
Discuss principles of strategic digital marketing and the role of digital and social media channels. Explain the role of digital marketing in the contemporary marketing environment.

Digital Marketing Campaign Plan on Gara Yara

  1. Discuss principles of strategic digital marketing and the role of digital and social media channels.
  2. Explain the role of digital marketing in the contemporary marketing environment.
  3. Critically analyse and research digital marketing situations.
  4. Apply marketing theory to create digital marketing solutions.
  5. Digital communication and/or literacy.

Do you think the process of how a law is formed from start to finish is a fair one? Are there any or enough points through the process to stop bad or unfair laws from being passed? Why or why not?


Do you think the process of how a law is formed from start to finish is a fair one? Are there any or enough points through the process to stop bad or unfair laws from being passed? Why or why not?

How does the author, Toni Morrison, present the psychological effects of racism through the psychoanalysis of the protagonist ‘Sethe’ in the book ‘Beloved’.

English language and literature

How does the author, Toni Morrison, present the psychological effects of racism through the psychoanalysis of the protagonist ‘Sethe’ in the book ‘Beloved’.

How does idealism and self-interest produce different foreign policies? What types of foreign policies are associated with each? Must these two positions always generate different foreign policies? And is one (idealism or self-interest) always superior to the other?

Foreign policies

How does idealism and self-interest produce different foreign policies? What types of foreign policies are associated with each? Must these two positions always generate different foreign policies? And is one (idealism or self-interest) always superior to the other? As with all of your open essay assignments, answers should be at least two paragraphs long, and there is no maximum length.

Compares three different ERP system software and utilizes the scientific method to analyze and present recommendations and supporting arguments for the selection of an appropriate ERP system for a business entity in a specific industry.

Enterprise Resource Planning

Submit a short paper of four to six content pages with section headings (single-spaced, size 10 font with one inch margin all round) that compares three different ERP system software and utilizes the scientific method to analyze and present recommendations and supporting arguments for the selection of an appropriate ERP system for a business entity in a specific industry.

Do you think that conscience is the best guide or indicator of moral truth? What was your reaction to this person? How should we respond to people who seem to lack morals and hurt others?

Ethics week 3 discussion

All posts should be thoughtful, respectful, and add substantive value to the discussion. One or two sentences is not a substantive response. All posts should be written using full sentences in paragraph form. The use of philosophical concepts is required to earn full points. Please provide both in-text citations and post-text references. Do not bother claiming that you did not provide in-text citations and post-text references because everything came from your head. You are required to include textual evidence for your claims.

Discussion Prompts

Select one of the three prompts below to respond to in your initial post this week. You are encouraged to respond to peers that explored prompts that you did not.

Prompt #1

Has there ever been a time when you (or someone you know) let your conscience be your guide only to end up committing an immoral act? In this case, did you find that you (or someone you know) listened more to your emotional side or rational side when making this decision? (USLO 3.2)

Prompt #2

A doctor is driving down a road late at night. She sees a car in the opposite lane swerve sharply off the road and it crashes. There are no other cars around. Her gut reaction as a physician is to stop to assist the victims. However, she quickly remembers there are no “Good Samaritan laws” on the books in that state to protect her from malpractice lawsuits. Her conscience tells her she is justified in driving on. How would Freud explain the behavior of her conscience in this scenario? Do you believe her conscience was correct? (USLO 3.3)

Prompt #3

Do you think that conscience is the best guide or indicator of moral truth? Share a time when you’ve interacted with someone who seemed to lack a sense of moral sense or conscience. What was your reaction to this person? How should we respond to people who seem to lack morals and hurt others? (USLO 3.1)

How does social class influence the plot, theme, conflict, etc. in short fiction?

Influence social class

Choose one of the topics below and respond to it with a well-organized essay. Be sure to include a strong thesis and strong topic sentences. Your thesis statement should be the last sentence of your introduction paragraph and each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that indicates what that paragraph will be about.
Be sure to write about two-three stories we have read so far. You must have quotes from primary sources and at least one secondary source from the Mercy College Library System. The paper must be 2-3 pages long and in MLA format. Be sure to include a Works Cited page.
1.) How does social class influence the plot, theme, conflict, etc. in short fiction?
Use Toni Cade Bambara story “The Lesson” as the primary reference and then add one secondary reference

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? . Who is Ellie? What role does he play in the narrative? Discuss Connie towards the end of the narrative. Did she learn anything?

Composition 2 .

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” 20 pts
For this Discussion Board,  answer the following questions.
1. Provide an analysis of the dialogue between Connie and Arnold Friend.

2. Who is Ellie? What role does he play in the narrative?

3. Discuss Connie towards the end of the narrative. Did she learn anything?
Also, is the narrative a dream? If so, explain your answer.

Was this action legal under U.S. domestic law? Under international law? Are there any foreign law consequences? What additional factual information, if any, would you need to?address legality? Do you see any meaningful distinction between what acceptable legal and policy options the executive had in this instance?

National security

On January 2, 2020 the United States killed Major General Qassim Suleimani, commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, by a drone missile strike. Write a legal explainer memorandum, assuming an audience of lawyers and non-lawyers alike, that addresses the following questions:

-Was this action legal under U.S. domestic law? Under international law? Are there any foreign law consequences? What additional factual information, if any, would you need to?address legality? Do you see any meaningful distinction between what acceptable legal and policy options the executive had in this instance?

-Please address all reasonable arguments and counter-arguments: you may certainly take a stance, but your analysis should be thorough to be cogentPlease address all reasonable arguments and counterarguments: you may certainly take a stance, but your analysis should be thorough to be cogent You need not address international human rights law. Likewise, you need not address the question of the executive ban on assassinations. When introducing constitutional and international case law, you should apply that law with a rigorous comparison of the precedent case’s facts to your facts.

-Your legal analysis should rely on National Security Law, Seventh Edition, Stephen Dycus, William C. Banks, Peter Raven-Hansen, Stephen I. Vladeck. p. 1 – 263

-Use the factual backdrop provided by two New York Times articles, “Seven Days in January . . . ” and “White House Memo Justifying Suleimani Strike . . .” and the White House memo released on February 14, 2020.

-Do not add any factual material from other sources in preparing your answer

-Your answer may not exceed 1750 words. Use 12-point font and double-space your answers

Write about photo in paper. Provide background info, describe photo and its impact. Discuss photo in greater context of ethical implications.

The Most Beautiful Suicide

Write about photo in paper. Provide background info, describe photo and its impact. Discuss photo in greater context of ethical implications.