Why did so many stand by and let it happen? Fear? Hatred?
Hist642 Research Paper
The research paper will be 12-15 pages, exclusive of title page and bibliography, and is due in week 7. It should include a title page, reference citations from at least four sources, and a bibliography. Footnotes are required for the reference citations, and all sources, as well as the corresponding bibliography, must conform to Turabian’s Manual for Writers of Term Papers style for notes and references. Substantial research other than the required course readings is necessary. Internet sources (web sites) should be rarely used, if ever. Exceptions are scholarly websites and documents available through the APUS Online Library. Wikipedia and encyclopedias are not valid academic sources. All research papers require footnotes or endnotes. The paper should have the following minimum elements: a title page, a strong introduction with a thesis statement, body, footnote citations, page numbering, a strong conclusion that relates back to the introduction and thesis, works cited page, and effective writing throughout. The paper must be posted to the Assignment list as a Word document attachment for grading. (Below is the prof feedback from the research topic that is attached. Please use the topic and feedback)// “You have an interesting topic here, but it is a very big one, and I do worry the scope might be a bit beyond what a relatively short term paper can actually accomplish. The fundamental question you ask is again a good one, and one that has been addressed many times in many books. Perhaps an additional bit of focus with that question would be helpful. Instead of “ordinary men and women”, perhaps focus on a more specific group of people, or a more specific aspect of the Holocaust. For example, one could focus on the early stages of persecution. Why did so many stand by and let it happen? Fear? Hatred? You could also focus on various sorts of people who helped with the actual murders, from rail operators down to camp guards. I just worry that you are biting off too much with such a vast topic.”