
Why did so many stand by and let it happen? Fear? Hatred?

Hist642 Research Paper

The research paper will be 12-15 pages, exclusive of title page and bibliography, and is due in week 7. It should include a title page, reference citations from at least four sources, and a bibliography. Footnotes are required for the reference citations, and all sources, as well as the corresponding bibliography, must conform to Turabian’s Manual for Writers of Term Papers style for notes and references. Substantial research other than the required course readings is necessary. Internet sources (web sites) should be rarely used, if ever. Exceptions are scholarly websites and documents available through the APUS Online Library. Wikipedia and encyclopedias are not valid academic sources. All research papers require footnotes or endnotes. The paper should have the following minimum elements: a title page, a strong introduction with a thesis statement, body, footnote citations, page numbering, a strong conclusion that relates back to the introduction and thesis, works cited page, and effective writing throughout. The paper must be posted to the Assignment list as a Word document attachment for grading. (Below is the prof feedback from the research topic that is attached. Please use the topic and feedback)// “You have an interesting topic here, but it is a very big one, and I do worry the scope might be a bit beyond what a relatively short term paper can actually accomplish. The fundamental question you ask is again a good one, and one that has been addressed many times in many books. Perhaps an additional bit of focus with that question would be helpful. Instead of “ordinary men and women”, perhaps focus on a more specific group of people, or a more specific aspect of the Holocaust. For example, one could focus on the early stages of persecution. Why did so many stand by and let it happen? Fear? Hatred? You could also focus on various sorts of people who helped with the actual murders, from rail operators down to camp guards. I just worry that you are biting off too much with such a vast topic.”

Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your final recommendations for the company’s change management strategies.

Mgmt619 powerpoint

Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your final recommendations for the company’s change management strategies. The presentation should have an introduction slide, as well as a reference slide(s) at the end of the presentation. There should be a minimum of 10 slides that briefly covers the content of the strategy manual. APA citing. Topic is the same as related orders as it is an ongoing project.

Explain the information-processing approach and its application to development The Information-Processing Approach and Its Application to Development Speed of Processing Information. Define attention and outline its developmental changes What Is Attention?

Information Processing – Chapter Development

1 The Information-Processing Approach
Learning Goal 1 Explain the information-processing approach and its application to development The Information-Processing Approach and Its Application to Development Speed of Processing Information

2 Attention
Learning Goal 2 Define attention and outline its developmental changes What Is Attention? Infancy Childhood and Adolescence Adulthood


3 Memory
Learning Goal 3 Describe what memory is and how it changes through the life span What Is Memory? Infancy Childhood Adulthood

4 Thinking Learning Goal 4 Characterize thinking and its developmental changes What Is Thinking? Infancy and Childhood Adolescence Adulthood


5 Metacognition Learning Goal 5 Define metacognition and summarize its developmental changes What Is Metacognition? Theory of Mind Metamemory in Children Metacognition in Adolescence and Adulthood

Now assume that a court finds that the new rule is merely “interpretive.” What effect would this determination have on whether the SEC had to follow the APA’s rulemaking procedures?

Administrative Agencies

Assume that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has a rule that it will enforce statutory provisions pro-
hibiting insider trading only when the insiders make monetary profits for themselves. Then the SEC makes a new rule,
declaring that it will now bring enforcement actions against individuals for insider trading even if the individuals did
not personally profit from the transactions. In making the new rule, the SEC does not conduct a rulemaking procedure
but simply announces its decision. A stockbrokerage firm objects that the new rule was unlawfully developed without
opportunity for public comment. The brokerage firm challenges the rule in an action that ultimately is reviewed by a
federal appellate court. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions.

1. Is the SEC an executive agency or an independent regulatory agency? Does it matter to the outcome of this dispute?

2. Suppose that the SEC asserts that it has always had the statutory authority to pursue persons for insider trading
regardless of whether they personally profited from the transactions. This is the only argument the SEC makes to
justify changing its enforcement rules. Would a court be likely to find that the SEC’s action was arbitrary and capricious under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA)? Why or why not?

3. Would a court be likely to give Chevron deference to the SEC’s interpretation of the law on insider trading? Why
or why not?

4. Now assume that a court finds that the new rule is merely “interpretive.” What effect would this determination
have on whether the SEC had to follow the APA’s rulemaking procedures?

Discuss at least 3 ways that you see yourself using family ministry in the future. Describe a barrier to change that you have seen demonstrated in a local church. What model of family ministry would fit the church you now attend? Describe how it would work.

Family Ministry

1. Discuss at least 3 ways that you see yourself using family ministry in the future.

2. Describe a barrier to change that you have seen demonstrated in a local church.

3. What model of family ministry would fit the church you now attend? Describe how it would work.

4. Give an example of how a change was handled well in a church that you were a part of. What was done right?

5. As you think about your own competencies as a family minister, what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses

What must Javatech change in its collective bargaining negotiations to demonstrate that it is bargaining in good faith with the JEU, as required by labor law? Could the seven engineers legally call a strike? What would such a strike be called?

Immigration and Labor Law

In April 2017, several employees of Javatech, Inc., a computer hardware developer with 250 employees, started orga
nizing the Javatech Employees Union (JEU). When Javatech refused to voluntarily recognize the union, organizers
petitioned the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for an election. In June, the NLRB conducted an election
that showed that a majority of Javatech employees supported the union. JEU was certified and began bargaining with
management over wages and benefits.
In January 2018, Javatech management offered the JEU a 1 percent annual wage increase for all employees with no
other changes in employment benefits. The JEU countered by requesting a 3 percent wage increase and an employee
health-insurance package. Javatech management responded that the 1 percent wage increase was the company’s only
offer. The JEU petitioned the NLRB for an order requesting good faith bargaining. After meeting with an NLRB rep
resentative, Javatech management still refused to consider modifying its position. JEU leaders then became embroiled
in a dispute about whether the JEU should accept this offer or go on strike.
New union leaders were elected in July 2018, and the employer refused to meet with the new JEU representatives,
claiming that the union no longer had majority support from employees. In August 2018, a group of seven Javatech
engineers began feeling ill while working with a new adhesive used in creating motherboards. The seven engineers
discussed going on strike without union support. Before they had reached an agreement, one of the engineers, Rosa
Molina, became dizzy while working with the adhesive and walked out of the workplace. Using the information pre
sented in the chapter, answer the following questions.

1. How many of Javatech’s 250 employees must have signed authorization cards to allow the JEU to petition the
NLRB for an election?

2. What must Javatech change in its collective bargaining negotiations to demonstrate that it is bargaining in good
faith with the JEU, as required by labor law?

3. Could the seven engineers legally call a strike? What would such a strike be called?

4. Would Molina’s safety walkout be protected under the Labor-Management Relations Act? Explain.

identify a BSW or MSW practitioner in the community who works with this population and arrange to interview her/him/them.

Interview with Social Worker

This assignment asks the student to choose an area of social work that interests you such as: poverty, homelessness, health care, mental health, children and families, adolescents, minorities, immigrants and other oppressed populations, substance abuse and addiction, and the elderly. Once you have identified the population of concern, identify a BSW or MSW practitioner in the community who works with this population and arrange to interview her/him/them. The practitioner must be a social worker.
Step 1: Choose a population
Step 2: Find an agency that serves that population (you will want to have a few in mind)
Step 3: Identify a BSW or MSW social worker at that agency. The agency website is a good place to start. Also, calling the main agency number, introduce yourself and ask if there is a social worker who you could speak with about a student assignment.
Step 4: Expect to put effort into contacting social workers! You may leave a message, leave your contact information including e-mail. You may want to e-mail the social worker and follow up with a phone call.
Step 6: Next, summarize the content of the interview with the social worker in a 3-5-page paper. This paper will include personal reflections regarding the questions you asked, the social worker’s response, your expectations and areas that challenged your prior beliefs.

Would Lyle’s claim of racial discrimination be for intentional (disparate-treatment) or unintentional (disparate- impact) discrimination? Explain. Can Lyle establish a prima facie case of racial discrimination? Why or why not?

Employment Discrimination

Amaani Lyle, an African American woman, was hired by Warner Brothers Television Productions to be a scriptwrit
ers’ assistant for the writers of Friends, a popular adult-oriented television series. One of her essential job duties was
to type detailed notes for the scriptwriters during brainstorming sessions in which they discussed jokes, dialogue, and
story lines. The writers then combed through Lyle’s notes after the meetings for script material. During these meetings,
the three male scriptwriters told lewd and vulgar jokes and made sexually explicit comments and gestures. They often
talked about their personal sexual experiences and fantasies, and some of these conversations were then used in episodes
of Friends.
During the meetings, Lyle never complained that she found the writers’ conduct offensive. After four months, Lyle
was fired because she could not type fast enough to keep up with the writers’ conversations during the meetings. She
filed a suit against Warner Brothers, alleging sexual harassment and claiming that her termination was based on racial
discrimination. Using the information presented in the chapter, answer the following questions.

1. Would Lyle’s claim of racial discrimination be for intentional (disparate-treatment) or unintentional (disparate-
impact) discrimination? Explain.

2. Can Lyle establish a prima facie case of racial discrimination? Why or why not?

3. When Lyle was hired, she was told that typing speed was extremely important to the position. At the time, she
maintained that she could type eighty words per minute, so she was not given a typing test. It later turned out that
Lyle could type only fifty words per minute. What impact might typing speed have on Lyle’s lawsuit?

4. Lyle’s sexual-harassment claim is based on the hostile working environment created by the writers’ sexually offensive
conduct at meetings that she was required to attend. The writers, however, argue that their behavior was essential
to the “creative process” of writing for Friends, a show that routinely contained sexual innuendos and adult humor.
Which defense discussed in the chapter might Warner Brothers assert using this argument?

Where, when, how, and why does beer start (how was it discovered)? How does beer develop in the ancient world, and how and why does it flourish and spread to northern Europe? How does brewing develop in the Middle Ages, and who are the major brewers?

Brewing Science Questions

All the below answers need to be as clear, precise, detailed, complete sentences, and correct grammar and punctuation used. Please read each question carefully through and answer all parts of each question.

1st Question


Evolution of beer and the science and technology of brewing.


  1. Discuss as detailed as possible, how beer moves through 10,000 BC to the Renaissance, then beer in the UK and on the Continent, and then beer to the 1900ish.


  1. Answer the below questions one by one, not in a paragraph form:


Where, when, how, and why does beer start (how was it discovered)? How does beer develop in the ancient world, and how and why does it flourish and spread to northern Europe? How does brewing develop in the Middle Ages, and who are the major brewers? How do various factors combine to give rise to the styles and other factors that emerge from the Middle Ages and Renaissance (topics needing to be discussed in your answer are: Trappist, legal regulations, lager vs. ale, altbier and Kolsch, English pale, and brown ales. As we move from the Renaissance into the Industrial Revolution, what are the major technological innovations in brewing, and what beer styles emerge and evolve in response?


2nd Question




Answer the below questions one by one, not in a paragraph form:


What contributions do hops make to beer, and what compounds are responsible for those? What is a base malt? How does kilning of base malts change over time? What qualities do those changes make in the base malt’s that can be produced? What are some base malts and what flavors do they give you? How are crystal malts produced? What qualities do they give in beer? What qualities do roasted malts and roasted grains and unmalted grains give a beer? What are the various kinds of yeast: explain and elaborate not just on lager vs. ale, but also stylistically (beers with big fruity flavors like Belgian Ale Yeast and English Ale Yeast- explain what all of these yeast are in detail)? What temperatures are appropriate for yeasts, and what flavor profiles do we get as a result? Why do we need to cool the wort quickly from about 140 degrees Fahrenheit to yeast pitching temperatures? Why are infections not more common?

In class my professor mentions in this section (Kiln malt, crystal malt, barley malt, wheat malt, roasted malt).Professor also mentions flavorable base malts being : barley and wheat



3rd Question


Brewing safety

Explain and elaborate in detail the main components to brewing beer safely in an Industrial facility (mention the key points according to the Brewer’s Association Safety Guidelines).


4th Question

Alcohol Safety

Answer the below questions one by one, not in a paragraph form:

What kind of drug is alcohol? By what pathways does alcohol enter the body (list them and give their percentages)? What are its physiological and psychological effects, and how are they related to blood alcohol level (BAC)? What is the legal BAC limit for driving? What gross physiological consequences arise as BAC rises? How can the rate of alcohol uptake be altered? How is alcohol processed in one’s body?

Would Saldona have been legally entitled to receive overtime pay at a higher rate? Why or why not? What is the maximum length of time Saldona would have been allowed to take leave to care for his injured spouse? 3. Under what circumstances would Aimer have been allowed to require an employee to take a polygraph test?

Employment Law

Rick Saldona began working as a traveling salesperson for Aimer Winery in 2008. Sales constituted 90 percent of
Saldona’s work time. Saldona worked an average of fifty hours per week but received no overtime pay. In June 2018,
Saldona’s new supervisor, Caesar Braxton, claimed that Saldona had been inflating his reported sales calls and required
Saldona to submit to a polygraph test. Saldona reported Braxton to the U.S. Department of Labor, which prohibited
Aimer from requiring Saldona to take a polygraph test for this purpose.
In August 2018, Saldona’s wife, Venita, fell from a ladder and sustained a head injury while employed as a full-time
agricultural harvester. Saldona presented Aimer’s Human Resources Department with a letter from his wife’s physician
indicating that she would need daily care for several months, and Saldona took leave until December 2018. Aimer
had sixty-three employees at that time. When Saldona returned to Aimer, he was informed that his position had been
eliminated because his sales territory had been combined with an adjacent territory. Using the information presented
in the chapter, answer the following questions.

1. Would Saldona have been legally entitled to receive overtime pay at a higher rate? Why or why not?

2. What is the maximum length of time Saldona would have been allowed to take leave to care for his injured spouse?

3. Under what circumstances would Aimer have been allowed to require an employee to take a polygraph test?

4. Would Aimer likely be able to avoid reinstating Saldona under the key employee exception? Why or why not?