
Who are the parties (the plaintiffs and the defendant) in this lawsuit? Are the plaintiffs seeking a legal remedy or an equitable remedy? What is the primary source of the law that is at issue here?

Reviewing: Law and Legal Reasoning

Suppose that the California legislature passes a law that severely restricts carbon dioxide emissions from automobiles in
that state. A group of automobile manufacturers files suit against the state of California to prevent the enforcement of
the law. The automakers claim that a federal law already sets fuel economy standards nationwide and that fuel economy
standards are essentially the same as carbon dioxide emission standards. According to the automobile manufacturers, it
is unfair to allow California to impose more stringent regulations than those set by the federal law. Using the informa
tion presented in the chapter, answer the following questions.

1. Who are the parties (the plaintiffs and the defendant) in this lawsuit?
2. Are the plaintiffs seeking a legal remedy or an equitable remedy?
3. What is the primary source of the law that is at issue here?
4. Where would you look to find the relevant California and federal laws

Do you feel that your employer or a potential employer, school, local or national law enforcement, or any other powerful person or organization should be able to access your private information without your knowledge or consent?

Private information

Do research to find out who can see your private information on social media without your consent. Do you feel that your employer or a potential employer, school, local or national law enforcement, or any other powerful person or organization should be able to access your private information without your knowledge or consent? Why or why not?. Include 3 references with your posts.

What is the best way for Locke to address this tension between the importance and the rarity of explicit consent? Should he conclude, for instance, that there are almost no actual members of political societies? Or is there a way for him to avoid that conclusion?

Explicit and Tacit Consent

Locke on explicit and tacit consent. In section 122 of Locke’s Second Treatise, Locke seems to say that a person can only be a member of a political society if that person explicitly consents to be governed by its laws. But Locke also seems sensitive to the fact that very few people actually give explicit consent to be governed; that is one possible reason for his extensive discussions of tacit consent. What is the best way for Locke to address this tension between the importance and the rarity of explicit consent? (Should he conclude, for instance, that there are almost no actual members of political societies? Or is there a way for him to avoid that conclusion?)

What are some of the most adverse social, political, defense, economic, fiscal, trade, cultural, and human rights aspects of the pandemic now manifesting on the world stage, and with what implications for international security and globalization?

Past, Present & Future effects of Covid-19

Discussing and analyzing the past, present, and (potential) future effects of the Covid-19 pandemic with respect to international security and globalization, as these concepts are explored in our readings. Develop your paper by juxtaposing Covid-19 with how the concepts, principles, and commentary studied relate to the manner in which events have unfolded, and continue to unfold, since the pandemic went global. You may take any rational approach. For instance, has Covid-19 significantly affected or influenced military capabilities of NATO? What are some of the most adverse social, political, defense, economic, fiscal, trade, cultural, and human rights aspects of the pandemic now manifesting on the world stage, and with what implications for international security and globalization? These are only suggestions to get you started. They are not your script or blueprint. It’s your paper, so write what most interests you. Be imaginative. Impress. Finally, I strongly advise giving significant consideration to your approach before putting pen to paper as I expect thoughtful, insightful, critical discourse and analysis in well-written, polished graduate-level papers.

We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study?


We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. We are particularly interested in knowing what motivated you to apply to NYU and more specifically, why you have applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and/or area of study? You may be focused or undecided, or simply open to the options within NYU’s global network; regardless, we want to understand – Why NYU? (2500 character maximum)

Explain and apply financial accounting in the preparation of simple financial reports.A template has been provided on the following page to show how you need to demonstrate your learning.

Accounting for Managers PORTFOLIO

Your portfolio is where you will be able to demonstrate your learning throughout the semester. You need to show that you have achieved each of the BFA526 three learning outcomes:

LO1 Explain and apply management accounting techniques for business planning, control and capital investment decisions.

LO2 Analyse and critically evaluate information from organisations to make decisions and communicate these through written reports.

LO3 Explain and apply financial accounting in the preparation of simple financial reports.A template has been provided on the following page to show how you need to demonstrate your learning.

Transfer this information to your own document and include your own headings and presentation style, but only submit the evidence as stated (and in the order provided). It is critical that you present your own work, it is not correct solutions that we are looking for, it is evidence of your learning. Hence there is no word limit to this portfolio, but to keep you on track, you are limited on what you can submit as evidence for each assessment criterion (called Criterion Description in the Unit Outline – see the list under Assessment Task 3: Portfolio on pp 6-7).

For your convenience, the assessment criteria have been included in the template below. You will see the Learning Outcomes numbered in the first column. The criteria next to each learning outcome tells you what you need to do to demonstrate that you have achieved that learning outcome. Please be very clear when presenting your evidence and list the learning outcome and criterion BEFORE/with the evidence.

Discuss Database impact on the workplace. Discuss at least two security concerns should be discussed with a proposed solution to mitigate the security issues.

Database Essentials for Business

Write a 3-5-page APA paper discussing the following topics:

Discuss Database impact on the workplace,

Discuss database benefits when businesses use queries, Forms, and reports.

Discuss at least two security concerns should be discussed with a proposed solution to mitigate the security issues.

Should You Consent to Have Your Business Case Decided by a U.S. Magistrate Judge? Can a Person Who Is Not a Member of a Protected Class Sue for Discrimination? When Is a Warning Legally Bulletproof?


Should You Consent to Have Your Business Case Decided by a U.S. Magistrate Judge? Chapter 2, p. 38
Marriage Equality and the Constitution Chapter 4, p. 72
When Is a Warning Legally Bulletproof? Chapter 7, p. 142
The Criminalization of American Business Chapter 10, p. 191
Creating Liability Waivers That Are Not Unconscionable Chapter 12, p. 257
Commercial Use of Drones Chapter 14, p. 295
Can a Person Who Is Not a Member of a Protected Class Sue for Discrimination? Chapter 17, p. 376
Union Organizing Using a Company’s E-Mail System Chapter 22, p. 483
The SEC’s New Pay-Ratio Disclosure Rule Chapter 28, p. 59

Is It Ethical (and Legal) to Brew “Imported” Beer Brands Domestically? Forced Arbitration: Right or Wrong? Should There Be More Relief for Student Loan Defaults? Should Eminent Domain Be Used to Promote Private Development?


Stare Decisis versus Spider-Man Chapter 1, p. 9
1) Is It Ethical (and Legal) to Brew “Imported” Beer Brands Domestically? Chapter 11, p. 217

2) Forced Arbitration: Right or Wrong? Chaper 13, p. 267

3) Should There Be More Relief for Student Loan Defaults? Chapter 15, p. 337

4) Is It Fair to Classify Uber and Lyft Drivers as Independent Contractors? Chapter 19, p. 418

5) Is It Fair to Dock Employees’ Pay for Bathroom Breaks? Chapter 20, p. 442

6) Should Eminent Domain Be Used to Promote Private Development? Chapter 26, p. 562

Write a script for a documentary on the most dangerous female serial killer in UK Joanna Donnehy, Including details of her childhood, the psychology behind her actions and mental illness.

Why do serial killers kill

A script for a documentary on the most dangerous female serial killer in UK Joanna Donnehy, Including details of her childhood, the psychology behind her actions and mental illness.