
How would you apply the principles of the Triple Aim initiative to improve quality, safety and satisfaction in the acute care or long-term care setting?

Quality of Healthcare

Reflect upon the patient experience, patient safety, and healthcare cost as well as Joint Commission’s role in quality healthcare.

Write a paper that addresses the following questions:

How would you apply the principles of the Triple Aim initiative to improve quality, safety and satisfaction in the acute care or long-term care setting?
Reflect on your current or future role in healthcare. How you would you, in the role of director of nursing or healthcare administrator contribute to improving cost effective quality care, patient satisfaction, and patient safety?
What practices would you apply to minimize medical errors among front-line nursing staff?

Should whistleblower laws be transformed into mandatory rules that impose punishment on any person who has knowledge of a major financial reporting violation but knowingly fails to act?

Ethics HW 66

Answer the following questions in 5 sentences.

(3). Your buddy mentioned that she is thinking about suing under the quitam law. You are not sure what that is.

  • a. What is a quitam provision ?
  • b. Can employees who do not work for the government sue under this provision?
  • C. Should the IRS offer a qui tam provision to reward citizens who help the government recover unpaid taxes? How many people would you ” rat out if you knew that you could collect , say, 20% of the unpaid taxes, fines, and penalties collected by the government ?

(4). Should whistleblower laws be transformed into mandatory rules that impose punishment on any person who has knowledge of a major financial reporting violation but knowingly fails to act?

(5). Should the amount of the reward given to a whistle- blower depend on whether the whistleblower acted out of the purest of motives, rather than greed or a desire to impose revenge on an employer or a coworker?

(6). Should co conspirators in any criminal matter be allowed to testify in court? If a whistleblower participated in perpetrating accounting fraud , should she be eligible to collect a whistleblower reward ?

(10). You currently work in the SEC reporting division of a midsize, publicly traded company. The company has a Board of Directors and an Audit Committee. You have worked there for three years, and you have a cordial but professional relationship with your direct supervisor. The company has a hotline for reporting improper accounting , fraud, embezzlement , and other misconduct .” The hotline accepts anonymous calls and is staffed by a division of a law firm that specializes in ethics and corporate compliance. The company also has a Code of Con- duct that strictly prohibits retaliation against any employee who reasonably believes that misconduct has occurred. In each of the following cases, state whether the likelihood of you reporting misconduct to your direct supervisor is Low , Medium, or High:

  • a. Late at night, you saw a colleague place an expensive art object from the company’s front lobby in the trunk of his car and drive away .
  • b. Late at night, you saw the company CEO place an expensive art object from the company’s front lobby in the trunk of his car and drive away.
  • C. You were asked to improperly classify factory rent in General Overhead . It correctly should be capitalized as an element of Work in Process Inventory Your colleague told you that, by doing this, the company’s Gross Profit Margin on sales would be higher, at least in the short run. This will lead stock market analysts to upgrade the company’s stock .
  • d. You saw a colleague deliberately book a single sale twice. This results in reported Sales being too high.
  • e . You saw a colleague deliberately move a sale from January, Year 2, into December, Year 1, by alter- ing the shipping and invoice dates .
  • f . Your company sustained a loss when a burglary occurred. The actual loss was $30,000, but your colleague exaggerated this loss, filing a claim with the company’s insurer to recover for a 70,000 loss.
  • g . A client offered you a bribe during the course of an audit to “look the other way” and accelerate the recording of an installment sale to a high- risk customer entirely into the year that goods were delivered. Under GAAP concerning sales to un creditworthy customers , some of the revenue properly should have been deferred until installment payments are received in a later year.
  • h . You suspect that a member of your internal audit team accepted a bribe because she has approved of a depreciation method for expected environmental reclamation costs that is grossly incorrect .
  • i . A foreign government official demanded a bribe from you to facilitate your company’s shipment of goods ” rapidly ” through their Customs and Importation Department .
  • j. You suspect that a partner at your CPA firm is sharing confidential information about one of your clients with an outside investor that is trading the client company’s stock.
  • k. You witnessed a fellow employee violating the company’s policy against using the Internet during work hours
  • L.You witnessed a fellow employee using pirated software at work.

Analyze, interpret, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically integrate and cite primary and secondary sources into academic documents.

ENGL302: Advanced Research, Writing, and Presenting

Week 3 Primary and Secondary Sources Assessment Directions and Rubric

This Assessment is part of the Assignments category, which is worth 15% of your overall grade.


Due by the end of Week 3 at 11:59 pm, ET.

Completing this Assessment will help you to meet the following outcome:

Course Outcome

  • Analyze, interpret, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically integrate and cite primary and secondary sources into academic documents.

Goal: To successfully classify and discuss primary and secondary resources, comparing and contrasting their differences to analyze suitability for research projects.


For this assessment, you will be writing a mini-essay looking at two resources. The first resource is an interview with Leonard Nimoy, recorded live on CNN. The second resource is a news article talking about Nimoy’s interview after his passing. Both resources can be found in our Week 3 module.

To get started, review both resources carefully. You may want to take notes on things you noticed or what you took away from the source. Determine which source is the primary one and which source is considered secondary.

Once you have reviewed both sources, you are ready to start your essay. Your paper should consist of three paragraphs:

  1. Paragraph one should cover the primary resource. Identify which one is the primary resource and explain why.  Infer and describe the main idea and purpose of this resource.
  2. Paragraph two should cover the secondary resource. Identify which one is the secondary resource and explain why. Infer and describe the main idea and purpose of this resource.

In your third and final paragraph, consider some of the differences between the two sources. Compare the two sources and determine what may have been missing in one over the other. While looking at the differences, analyze which source type you think would be more useful for a research project such as your Portfolio Project. Recommend which source you would choose for a project. Justify your recommendation with examples.

Choose a large DEPARTMENT STORE from your region or local context that has best supply chain practices with international partner and prepare a report for supply chain collaboration.

Supply chain

Choose a large DEPARTMENT STORE from your region or local context that has best supply chain practices with international partner and prepare a report for supply chain collaboration. The report needs to include a clear introduction of the chosen large department store and analyse the challenges facing the department store regarding supply chain members’ different goals and culture challenges and suggest actions to be taken to tackle these challenges. It needs to clearly identify the goals in supply chain networks and critically evaluate the challenges that arise from multicultural collaboration as well as strategies used to deal with these challenges (word limit: 2000 words).

Upload a personal statement. In 600-800 words, describe the purpose for this application.

Applying for Master of Arts – Leadership – Business at Trinity Western University Canada

Upload a personal statement. In 600-800 words, describe the purpose for this application.

Pay special attention to outlining the educational background, the reasons for selecting this program and key experiences that have led the applicant to apply at this time.

Identify the relevant foreign competitors in the market for product: Gillette razors in England and the brands’ relative market shares.

Marketing analysis

Identify the relevant foreign competitors in the market for product: Gillette razors in England and the brands’ relative market shares. For significant market players, identify their competitive marketing strategies. Also, create a graph showing market shares for the main competitors and Gillette. In 500 words. with footnotes (reliable resources, such as,, …)

Describe effective methods you used in identifying and narrowing down to just one of the topics to further research for your Final Paper. Explain three ways you can critically analyze sources to determine if they are scholarly.

GEN499: General Education Capstone (GSV2311D)

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the Narrowing a Topic and Developing a Research QuestionLinks to an external site. web page and Integrating ResearchLinks to an external site. tutorial. These resources will help you in developing a topic.

It is also recommended that you review these tutorials from the UAGC Library:

You may also want to review the Sample Final Paper GEN499 Download Sample Final Paper GEN499, so that you can start preparing your rough draft that is due in Week 4.

Reflect:When considering a research topic, consider an interesting topic that is worth further research. For instance, having a strong opinion on a specific topic may deter you from thinking more critically, and therefore the research might end up being one-sided. It is a good idea to pick a topic in which you can provide a good argument for both sides of the societal issue.

Write: For this discussion, address the following prompts:

  • Identify a global societal issue from the following list that you would consider researching further for your Week 5 Final Paper:
    • Climate change
    • Religious conflict and violence
  • Describe effective methods you used in identifying and narrowing down to just one of the topics to further research for your Final Paper.
  • Explain three ways you can critically analyze sources to determine if they are scholarly.
  • Summarize information from at least two scholarly journal articles from the UAGC Library that will support your claims for your chosen topic.
  • Explain why scholarly sources should be used to support your writing on the selected topic.
  • Download and attach a PDF copy of one of the peer-reviewed scholarly articles that you found from the UAGC Library to your answer using the “Attach” function located below your response.

Your initial post should be at least 350 words in length, which should include a thorough response to each prompt. You are required to provide in-text citations of applicable required reading materials and/or any other outside sources you use to support your claims. Provide full reference entries of all sources cited at the end of your response. Please use correct APA format when writing in-text citations

Discuss your academic objectives you feel would be helpful for the admissions committee to have when evaluating your application.

Applying for Bachelor of Science – Information Technology at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Vancouver

Discuss your academic objectives you feel would be helpful for the admissions committee to have when evaluating your application.

What is the difference (in your words) between groupthink and the Abilene Paradox? Which do you think it is easier to fall into and why? If you were leading a group and saw signs of Groupthink how would you handle it?

Discussion post

Part 1

1. What is the difference (in your words) between groupthink and the Abilene Paradox?

2. Which do you think it is easier to fall into and why?

3. If you were leading a group and saw signs of Groupthink how would you handle it?

4. Are there any personal examples of any of these (Groupthink, Abilene Paradox, etc) decision blunders that you have been a part of and realize now?

Part 2

A large portion of our working lives is spent working in Teams. How we communicate with our team members is crucial to the success (or failure) of the team. In this week’s lesson, we looked at the Ego states (parent, adult, and child). We all know that effective teams operate in the Adult-Adult realm of conversation and feedback, however, sometimes a rift can occur and cause us to operate from a higher or lower level with each other. Then there are other ways to look at team dynamics.

Think back to some teams that you have been on that were especially dysfunctional or effective. Did they follow the team dynamics favored by Google or were they more directive in nature? What made them work (or not work)?

What caused this event to happen? What were the effects of this event on the author, their environment, family, community, culture, nation, world, etc.? Does the author come to any conclusions or resolutions?

Article Writing Question

A causal analysis analyzes the causes and/or effects of an event, decision, or experience. What caused this event to happen? What were the effects of this event on the author, their environment, family, community, culture, nation, world, etc.? Does the author come to any conclusions or resolutions?