain what your investment portfolio would look like. Share what you believe is your risk tolerance.

Discussion Financial Markets

Assignment Details

One aspect of investing is taking risks in the pursuit of greater returns on those investments. Keeping in mind the knowledge you gained from this week’s video on risk, return, and financial securities, consider what types of investments appeal to you and why.

Consider this week’s instructor video and reading assignments about diversification. Assume that you were given $100,000 to invest in financial assets, and discuss the following:

  • Explain what your investment portfolio would look like.
  • Share what you believe is your risk tolerance.

Consider your peers’ responses, and explain the reasons you would (or would not) take on risk when investing.

Review your peers’ responses on diversification, and discuss the differences you find between your position and theirs.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Requirements: main post (recommended minimum 300 words), and respond to at least 2 peers’ postings (recommended minimum 75 words

Identify 2 technology tools, and discuss their use by HR during the employee recruitment process.

Technology Used in HRM

Assignment Details

There are many technology tools used during the recruitment process. Human resource (HR) departments are shouldering the responsibility of employee recruitment. It is essential to stay up-to-date on the many recruiting tools and technology now available.

  • Identify 2 technology tools, and discuss their use by HR during the employee recruitment process.

Review and consider the technology presented by your peers. One approach to replying to your peers is to share your thoughts on two of you peers’ responses and address additional reasons on the importance of the topics presented. Another approach is to 2 on the discussion by providing your perspective through the introduction of examples and possible outcomes.

In your own words, post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Explain how knowledge related to social psychology and personality will assist in better understanding and assessing individual, group, or societal behavior.

Writing Question

The purpose of this assignment is to apply information you have learned related to social psychology and personality when assessing individual, group, and societal behavior to gain a deeper understanding of human behavior and thinking. This will assist in being better equipped to interact with individuals from different cultural backgrounds and who have differing belief systems.

Using the attached template, write a 500-750-word paper addressing the following prompts:

  1. Explain how knowledge related to social psychology and personality will assist in better understanding and assessing individual, group, or societal behavior. Consider topics such as attributions, stereotypes, competition and cooperation, social facilitation, social loafing, conformity, obedience, social norms, and personality traits such as introversion, agreeableness, and temperament. Provide specific examples that illustrate these concepts.
  2. What Christian worldview principles could be used to improve interactions between individuals from diverse backgrounds? Use the “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” in the Topic 6 Resources to further develop your response.
  3. How will this knowledge better equip you when interacting with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds or belief systems? Apply terms from social psychology and personality in your response.

Cite your textbook, the “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work,” as well as a minimum of two scholarly sources. Scholarly sources include in-class materials and articles located in the GCU Library. Review the GCU library websites located in the Class Resources for further assistance. Websites, such as the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, may be used. Cite information summarized from the sources within the paper (in-text citations) and include a full APA reference list for sources cited.

Represent the PROPERTY entity and its purchase offer attributes using the notation for multivalued attributes. Represent the PROPERTY entity and its purchase offer attributes using two entity types.

MSIT 605 Systems Analysis Design

Using your study of chapter 8 of Modern Systems Analysis and Design and class lecture, solve the following problem.

In a real estate database, there is an entity called PROPERTY, which is a property for sale by the agency. Each time a potential property buyer makes a purchase offer on a property, the agency records the date, offering price, and name of the person making the offer.

  1. Represent the PROPERTY entity and its purchase offer attributes using the notation for multivalued attributes.
  2. Represent the PROPERTY entity and its purchase offer attributes using two entity types.
  3. Assume the agency decides to also keep data about buy-ers and potential buyers, including their name, phone number, and address. Buyers often have multiple phone numbers and addresses, which are not necessarily related to each other. Augment your answer to Problem and Exercise 8.62b (located at the end of chapter 8) to accommodate this new entity type.
  4. Finally, assume that, for each purchase offer, we need to know which buyer phone number and address to associate with that offer. Augment your answer to Problem and Exercise 8.62c to accommodate this new requirement.

Explain the structural features of that industry that generate either high or low profitability. How are structural changes likely to impact competition and profitability in these industries? Is this industry attractive for investment? Why or why not?

Module 03: Industry Analysis

To prepare for this assignment, review Figures 3.3, p.65 from your textbook. Complete an Industry Analysis for two different industries then compare these industries by answering the following questions.

  1. Detail a Porter’s Five Forces framework with a graphic representation, like Figure 3.3, (p.65), and a written explanation in relation to the Five Forces for both industries.
  2. Use the results from the Porter’s Five Forces framework to explain the reasons why profitability is what it is in the two different industries expressed as high, intermediate, or low.
  3. Explain the structural features of that industry that generate either high or low profitability.
  4. How are structural changes likely to impact competition and profitability in these industries? Is this industry attractive for investment? Why or why not?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 4 to 5 pages in length, which does not include the required title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.

It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the Turnitin Originality Check before submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check—Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Write at least one paragraph for each state noting the following—What is each state saying about policy? Legislative news? What seems to be the focus or what seems to be important?

Understand the state department of education/higher education

This week, you will examine the state’s role in educational policy at the PK-12 or higher education level.

Access the website for your state’s department of PK-12 education or higher education based on your professional preference. Every state should have a website for each of these organizations. Some example of PK-12 and higher education state department sites are provided in the resources for this week.

In this assignment, you will compare and contrast state education policy at either the PK-12 or higher education level by accessing websites for three states. One of the states must be your own and the other states must be bordering your state (or at least in your region of the U.S.—Hawaii and Alaska residents may choose any other two states). International students may choose a state that they would like to visit plus 2 bordering states; or select 3 regions from their location.

For this two-part assignment you will address the following:

Part I:

Write at least one paragraph for each state noting the following—What is each state saying about policy? Legislative news? What seems to be the focus or what seems to be important?

In your next paragraphs, compare and contrast the states. You may focus on areas of emphasis or areas of disagreement or discrepancy. In other words, what is the policy related items that you saw for one state that you didn’t see for another state?

Part II:

Find a news article from your state or local news or a video in which the leader of your states department of PK-12 or higher education has been interviewed or is making a statement. What is the leader saying? Write 1-2 paragraphs discussing what the leader has stated, how that relates to any policy initiatives or news items on the state’s website, how you view the leader’s comments, and the impact of that leader on your state.

Review the additional resource materials for Chapter 9. Write a 3 page essay about what the main concepts in the material.

Peers and Gangs in Context

Read Chapter 9

Review the additional resource materials for Chapter 9.

Write a 3 page essay about what the main concepts in the material in this chapter are;

Add a personal statement of what you think of what you learned.

Discuss at least two examples of behaviors that can lead to physical health issues and disease. Describe how the experience of stress can impact psychological disorders.

PSY 606 Module 2 Assignment_ Impact of Stress

Stress impacts our physical and mental health. This assignment will look at the impact of stress on both our physical and mental health, ways you can advise clients to help reduce stress and its impact, and to examine the impact of stress on yourself. In psychology, reducing stress is a big part of healing, so it is important that we understand it.


(1) Discuss at least two examples of behaviors that can lead to physical health issues and disease.
– Examine ways you could advise your clients to start to change these behavioral patterns.

(2) Describe how the experience of stress can impact psychological disorders.

(3) Explore how stress has impacted your own mental and physical health.
– Apply the ideas, terms, and concepts from this week to your own experience.