
What are the “pro” arguments for implementing quarantine and/or self-quarantine measures? What are the arguments against their use? What type of advanced planning could have potentially affected the impact of Covid on both individuals and communities?

Consider the following questions in your assignment response:

  1. What are the “pro” arguments for implementing quarantine and/or self-quarantine measures?
  2. What are the arguments against their use?
  3. What factors should Public Health officials consider when implementing quarantine, especially related to:
    1. penalties
    2. monitoring methods
    3. meeting the needs of those quarantined
    4. social isolation
    5. other potential impacts
  4.  What type of advanced planning could have potentially affected the impact of Covid on both individuals and communities?on both individuals and communities? Be specific.

         Use supporting sources as necessary. Make sure to use proper in-text citations.

Write an essay sharing something you’d like the admissions committee to know about you, and how it has shaped what you want to get out of your college experience at Hopkins.

Exploration and discovery

Founded in the spirit of exploration and discovery, Johns Hopkins University encourages students to share their perspectives, develop their interests, and pursue new experiences.

Use this space to share something you’d like the admissions committee to know about you (your interests, your background, your identity, or your community), and how it has shaped what you want to get out of your college experience at Hopkins. (300-400 words)

Explain whether you think it is better to have a diversity of traits within the same profession or among professionals with the same role or whether it is better for the professionals to exhibit the same traits. Justify your response.

5-3 Project Two Milestone


    1. Identify one trait from the Big Five (openness, also known as intellect/imagination; conscientiousness; extraversion; agreeableness; or neuroticism, also known as emotional stability) of your choice that you think is particularly important for your selected profession and justify your response.

[Insert text]

  1. Describe whether it would be most ideal for your selected professional to be low, high, or mixed for the Big Five trait you identified for most situations and justify your response.

[Insert text]

  1. Explain whether you think the effectiveness of the Big Five trait you selected depends on the situation. To justify your response, provide a real or imagined example where the trait would benefit the professional and an example where the same trait would not benefit the professional.

[Insert text]


  1. Personality and Teams
    1. Identify another trait from the Big Five for your selected profession and describe how scoring low, high, or mixed on that trait might influence how that professional conducts their work or interacts with others.

[Insert text]

  1. Explain whether you think it is better to have a diversity of traits within the same profession or among professionals with the same role or whether it is better for the professionals to exhibit the same traits. Justify your response.

[Insert text]


  1. Personality, Stress, and Coping
    1. Describe how you would expect your selected professional to cope with stress using a trait you identified previously or a new trait of your choosing.

[Insert text]

Give complete description of disease to include causes how to diagnose clinical data at bedside to include vital signs chest assessment, lab, speed procedures, chest X-rays and treatment.


Give complete description of disease to include causes how to diagnose clinical data at bedside to include vital signs chest assessment, lab, speed procedures, chest X-rays and treatment.

Times new romans 12 font

Describe the specific areas that indicate a need for change. Determine what changed objectives, or newly implemented interventions, are required to improve the company’s position within its market.

Best Buy SWOT Analysis

I.) Describe the company’s history, products, and major competitors by accessing the. company financials, descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors.
II.) Assess the financial performance and condition of the organization.

III.) Next, conduct a SWOT analysis using the SWOT Analysis Template. Detail the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that may affect the organization. Copy and paste the completed table from the template into your SWOT analysis paper.

IV.) In the evaluation portion of your paper of your SWOT analysis:

a.) Describe the specific areas that indicate a need for change.
b.) Determine what changed objectives, or newly implemented interventions, are required to improve the company’s position within its market.
c.) Assess the trending performance of the company and provide recommendations for improvement.

Write a review paper from 5 or more Primary sources about the flaws in photosynthesis and how to improve on it to achieve higher yields from crop plants to sustain projected population growth.

The Flaw in Photosynthesis and Improving them.

Goal is to write a review paper from 5 or more Primary sources about the flaws in photosynthesis and how to improve on it to achieve higher yields from crop plants to sustain projected population growth.

What is good about you that means you could/should study pharmacy. What is the skill. Why is that skill important for pharmacy. Why is that skill important for being a pharmacy study in university

Personal statement for pharmacy

Paragraph 1: why you want to study pharmacy

What is it that you know/have seen about pharmacy that makes you want to study it Because ive seen x or know Y about pharmacy, it appeals to me due to my whatever nature

What do you like about pharmacy – this is going to be based on what you’ve seen and what you’ve read/experienced


Paragraph 2 and 3: main body of your essay

What is good about you that means you could/should study pharmacy

  1. Situation in which you either developed a skill, or used and refined a skill you already had
  2. What is the skill
  3. Why is that skill important for pharmacy – because pharmacists need to do x y and z
    1. OR, why is that skill important for being a pharmacy study in university

Paragraph 4: a little bit about extra curricular and then conclude:

Even link extra curriculars back to pharmacy and what skills they’ve given you à these are skills mostly that will help you in university as a student e.g. time management (like balancing studying with doing a sport)



NEVER write something unless you’re saying why its good for pharmacy and HOW you got/developed that skill


Main skills to talk about:

Team work (think of a situation where you’ve had to work in a team, why that helped you develop teamwork skills, e.g. there was a dispute, then why that helps you to be a good student/phrmacist0

Communication same again – something about why you’d be good communicating with the public, then with other professionals

Working under pressure – both time pressure and adacemic pressure. This is you basically showing them a situation where you’ve done work in a short amount of time and met a deadline and then relate it to working in high pressure situations both at work and as a student

Nelson Mandela said, “Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will.” Discuss below what this statement means to you, whether you agree or disagree with this statement and explain why?

Answers Questions


  • What is the definition of ‘sustainable development’? Provide an example of a company that harnesses sustainable development and describe the specific way in which they are realizing this as a strategy in their core business.


  • When considering the role of business, describe 3 values-centered views and provide examples of specific companies that align with these views and explain why?


  • Describe the 3 elements of an idea and describe how your in-class venture in development fulfills each of these components.


  • What are the commonly stated reasons for why start-ups fail?


  • What is the plain truth about why start-ups fail?


  • Identify 2 values-centered entrepreneurs and explain their unconventional background that contributed to their success and explain how their background made them successful.


  • Nelson Mandela said, “Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will.” Discuss below what this statement means to you, whether you agree or disagree with this statement and explain why?


  • Who invented sliced bread?


  • What is Brand Marketing? Describe how your in-class venture is satisfying key brand marketing guidelines.


  • What are the benefits of hiring people with similar values? For each benefit, indicate what your approach will be with your in-class venture to inspire these benefits within your own company.


  • What are the financial strategies for Value-centered Entrepreneurs?


  • Provide a real-world example of a company that clearly satisfies each of the values-centered financial strategies and explain in what specific way they are accomplishing this.


  • What is the basis of effective storytelling?


  • What is Steve Blank’s claim to fame? And how have you re-purposed his lessons for your in-class ventures.


  • What is the most important step according to the customer development movement that you need to do when starting a venture? And what have you done to lean into this for your in-class venture project?


  • What is the point of the Purple Cow?


  • What are 2 brand marketing best practices? Describe what elements of your venture’s marketing plan fulfill these best practices?


  • What did Antonio Lucio say was your obligation as an entrepreneur?


  • What are some examples of remarkable ideas?

Who is it about? What is the problem/What did they find? Why is it important? Discusses how it relates to a topic discussed in this course and clearly defines key terms. What concepts can help to explain what is happening?

Current event article

As a final ‘project’ for this course, you will be asked to find a current event article (not more than 2 years old) that ties back to a topic discussed in this course and create a PowerPoint presentation that does the following:

Summarizes the current event article (i.e., who is it about? what is the problem/what did they find? why is it important?)
Discusses how it relates to a topic discussed in this course and clearly defines key terms (i.e., what concepts can help to explain what is happening?)
Uses empirical research to support points made (i.e., has there been research done on this topic that can help to explain portions of the article?)
Highlights the implications the article has for society (i.e., based on the article, how will this impact the workplace/society/women/leaders/etc.?)
Concludes with ‘next steps’ or recommendations that are grounded in empirical research (i.e., what are some solutions for the problem at hand? what can we learn from this?)
Includes a references list as the concluding slide that adheres to APA guidelines and uses citations throughout the presentation
This current event article can be from sites like Forbes, The New York Times, SHRM, CBS News, The Washington Post, Business News Daily, etc. Please be sure to include all information for the article you select in the references list so I can check your source. However, the empirical research you cite in your presentation should come from the course’s additional readings, research cited in lectures, or from your own literature search using the FIU Library database system.

What do the people they interview know about the Amistad? What is their understanding of the impact of the slave trade in their lives? What about Colonization?

Films analysis

1. What is the premise of the film? What are the goals of the film makers? What do they hope to learn?

2. How do the locals receive the film makers? How are they able to make connections along their journey?

3. What do the people they interview know about the Amistad? What is their understanding of the impact of the slave trade in their lives? What about Colonization?

4. How does this film and the Amistad provide connections between slavery, Africa, and African culture?