
Why is this an example of quasi-experimental design and not an experimental design? Explain your answer. Identify the internal threats to validity that may be an issue in this study. Explain your answer.

Police Monitored CCTV Cameras in Newark

Read Police Monitored CCTV Cameras in Newark, NJ: A Quasi-Experimental Test of Crime Deterrence by Joel M. Caplan, Leslie W Kennedy, and Gohar Petrossian and then answer the following questions using information from the article and your assigned text. Article is in the Module.

Describe the treatment and control groups used in this study.
Why is this an example of quasi-experimental design and not an experimental design? Explain your answer.
Identify the internal threats to validity that may be an issue in this study. Explain your answer.

Discuss (in 500 to 700 words) the various ways in which the new bipolar political order of Heian and Kamakura transformed Japan (socially, culturally, economically).

Discuss (in 500 to 700 words)

1) the breakdown of the imperial state that lead to the Genpei Wars,

2) the various ways in which the new bipolar political order of Heian and Kamakura transformed Japan (socially, culturally, economically)

3) the effect of the attempted Mongol invasions,

4) the cultural legacy of the Genpei wars,

5) political, economic, and cultural developments during the Ashikaga shogunate up to the Ōnin War.

Write a response paper of 80 – 100 words that speculates about why the countries experience a net inflow or net outflow of millionaires based on your observations.

Mapping the Global Migration of Millionaires

Access the article, Mapping the Global Migration of Millionaires that you read in Section 3/ Select a country that has a net inflow migration (more people migrate to the country than leave) and a second country that has a net outflow migration (more people leave the country than migrate to the country).

Now access the Index of Economic Freedom produced annually by the Heritage Foundation, and select the See the Heat map. At the bottom of the page, you will see thirteen circles that represent 13 economic freedom ratings. One at a time, select the four ratings,

Property rights
Financial freedom
Investment freedom
Business freedom
and note the differences and similarities for the two countries you selected. Select two additional ratings (your choice) and note the differences and similarities.

Using Microsoft Word, write a response paper of 80 – 100 words that speculates about why the countries experience a net inflow or net outflow of millionaires based on your observations.

Does the leader impact organizational culture or does organizational culture impact the leader? Explain. If you were the leader of Zappos, what new elements would you add to the corporate culture? Explain. How does the corporate culture impact vision, mission, and strategy at Zappos?


Read the information regarding Zappos in your book. Does the leader impact organizational culture or does organizational culture impact the leader? Explain. If you were the leader of Zappos, what new elements would you add to the corporate culture? Explain. How does the corporate culture impact vision, mission, and strategy at Zappos?

what was your capstone experience like? What connections do you see between your capstone and your academic program? How will you apply what you have learned to your future academic and/or professional life?

Professional Reflection

For the second and final component of your capstone, you will write an essay in which you discuss the process and outcomes of this project, and your overall
Health Science program journey and experiences. You will also speak more specifically about how the project relates to your area of expertise/interest and your
desired career path. Writing reflectively allows you to think deeply and consciously about your experiences, which is invaluable to successful practice in the field
of healthcare management/health science.
You should envision this component as a personal reflection on the capstone and your experience in the Health Science program as a whole. For instance, relative
to the capstone, you could discuss what you did—or intended to do—and then consider what worked well, what challenges you faced, and what you would
change or do differently to make your experience better. In reflecting on your time here at SNHU, you might discuss where you started, where you have ended
up, where you see yourself going, and so on. Note that this component is not about evaluating the capstone itself, but rather your experience within the
capstone project.
Some of the issues that you could address in this final component of this capstone may include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Overall, what was your capstone experience like?
 Reflect on the significance of the capstone in relation to your own experience at SNHU.
 What connections do you see between your capstone and your academic program?
 How will you apply what you have learned to your future academic and/or professional life?
 How can you relate ethics or maintain ethical principles in your profession?

Identify areas of change that require adjustment and coping in individuals. Describe the various types of adjustment and coping and their outcomes. Identify ways to apply knowledge about personality psychology in the adjustment domain.

6-1 Activity: Journal

  • Identify areas of change that require adjustment and coping in individuals
  • Describe the various types of adjustment and coping and their outcomes
  • Compare “helpful” personality traits with traits that are unhelpful in the coping process
  • Compare adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies
  • Identify ways to apply knowledge about personality psychology in the adjustment domain

Define generation and Disability Diversity. Discuss the difference between an ability and skill. Discuss the concept of Job satisfaction and Attitude.

Organizational behavior

1- in one paragraph Define generation and Disability Diversity. ( slide 10 )

2- In one paragraph Discuss the difference between an ability and skill ( slide 12)

3- in one paragraph Discuss the concept of Job satisfaction and Attitude ( slide 22 )

Write a narrative essay in which you bring your own experience to life while also making the broader significance clear. What happened? Who was involved? Where and when did it happen?

The Danger of a Single Story

Using the Ted Talk “The Danger of a Single Story”– choose an experience from your own life that sheds light on a social, political, cultural, or economic issue Perhaps you were bullied in middle school, for instance—a deeply personal experience that has broader significance. Write a narrative essay in which you bring your own experience to life while also making the broader significance clear.


A clearly identified event: What happened? Who was involved?

A clearly described setting: Where and when did it happen?

Vivid, descriptive details: What makes the story come alive?

A consistent point of view: Who’s telling the story?

A clear point: Why does the story matter?


What can be done now to prevent any or all of these predicted problems? How would you create awareness of this crisis issue to the community to prevent the issue from recurring, or how would you provide direction as to how to deal with the crisis in the future?

Crisis Care Plan


1. General: Set up the situation. For which crisis are you planning? Be specific. Describe the crisis situation and define why it is a crisis. Provide details of the issues, people involved, and how it impacts their lives.

2. Summarize: Create an immediate protection plan that would serve in helping the people impacted by the crisis. The foundation of the plan should include research-based crisis methods, theories, and models that would be used to develop and facilitate the crisis plan.

3. Predict: What services, supplies, and personnel will be needed? Predict costs. Research and provide resources that would benefit people/families who would potentially encounter this type of crisis.

4. Prevention: What can be done now to prevent any or all of these predicted problems? How would you create awareness of this crisis issue to the community to prevent the issue from recurring, or how would you provide direction as to how to deal with the crisis in the future?

5. Crisis team: Who are the crisis team? What roles are needed?

6. Positioning: How will crisis team reach those in need? What transportation or other positioning considerations are required?

7. Timeline: What timeline is needed for essential services to be performed?

8. Communication: How will the information be communicated to those who need to know? Include community and/or media communication needs.

9. Evaluation: How will the crisis care plan be evaluated?

What is your Mission and Vision? List of major competitors and with which ones will your company compete against, and how?

Business plan

Create a business plan and a website (you can use it is free) for   A new Latin/Spanish language TV Station
or A new Latin Cafe/Restaurant

Your business must start and operate out of Miami, with an expansionist vision (Nation and Worldwide).

Mini website that will include the components in detail of your business.

A Word document with your business plan – 8 pages Min excluding your abstract page and references page.


All type must be double spaced.

Paragraph indentations are required.

Citations in the written text of the work and references at the end of the paper.

Type font must be either Arial or Times New Roman 12 Pt.


You must include the following –

Abstract page with your Concept explained.

Design of your company’s LOGO.

What is your Mission and Vision?

Sample Menu or Sample TV Schedule.

Location and Target Market.

List of major competitors and with which ones will your company compete against, and how?

Financials and future Expansion plans,

Develop this Business Plan, by approaching a strategy that Incorporates Business Principles learned in class, to further your vision